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File: 43 KB, 706x521, 1520443953332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8184374 No.8184374 [Reply] [Original]

Prove me wrong, cucks.
Enjoy spending the majority of your time and money on something that won't give it back to you.
My parents expect me to have kids when I'm 30 (I'm 21) and I haven't even started living my own life yet. Fuck that shit.

>> No.8184591

You're still a child. What the fuck do you know

>> No.8184610

There are certainly costs and benefits. But one thing you have to consider is that when you get old and weak and senile, do you want to be completely alone?

>> No.8184625

learn 2 english lol

>> No.8184659

exactly, why the fuck do i want to get kids at 30 then?
i wont be considering kids until im like 45.

tell me 3 benefits of having kids

>> No.8184700


Ask your parents what the benefits of having you was. I hope they can list three things.

>> No.8184819

The book for raising non-faggot cucks. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
by carol dweck

it's the best defense against children who will end up like your OP pic. Also great advice to live life in general. Having a "growth mindset" versus a "fixed mindset"


>> No.8184832

they can't and i doubt your parents can

>> No.8184869

well I am 22 and a crypto millionaire and ready to share all my wealth with my parents
Can't really call me a depreciating asset

>> No.8184892

>giving money to someone that will never give it back to you
Cucked Anons: The Post

>> No.8184904

fuck off
i got values and I am virtuous

>> No.8184906

Why accumulating ressources if it's not to augment the chances of transmitting your genes? You can't be utilitarian with your assets and not yourself.

>> No.8185058
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>tfw have a mental disorder so not going to transmit my genes and get to keep all my gains for myself

>> No.8185068

I agree with the OP. Niggers shouldn't have children.

>> No.8185141

Gosh, I really wonder how do people turn out like this?
Where will you get purpose from life? Honestly, you mindset is a complete mess and you're (as most are) not even aware of that. I just hope you realize it soon enough before you catch yourself at 50 thinking how much of a waste your whole life was.

>> No.8185166

No kids, enjoy dying alone and empty

>> No.8185183

It’s called being raised by a single mother or a weak father.

>> No.8185201

>unconditional love
>lifetime of memories
>personal growth and shift in life perspective

Having kids is a remarkable investment in yourself

>> No.8185261

Yup. It's amazing how fucked up it is to be raised in that environment.
I think most people in this situation can't be saved unless they realized it themselves.

>> No.8185265

You're probably right anon.

In regards to your personal situation, I wouldnt sweat it. Adolescence has been greatly extended over the last 70 years. This has been a societal change across the board, so don't feel guilty because you've done nothing with your life and your great great grampa started working in a mine when he was 15, married and house by 19 and kids by 25.

Into hypotheticals: Not sure what your crypto portfolio is, but you can assume you'll be comfortable by 2020. /madeit/ by 2025 at the very latest unless you picked total shitcoins. That'd make you 28 - So you get 12 months to party and shag around, 1 year to do something meaningful and find the one, and you're 30, and I doubt your parents would be disappointed at that stage.

(Also sorry for reddit spacing but "living on your own" is a meme that is a poor life choice for most of our generation until you get like 25-30.

>> No.8185280
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If you have Boomer parents like I did, it's even worse. They have such unrealistic expectation for their kids it's retarded. I'm 25 and I'm finally able to get a job that pays a good salary (70k) and health insurance, etc. I know that's really impressive compared to most millennials but to my mom she acts like it's shit. Also, back when I got this shitty $12 job at this accounting place the first words out of her mouth were "what health insurance do they give you?". And my mom wonders why my brother and I don't want to get a place with her. Smh

>> No.8185313


Ew, Jesus Christ man, sorry for you.

>> No.8185339

That's pretty ignorant to say considering you were born as a child.

>> No.8185354

>thinks his parents are boomers

>> No.8185376

Emotional wealth is unmesurable.

>> No.8185399

If they’re the right age, why not?

>> No.8185411

They are. Was born in 92' but parents didn't have me until they were almost 40.

