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[ERROR] No.819356 [Reply] [Original]

seriously, does anyone make a living out of it ?

>> No.819386

anyone ?

>> No.819390

use google. do a little reading. then come back with a somewhat educated question. Or frame your inquiry differently.

>> No.819495

it's a scam , just like binary trading.

>> No.819572


>> No.819709


the people who make a living off of Forex are the people selling forex trading courses and programs lmao
they cant make money so they put together some basic information into a course and sell if for thousands to shitters who think it's the secret to success

>> No.819726

Some people do.

The problem is that most people come across forex because they either search "how to make money online" or assume its some kind of easy ticket to press a few buttons and make a quick million.

Those types of people will usually fail. The people who take it seriously will learn as much as possible and put in excessive hours practicing their skill (or as my good friend arnold schwarzenheizen would say "reps, reps, reps").

You will not get rich quick. There will be days when you dont make money or you lose money.
If you are dedicated and treat it like a business, you may end up being a profitable trader.

The reason you see traders get into secondary businesses (ie Teaching) is because it supplements their trading income. These are usually (excluding a few snake oil types) dedicated and motivated people who actively seek out ways to make money.
It's of no surprise that some of them turn to teaching.

>> No.819749

very well explained. thanks for taking the time to write it out, thats exactly how it goes. Same thing happens in trading stock too.

>> No.819753

95% of traders lose money

>> No.820050

objectiveforex.com and i enjoy easy profits, let the pros do the DD then reap the benefits.

>> No.820104


>> No.820589
File: 12 KB, 500x326, hellotradieuuuurs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, yes there are people who make a fortune off forex and I know 2 personally.

> Trading forex?
Fuck no. Only degenerate pikers and gamblers believe this is possible. Long term survival is near zero as a self-directed forex advisor. inb4 some 18 year old shit head tries to debate this.

> Shilling? Oh yes, plenty of money to be made.
You sell the dream. Forex chat rooms, paper-trading shilling, ebooks, videos, webinars on "forex trading psychology". Selectively choose paper trades that are grossly profitable on imaginary account of $100 M. Meanwhile mongoloid retards pay for your "magic systems", lose their money, and you walk away with plenty of shekels without the stress of actually trading.

> pic related
not forex, but CFD scam artist Meir "The Shalomic Shiller" Barak. Hava neguila.

>> No.820669
File: 57 KB, 583x288, 15traders.583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

95% of "untrained" traders lose money.

Fixed it for you.