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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8168555 No.8168555 [Reply] [Original]

This will kill all other blockchain projects

>> No.8168675

Where to buy

>> No.8168677

nice trips...a lot of companies will use private hypderledger blockchains and use chainlink to connect to external resources.

>> No.8168714

do they have a permissionless product?

>> No.8168722

na. IBM already has an AI based oracle generator. Requires no coding.. customer inputs what it wants, the AI builds the oracle. We've been testing it for about 2 months and it will be rolled out by end of Q1. It requires no code, no tokens or anything and it's blockchain agnostic. Not a financial advisor, but you should probably sell LINK asap.

>> No.8168749

Thanks sold 100K.

>> No.8168762

Just like IBM killed off everyone in the late 80s.

>> No.8168764

Lumens are built in this though, is IBM coming out with something separate?

>> No.8168900

damn thanks for the headsup...just unloaded my 67k linkies.

>> No.8168907


Post proof

>> No.8168922
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And partnered with Link. Feels so damn good.

>> No.8168941
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>AI based oracle generator
>customer inputs what it wants, the AI builds the oracle

>Post proof

>> No.8168960

There's no reason for a utility ledger to require a token. Thanks for setting these retards straight, anon.

>> No.8168984
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>> No.8168988

hes larping. The thing is the IBM docs showed they were looking at many oracle solutions. Chainlink was clearly the best.

Hyperledger is not going to win out and there will be many private blockchain solutions on different platforms. For example it is more than likely Bosch and VW use IOTA or a token on IOTA. Then we have other blockchain products like w/ corp partners.

Chainlink is the only solution that will work with all blockchains; therefore, will be the oracle choice by most....including hyperledger chains

>> No.8169007

how would you reward or penalize independent nodes?

>> No.8169040

LINK is blockchain agnostic and designed to work on ETH , BTC , and Hyperledger.

>> No.8169084


good thing LINK is designed to work on hyperledger. Also a good thing SWIFT is a member of the hyperledger project. DESU, it wouldn't surprise me if smartcontract becomes a hyperledger member.

>> No.8169107

>we are now working with IBM, building them their own oracle node
>on the chainlink network

>> No.8169168

yeah i should post everything from the intranet and get fired. No thanks.

>> No.8169208

good, now fuck off you lying larping worthless lump of shit

>> No.8169219

wow such convince

>> No.8169226

"IBM docs" that are public are often 12 months behind internal. Some of us get annoyed by this but getting more data out there, well we call it "blue tape". I went through a lot of data on the intranet last week, LINK was pretty much dismissed outright, why? The constant maintenance required to re-task the oracles. The AI solution learns what changes and re-adjusts the oracles on the fly. Also, from what I see they were wildly underwhelmed by Link. Don't get emotional about it.

>> No.8169244

Well since your say that you are from IBM
Opinion about Sovrin?;)

>> No.8169265
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>> No.8169271


How sad for you. The way you live your life on here

>> No.8169291

That's some decent FUD.

Still a central point of failure, though. Not to mention still having to trust a third party, even if it's the owner of the AI. Even if you aren't just fudding to buy cheap linkies, I'll take my chances on the decentralized infrastructure.

I will, however, take a closer look at hyperledger

>> No.8169406

companies block out 4chan due to obvious reasons but thanks for the laugh

>> No.8169484


>> No.8169505

yeah it's hard to tether to my cellphone while on lunch break.

>> No.8169529

Are you IBM insider anon from the other day?

>> No.8169548

no. first time caller.

>> No.8169553
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>> No.8169573

gmail is centralised, you think billions of people and 100,000's of businesses give af? no. The decentralization meme is painful.

>> No.8169644

So what is use-case for Stellar in all of this?

>> No.8169658


thanks just bought 100k

>> No.8169659

What coins ARE they interested in then? I've seen a load of coins with IBM advisors so theres gotta be a few

>> No.8169779

Primarily their own, and 2 they are mega into, they just want to fork it. gotta go

>> No.8169783

just because exec's or employees of IBM are 'advisors' of a project, does not mean the company IBM are interested in a shit coin. Plus an advisor is a loose term. Say a few words, point them in the right direction and collect % in fees

>> No.8169801

mods ban this retard

>> No.8169836

I searched coin market cap. No results. Where to buy?

>> No.8169878

Decentralization is a meme? This is how i know you're LARPing.

Without decentralization, what's the point of a blockchain? How would a smart contract be any different than what we use today?

