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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8172465 No.8172465 [Reply] [Original]

>I got paid yesterday ($733.24, bi-weekly) but I have to save as much of that as possible to pay my rent ($1245) for my apartment that’s 30 miles away from work because it was the cheapest place I could find that had access to the train, which costs me $5.65 one way to get to work.
> That’s $11.30 a day, by the way. I make $8.15 an hour after taxes. I also have to pay my gas and electric bill. Last month it was $120. According to the infograph on PG&E’s website, that cost was because I used my heater.
>I’ve since stopped using my heater. Have you ever slept fully clothed under several blankets just so you don’t get a cold and have to miss work? Have you ever drank a liter of water before going to bed so you could fall asleep without waking up a few hours later with stomach pains because the last time you ate was at work? I woke up today with stomach pains.
> I made myself a bowl of rice.

>> No.8172529

How about this bitch needs to stop complaining.
How about you move to a place that rent's for less or get a room mate to share the expense?

I saved you 600 bucks there.

Now fuck off.

>> No.8172557

Privileged cunt. Ugly fatass bitch should get raped.

>> No.8172562

>majority of /biz/ works these jobs hoping to 'make it' one day via crypto gains
So you're asking if /biz/ posters hate themselves?

>> No.8172603
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True. I am loling.

>> No.8172683

super old news you boring fuck

>> No.8172740

She's actually right, in a way. I used to run a semi-physical business selling on Amazon, and had people help me with the physical stuff - assembling, packing, labelling. It was a contract job, for which I paid a little more than minimum wage in Canada, but I suspected for some, it was their only gig. The reality is, modern economy doesnt require a lot of unskilled people, and even the skilled ones are threatened by globalization of labor. I pay a shitton in taxes, and higher taxes dont seem to be doing a whole lot of good for anybody, but there needs to be a distribution of collected tax money towards things that create jobs instead of bodies in the middle east and around the world.

>> No.8172794

She should just an hero desu

>> No.8172821

shouldn’t be wageslaving in probably the most expensive city in the country then

>> No.8172849

>tfw I let my apartment get ice cold and blistering hot all the time
>tfw I chug water to ignore hunger all the time
>tfw I eat rice all the time too

I've got 130k saved and haven't worked in years. What is her point?

>> No.8172866

this article/situation is the epitome of the under 30 set's outlook on life, with the exception of those on this board. you guys are alright

>> No.8172914

The same type of dumb cunt who votes Democrat thinking they're for the American worker, then they let more third worlders in to stagnate the wages and increase wage competition.

>> No.8172915

It's pretty easy to move. All you have to do is pack your bags and get on a bus or train.

I pay $500 for rent(3BR apt, 2 roommates) and I live 15 minutes from Seattle. Not a shithole either, it's actually nicer than my parent's house.

>> No.8172952

>you guys are alright
...is it safe to come on /biz/ tomorrow?

Why doesn't she just rent a room? Of course apartments are rip-offs. Minimum wagecucks set up shared housing for that exact reason. The bitch expects to work a pleb job and have her own private place? Shit, I stayed living with random people until 2 years into my 50k/yr career.

>> No.8172963

>I left college, having majored in English literature, with a dream to work in media. It was either that or go to law school. Or become a teacher. But I didn’t want to become a cliche or drown in student loans, see.
I stopped reading after that. Millions of poorfags across the world wish they could be in her position, and they would've figured out a way to make it.

>> No.8172995

Why live in such an expensive city? Leave those crap jobs for the pajeets and spics who are happy to sleep 5 to a room.

>> No.8173019

I don’t think I’ve read anything that more perfectly summarizes the mindset of the average leftist millennial. “I do meaningless, mindless work and you don’t pay me as much as I think I’m worth!” Bitch, maybe you should’ve thought about that before you decided to major in women’s studies.

>> No.8173065

i dont hate them at all, actually im surprised how much abuse someone can cop for such little pay, quite admirable if you ask me

>> No.8173068


So how does she afford to move? just hobo her way across the country to cheapest place in the USA, possibly getting murdered and raped along the way?


Literally ruining your health, I hope it's worth that money.

>> No.8173096

Salhir, Alma, Chornaya.

>> No.8173162

These problems only started happening when too many people entered the workforce. If she removed herself from it she'd help solve the problem.

