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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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817163 No.817163 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get /biz/zy.

I plan to move to Hawaii to chase a girl I really enjoy, and also to garner some new from-the-bottom experience. However, I currently have a terrible income, and may not even make enough to have a stable foundation when I get there.
The question is, once I get there, how do I secure a job that will allow me to at least pay rent so I can maintain a relationship with this girl and also enjoy the freedom of the islands?
I will have my general studies associate's finished, and plenty of experience in both basic web design and programming, but I am worried that freelance work is too unstable for me to be able to secure anything over there.
I also plan to saturate wherever I am with roommates to minimize monthly cost of living. Maybe I can do that with some new family--I heard people were renting out their basements to poorfags.

tl;dr How do I secure a decent job in a completely saturated and too-high-cost-of-living environment?

>> No.817190

Travel with a hefty savings.

>> No.817195

In order to keep my Pell Grant, I was unsure how much I could make, so I currently make little to no money. I am moving in January--should I just get a temporary job to build savings?

>> No.817896


>> No.817899

How are you paying for the plane ticket.

>> No.817904

Are you at least dating this woman? Have you
Met in in person? Anyways Hawaii is cool for tourism but a shit place to live. Enjoy outrages prices due to shipping everything in

>> No.817906

>turning your life upside down with huge financial cost to chase some oneitis
I have no advice for faggots like you

>> No.818037

Agreed, he guun learn the hard way :DDD

>> No.818234
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>I plan to move to Hawaii to chase a girl

>> No.818812

>chase a girl

We found the weak link

>> No.818865


> moving to Hawaii
okay cool, just know what your in for.

> to chase a girl

anyway, about Hawaii, I have been there many times and have some family members on Oahu and Kauaii.

Anyway. People are cool there, but you know to know a few things. Jobs aren't very easy to come by, and islanders tend to favor themselves over whites. Be very respectful and work hard. You can find someone looking for a roommate easy, cause people are coming in and out of the island all the fucking time.

Hope you like surfing. Cause if you don't, you're gonna have a bad time.

>> No.819044

>plan to move to Hawaii to chase a girl
>I currently have a terrible income
>Thread title is: BAD IDEAS AND HOW TO RECOVER in all caps

I wish I was a sadist. I would get infinite joy from all the dimwits designing and building their own personal Hell.

>> No.820179

top lel. at least build some wealth before you chase grills. and there's plenty of fish in the sea to go after if you can't afford that one girl.

>> No.820190

>not making the girl come to you


>> No.820993

Guys... I think we hurt OP's feelings...

>> No.821040

he needs a reality check before he decides to ruin his life. the fact that he wants to "chase a girl" suggests that they aren't even together in the first place, and even if they were the girl might leave him. he's a poorfag who needs to live within his means.

>> No.821277

I was being sardonic. Fuck him and his delusions. The board might be a cesspool, but it excels at merciless reality checks.

I want to believe that OP actually wanted this. To be reminded by total strangers that his plan is horse shit and makes no sense.

>> No.821294

You should probably ask hawaiians

>> No.821296

Worst case hes stuck in fucking hawaii. Id rather be stuck in hawaii homeless camping on the beach than employed in like...south dakota

>> No.821433

>Being stuck in an archipelago.
>Trip to the mainland is expensive as fuck.
>Cost of living is quite high.
>Better than being employed in the mainland, when you can take a bus to your friend's house if you ever are in trouble.

Reread your post. I double dare you to tell me that it doesn't read as if a retard had typed it.

>> No.821473

You have a negative mindset

>> No.821475

realistic mindset*

>> No.821485

>being employed in S Dakota
>S Dakota
>home of the newest biggest oil boom the US has seen in decades
>90k starting salaries
>rather be unemployed in Hawaii

>> No.821517
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You better go buy a bunch of chocolate pudding op.

>> No.821558

Enjoy starving in an island because you were too optimistic to face reality.

>> No.821567

Do it, OP. Then tell us how it went.

>> No.821769

Yes, please. I could use a laugh.

>> No.821777
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The fact that so many are responding seriously to this obvious fucking bait shows how bad this board is

>> No.822020

Mr. Trips, you underestimate human stupidity.