>> No.8185422

Having kids is the only asset that ensures your genes pass on, the only major impact that the average person will have on the world. Few create their impact by being put down in history books.

>> No.8185434

I am in my 30's and have my first kid on the way. When I was 21 I had the whole world ahead of me. I thought I'd do amazing things. I did do some cool shit, but eventually life fizzled the fuck out, and to be totally frank I am looking forward to having a kid and having a legitimate purpose in my life. I'm never going to send a rocket to space (and what the fuck difference would it make if I did?). I'm never going to be on the big screen (and how would I be any different than any other instantly forgettable film star if I was?). I'm never going to accomplish anything of meaning, because everything is fucking meaningless. So, I might as well dedicate my life to raising another human being. It's as good as anything else. At least I actually have something tangible in front of me vs. all of the bullshit I thought existed but really didn't when I was 21.

>> No.8185448

>submitted 2 years ago
>Switch has been out for only one year

>> No.8185468
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>Haven't started living my own life yet
You should never, ever reproduce

>> No.8185499

You're a faggot so couldn't have any kids anyways.

>> No.8185563
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>This is my husbands room

>> No.8185602

You are right Anon, having kids is an overall loss, especially nowadays where the standard of living has never been higher and the potential of anti-aging serums is right around the corner. Also the longer you put it off, the more you'll be able to genetically modify and perfect your child so that they may have the best life possible.

I would still rather save and invest all that money that would have gone into kids in order to afford said serum and do things like be financially independent and travel the world or take a trip to fucking Mars.

Kids used to directly provide for the family either by working in the fields or working in a factory. Nowadays you spends hundreds of thousands and 20+ years of your life just for them to move out and never pay you back except on the gamble they become rich and MAYBE share some of that with you.

>> No.8185625


>> No.8185696

>the potential of anti-aging serums is right around the corner.
any breakthroughs lately? crispr seemed interesting but haven't researched this shit in half a year

>> No.8185735

Who cares, as long as they're happy.
You're the one crying about how other people are living their lives while they have smiles on their faces.
I hope you never have kids

>> No.8185747

don't have kids until late 30s. enjoy your youth. it was fun as hell being a bachelor in my late 20s and banging a bunch of younger women

>> No.8185827

>buy a place when you are 18 and end up becoming so far in debt it's hard to dig yourself out of it
>not paying cheap rent to your parents until you're 25 so that you can save enough to buy a place with a good nest egg on the side

You can still live with your parents and have a life as well. Those two aren't mutually exclusive. I'm sorry you feel like you need to be hundreds of thousands in debt or living paycheck to paycheck just to feel "purpose" in your life.

>> No.8185944
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Listen up, pussy.

Where would the human race be if we all thought like you did? Even more importantly, do you think your laziness is a better investment than your genetic legacy?

Kids are a better investment than anything you can do, and a hell of a lot better than dicking around, playing video games, consuming everything and not giving back to society, and whatever most young people do today.

When your life is near its end, do you wanna look back on how you fucked around and "lived your youth" or how you created a solid family to continue in your name?

>> No.8185960

I agree, OP. Just by having a cat and a dog I realized that having to take care of another life sucks for some people. If you like it, go ahead, but don't act like it's for everyone.

Also, people tell me no one will take care of me when I'm old but look around and you'll find plenty of lonely old people who had kids once. Those kids have lives of their own now and couldn't care less about their parents. Big fucking surprise

>> No.8185983

>i wont be considering kids until im like 45.
Do you want to have autistic/down syndrome kids? Go ahead then.

>> No.8186018

This only applies to the mother though

>> No.8186119
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Betas should not breed.

>> No.8186139

>needing kids to give your life meaning
>not spending your extra time learning and inventing new things to give back to humanity
>not creating a new business and generating more wealth for mankind

How does it feel to be a worthless human being who needs to rely on someone else to retroactively validate your existence?

>to continue in your name

That's just a purely narcissistic reason to have kids. How would you feel if they decided to change their name when they become an adult?

