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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8188954 No.8188954 [Reply] [Original]

Who else is having their portfolio saved with this

>> No.8188968

pump and dump

>> No.8188971

why is it still pumping?

>> No.8188982

It's nice to see these types of gains after losing 40% yesterday.

>> No.8189042

>always trust French tech
>listen to French shills
>invest in French ICOs

I just gave you the keys to success

>> No.8189354

I will add
>Don't withraw in France because of tax.
Je ne comprends absolument rien à ce qu'il se passe.

>> No.8189510

Sold all of my eth now im 60% link 40% rlc
gonna keep it this way for awhile

>> No.8189562

Yeah some mad man on /biz/ helped me swing trade my bags up too. Im kinda nervous now because of the random pump on a low Mcap coin during a crash. History shows these usually dont last...

>> No.8189599

Does it say something about that coin ?
Or is it just a random pump and dump ?
Why this coin ?

>> No.8189630

Except for REQ, right...
The reason this is mooning is because it's not a shitcoin

>> No.8189663

Dunno but its happened with a few coins in the past. Im nervously hanging over the sell button. But I do believe in the long term value of the token.
I did a 5x with REQ. stop being so god damn greedy /biz/

>> No.8189669

It's now a low mcap coin, it's rank 108, and it's a solid project

>> No.8189707

I bought REQ at 10 cents and now it's worth 20. Kek stop being delusional it's a shitty project, I still hold 2k for some fucking reason

>> No.8189888

they released a project update earlier today. they are sponsoring EthCC (conference March 8-10)


>> No.8189926

I bought REQ at $0.18 and sold at $1.00.
Bought back in like a quarter of the bag at $0.8.
Maybe realize that you doubled your money by clicking your mouse a few times instead of just bitching that it wasnt enough like a trustfund baby that was gifted a a BMW instead of a Bugatti? You'd think the bear market would teach newfags to appreciate gainz. Ah well good to know I will always have a greedier retard to dump bags on.

>> No.8190032

Yeah I doubled my money but it dumped so hard after a dollar. I'm going to sell when mainnet launches, I bet it'll dump then too

>> No.8190034

Time to swing?

>> No.8190074

It pumped randomly to a dollar in a bull market making it way over valued. Then it came down to earth then it crashed with the rest of the market.

>> No.8190150
File: 3 KB, 125x93, 1512077678985s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best fucking coin i cant wait for v2

>> No.8190235

What about french taxes? Are they high for crypto?

>> No.8190250

If it didnt go to 22k for like 5 minutes Id have sold already but now I am nervous if I can even buy back in at 1250 sat down the road.

>> No.8190274

Less than 80K€ around 30%
More than 80K€ around 66%

>> No.8190339

Holy fuck, how do you plan to withdraw?

>> No.8190354

You've no idea what's going to happen, are you?

>> No.8190368

And I thought 20% in canada was bad

>> No.8190434

Welp. Accidently sold half my bags at 1550.
Putting in a buy at 1250. Wish me luck.

>> No.8190462

is this just pump & dumpers?

>> No.8190469

Pretty easy ti swing trade, it just mooned so sell and buy back in at 1.4k sats

>> No.8190501

Goodluck. U and me both know this one is a ticking time bomb. Future top 30-50 coin, conservatively speaking

>> No.8190503

It's being manipulated by whales, pretty clear. Fake buy walls go up, price moons, buy walls go down and sell walls go up, price goes back down

>> No.8190516

It's also the only thing that didn't get VIA'd in my portfolio.

>> No.8190537

Yeap. This and ZRX are my top two holds.

>> No.8190565

I never withdraw.
A friend went to live in Cyprus 6 months.
He withdraw there. He paid like 5% of taxes.
You really need to go everywhere and live there during at least 3 or 6 months. After that, you are considered as no tax payer in France. (not really, but with a lot of advantages, you don't pay for your withdraw).

>> No.8190576


>> No.8190580

What happens when u go back to France

>> No.8190629

It depends what you project to do with your money.
If you just come back in France with your money in some bank account. You will be taxed like every citizen. But not fucking 66% of what you won.

>> No.8190693

And I thought frogs being socialists was a meme. Good luck anon

>> No.8190773


Next stop the moon!

>> No.8190784

Wouldn't be surprised if we hit $2.50-$3 tonight. This pump is similar to the one nexus had last week when it went 200% overnight with 100 mill volume.

>> No.8190819

Some whale just offloaded 100k kek, bet he'll be killing himself in 3 months

>> No.8191037

what an absolute fucking retard
this thing isn't going back down. v2 releases in fucking 2 months.

>> No.8191105
File: 12 KB, 350x200, 029042014144834000000JA2781p135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he thinks it will go down at 1.30 and rebuy it. No ?
Because that's what I did actually.

>> No.8191259

I have 30% RLC and also 30% AMB which also didnt loose much.

>> No.8191581

He's a whale, he doesn't have to swing trade because he moves the market, he's just an idiot

>> No.8192237

iExec was around $2 just a few weeks ago, dont forget that. It's only down because of BTC