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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8171840 No.8171840 [Reply] [Original]

I need a new database that isn't Oracle. I just spent 7 hours, SEVEN FUCKING HOURS moving my database over from my laptop to a linux server. If I ever have to do that again I will actually kill myself.

Someone give me some non-meme database(preferably open-source) that can handle at least several terabytes of data without running like shit.

>> No.8171859


>> No.8171904

Postgresql, MySQL, honestly probably SQLite or fucking mongo lel. Oracle? Come on dude grow up

>> No.8171918

unironically this

>> No.8171933

you have 2 choices for a traditional RDBMS: MySQL and PostgreSQL. That's it.

>> No.8171993
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>Come on dude grow up
Fuck you I'm afraid of change.

>> No.8172015

Between those two, which is an overall better choice and why?

>> No.8172172

it depends on what you need lol

>> No.8172209

unless you need indexing

>> No.8172241

Based on my googling, Postgres is slightly better in terms of performance, but MySQL has a way bigger community. But this is only from reading a few different articles that I just googled.

This is the first answer for noSQL. Why?

>> No.8172273

You can index on mongo

Why is people sugesting nosql dbs to someone using oracle without first asking his use case?

>> No.8172360

Sorry I should have been more precise. Unless you want a full-text index. Mongo does not support full text for very large amounts of data (a couple gigabytes max iirc)

This isn't /g/
Relational databases are still by large the most commonly used
Mongo is good and fast in general but will suck compared to RDBMS for certain tasks. It really depends on what you need.

I also like ArangoDB which is both a graph database and a document store. But I've only used it on small projects so I'm not sure how well it would scale. I hear DGraph is great, super fast and distributed but I haven't tried it yet.

>> No.8172376


So it sounds like everyone here is still under 25.

Just stick with Oracle. You can run subs much easier, cron it up, and basically do anything. It's a perfect database albeit complicated. Great platform to learn and become and expert in.

>> No.8172445

x100 this if you want an RDMS Op. It's amazing, much better than MySQL etc. Otherwise, what's your use case? If it's something like some big bulk tables, just shove it into MongoDB. Or check out GraphDBs - some cool things emerging there too.

>> No.8172446

>without first asking his use case?
My use-case is
>pretty simple records the consist of names, timestamps, and a couple other numbers
>entering ~100,000 new records per minute
>a ton of sorting and retrieving sorted results
>retrieving large chunks of the dataset very often

That's basically the gist of it. I'm not storing documents.

>> No.8172453

Yes. Tech improves. There's a reason no one uses COBOL anymore

>> No.8172455

Postgresql is fine. Mysql is same same but different.

>> No.8172475
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>This isn't /g/
No shit, I came here to find people who might actually know the technology should be used. I didn't come here with a pic of my desktop or new LEDs for my mouse.

>> No.8172483

Switch to Mongo

>> No.8172491

Ok, just roll Mongo then. No complex schema needed for that use case, just a basic key value store type deal.

If in doubt, I'd still recommend Postgres though.

>> No.8172496

Just buy chainlink and quit your shit IT job

>> No.8172530

Here's a benchmark comparing the performance for Mongo, Postgre and a bunch of GraphDBs.


Mongo will work best for your use case

>> No.8172536

Fuck off pajeet. Grown ups are talking. And who do you think makes all your shitcoins? Coders. What do coders do before we invent a shitcoin and retire to Portugal to shitpost and do blow all day? We work on shit like databases.

>> No.8172571

Try Orbit-db.

>> No.8172580

I meant to mention in OP but forgot, I only wrote this program to make it easier for me to become a whale and swim in shitcoins. I have no interest in becoming an expert in databases. Back-end programming only,

I usually leave database shit to the pajeets, but this is my own project in the early stages.

>> No.8172582

Agreed. Do it OP.

I really need to play with this much more, I keep meaning to but haven't had a project pop yet that's given me a reason. Need to make the time I think.

>> No.8172586


Yeah, but Windows is still the most versatile OS because most programs run on it.

Like Oracle.

>> No.8172622

Ha! Fucking well done lad. I think we've all got similar projects right now kek. That blow in my future hacienda isn't going to do itself.