I'm sorry you are a worthless human being who feels a need to drag more unconsenting minds into this world just so that you can feel good about yourself.

>> No.8186172

Your prioritization of hedonistic self-satisfaction and inability to see recognize intrinsic value beyond monetary indicates that you'd probably be a lousy parent, ergo I'm urging you not to have children unless you significantly mature your mindset.

Having a child requires personal sacrifice, and if you're not willing to do what it takes to be a good caregiver you're just going to mess up a kid that you should never have brought into the world.

>> No.8186188
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>> No.8186199
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>> No.8186252
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Way to dodge my argument fag

>> No.8186325

Kids are your legacy. You can raise them the best way possible and teach them all the knowledge that you had to get through years of research and experience. That's why jews rule the world. They have big and well connected families with a lot of experience in financial stuff.

Of course a normie like you couldn't understand that.

>> No.8186385

You get to mold and shape little growing people into functional, awesome adults.

You get a support network for your senior years.

You get a life purpose that transcends your own lifetime.

>> No.8186415

>dedicating 20 years of your life

Lol raising a kid is only that much effort if you're terrible at it. Kids are intense effort for a couple of years then merely a hobby from that point onwards.

Assuming you have a functional family unit, home, and don't get unlucky and get a broken one.

>> No.8186457

>"who cares as long as their happy"
This mentality destroyed Western society.

>> No.8186529

The hardst part of raising a kid seems to be the first 5 years. Once they're able to piss and shit on their own I'd imagine it's about 90% easier.

>> No.8186628

You're the deprecating asset.

>> No.8186646

>realize kids are a hole in the ground
>realize most people have kids to fix their broken life, hoping kids will "make everything right/worth it" (and they don't)
>realize the world is a broken place, and things are just getting worse and worse, with nothing but worry bringing kids into the world
>have parent with chronic illness, making having kids a bad idea due to genes
>be gay on top of it, as if biology itself is telling me not to
>still want kids
This all seems pointless if everything ends with me

>> No.8186649


Shitposting this hard about your insecurities.

Enjoy growing old with no one to love or be loved by.

>> No.8186705


I sincerely hope the autism in this thread isn't contagious.

>> No.8186719
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Guy in OP's pic has 3+ kids, lives in the country with his wife, and is a Christian. I wish someone would give me his name again, because I forgot. He's far from being a soyboy.

Also, nobody cares if your bloodline dies, OP. It was meant to anyway.

>> No.8186740


>> No.8186776

you are brainwashed

>> No.8186779


It's an old idea, not nearly autistic

>> No.8186848

>having failures is a deprecating asset.

>> No.8186851

They arent depreciating. or necessarily going to pay themselves off.

You control your kids for most of their early lives.
These are assets you have complete control over to mold and shape.
You can either ensure that these kids when grown will help you or
you can ensure that they will resent you and never speak to you

Its up to you how they are raised. but if they were raised by you, you would almost certainly raise them to resent you. since you sound like a massive faggot. :^)

>> No.8186914

Is this how we can lower the birthrate in shithole countries? Tell pajeet his kids will steal his bags

>> No.8187001


>Claiming autism didn't exist before 4chan

Whoever wrote this song is an autistic cuck. You can lead your girl as best you can but ultimately your children become their own person and make their own decisions. If you raise her right then she'll pick a good man. Sure she'll still get fucked (I would hope, I would want grandkids.) But as long as the dude treats her right then no one is getting cucked and everyone wins, otherwise, I have no problem going to prison again.

>> No.8187014

Kids aren't an asset, they are an expense. If they were an asset, rich people would be having more than a handful. Instead it's all the poor assholes who don't know about birth control shitting them out.

I don't have to worry about them at any rate because I'm fuck ugly and a wizard +3. Sometimes I think it'd be kind of neat, though.

>> No.8187034

Delusional provider instincts detected.

>> No.8187069


Ya, it's not like a poor person has ever gotten rich because their kid becomes successful.

Seriously, when did 4chan become more than 50% retarded faggots.

