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8178787 No.8178787 [Reply] [Original]

Why did they use lowercase i on purpose here. I is always capitalized. This would get corrected in Kindergarten. How did it get by them? I will not be eating here as this shows a lack of attention to detail that most likely translates throughout other aspects of their business.

>> No.8178886

It's a way of saying it's a casual eat out, also proper grammar is for literal autists. Not kidding, I can tell if someone is autistic by how they type, it's weird as shit

>> No.8178901

am i austistic

>> No.8178903


>> No.8178912


>> No.8178957


but its true.. because when I became an autistic thinking I had to be a certain way I started typing "properly" even on messanger services like AOL AIM.. my friends were shocked. This was after years of not speaking to them.

>> No.8178972

Am I autistic ?

>> No.8178990

That's a common trait with autistic folk I find. They think it's "proper" and "smart" to type that way when most people don't give a damn really. There is also a stigma by how proper grammar is viewed as passive aggressive by normal people in a casual chatting environment that rings true

>> No.8179003

Mandela effect

>> No.8179007

why the fuck would you put a space between "autistic" and your question mark?

>> No.8179022

There's a chance
Autistic for sure

>> No.8179035

Hey, Pajeet.

>> No.8179039

is there a way to fix this? btw are you autistic?

>> No.8179048

Hey, you had a 50/50 chance right? I either am an autist, or i'm not.

>> No.8179062

Redpill me on Ray Kroc

>> No.8179071

He didn't call it Kroc's

>> No.8179077

>Why did they use lowercase i on purpose here

>> No.8179097

lowercase has been cool since web 2.0 happened

>> No.8179109

I actually am not autistic, just don't think as much about how you type, and don't use periods, at least too often. Another grammar autism trait is using periods at the end of non-sentences such as "No." For example. Its seen as a very passive aggressive form of saying no compared to just "no" where it's casual and friendly

It's emotional typing basically. When you type consider the other person. Autists by their unfortunate nature don't understand the impact of how they type. It could mean friends or no friends

>> No.8179179

OP and most of this thread is pretty pathetic. Enjoy the race to the bottom.

>> No.8179221

Pajeet with aspergers

>> No.8179259
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>> No.8179281

Please sir, buy my coins and don't tell everyone about my love of asparagus!

>> No.8179289

Y'all'd've thought I was autistic if you would've seen me correct grammar on PornHub and during WoW raids.

>> No.8179301

That'd definitely be a sure sign of autism, use in a place not needed

>> No.8179328

I demand perfection in mind and body, you cannot, I repeat; you CANNOT slack on the grammar part even if you're in a mentally demanding situation such as a WoW raid. If I can do it, so can you.

Now go off your computer and learn little Padawan.

>> No.8179376
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Sometimes I use punctuation and grammar, and sometimes I don't. Really depends on who I'm talking too. Poor grammar is just laziness. Also I refuse to text like a fucking normie. (TTYL bae yassssssss *15 emoticons*

>> No.8179378
File: 96 KB, 382x307, whatthefuckdidyoujustsayyoulittlefaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can tell if someone is autistic by how they type
I was going to argue with you but you are right, for some reason people on spectrum like to write in a very formal way.

>> No.8179389
File: 14 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lower-case sans serif font implies playfulness and a child-like spirit as well as alludes to the casual nature of dining in the restaurant- just look at my post for another example of sunny-eyed youthful rapture illuminated in blue light for you to read

>> No.8179418

I figured it out when there was a strange pattern of my friends who typed as proper when possible would bring up they got diagnosed with autism and just couldn't believe it. They also, not always but commonly hate music with lyrics

It's all a pattern of behavior and interests

>> No.8179458

Successful biz post not about crypto. With community involvement. The time to buy is near, only after the butt coin is forgotten can it begin it's hike back up.

>> No.8179472

>doggie dog world
Is now
>dog eat dog world

>> No.8179543

Why is it that normalscum text like that anyway? In an age where basically everybody is using a computer for work or school to do important shit regularly you'd think most people would have gotten used to typing by now. But no, normalfags still type like they're trying to use a shitty cellphone from 2002.

>*15 emoticons*
This is a girl thing though. All girls do this and guys only ever do this when texting a girl. Guys never unironically use emojis amongst each other.

>> No.8179563

they just do it to be as expressive as possible over text really, simple as that

it looks cringy to us now but to them it's the peak of communication

>> No.8179581

Am I autistic?

>> No.8179584

But it's thousands of times less expressive than normal. There's no punctuation and way fewer words.

>> No.8179628

Punctuation kills expression like I said earlier, a period at the end of a word or sentence could be interpreted as anything, and in most cases for regular people it means passive aggressiveness

regular people don't care about grammar let alone sentence structure in a casual setting like over text or a chat. It really doesn't matter until you're in a formal setting- and no forums are not formal

>> No.8179643

Gonna have to give me a regular sentence, I can't work off your question alone

>> No.8179683

But it doesn't, punctuation allows you to convey things that words can't and approximate the rhythm of spoken voice. There's a reason poets continue to use punctuation

>> No.8179694


This. Everyone in this thread is in high school clearly because if you were any older you would have grown out of the formality of being a fedora tipping proper English using faggot on the internet, ironically.