Decentralization makes the data on the blockchain incorruptible, so long as bad actors working in tandem don't control a majority of the computing power on the network. And your google analogy is a good one, and it's why i want humanity to move in the direction of decentralization. Google is evil inc, i trust them as far as i can throw them. They've made some good products that are imperceptibly building a prison around people. And they've already been shown to manipulate search results to suit their libtard agenda.

So decentralization is pretty fuckin important

>> No.8169930

Just buy IBM stock I guess

>> No.8169960

Decentralization is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

>> No.8169977
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>2 specific ones
>gotta go


>> No.8169994

AI based oracle generators are impossible. Ignore this FUD

>> No.8170008

Enterprise clients form a different pool of actors, other than that of conventional cryptos (drug dealers, pedophiles etc) so the requirements are different too

>> No.8170014
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are you retarded?


>> No.8170018

Isn't RLC working on something similar with AIs creating smart contracts though?

>> No.8170028
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>> No.8170039

So from the Leddit page, Stellar

>> No.8170070


>> No.8170071

The minister of finance in South Africa just a few days ago announced that they were going to print as much money as they're able and give it to poor black citizens so "everyone will be a billionaire."
Granted, who gives a fuck about SA, but that is what can happen anywhere you have a single group of people with the authority to make unilateral decisions that affect the value of your currency.

Fuck the fed

>> No.8170074
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Pic related

>> No.8170077

The whole reason for blockchain is get away from centralisation you dumb fucking faggot.

>> No.8170083

The powers to be will smite down crypto if it ever gets to the point where their power gets threatened.

>> No.8170103

Blockchain is a glorified excel sheet lol

>> No.8170117

>Being this dumb
Do us a favour and dont wake up tomorrow morning.

>> No.8170136


So Equifax getting hacked and compromising all of its customers' data is a problem that couldn't be solved by a decentralized credit/reputation network. Cool.

>> No.8170139

You're all just mad because you have to gamble with meme money, why not buy stocks and bonds like the big boys?

>> No.8170160

This is what i think about a lot. How would they do it? You'd have to shut down the entire network, and even then as soon as connectivity is regained, there'll be thousands of backups of the longest chain, so it just picks up where it left off. The only was i could see it actually creating an issue is if they manage go isolate the network into, like, 10 different pieces, each continuing to operate separately, which, if im not mistaken, would create 10 different forks, right? Someone smarter than me weigh in, plz

>> No.8170167

Of course centralization isn't perfect, but it works well enough. Decentralization just trades one set of negatives for another.

>> No.8170170

Custormers being in control of their own data undermines the whole point of their model of business

>> No.8170184

IBM? What's that? Didn't they used to be relevant at one point in time? :^)

>> No.8170191

90% of my assets are in the stock market. But if crypto revolutionizes what i think it will, my 10% crypto holdings should dwarf my 90% equities

>> No.8170211

Smart money already left, it's too late. Everything is going to zero.

>> No.8170217

Yeah that experian hack was just a meme. Right?

>> No.8170239

What else besides that? Another anon already brought that up. Centralization isn't perfect but it works well enough.

>> No.8170248

Smart money has never been in crypto until now.

LINK is where smart money is.

>> No.8170262

The only LINK people care about is the one from Legend of Zelda...that meme project will fail.

>> No.8170279

We shall see.

Good chattin

>> No.8170286

You're the most retarded person that i've seen in the last 3 years of /biz/ fucking retarded

>> No.8170290

>muh prrof of authority

literally autism teer "blockchain"

lost all respect for this when a 22 year old tried to explain all its benefits for 8 hours while saying nothing or demonstrating none of the supposed features.

>> No.8170292
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You guys must be insane:

>LINK will take IBM

>> No.8170294

You didn't answer my question on Sovrin, so you are 100% a faggot kys

>> No.8170325

Nice projection lol

>> No.8170329

kys retard

>> No.8170351

You don't even know what ChainLink does do you?

>> No.8170357


It’s lunchtime in Australia meaning this faggot is a fellow ausfag, and you are also a faggot if you think IBM is doing anything even remotely this important in Australia

>> No.8170375


Of course I do. It lets you play games at chuckee cheese

>> No.8170383

What's stopping IBM from developing their own decentralized network...they probably already have one lol

>> No.8170386
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>> No.8170431

Oh no your baseless speculation is scaring the hell out of me. I better sell now.

>> No.8170434

Isn't it funny how the hyperledger currently runs off the Stellar Network which utilizes Lumens to faciliate transactions?