>> No.8187089

delegate menial tasks to your kids

it's like having little employees you don't even have to pay

>> No.8187108

Anyway, there's a reason having a girl is less desirable in most cultures and it's been that way for millennia. No one wants to raise another man's wife. What a waste of time and resources

>> No.8187235


It certainly wouldn't be because the world used to be a lot more violent and women and no rights because they were the physically inferior gender. It's hard to get rights when you aren't taken seriously because you can be beaten within an inch of your life if you say the wrong thing.

This is 2018 and if it isn't blatantly obvious that is no longer the case for the civilized part of the world. Women can, and do everything a man can do as far as success is concerned. This is kind of going into a completely different topic so I'm going to leave it there.

In ether case, I couldn't care less if I raise a male or female. I just want a happy, healthy and successful child. These days women typically have more advantages then men do. The scales have tipped too far into the other direction which I personally think needs to be changed.

TLDR; Your point is moot.

>> No.8187293

>Ya, it's not like a poor person has ever gotten rich because their kid becomes successful.

It's also not like a poor person has become even more destitute because they're too stupid to stop having children.

One of these scenarios is more likely than the other.

>> No.8187305

>gambling on the miniscule chance that your kid will rocket up the social ladder and won't just go up a single rung or stay on your rung

It sounds like you're the retard who doesn't understand statistics. Relying on the less than 1% chance that your kid becomes that successfully is retarded. I bet you buy lottery tickets too.

>> No.8187318

The challenges change as they age. When they're young the challenge is having to fulfill so many needs that they can't fulfill themselves (eating, sleeping, walking, etc). As they age and become more self-sufficient those responsibilities fade, but they're replaced with new challenges, like "how do I mold this tiny human into a person who will be a functioning, prosperous, well-adjusted adult?" That's an infinitely more complex challenge, and the older your children get the less influence you have on their development and growth. That being said, if you've laid the groundwork early enough (teaching them right from wrong, being a good example, guiding their relationships with potentially negative influences, etc) that second part gets progressively easier over time.

>> No.8187322

>Having kids is a deprecating asset.
Right, because rather than maturing, growing stronger, more intelligent, and eventually being able to earn their own income and look after you kids somehow become more incapable and more expensive from birth until they die 80 odd years later?

OP is a retard narcissist trying to justify the utter worthlessness of his life.

>> No.8187359

It's more narcissistic to expect your children to take care of you when you are older.

>> No.8187365

>It's also not like a poor person has become even more destitute because they're too stupid to stop having children.
>One of these scenarios is more likely than the other.

JR. you are way too young to be having any opinion on the matter. If you paid taxes you would know the amount of money you can write off and get back for having more dependents makes it so those poor people are doing pretty well for themselves. I've literally never heard of a poor person become worse off for having a child when no other variables change. The opposite in fact.

>> No.8187437

>using anecdotes to validate your point
>not actual data

Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't happen most of the time.

You also don't understand taxes because the writeoff for dependants is still much less than the cost of those dependants. I bet you also donate in order to write it off too despite that still being a net loss. If anything, poor people become better off with more children because they are leeches and get a larger welfare check.

>> No.8187466


>Refuting because no data was posted
>also posts no data

Wow, the faggotry is fucking real. Run alone to another thread JR. You have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.8187492

>Solid Snake: Life isn't just about passing on your genes. We can leave behind much more than just DNA. Through speech, music, literature and movies... what we've seen, heard, felt... anger, joy and sorrow... these are the things I will pass on. That's what I live for. We need to pass the torch, and let our children read our messy and sad history by its light. We have all the magic of the digital age to do that with.

>> No.8187536

Anon, I can't tell if you're trying to troll me or what.

A quick look at a tax table will give you all the information you need to know. I believe the most credit you can claim per dependent is 35% of their care costs with a cap at $3k for a single child or $6k for two or more.

This isn't really coming out ahead - and this is not including the additional costs incurred for food, healthcare, transportation, and so on and so on.

>> No.8187545

I don't give a fuck about my genes living on. How would that benefit me?