>> No.8179712
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you are so high on the spectrum you don't even know it

>> No.8179720

Yes, I love when all my favourite expressive, verbose writers eschew punctuation.

"No." - why that could mean anything, even "yes"!

"No?" - Now we are talking. I think he want's me to say it with inflection at the end, can't fathom a meaning, though.

"No!" - emphatically anything!


>> No.8179728

I'm a 22 year old virgin. Thanks to crypto consuming all my attention I'm failing my degree. What few friends I've made drift away as I don't bother to contact them. My only aim is to get rich enough that I never need a job, so I can just hide away with an internet connection like a hermit. It's not that I prefer books and internet to people, they're just much easier. I don't 'get' music or dancing. I've always suspected I'm at least somewhat autistic.

>> No.8179739

wants* kek

>> No.8179764

Well in a sense your right, with puctuations such as an exclaimation mark and question mark. But periods leave it up to the reader to decide how it is interpreted and if it's in common communication it's often seen as negative

this guy got the message. It's about just saying what you need to say out there, it really doesn't matter how you format it as long as it's not retarded. Another thing is it's almost always high school kids

Anon I don't think you're understanding. There's a big difference between a "No." and a :"no", they both mean the word no, but emotionally they could mean aggressiveness, or kindness. That no with a period could mean anything emotionally, from aggressiveness, sadness, etc

Obviously using an exclamation mark and question mark puts something there, if the person is confused or just excited. But that's all they mean

>> No.8179820

I'd guess autistic

>> No.8179848

Thanks for the confirmation

>> No.8179856

you are french

>> No.8179870

You derive meaning from context.

"No. I told you I don't want that." - frustration, displeasure.

"No, it's OK I can do it myself" - measured response.

"More pizza? I couldn't possibly! that's a no." - jokingly

What's the problem? I could probably think of hundreds of unambiguous uses of this one word.

>> No.8179898

remove a period on the "that's a no." and it takes on a funnier context, that period killed the joke honestly. But you're spot on with your examples and how they're interpreted otherwise

>> No.8179916

>thinks he’s an expert on written English
>doesn’t understand the nuance or connotation of punctuation

Found the retard.

>> No.8179929

Whatever the reason, it's definitely well thought out. I work for a mid-size bank and am always blown away when I hear about how much they spend on marketing strategies. Things like studies on where to put a line on the company logo, or the meme of using "solutions" when describing products. That last one actually seems really tacky at this point because every business is calling themselves a "solutions" company; the masses must eat it up. "Oh nice a solution, take my money, surely I am benefiting from this solution you are providing." Pretty much a marketing meme desu.

>> No.8179942

People who pretend to be experts on English and boast about it are usually pretty autistic. It's not a very big accomplishment, the English language is easy to understand and write

>> No.8179995


If you remove the period the sentence doesn't end. You can't write like that. Have you read a book recently, or are you confined to internet forums?

Never claimed to be an expert, i'm clearly just presenting a counterpoint to what I see are a pretty moronic statement - "Punctuation kills expression".

>> No.8180039

it ends because there's nothing after it anon. Just because you're not supposed to put periods at the end of single words doesn't mean there's more to it. I haven't been on forums in a decade, and thank god, they spout this proper grammar nonsense like it's gospel and their leadership is only affected by how "english' they type

>> No.8180168

What you just typed included many sentences ending in a period. Without them, how would I differentiate between one train of thought and the next? You only didn't use a period at the end of your line, because, in the context of this thread, it isn't needed.

Do I need to start a new paragraph every time i want a fresh sentence?

>> No.8180196

I only put a period after I finish a sentence to start a next sentence, so it's not a run on. once I have nothing else to say i don't really need a period at the end

it's just that simple, you understand the jist of what I'm saying arent you? so why would it matter? I'm getting my message across whether you agree or not

>> No.8180212
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This. Grammar anon wins on this one. Who's more autistic? A guy who uses grammar and punctuation to properly convey his thoughts through text, or a sperg who's afraid of using a period because it might come off as "passive aggressive"?

>> No.8180247


I'm not attacking your lack of punctuation, anon. I'm defending the use of mine. You claimed "punctuation kills expression" - I heartily disagree.

>> No.8180290

i don't care how someone uses a period one way or another, but I'm trying to explain how its interpreted commonly by regular folk, I've used the ol period really when I get fiddled and many others do

you're good man don't worry. when it comes to grammar it's like politics sometimes, and I know technically in the end the way I'm typing is by english grammatic law INCORRECT but I'm only arguing in the case of casually typing, unlike if you write a book or essay of some sort

>> No.8180381

because they lovin' it less now than they was lovin' it befo