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8173081 No.8173081 [Reply] [Original]

I've analyzed the CND performance from Jan 25 to present. 20 calls were made.
The results? Not good. Terrible, in fact. If you had followed all the calls of CND, you would have lost a shit ton of money.
Uploading my spreadsheet in a sec.

>> No.8173128
File: 149 KB, 1357x640, cnd_spreadsheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

13 calls were wrong ,7 were right.
Of the correct calls, you could have made 20% on ripple, 10% on Vechain, and avoided a 12% loss on LISK.
There was no way to profit from the other correct calls, they simply said there was a less than 50% chance a coin would go up 20%. (NEO & LINK)

(i took out a call i counted twice in the pic)

>> No.8173200

The caller was wrong even on conservative calls of 5% gains on 77% certainty.

If you had traded on its 59% LISK call, you'd be holding some very heavy bags. After the buy call, price dropped 50%

>> No.8173210

lmao i just bought the trader package and am totally regretting it.

>> No.8173244

i bought 700k a little bit ago, then started looking at its history

market sold immediately when i realized how bad it was

>> No.8173246

You can get the calls for free on Twitter.

It's 2018, the year is current, gate-keeping information is an absolutely retarded business model unless it's reams of real-time data

>> No.8173280


so you bought that much without doing any research first?

either larp or retard, or retarded larp

>> No.8173287

Pajeet! You street shitting little monkey! You've returned with the same bullshit story. How are you?

>> No.8173392

i started out with the 5k package, it made a few good predictions that saved me some money.
turns out it was a bit of luck and obvious signals you could see elsewhere.

once the price dipped I upgraded. i didn't lose any money buying it.
Good, hows your bleeding CND treating you?

>> No.8173489

Oh you know. Working on a buzz and watching a movie. Not bleeding as bad as your cunt so things could be worse.

>> No.8173618
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Actual 700k CND holder here. Stop with the FUD. This token has actual use, unlike 99% of the bullshit spewed on this board.

>> No.8173859

Thats why we use stop losses, use good bracket orders, laddering our winners etc. Real professional traders can lose something like 90% of their trades and still be in the green via good capital protection strategies.

My auto trading bot for example is only 52% accurate - and its insanely profitable. And a more high-risk high-reward strategy I've been testing is only right 40% of the time - and even more profitable.

>> No.8173886


Thanks for proving you’re a retard. Owning that much of a shit coin and not putting it in to real coins.

The absolute state, I fuckin swear.

>> No.8173912

ehh i stay away from that, market conditions can change and all a sudden the strategy you thought was so smart is now useless.
but if it works for you that's cool.

what's your 52% strat?

>> No.8173919


I like the idea - but there's issues. Nothing stops people onselling the data they get, that's the big one. If I retweet the calls (without even mentioning its from CND) I could build an army of followers to monetise some other way.

Still, following the project with interest, holding some and am curious to see where it goes. If leaking information can be solved (and I have 0 idea how) it'll be a great hold.

>> No.8173985

i liked the idea, its why i bought in to start with, but there's lots of problems.

1. a lot of it is luck of the draw. analysts don't know the future, no one does. Any information derived from analysts still doesn't predict the future.
2. Leaks. maybe if you went back and forced NDAs you could do something. but it's already out, and there's no way to track who has the tokens and is leaking.
3. most importantly, its track record is shit. only the 80%+ calls are useful which only happen once a month. and its usually just calling a buy on whatever shit just mooned 30% in a day.

>> No.8174081


>what's your 52% strat?

Kek, nice try! Nobody that finds a working one shares - or it'll stop working. I used ML for a while, with roughly the same accuracy. But after some more experimentation I found some mechanical strategies that were only slightly weaker - but being much less resource intensive.

Like I say though, the real secret is protecting your stack. Maximize wins, minimize losses. Sounds obvious, but people neglect it.

>> No.8174138

do you just feed indicator (MACD, price, whatever) data into a learner and trade off that?

>> No.8174297

oh look, it's this guy again. You never answered why you market sold at the bottom of the pump this past week. Maybe because you're a larping faggot trying to accumulate, or have a competing product.

I'm in that faggot twitter page that is posting calls and some are cindicator calls, but some are their own pump coins.

>> No.8174345

i sold 200k at 15 cents and 500k at 13 cents
current price is 11 cents.
"sold the bottom"

i've heard of a few competitors, but i'm not interested in any of them because the idea has been proven not to work. and none of them have a working product anyway.

all the leakers are using the calls to get followers & attention to shill their own product. That's their incentive to leak. None of the leaks have proven to be incorrect.

>> No.8174394

The best thing this coin did was being pumped by Pump Beach Group. That's it. Then that other twitter guy who pumped it a week or so ago, that's it.

> Muh hedge funds will buy it

Seriously, fucking wake up. These a multi million (sometimes billion) dollar companies, you think they're going to install telegram and setup a bot? They pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for trading desks and software. The retardation of bag holders always makes me laugh.

I got in at ICO, dumped that shit at 17c.

>> No.8174432

If you bought prior to the palm beach pump then you are good, but otherwise

>> No.8174483


hope it goes lower, I'm looking to buy more

>> No.8175339

yea with shitty calls that everyone can pirate lmao
$5eoy AmIRite?

>> No.8175623