>> No.8170445
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>gotta go

How does IBM get external API data onto onto a blockchai... oh hes gone.

>> No.8170452


Doesn’t mean the work is originating in Australia

t. I work in banking in Australia and have never heard of this project, and I am a senior analytics professional

>> No.8170459


>> No.8170531

IBM is not partnered with LINK, only thing partnered with LINK is ranjeet

>> No.8170533

It's not a huge priority desu, their network has hella redundancy. I've been on disaster recovery teams that planned for multiple nuclear strikes and how to manage global failovers in such events. Most companies are cucks and want a centralized solution from a 'big boy' to manage their sensitive data. They don't give AF about decentralization, that is the reality, it scares them. They're going to run all their shit through some dude Sergey's nodes LOL, get real folks. You are being emotional and frankly, quite deluded.

>> No.8170554

This project is secret. The files I uploaded were not supposed to be released. The banks that are working with IBM have been approached individually, as they stand to gain and benefit as first movers, your bank may not be apart of this (yet).

>> No.8170568

>the point of decentralisation is redundancy
Sometimes I do feel like an early adopter

>> No.8170571

Exactly, why would big boys want their sensitive data to be managed by autists

>> No.8170593
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>want decentralized network for stability
>want centralized network for control

>> No.8170607

The AI connects to the API, does what you want it to. There seems to be a major disconnect here with people thinking Oracles are complex and require a dedicated company, token and nodes. Oracles are piss easy to setup and the AI makes it even easier, essentially plug and play. Once the AI connects to the API it collates the multiple in/out streams and lays it out visually. The operator builds the oracle by selecting what data and where to write it etc. A monkey can do it.

>> No.8170635
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>Oracles are piss easy to setup
keep going...

>> No.8170660


I 100% believe you work as a mid-level marketing manager at IBM Australia, because your input is just specific enough that it’s clearly something you heard in an all hands... but didn’t you say you had to go? Well what are you sticking around for

>> No.8170672

Nice link bags, marine

>> No.8170685

>Once the AI connects to the API it collates the multiple in/out streams and lays it out visually. The operator builds the oracle by selecting what data and where to write it etc. A monkey can do it.

sorry im high, just read this bit.

but isnt HL supposed to be immutable? The API data is too high risk.
Christ, big blue eh? Tough gig.

>> No.8170688

>IBM is not partnered with LINK, only thing partnered with LINK is regret
'ere fixed it for you

>> No.8170726
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Am I larping?

>> No.8170740
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>> No.8170746


Gross, with nails like that IBM will find you quick anon.

>> No.8170749

goddamn look at that fingernail! you savage beast.

>> No.8170752

Post them more, pls. They're still in denial.

>> No.8170755

Well yeah, once written to the chain it is then immutable. Is that what you mean?

>> No.8170772
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>deluded LINK buyers

>> No.8170780

if anyone thinks this is actual fud, they don't understand oracles or AI.

how could one AI generate both an oracle for winter olympics results and an oracle for wind speed in nebraska? and then an oracle for who wins the presidential election? it doesn't make sense to automate the creation of oracles.

besides doesn't this defeat the purpose of decentralized oracles? if for example the oracle involves some sort of trained neural net, how can anyone confirm it wasn't trained on rigged data?

>> No.8170797


You’re missing the point about it being trustless, but whatever

>> No.8170813

haha cool mate.
Hey thanks for the skinny, bro. What brings you here - besides LINK = trash?

I'm not hearing what youre saying about HL and oracles - you cant afford that off chain risk without a trustless link - its a basic fact)

I like that big blue have some sort of stop gap solution til LINK eats universe, but noone wants to drop their money in The Old God's laps any more. People will trust crypto more than IBM, wrapping that crypto up in IBM kinda defeats the whole purpose m8.

Fucking epic bread tho. I believe everything youve said.

>> No.8170815

Seriously though there’s 0 reason for IBM to partner with an ETH token when they are working directly on Stellar’s platform. Even if ChainLink did anything, what would the token provide? Use ur brain

>> No.8170834
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>Is that what you mean?

yes, precisely. Chainlink is the firewall against that.

t. infosec consultant

>> No.8170846

sold 100k MAN

>> No.8170852

say you want to write a smart contract to pay out if you're a faggot. how does an AI translate "check he's a faggot" into an oracle? the community needs to create an oracle for avenues where people can agree "yes he came out of the closet on twitter" in a decentralized manner.

