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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 73 KB, 400x400, QmsWJHBs_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8176853 No.8176853 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks for the free money, you dumb fucks.

>> No.8176879


This is the biggest buy signal on earth

>> No.8176894

I helped him start Curio Cards..lul

Also no clue what this thread is about

>> No.8176952
File: 48 KB, 620x670, btcp_timeline_first_step.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have entered the first stage.

Anger should be coming in 2-3 days.

>> No.8177169

Bittrex listing when?

>> No.8177202


I guess many of you will be stuck in stage 1 for a while waiting for the Binance/Bittrex listing that isn't coming. Why? Because no serious exchanges will add a scamcoin.

>> No.8177222

You guys do understand if this price holds it's a top 20 coin? And that trade satoshi has actually buckled under the weight?

Wait for at least Kucoin before you make fun of us

>> No.8177349
File: 88 KB, 842x792, 1519804014472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Around 3 milion claimed coins (according to the holders themselves)
>Current price is $79

That gives it a marketcap of approximately $237M. Unmined coins/total supply isn't taken into account when calculating mcaps. That would put it at #71 on CMC right now, and the price is only going to keep dropping as more BTCP enters the market.

I know math can be hard sometimes.

>> No.8177403

BCH has a circulating supply of 17,000,000 moron.

Not to mention 4,000,000 BTC being lost and a further how many million BTC whose users didn't claim BTCP ergo, lost coins.

Keep talking out of your ass about something you know nothing about.

>> No.8177551
File: 1.23 MB, 912x905, 1433477724321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he trusted the todd howard of crypto

when will you learn
never trust manlets

>> No.8177562

>claim BTCP
you don't claim anything you fucking giganigger

they snapshotted the blockchain. just like i got BCH while doing nothing i get BTCP for doing nothing.

>> No.8177583

I still haven't claimed my 120btcp either but I sure plan to when it hits 1k

>> No.8177586

BCH isn't BTCP. Almost no BTC holders actually claimed their BTCP, because not a lot of exchanges supported the airdrop.

You guys have been the ones to argue that only 3 million coins have been claimed, which you thought would lead to an extremely high price because of its scarcity.
There is a list of the circulating supply somewhere, and it isn't much higher than 3M coins.

Your mental gymnastics is hilarious, though.

>> No.8177591

Thanks to the losers who sold at a loss

>> No.8177604

you'll be joining them soon pajeet

>> No.8177606
File: 80 KB, 478x523, 1515098340670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what a coping brainlet sounds like

>> No.8177619

See >>8176952

Your anger will come soon enough. Depends only on how delusional you are.

>> No.8177692

You're the loser for not cutting your losses when it was 0.01, you absolute brainlet.

>> No.8177739

Have to wait and see about btcp. Rhett is a known pump an dumper. And if you watch Richard heart he's also a narcissist and not very bright despite being MIT alumni kek

>> No.8177812
File: 15 KB, 1484x195, reminder ZCL retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder for BTCP holders.

>> No.8177909

Is this supposed to mean something you monkey

>> No.8178034

A lot of bitter pre fork sellers in here. Shut the fuck up with your bullshit saltiness.