>> No.8173171

>So how does she afford to move? just hobo her way across the country to cheapest place in the USA, possibly getting murdered and raped along the way?
If you are a single female with no responsibilities other than feeding yourself and you can't afford to save up enough to rent a moving truck then you should seriously consider gulping down poison because you are completely worthless.

>> No.8173203


society needs a large underpaid working class to sustain the upper class, since adult humans are inherently selfish

>> No.8173206

>I made mistakes and now Im poor. Pity me

>> No.8173352

>So how does she afford to move? just hobo her way across the country to cheapest place in the USA, possibly getting murdered and raped along the way?

>lives in a country with a modern transportation system
>lives in a country where she can rent a vehicle in every city

but also

>lives in a country with actual law enforcement presence to minimize the chance of being murdered or raped
>lives in a country where if someone did attempt to rape or murder her, law enforcement would pursue justice


>lives in a country with programs to help make it as safe as possible to travel cross country alone and cheap
>lives in a country with wifi every few miles, AKA nearly free access to education and news
>lives in a country where she can get free water at any resturaunt
>lives in a country where there are public spaces to sleep safely
>lives in a country where she can travel 2,680 miles and find safe food to eat the entire way

Better complain about rice though.

>> No.8173358

>Read the greentext
>Damn, she's living it rough
>Read the article
>Majored in English literature

holy FUCK how DELUDED are roasties

>> No.8173365

>I left college, having majored in English literature, with a dream to work in media.
> wanted to work in media
> wanted
i do not understand how people could feel so entitled to anything? in what sense they think they can get a job they want without putting effort? 1250 rent, i have colleagues who make 150k+ a year and still share apartments because a whole apartment is a waste for yourself. doing a pleb job and feeling entitled to handouts, this is what is see in these people. good that i worked hard and i know my place and i also know that i can be replaced so i keep on learning more and more keeping myself ahead of competition.

>> No.8173380

BOOM headshot

>> No.8173481

more importantly, hand me out some money or maybe bread from that fridge

>> No.8173487


How is she worthless if she doesn't even have the opportunity to prove she isn't worthless? Her situation gives her literally zero leeway, and you are expecting her to perform a miracle out of thin-air and become the next Bill Gates (Who btw inherited his money, and basically stole windows).


What mistakes did she make? Sure she did not pick the safest career option in university, but she should still have a chance to work her way up the ladder without a university education.

>> No.8173554


>should still have a chance
there is your problem. why should she have a chance? what has she proven to be given a chance? i am not saying she couldn't do better if placed at some higher up position but do you see managing herself properly with the current situation she is in? i still cant figure out how can one,given her situation, in right mind pay 1250 in rent and still put it as argument that she has to pay her 80% of salary in rent

>> No.8173561

>perform a miracle
If that's what you call saving up a few hundred dollars so you can improve your quality of life then you've got a brain disease.

>> No.8173574

she choose to live in one of the most expensive cities IN THE WORLD with a highly specific degree and no prospects for a job that would cover the inordinate expenses. she literally is entitlement walking, i DESERVE to live in SF straight out of college and be a manager and make 80k year with a liberal arts degree. my s/o and i pull in almost 300k and wouldn't even think about living there given how much it would impact our situation. so, we live in the rust belt to get ahead in life. it's a LUXURY to life in SF that this unemployable twat demands she deserves because why?

>> No.8173597

This thread is full of basement dwelling neets.

>> No.8173612
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Here she is today. What a beaut!


>> No.8173628

>i still cant figure out how can one,given her situation, in right mind pay 1250
People are completely fucking entitled. I paid $400 a month to live in a fucking ghetto so I could afford to live my life and have enough left over to pay for school. These idiots need to get it out of their heads that just because they have a degree, they can immediately start living like "adults". If you have a shitty job, you need to live in a shitty house and work your way up to something better by saving your money instead of wasting it all. This girl said she lived where she did so she could be closer to her dad. LIVE WITH YOUR DAD INSTEAD if you're throwing away your paycheck so you can live in some shitty apartment so you can feel like a big girl. Save up until you can find a better job that doesn't treat you like a slave.