>> No.8170853


Yes of course there is, chainlink and stellar are not mutually exclusive and they’re trying to fix different problems

It’s like arguing that because we have buses we don’t need cars anymore - they’re different use cases

>> No.8170854

This anon will make it

>> No.8170877

yeah you're a janitor larping as a computer engineer

>> No.8170879
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>it doesn't make sense to automate the creation of oracles.

It sounds brilliant to me and the sort of compute heavy function that can be logically secured.
by distributed oracles.

>> No.8170944

Anything involving payment settlements is done on the Stellar network.

>> No.8170949

do you even understand what it means to automate something as non-repetitive as a generic oracle?

legal contracts require lawyers, judges, juries, and real people to interpret and make the final decision.

smart contracts, if they want to do more than just gamble on random numbers, require apis to get data from ANYWHERE. DATA FROM ANYWHERE. TRY AUTOMATING THAT. i want an oracle that can fetch the name of the top streamers on twitch, and then an oracle that can check if my ex deleted her tumblr, and then an oracle that can check if trump has been impeached, and then an oracle that can check if this russian radio station is still live on the air, and then an oracle to check how many times this flight has been delayed

the current state of ai is nowhere near handling work this generic and open-ended. automate my ass.

>> No.8170966

I know, I just want to hear it from him/her/it

>> No.8171061

AI can't even diagnose cancer, drive cars or beat champion GO players yet. Oh wait.

>> No.8171076

>and then an oracle that can check if this russian radio station is still live on the air
i remember that thread. pretty sure we don't need an oracle for that though. unless it's a nuclear holohoax confirmation oracle.

>> No.8171087

>do you even understand what it means to automate something as non-repetitive as a generic oracle?

Yes, I agree with pretty much everything you said - I just think that machine learning in small use cases would be a thing of beauty and the kind of thing IBM would focus on for niche applications within investment banking so I can believe what OP is saying here. AI is already being used to trade, has been for years.

And he still hasnt answered the decentralisation question. But I can imagine a HL solution as described from big blue appearing within Financial Services in some form, and the underlying tech is only at the level of phase one of LINK. A HL solution as described by OP would give Big Blue some legs in the short to mid, but long term - they still are centralised and the tech has them beat.

>> No.8171116

All of those have strict rules within which the ai can 'be creative'. Also, AI that can play go does not know how to drive cars. Working oracles are a tad more difficult than spawning boilerplate code and changing some variables.

>> No.8171151

those all use statistical inferences on well-groomed data. ai is good at finding patterns among large amounts of formatted data. oracles are entirely different dipass. and how will the oracle be decentralized?

thank you. and yeah i also still think hyperledger is pretty cool

>> No.8171163

i have $100. which ai is the next 100x?

>> No.8171167

>Working oracles are a tad more difficult

Its literally 3 very well reviewed crypto whitepapers mashed together plus whatever theyre doing at blue on HL - totally doable.

>> No.8171178

IBM hasn't been relevant since the 80s

>> No.8171219

Sorry, it's not that hard. All it would take is anyone with data making it compliant for the AI, which then makes it adjustable by the end user. This isn't rocket science. Seriously. I know you're scared right now as you probably have an f-ton of LINK, but it's already obsolete.

>> No.8171251

Wow that sounds serious, do you think we should all sell right now?

>> No.8171267

Are you high? They're close to releasing a quantum computer and their cloud revenue is breaking records. IBM is like 3rd biggest tech company.

>> No.8171286

Don't worry, probably you have a bunch of pumps ahead

>> No.8171296

If you were invested in MSpaint, and Photoshop is about to be released, what would you do?

>> No.8171320
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t. ibm brainlet.

>tfw centralised and untrusted
>tfw your oracle is neither secure nor useful as anything other than cable between banks.

>> No.8171342

hahaha are you old, ibm stock isn't even top 10.

how can the ai confirm you aren't providing fake data? are you retarded?

>> No.8171374

wow, i smell the stench of panic. uh g-g-guys... are we gonna be ok? uh t-t-this guy is retarded... r-r-right?

>> No.8171376
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What are the 2 coins PLEASE

>> No.8171380

Thank you for giving back and congrats on your job, thoughts on Enigma ENG?

>> No.8171389

Thanks for the tips anon Ill sell right now. Damn who knew centralised blockchains were better after all

>> No.8171414

These deluded linkies in denial...
I pity you.

>> No.8171448

BTC can be replaced by an excel spreadsheet

>> No.8171460

t. retard?