>> No.8187548


>Implying that by passing on form you won't also pass on thought inherently by parenting.

Kid's literally parrot what you do. Thus passing on your form and your thoughts.

Faggot of the highest order.

>> No.8187555


Instincts by definition are not delusion, you fucking stupid idiot.

>> No.8187575


You're trying to tell me people actually write down the truth?

Holy shit, you're retarded.

>> No.8187580
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>you were a child once

>> No.8187606

Well you're browsing /biz/ so everyone on this board can cross off the first point.

>> No.8187612

Depends on how you raise em. Some can be quite the asset and worth the investment, others will drag you down and are pieces of shit. It's kind of like a piece of land, you can steer that land in a variety ways to specific uses like farming or store opening, but if you do nothing with that land (neglect the child), or don't develop and improve it enough or in the right way (no stressing education and instilling a love in high paying fields), then a return on investment will be shit, nonexistent, or debt inducing.

>> No.8187666




>gimmie facts!
>the facts are fake!

I bet you got cucked by having kids and are just trying to retroactively justify having them.

>> No.8187688

Agreed. In the old days people didn't live as long and if they did for the most part they still had all of their faculties. Nowadays, people live a lot longer but the majority of them have bad genetics and are propped up by antibiotics, life support and nursing homes. When my grandparents took care of their parents, they never had to wipe their parents asses or change adult diapers or any of that stuff. To expect your child to spend 20-30 years of their life taking care of you is insane. Human beings aren't built for that. Unless you work in healthcare and are getting paid to it, it just won't work.

>> No.8187851

Oy vey, don't breed so mudslimes can take over your whole nation, culture and heritage in less than 5 decades.

>> No.8187855

I have a daughter, there is absolutely no investment that is more worthwhile than kids. Once you become a dad, the little pleasures in life you used to care so much about like food, fast cars and vacations all get more dull and gray compared to the deepsetted feeling of your own flesh saying "Daddy, I love you!". It's like 100,000 years of ancestors smile at the continuation of you.

I pity you fucks chasing no more but empty experiences.

>> No.8187916

Children are a continuation of one's self and one's bloodline

It's more personal than just raising some random human

>> No.8188020

27 with gf of 2.5 years who is 23. Will probably start blasting kids out soon.

Need to boost white birth rates to secure the existence of our kind in our indigenous lands. Minimum of 3.

>> No.8188072

I've got 5 children. I'm pretty old for this boards standards. I can tell you they're worth it. Then again it depends on you and your specific personality. My children changed my life and gave me purpose, but for some people it's just not a good look. Unfortunately most often you don't know which person you are until you're holding your flesh and blood in your arms. But if you don't want kids anon, then don't have them. It's your life.

>> No.8188145 [DELETED] 

Im 27 and they expect me to settle down. I tell the. I havent even begun enjoying life. They ade nor. Ies though and think enjoying life is a job, kids, wife, and television.

>> No.8188227

Im 27 and they expect me to settle down. I tell them I havent even begun enjoying life. They are normie boomers though and think enjoying life is a job, kids, wife, and television. I need to smash ass globally, party, habe a live in harem, and learn martial arts, surfing, and other stuff before i even think of having a kid.

>> No.8188249

The only point in life is passing your genes. That's the only thing that unites all your ancestors all the way back 3.5 billion years. Now you're so cuck that you let the lineage die. Cuck

>> No.8188406

There has to be more to life than creating more life. Otherwise it's ultimately futile. This entire universe will become uninhabitable eventually. We may as well give up if that's the only goal, because we will be defeated eventually

>> No.8188407

Humans naturally want a goal and purpose in life. Suddenly having a kid forces a very long term goal onto people that honestly isn't that difficult to fulfill; it mostly just takes pure stubbornness of which humans are naturally good at. We are endurance runners; you don't get that endurance without being extremely stubborn about it.

People can easily conflate it as "enjoying life" without realizing there are other ways to enjoy life rather than taking the lazy route and having a kid.

