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8151381 No.8151381 [Reply] [Original]

And he is right. He even disses Ripple and for good reason.

Goodbye Blockchain, fair well, you had a good run.


>> No.8151417

Sell goyim sell!

>> No.8151427
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>> No.8151429

Literally who?

>> No.8151438

>money that allows you to eject the middle man is WORTHLESS. SELL SELL SELL

>> No.8151516

>Literally who?

I don't like the man or consider him much of an intellect but if you have never heard of him your should just stop thinking you know anything about what is going on in public debate relating to economics or markets

>> No.8151531

Again, who?

>> No.8151537

"It is high time to end the hype. Bitcoin is a slow energy-inefficient dinosaur that will never be able to process transactions as quickly or inexpensively as an Excel spreadsheet. Ethereum’s plans for an insecure proof-of-stake authentication system will render it vulnerable to manipulation by influential insiders. "

was he on here posting about smartcontracts?

>> No.8151546

>Again, who?

underage and stupid pls leave

>> No.8151554
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good think i'm in it for the unregulated market and not the tech

>> No.8151571

He obviously doesn't know there is already crypto which solves these problems.

>> No.8151600


>> No.8151610

Which one?

>> No.8151617

>“Blockchain wont be big because it relies on tcp/ip”
So Amazon won’t be big because they rely on tcp/ip? The brainletism is extraordinary

>> No.8151618


>> No.8151645

I wasn't going to read this or say anything but I decided to read it and say something. How can any article be more wrong than this one? Practically every statement they made about block chain technology is incorrect, outdated or worse, purposely ignorant and malicious. Let this article be a reminder to everyone here of two things: The people who are against us are dinosaurs, slow and archaic. They do not have the tools to fight us. If they try, they will fail. If they believe they can stop the future, they are wrong. Finally, let it be a reminder that just because a person is powerful and influential, rich and pedigreed, "educated" does not mean that they aren't an idiot. There are a lot of rich and powerful idiots.

>> No.8151663

most obvious fud I've ever seen. average /biz/ poster is a better writer than this faggot

>> No.8151667

>Nouriel Roubini was born in Istanbul, Turkey, to Iranian Jewish parents

>> No.8151678

Holy fucking shit. This article is the exact definition of a retard acting smart. It's just so wrong, the dude must have done so little research and simply convinced himself that his opinions were facts because he wuz smart n sheit.

>> No.8151699

Why is it always a fucking jew? Look, I do my research and I don't jump the gun. But I'm never surprised. Practically every malicious liberal loser in a place of power, especially the bankers and media, is either a jew or controlled by a fucking jew. It's insane. It's a secret society hiding in plain sight. If I could kill all the jews or kill all the muslims, I would kill all the Jews. Jews are dangerous because they hide in plain sight. At least Muslims are somewhat honest about their intention to kill us all and blow us up.

>> No.8151709
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/g/ here

blockchain and bitcoin are buzzwords like cloud and 4k

the normals look at them in awe BUT if you knew shit about technology you'd know its all hype and no substance

>> No.8151720

It makes me hate the average jew. They don't know any better. They aren't a part of the inner circle. Sometimes I think about fucking a powerful jewish girl and joining a powerful family. Not for me but for America. I'd join the secret cabals and find all the answers that we want. And I will publish a book. And they will kill me. And they will burn the book. And they will call me a Nazi. But at least, I will know the truth.

>> No.8151730

if he's so smart then why doesn't he know shit about what makes crypto useful

>> No.8151737

I'm a lead distributed systems engineer and he is right. We always joke at work about you crypto brainlets.

Literally everything in this article is true. I've personally worked on systems that process over 2 million transactions per second.. Fact is, blockchain tech will never scale. It requires O(n) network cost for writes for god sakes.