>> No.8171550

LINK isn't selling a smart contract redaction service it's selling a network of decentralized oracles.

Setting up a node can be automated. Redacting a smart contract can be largely automated, especially for simple requests like if (apicall.result() == value) { owner.send(amount) }

But the network itself can't be automated. If IBM starts selling those oracles, they'll still be more or less centralized.

What you're describing is threatening LinkPool's business model (setting up nodes for people too dumb to do it themselves) not ChainLink's

>> No.8171584


>> No.8171622

you're actually an idiot. you came on here saying some bullshit, and so far you haven't made any replies that show your technical understanding. you could quite possibly understand nothing about what we're talking about.

>> No.8171642

IBM actually dropped the ball when it came to cloud. AWS, Azure etc... are leaders in the space.

But, IBM is certainly not taking a back seat to blockchain. What I like most is that they see the value in open source and embrace established solid solutions.. I.E Stellar.

As much as people like to bash Stellar I wouldn't be shocked to see them become one of the most active globsl blockchains, in part because of IBM. IBM will bring in the big anchors.

>> No.8171722

>what would the token provide?
compensation for node operators in the chainlink network... you know... the people and corporations that feed real-world data into hyperledger in a decentralized fashion

>> No.8171737

Enigma will be a big player if this crypto bull shit stays around
cool name and cool logo, normie friendly
MIT buzzword
secure private contracts to every blockchain = gg

>> No.8171810
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>Centralization isn't perfect but it works well enough

>> No.8171873



interchain, interoperability, smart contract, icos.

basically eth, ark and link in one. potential or nah?

>> No.8171892

This is going to be big but I can't say much more than that yet.

>> No.8171907

gib names of coins pls

>> No.8171912

>I can't say much more than that yet
100% Rebecca.

>> No.8171928

Yea, you are.

>> No.8171932


>> No.8171938

that sounds good. Is anarcho communism literally what we're coming to?

>> No.8171962


what does it do, make up random data? the only way for an oracle to be useful is if it provides data from the real world. last I checked, you don't need an AI to check the weather for you. and if you boys at IBM think you do, let me know whatever you're smoking, cause I'll stick to the stuff i've got.

and what if you need to provide credentials? go through a non-trivial sequence of steps? if you need to provide all the instructions to the AI at the time of generating (in order to get the resulting oracle), you might as well just go to a real oracle who knows what the fuck they're doing

god some of the shit going on now literally makes me more retarded just from hearing about it

>> No.8172031

IBM is getting kinda desperate, aren't they? Haven't heard the name spoken with respect since early 90s. What do they even do anymore? They lost their once massive market in computers so it can't be that.

>> No.8172056

they build supercomputers or some shit

>> No.8172071

IBM wants to set up a Link node

They want to buy Link for cheap

They create some fud unofficially hoping the price will drop

Buy cheap Link


...otherwise why would an "insider" release such info? could potentially be a troll as well

>> No.8172106

IBM runs most of the world, you just don't know it. I can see why ppl think this though.

>> No.8172128
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>sell LINK asap.
his first post.

>> No.8172147

Only reason I'm here is I put in my notice. Let's just say Antshares was good to me. That being said the opinions here are my own and speculative blah blah

>> No.8172188

>AI based oracle generator
fucking kek my shit up

>> No.8172222

my worry is that some prick who is better funded will just snipe the idea of CL. always been the biggest risk. ill be so mad if they do

>> No.8172227

you're just another roleplaying faggot who thinks it's cute to tell people to sell link.

>> No.8172228 [DELETED] 

Selling my 20-something ANS at like a $70 total profit or however much was probably my biggest crypto mistake. I don't even know what I was thinking as I knew the rebrand was within a couple weeks lol.

And sorry, but since you're quitting, can you give hints on what the IBM interest coins are? Besides Stellar Lumens and ICON

>> No.8172235

lol we get some shit larpers here

>> No.8172250

Will this IBM shit be actually purchasable by the public?

>> No.8172263

Why haven't you answered any of the points made to challenge your position?


>> No.8172276

CL has a massive first starter advantage, not to mention 32 million from the ICO.

>> No.8172340


and now your trying to capitalize on link before its release and want it cheaper?


also your worried about losing your job, but already put in your notice... somethings aren't adding up

>> No.8172342

I'm being vague on purpose.

>> No.8172370

fucking lol

>> No.8172395

Again, nice link stack

>> No.8172440

Opinion on RLC?