>> No.8188444

seems pretty pointless

>> No.8188504

What's the point of anything, in that case. Why have sex, if your little peepee is going to be wormfood soon?

>> No.8188572


This is an argument that comes up all the time.
The flaw in it is that not all children choose to take care of their parents. I used to live next to an old lady that got put in that apartment and abandoned there by her only son. She would get drunk on a daily basis and her apartment became so full with garbage it stank up the entire complex. They had to bring someone to clean it up and the conditions she was living in were horrible.
Rumors had it that she and her husband were rich too. And that the son took their house before he put her there. Didn't even put her in a home. Maybe she objected to that. She seemed extremely resentful and bitter, wouldn't ask anyone for help. I'd rather die at 60 than end up like that.

>> No.8188629

You need to not fail at being a parent.

>> No.8188640


I'm pretty sure I heard it mentioned in a video that statistically 1 in 2 males don't pass on their genes. For women it's much lower because all they have to do is open their legs to anyone. But males get heavily selected against. Successful males will get more than 1 woman (sometimes a lot more) and the losers get squat.

>> No.8188663

You've obviously never met a man with 4 sons and a construction company.... You've also obviously never been around a nuclear family, or had a real job.

>> No.8188679

I'm just hoping my siblings have kids. I'm too mental to pass on my genes, but I still want to keep my assets in the family when I pass.

>> No.8188704

Those are rare. More often the father is is a wagecuck who has no economic use for sons.

>> No.8188731

Well. We could progress scientifically to the point where we can undo entropy. Or at least make strides towards it, even if it ends up being impossible.

That's a rather long-term goal, though. This planet will probably become uninhabitable in the next 1 billion years, perhaps much sooner. Perhaps we've already fucked the ecosystem to the point where we'll only last another hundred.

Working together to get off this rock would be a reasonable goal. But it's never going to happen so long as we keep killing each other over who owns which parts of the rock, and which parts of the rock have been blessed by some invisible sky wizard

There's noble aspirations, we just aren't working towards any of them. And by "we" I mean humanity

>> No.8188744

>reducing everything in life down to money

Imagine being this cucked by ideology. You're supposed to gain money so you can actually live and enjoy life, not endlessly chase money as the end goal.

>> No.8188755

Please. Please. Please do NOT do that. Your kids should not be "investments" for you retirement, they are humans with free will not destined to look after a retard who just want to "leeve luv muh life fffirst" and you SHOULD NOT have kids any later than 35. For thiet sake you need to be spry and functional you stupid fuck
I'm 22 btw

>> No.8188777

I can tell by your post that you're some liberal Redditor. I take it back, I sincerely hope you never breed.

>> No.8189057

Let me guess, is it the fact I use paragraphs? Or have more to say than spouting memes of 20 characters or less

For what it's worth I never go to reddit and I consider myself a libertarian

>> No.8189279
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>I have some LINK, there is absolutely no investment that is more worthwhile than LINK. Once you become a hodler, the little pleasures in life you used to care so much about like food, Labos and vacations all get more dull and gray compared to the deepsetted feeling of the LINK dev saying "Where is the Toilet?". It's like 100,000 years of hodling smiling at you.
>I pity you fucks chasing no more but empty experiences.

>> No.8189681

Cryptos are a inverse index on human fertility. Less kids, higher cryptos.

Cryptos fund and promote child trafficking and child porn. This is their primary function. Child exploitation, exploitation of youth. First transaction "pizza".

The NWO will not succeed. The Earth will not be depopulated. Human children have a future on the planet. On this planet and others, hear us now.

>> No.8190156
File: 153 KB, 1024x683, A Secure Family is a Nation's Strength.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, but unironically

>> No.8190519

can you tl;dr the book for me?

>> No.8190550

I had a single mother and I have a lot of issues in my life that I am slowly sorting out. How can I continue to improve?