>> No.8172648
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Your metaphor collapses when you consider the installation/portability. Windows is easy as shit to install, and all it's features easily port between platforms

Installing oracle or moving a DB to a different platform is like trimming your pubes with a chainsaw, in the dark.

>> No.8172662

MySQL or even Mssql Express (free mssql tools for all your importing etc). Last time I used the others msft was hard down near studio / dts tools etc

>> No.8172698

........even OSX is better then Windows for coding these days. Nice try. MSCE pajeet detected.

He just needs a basic key value store. So it's Mongo he needs. Not our fault if you haven't kept up with developments.

>> No.8172725

use the same database discord uses, i forgot its name, its all the rage now

>> No.8172761


>> No.8172813


You kids jump to anything "new" and "improved" without mastering anything.

It's why I'm sitting on fat stacks of BTC and ETH that I'll never sell while you fags keep jumping to the next shitcoin that's "new and improved".

This is also why I have a better job with deep understanding of advance techniques with complex systems, while you kids keep hoping to the "easy and faster" stuff.

As always, stay pleb and stay poor.

>> No.8172831

If OP wants to avoid headaches and issues I would advise to stay the fuck away from all Apache software

>> No.8172850

Not sure why you're aiming your rant at me, Wilbur, I'm using Oracle in 2018

>> No.8172912

Implying BTC and ETH weren't new in their time.
BTC and ETH are good store of values if you want to safely keep on increasing your crypto wealth

but if you expect to pull a x100 on your initial investment you'd be retarded to get into either of those two now.

I'm not even that young. 35, started coding in assembly, c and delphi in the 90's. I remember when web dev made the switch to Javascript, all the PHP people felt JS was a meme because they thought it was just a glorified <blink> tag that could only add snowflakes to a personal webpage. Incidentally I don't see that many good PHP jobs being posted around anymore.

>> No.8173115

MySQL is so easy to port
And I like MySQL workbench if you just want to mess around with the data

>> No.8173335

Uhhhh I've been working w SAL Server for a decade. And MySQL and Postgres a bit along the way.

Thinking that complicated is important when it could be simple is why I hate my job.

>> No.8173371

100% this. RDBMS are great when you need them, but honestly if you just have one or two flat tables just go Mongo or some other noSQL solution. People need to stop overcomplicating shit.

>> No.8173454

38 here. Agreed. Any coder that isn't staying current isn't doing their job. There's fundamental improvements that take place all the time - if a new language, library or framework can let me be more productive, I use it. There's a reason we don't build websites with fucking punch cards.

Fucking Blub paradox at work...

>> No.8173508

Your database is pretty simple, Sqlite3 can handle that with ease. You don't need RDMS like mysql or portgres with that. Sqlite3 will be faster and better for your use case.

>> No.8173831

Microsoft Access

>> No.8173870
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>he didn't use data pump

>> No.8173965

is it dumb to ask why an individual would have sql databases?

>> No.8174013

dbs are to organize your info so its easy to search.

with sql you can ask the question "Show me all customers who have $10k in purchases, but only from spring months on diaper products and sort that by their last name" with one easy query.

>> No.8174031

i said individual ding dong

>> No.8174042


Theres actually a lot of money to be made in legacy if you know youre shit. I know a few peeps making bank off their knowledge of Perl and even one dude whos entire job is working with ALGOL.

>> No.8174051

yes, then the answer is yes, you're a dipshit.

>> No.8174066
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SQLite is an RDMS

>> No.8174142

you're the one that responded with a business anecdote
op's usecase sounds like he's operating some kind of business too

>> No.8174355
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>database that isn't Oracle

You're fucking retarded

>> No.8174577
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>not using a proper document store like MarkLogic
>not querying your data with xpath

>> No.8174591

everyone here is fucking stupid don't listen to them. use mongodb

>> No.8174603

Get MSSQL in Azure

>> No.8174607
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it is webscale

>> No.8174760
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>no one uses COBOL anymore

But ya fuck COBAL, fuck high paying COBAL positions, fuck companies who won't pay to transition from COBAL, and fuck the autistic COBAL programmer who always fucked me over as an intern.

>> No.8174785

>even OSX is better then Windows for coding these days. Nice try.

writing code =/= actual use

>> No.8175262

Neo4j is the future.

>> No.8175644

SQLite, all the shit sits in a single file you can just move from machine to machine.