>> No.8172495
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>Insider here
>Big announcement soon
>Sorry can't go into any detail
>Gotta go I've already said too much

>> No.8172506

quads confirm how mad i will be. mad to the power of 4. also IBM bro, your name badge tells me that you work in some kind of sales or customer service role. the only people who have name badges work with customers

>> No.8172521
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>don't want to get fired

>just handed in my notice

>> No.8172534
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They don't even try to hid the jew star.

>> No.8172564

Giles and team are very close friends to several here. At a recent event, they got on with our guys like a house on fire. The mutal respect between them is huge. I won't say more than that.

>> No.8172588

>Indian Bowel Movement
>Any innovation in year 2018

>> No.8172593

This is a decent fud thread but it is pretty flawed. An op who actually did know something would speak in a much different manner. This is an example of why autism is bad...because without the socialization you guys can't recognize cues and little tells that op is full of shit so this thread gets a lot of replies

>> No.8172594

I shouldn't drink all night and post.. loose lips o_O

>> No.8172608

Hey anon mind answering this

>> No.8172651

what if the guy larping is autistic though

>> No.8172677


So your french? .... Perhaps even in Lyon

>> No.8172688
File: 48 KB, 1442x486, 13516416461446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To answer the very first question of this thread: You don't.

>> No.8172711

well fuck it then

>> No.8172728

Checked for truth

>> No.8172781
File: 29 KB, 700x269, AI_fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its good FUD but the AI thing is a bit much for me. i dont know much about computers, granted, but the CL applications will be needing to bolt themselves onto all kinds of existing hardware and infrastructure. you would really need to have an understanding of what each of these pieces of hardware does and which output from the device actually relates to which input it is receiving. i think with AI it would be a complete and utter shambles, unless theyve developed it beyond what we know about now. but every time i post around here i still have to train the damn google AI to recognize what a street sign is. i really dont want to hear about how "nobody will trust sergey with their money" given the absolute state of most AI applications. they will eventually become good but i really think a company that doesnt want to get utterly wrecked would want to perfect an AI before putting it anywhere near money. pic very related

>> No.8172867

opinion on vechain? vs icx?

funny thing is alibaba is already working with hyperledger aswell. why would they switch to a public blockchain and buy thor lol

>> No.8172895

What are the cues?

>> No.8172965

probably shit like "i cant tell you" and then telling you. also good LARPers dont pretend that they know everything about the inner workings of an entire industry. its still worthwhile to do the due diligence though, since one day one of these faggots will be real. usually even if it is a lousy show, it leads to a new line of questioning about the subject so LARPs overall are beneficial

>> No.8172979


>> No.8173001

If he's working at IBM there is a chance he is an autist like us though

>> No.8173005

Maybe that he's holding what is either a USB stick or a name tag.
I don't think anybody at IBM wears a name tag except for the front door greeters.

>> No.8173018
File: 37 KB, 1152x864, 1518066100131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP i-is LARPing r-right guys?

>> No.8173180

there is an IBM building in melbourne, australia and it is during working hours and there was sunlight in the photo. the larp coincides with a usual lunchbreak here so im guessing hes australian. he wears a name badge and the only people with namebadges deal with customers and sales i assume. cunt probably does work for IBM but that doesnt mean shit to me, hes probably a sales rep for all we know.

at the end of the day, if IBM was rolling out an AI capable of actually doing this it would be pretty surprising, it would mean that theyve surpassed google. i find that very difficult to believe. if they didnt have that AI ready they wouldnt be talking partnerships and about how theyre going to impliment it by the end of Q1, because AI is really really complicated. these companies brag every time they take a fart to try to bump their stock price and nobody has heard dick about an AI that can write programs, especially from the likes of IBM. make up your own mind on it, im not a genius.

im also biased though. I will never sell my link

>> No.8173289

You're over complicating the situation, and this is one reason many here think Link is 'godlike'. The truth is, it's not that complicated. Training the AI takes minutes vs. custom coding an oracle (not to mention maintaining that oracle). The reality is Link's method is completely counterproductive and not rapid enough for mass uptake (why it will never be used imo).