>> No.8190912

regardless of whether you have kids or not nobody will ever remember you existed 100 years from now. when's the last time you thought about your great grandfather? these fags that think passing on their dna is the only point to life are brainwashed monkeys. lets also not forget the earth is over populated and we are due for any number of mass extinction events whether it be yellowstone erupting, global warming, world war, disease, etc. your bloodline can and will end at any time for any reason and it will likely be completely out of your control.

>> No.8191046

doesnt matter how many you have. muslims and spics are breeding like rabbits and will take over in the next few generations. luckily you'll be long dead by then so only your children and grandchildren will have to suffer in that terrible world.

>> No.8191085

I was told by dad to never ever have kids of my own and that mom didn't want me. Be happy your parents believe in you.

>> No.8191169


>implying I'd stay in the west

My grills country has 0.1% Muslim population - and they are secularised tartars left over from 600 years ago.

>> No.8191178

Unless you did something of importance for your country/world, not many individuals will remember you, but I don't give a shit if people remember me or not desu. The only reason I had a kid is because my wife and I wished for it and have enough money to maintain it.
Yeah, I don't blame people not wanting to have kids in this timeline. Kids are literally a leak in your wallet and bank account but you can't buy those moments with your wife and child with all the money in the world.

>> No.8191369

Just realised how few muslims my country has. Around 0.11%

>> No.8191412

Holy shit a level-headed response to this topic on /biz/?

>> No.8191432
File: 50 KB, 500x278, DRILL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Children are probably the highest upside potential asset. It's the only asset that can possibly increase in value in a meaningful way after you're gone.

Also do the impossible etc

>> No.8191604


>> No.8191710

>Thinks his decisions now are concrete
>Still a child
Come back when you're atleast 30

>> No.8192119

>>thinks his parents are boomers

A ton of these fucktard millennials on here claim to have boomer parents. Maybe that's the problem with them - their retarded boomer parents waited until their eggs and sperm were old and retarded before meeting them together.

Millennials with Genx parents should be less retarded.

>> No.8192160

I used to think like this. Having a kid is something else. Maybe if you've had a niece or nephew, it really hits you how surreal it is. I'm 32 and my first born son arrived in December. I see myself in him, it's the most special feeling ever.

>> No.8192180

no fucking way that pic is real

>> No.8192188

Then I already let you down. My wife is Mexican but our son has green eyes at least

>> No.8192209

The switch hasn't been out for two years. The joke stems mostly from wrist watch threads on Leddit where in guys get a Seiko or something as a vesectomy present.

>> No.8192219

it’s really not a major impact if everyone else is doing it too

>> No.8192233

>compared to the deepsetted feeling of your own flesh saying "Daddy, I love you!".

This. Your little boy or girl coming up to you and telling you they love you is so amazing. Getting a new car or whatever is neat, but it doesn't trigger that fire inside. Looking at your offspring just fills your soul.

>> No.8192331

i'm approaching 30.. i'm 28 but i'm gay and in my country they frown on homo sex and sometimes assault you for being gay. I want to have a family but obviously since i'm gay that's not possible. I don't believe in gay couples raising children since every child deserves a father and a mother. He'd just grow up weird imo. Hopefully science finds a way to fertilize a man's anus and make him pregnant.

>> No.8192399


you fags are making me tear up. im having kids before im 25(19 now) and hopefully they can solve how shitty i feel even though crypto has helped.

>> No.8192441

How much you made? Also which crypto? ETH has helped me out tb.h

>> No.8192450

>fertilize his anus
Top fucking kek

>> No.8192676


just break the cunts teeth

>> No.8192781

Chink and pajeets and nigga should not have kids

>> No.8192785
File: 120 KB, 960x720, 1519530436308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowing how life works

>> No.8192814

It doesn't, sperm quality decreases with old age.

>> No.8192850

>Hopefully science finds a way to fertilize a man's anus and make him pregnant.

Knowing one or both of your daddies incubated you as an ass-egg won't make you weird?

>> No.8192863
File: 60 KB, 800x533, hi-res-529f027ce498c7058bacd241b4aa1251_crop_north.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prove me wrong
You're wrong