>> No.8173651

something something glass houses

stay humble, biz

>> No.8173674

>This girl said she lived where she did so she could be closer to her dad. LIVE WITH YOUR DAD INSTEAD

Goddamn! i did not pay attention where she wrote this. now i am super serial mad. omg, i cant even. 1250 straight into pocket but she had to rent. i am losing my senses

>> No.8173689

what city? is it nice? want to move near seattle sometime

>> No.8173699



>> No.8173700

Threads like this make me so happy I got into trucking. Doing 2500 miles a week and getting paid .43 cents a mile and my boss hands out cash bonuses all the time. Pretty comfy

>> No.8173715

also this is my starting pay, after a years experience, I'll get a monthly cash bonus for insurance and .54 cents a mile.

>> No.8173724

>get a room mate
You can't do that when all potential candidates are niggers and spics.

>> No.8173730

seattle is expensive but it is a beautiful city. downtown and closeby areas could be expensive but if you broaden your horizon you can have plenty of places to choose from depending on your affordability

>> No.8173751 [DELETED] 

Seattle sucks. don't move here

>> No.8173777

do you stay in seattle?

>> No.8173838


So, I like, live in San Francisco because tv shows told me I should. I live in a studio apartment which has rent control and is only 4500$ a month. Because Im a free spirit, I didn't go to college and I work at a coffee shop part time because they let me read poetry.


-t. Vice "news"

>> No.8174312

Lurk harder, im at .85c a mile / non owner operator too.
I got a buddy who did front the cash for a truck and hes tanking like 1.35-2$ a mile.
Which isn't too bad, but considering overhead; its quite iffy - Still, if he runs with no road failures hes doing 300k y/r on average 8month pulls

>> No.8174342

I just say cuz right now trucking is in mad demand since the kids dont wana do it and older fucks are dieing off.
Competition is getting pretty heavy, take advantage of it..

Go checkout rohl, they are offering like 10k signon bonus and 80-100k year starting ; Need to have tanker endorsements tho

>> No.8174585

I'll look into it. I've got my all endorsements including tanker and I've only been driving for 3 months so far. My runs are typically from California to Florida and back to California. On the road 5 days a week and home for 2 days on average.

>> No.8174657

How is she that fat if she can't afford to eat? Something doesn't add up here. Also why the fuck does she not get a pass for the train? I've had to commute over 1.5h both ways by walking+bus+train at one point in my life and getting a monthly pass is INSANELY cheaper than paying for each trip individually.

>> No.8175149

How far do you think we are from autonomous trucks? I'm skeptical that they'll make one that can handle rain and snow in my lifetime. Not to mention, the trucks that have the front radar sensor today can't tell the difference between the car in front of you and the bridge you are crossing.

>> No.8175238

Probably a good 10-15 years before fully autonomous trucking. Solutions for harsh weather conditions are already in the works limited vision in the human visible spectrum will not be an issue as, among other things, we have sensors that can see using other wavelengths of light. This solution uses ground penetrating radar to localize position of the vehicle if it's driven over some specific stretch of road before. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZq5FMwl8D4

>> No.8175263
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>$8.15 an hour
>$733.24 bi-weekly
roflmao I make more than double that and I only work part time because I'm literally too lazy to work more hours.

>> No.8175266

The obvious problem is rent. I didn't read the article, but I'm assuming she lives in San Francisco. The only solution is to LEAVE. Move to Fresno. SF is unlivable.

>> No.8175347

Getting a one way bus trip is cheap as fuck

The simple fact is, if you aren’t rich you shouldn’t be living in the most expensive cities unless you are actively learning a skill to be able to in the future, in which case shut up and be patient

>> No.8175364

this so fucking much!
unskilled workers will be a real factor in politics soon. not only the fag without highschool degree but also the web designer or php coder. and not only skills will save your ass. see all online media sites. some teenage youtubers make more money than a bunch of faggots who studied journalism. writing a clickbait article you can read in less than 30s doesn't make a university degree necessary. a large group of people will demand protection (like steel workers or coal burners in the us do). prepare for more isolation and global conflicts (hybrid).

>> No.8175382


>> No.8175435

Where is she living that rent costs that much?

>> No.8175466

redistribution of money to the poor is what keeps them poor

in the US, you actually start to lose money when you make a little more money - you start to lose things like EITC credit, food stamps, public housing, child care benefits, etc.

a single mother making $20,000 would lose money if she made more money up until $60,000

>> No.8175480

rent a room from an old retired woman

it will cost like $500

>> No.8175493

my ex moved to another place just fine - she just threw most of her stuff away from the previous apartment

not like she had a lot anyway, she couldn't afford to have a lot of possessions

also, it's perfectly fine not to eat all the fucking time or to be a little cold

>> No.8175506
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We should just gas the poor imo, never done anything good.