>> No.8173319

he also said that he tethered his phone to browse the site after someone said that he wouldnt be able to access 4chan from work then he timestamped /biz/ on a computer screen, so i bet he used to sell laptops to people years ago or something.

at the end of the day, even if everything he said was true it wouldnt matter too much to me. ChainLink is a kickass project and their team will wipe the floor with IMBcucks regardless. i like to stay up to date with what is happening around the oracle space but a bit of resoluteness doesnt go astray with a long term hold like this. i made up my mind based on the project to hold under heavy FUD, some shit like this is hardly going to make me sell. im expecting there to be actual real, legitimate, project-threatening news at least a few times this year. hold fast

>> No.8173326

> Training an AI on a relatively complex NLP task that will likely need a good amount of training data.
> A few minutes.

Oh god. You really have no idea how AI works do you?

>> No.8173385

I'm talking to it now, shall I ask him something? His name is HAL.

>> No.8173415

"How big is your dick, HAL?"

>> No.8173416

Okay so I'm not 100% certain that OP is who he says he is, but AI would be able to do that. My background has been with a big 3 tech at mountain view, and AI is much further ahead than you think.

FYI I'm also heavy in LINK and not selling any. There's some flaws in OPs post on the technical side. He could just be some average corporate associate.

>> No.8173493

give me a break. most devs who work on CL will specialize in specific areas and churn these apps out fast as lightning. AI on the other hand is unreliable and literally cant distinguish what is retarded and what isnt. thats why people try to program them to make phone cases automatically to sell on amazon and they make toe fungus phone cases. it would take longer to check through all the crap that they spew out to make sure that they dont lose millions of dollars, than it would to program an API script from scratch. and an AI doesnt program in human readable so the whole thing is a disaster from start to finish. AIs dont even know what words really mean.

now get back to work you have coffees to fetch and asses to kiss. congratulations on knowing so little that you got called out by a brainlet.

>> No.8173507

Can I get a TL;DR of his claims?

>> No.8173513

I'm waiting...

>> No.8173518

and now its just "imo" instead of "i heard from X". GTFO with your namebadge. we fellow linkies shouldnt be squabbling like this, we should be toasting to our future success. you dont need to bother FUDding this coin, nocunt knows about it

>> No.8173560

i think hes a sales rep. if he shows his RFID tag ill be more inclined to think he works in IT

>> No.8173563

ye since IBM wont let us profit off this shit so I'm buying ICX. ICX/loopchain is pretty much doing the same thing as hyperledger but at least I can profit from ICX.

>> No.8173603

can you explain for one who lacks a brain?

>> No.8173663

the people that created ICX developed a private blockchain tech called loopchain for enterprise
they have it running on hospitals/banks/insurance companies/etc already
ICX is the glue between these private loopchain blockchains so they can communicate with each other

hyperledger has the same functionality as loopchain
it's a private blockchain for enterprise
you can't buying any coin related to it so you can't profit off it, unless you buy IBM stock or something

>> No.8173762

I wouldn't recommend buying ICX.
Literally nobody uses loopchain in Korea. Look up their name on google or naver (루프체인 in Korean). There's literally nothing that's not from their website or some paid shill post on steemit.

I mean it looks like it could be a solid project, but the lies around their partnerships is shady as fuck (just look at what ICX hyped for the conference as opposed to what they actually had).

>> No.8173798

that seems like a bit of a punch in the balls for HL. i would imagine that big firms who want to use an application will also want to be able to buy in on the token as well since theyre contributing to its success, unless thats against insider trading laws or something.

>> No.8173819

And just so you know, Samsung also has a blockchain solution similar to hyperledger.
If you know anything about Korea, you would know that this is what will be adopted by hospitals, governments and institutions.
The best and biggest hospitals in Korea are owned by Samsung. The best universities run on Samsung fundings and donation from their alumni who went to work for Samsung. Samsung is like 25% of the country's GDP.
Some literally-whos from Korea's second rate universities (look at theloop and ICX's team, nobody from the 3 top universities in Korea) isn't going to compete.

>> No.8173839

buy link

>> No.8173883

What lies? I watched the conference and they didn't hype anything they didn't have.
They got a bunch of pics of people with the big ass MOU sign on their medium posts, so they're clearly getting some agreements with various companies.
If any of the partners listed on theloop's website aren't legit, I'm sure they'd be sued to shit.

>> No.8173924

It makes sense for some enterprise use-cases where you're keeping everything private. Not having a token to deal with is easier.
The use case for ICON also makes sense because you want enterprise blockchains able to interact with other blockchains, but HL isn't targeting that use-case it seems.