>> No.8175525

I majored in Computer Science, then I found an internship on craigslist and worked for free for like half a year before I got a job making $70,000

but if I asked, the founders of the first place where I interned would have let me move in with them - they already gave me food for free at the office and shit

I lived at home so it wasn't an issue, though

>> No.8175561

I'm a basement dwelling NEET, but I saved up $1,500,000 in crypto/stocks/bonds because I lived with my dad ever since I graduated from college

I'm actually moving out because it's going to be cheaper - my dad lives in California, so state income tax on crypto is killing me

>San Francisco

she'd be paying $3500 in rent downtown

>> No.8175563

>but also the web designer or php coder
Why will these people be an issue?

>> No.8175571

Bi-weekly or fortnight?

>> No.8175575

That smells like a whole lot of "your problem"
Ohhh I have a solution
Step 1) get skills
Step 2) ????
Step 3) profit.
This is the biggest meme I've seen it even goes circular.
"Wow westerners are way too educated what are you doing with all those degrees!?!? Also none of the jobs are unskilled, those are outsourced this is unfair not everyone can get skills!" meanwhile tonnes of trades are in high demand unemployment is at record lows but people bitch and make excuse why this doesnt count, cause the prospect that they specifically are a failure or their delusions of grandeur are just that or they aren't CEO out of college or people aren't knocking down doors to offer them jobs.

>> No.8175641

This, being a lawyer would have made her far more money in the long run but she could only look at the short term. Even being a teacher would have given her decent pay and a quick placement.

>> No.8175648

and do what?

>> No.8176145

I don't hate minimum wage workers. Everyone have to start somewhere. My first job paid less than 1800 a month. Did I hate my co-workers back then? Do I hate them now? No.

>> No.8176164

>save as much of that as possible to pay my rent ($1245)
I live in Kansas City and my rent is $600 a month and I've got google fiber.

>> No.8176194


She needs to leave the Bay Area. WHY IS SHE PAYING 1245 A MONTH FOR AN APARTMENT? Jesus christ. Get out of the bay, get a roommate, problem solved.

>> No.8176225

aftermath : https://nypost.com/2018/01/20/complaining-about-low-pay-in-an-open-letter-online-destroyed-my-life/

>> No.8176290


>> No.8176313

eeeeeeeeeey friendo?

hows the weather and stores there?

>> No.8176359

>Today, I’m holding down a job washing dishes and making smoothies, and I don’t have any plans to write an open letter about it. I’m always on the lookout for another job, and I’m working toward a career in comedy writing.

>> No.8176466


Ok, so maybe she overstated her point and lied a bit.

But is the core idea of her statement so wrong? It is absurd for rent to be such a high % of pay.

This makes it harder for those who rent to ever own a home, and contributes to the widening gap between the poor who cannot afford to rent and the rich that can rent out property.

>> No.8176513

>move to an area with high paying tech jobs and rent prices to match that income
>dont have skills to get those jobs
>not willing to look for cheaper housing. not even enough brain cells to find a roommate on craigslist
Aw shucks life sure is stinky. There are no other options available to this poor girl. :(

>> No.8176523

I make $300 a week and have a 5k portfolio in 1 year of investing, and no, mommy and daddy dont pay no bills for me either.

>it's about how you can work with what you have, not about what you have

>> No.8176559

>30 miles away from work
This is bullshit empirically accross the western world. A cbd flat in cuckbourne would cost the same price

>> No.8176573

How fucking dumb can you be

>> No.8176574


Not everyone can just move. They may have family tying them down, or other geographic ties to the area

>> No.8176593



There's your problem. That's about as much as I pay for a flat in a nice location in Islington. Why is a minimum wage worker living in such expensive accommodation? That's just bad budgeting. The problem is self-induced.

>> No.8176665

>renting the most expensive place you can find as far away from your job as public transportation will take you
She's either completely braindead or was wanting to make things hard on herself.

>> No.8176759

Dumb bitch means fortnightly. This retarded, entitled thot doesn't even speak English.