>> No.8173987
File: 533 KB, 459x612, A11A5633-538E-4B96-ACBA-A50BDC66549A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek at this thread. I work for an actual bulge bracket and we had a sit down with IBM to go over Watson and your shit ass company’s suite of AI products and they were dogshit. In fact I went back to the office to short IBM in my PA

>> No.8174033

All the MOUs they have on medium are with some small startups also in the blockchain space. Nothing major.

As for the lies, I was referring specifically to loopchain. I seriously doubt they have any substantial partnership with all the companies they list on their website. Just look at their fucking press page, 3 articles from last year and they're more about blockchain in general than about their company.

I threw a few k in this at around 3 bucks out of patriotism without really looking much into the project. But the whole thing with theloop is fishy as fuck. If you look on the Korean internet, there's absolutely nothing about them.

>> No.8174082
File: 10 KB, 166x304, download (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people think there won't be a cheaper security solution that doesn't involve decentralization?

Why do people think companies actually try and get the best security technologically possible when they actually just hedge the risk of being fucked with the cost of security and choose the most profitable option?

>> No.8174115

poor IBM. thats like being a black guy with a small knob

>> No.8174126

>And just so you know, Samsung also has a blockchain solution similar to hyperledger.
yea nexledger is definitely more similar to hyperledger. another private blockchain with no token to buy.
>If you know anything about Korea, you would know that this is what will be adopted by hospitals, governments and institutions.
seems like both icon and nexledger are being adopted throughout Korea
>The best and biggest hospitals in Korea are owned by Samsung. The best universities run on Samsung fundings and donation from their alumni who went to work for Samsung. Samsung is like 25% of the country's GDP.
Yea, they're big in Korea and they're listed as a loopchain partner. Seems like they target different use-cases with some overlap.
>Some literally-whos from Korea's second rate universities (look at theloop and ICX's team, nobody from the 3 top universities in Korea) isn't going to compete.
what are the top 3 universities in Korea? googling shows
1. Seoul National University (SNU)
2. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
3. Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
Looking at ICX's team, I see at least 7 of their team members are from SNU, 4 from KAIST, and 3 from Sungkyunkwan. Most of the older members don't even list a university probably because they have enough experience working. Seems like a solid team to me.

>> No.8174196

>As for the lies, I was referring specifically to loopchain. I seriously doubt they have any substantial partnership with all the companies they list on their website. Just look at their fucking press page, 3 articles from last year and they're more about blockchain in general than about their company.
thanks for the insight, I hadn't heard anything about this elsewhere and researching it more you're right and it is strange the loopchain use-cases aren't often mentioned outside loopchain themselves. My only thought for why this is the case is that they're not as further along as expected or the institutions themselves don't really make announcements for that sort of stuff. Either way I'm still holding ICX, I think their plans make a lot of sense and I think they can execute on it.

>> No.8174500

You already gno anon, most wont see until it's too late.

>> No.8174699
File: 235 KB, 1334x1000, 5531670a69bedd382f8b4569-1334-1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are still replying to this shit larp? This guy has not shown any technical expertise ehatsoever. Why does biz fall for everything?

>> No.8174792

>Automated ai smart contract with external data

There's no way you work at IBM or have any programming skills at all. More likely you work in the cafeteria. Shit larp dude.

>> No.8174880
File: 12 KB, 258x245, PlzStap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Private blockchain is fucking stupid, just use a classical database or a even google sheet lmao, blockchains are databases sucking at literally EVERYTHING but being open source, immutable, distributed and decentralized, being private defeats ALL these purposes.

It's literally the equivalent of companies in the 90s telling they aren't interest in internet and they want an intranet.
Noone with a bit of knowledge in the discipline is considering Hyperledger as a threat.

>> No.8175159

Chain ID seems legit. Most blockchain stuff at the moment is proof of concept or with small startups, so ICX looks relatively good to me. Better than NEO I think.

>> No.8175235
File: 689 KB, 1080x1080, 1519365405467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming not LARP, all IBM anon is saying is that they have a CENTRALISED AI oracle for hyperledger. That's great desu.

Anyone want to trust smart contracts worth tens of thousands or millions of dollars with these AI powered oracles?


>> No.8175259

Better than trusting a bunch of autists from 4chan

>> No.8175300

If you alright trusting central points of failure, sure, use IBM AI oracles. Might as well use Oracalise.

Not very convincing IBM anon.

>> No.8175370

Is that lilmixedhunny?

>> No.8175391



>> No.8175394
File: 63 KB, 638x479, WATSON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WATSON HAS ARRIVED. YW that's all i can share. buy now