>> No.8151771

the sad part is you can tell that they understood the value of the technology and the use cases but then they just reversed all the sentences. They took the good and made it bad. They deliberately lied in this article. They deliberately skewed the truth. These evil people are intelligent. And that makes them dangerous. The blacks are low IQ which makes them good slaves, but the Jews have high IQ which makes them good masters. I feel sorry for the blacks because they don't know any better. But the Jews are malicious.

>> No.8151788

hahaha. the whole point of block-chain is decentralization. It will scale with time. By the end of 2020, EOS will be doing millions of transactions per second.

>> No.8151804

What about side chains my dude

>> No.8151816

That's great, but is it decentralized?

>> No.8151822

>if you don't know this random opinion-maker you don't know anything important

ye sure thing, kys

>> No.8151827

but what about for applications that need security over speed? Or what about applications outside of being a corporate datamine? Because that's all I'm doing by putting my data in your faster systems, letting your masters sell my data while they snort coke paid by your work. You got the blinders on so tight you don't even see why decentralization is so useful.

Riddle me this: Why haven't corporation's taken down bittorrent and replaced it with something better and centralized? Oh wait that was never the fucking use purpose.

>> No.8151849


he's basically a mainstream bizraeli

>> No.8151858

Blockchain technology brings power and trust back to the people. There is no greater revolution than the next few decades. I am excited for a world where trustlessness is baked into everything. Where you have the control.

>> No.8151893

>cockroach son of iranian jews

>> No.8151912
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>Blockchain technology brings power and trust back to the people. There is no greater revolution than the next few decades.

you spoke like a brainwashed cult member

your opinion collides with technical facts about Blockchain

>> No.8151922

why is he so obsessed with bashing bitcoin?
why dont he just let go?
if he thinks that the value plummets down 0 anyway just let it go, so pathetic

>> No.8151927

He's actually saying nothing out of the ordinary, and everyoe accusing the author of being a brainlet is a brainlet himself.
Yes, blockchain is a neat "new" technology and will have (niche) uses in the future for real world businesses.
Yes, most coins/ico's are scams/overhyped garbage and will go to 0, indeed mirroring previous bubbles.

>> No.8151965

>but what about for applications that need security over speed?

Blockchains aren't secure at all.

>> No.8151967

Some problems with blockchain technology:

1) All data is REPLICATED and visible to all parties. Stop saying "but muh data protection" because literally with blockchain as a data structure all data is replicated everywhere.

2) Immutability of data. Makes things really bad in practice. Ie: lost my private key to my bank account -> can't ever recover my balance. Someone got my private key and stole all my funds? Can't do shit about it. Immutability comes with massive hardware storage costs. Currently the etherium blockchain is around 100 gigabytes, and etherium's transaction volume is miniscule compared to someone like Visa's. Imagine how big it will be in 20 years. That means if you want to setup a node (ie: a wallet) you will need to download the entire blockchain. Oh, you don't want to download the entire blockchain and will use a wallet service? So much for trustless.

>> No.8151977

Please, enlighten us about what you know about the technicals.

>> No.8151988

>/g/ here
Go back to running damage control for SJW devs.

>> No.8152004

3) If making the blockchain cryptographically secure via proof of work, every transaction must be verified by every node. Total energy consumed by the blockchain is probably quadratic with respect to number of nodes in the blockchain because each transaction is O(n) to verify and number of transactions in the blockchain is also proportional to number of nodes (in most cases, but application specific)

>> No.8152019

yeah dude, enigma's totally not a thing, huh? Blockchain privacy will be coming soon to you for platforms. Nodes will be run all around the world.

>> No.8152028

Cloud computing actually has real world use.

>> No.8152044

You keep listing things that are not a problems with blockchain.

>> No.8152048

ach gateways rely on tcp/ip
nasdaq/omx relies on tcp/ip
visa relies on tcp/ip

>> No.8152075


joking about people who made more money than you ever will


>> No.8152078

The company I work at is actually one of the top 5 DSPs in the world so I know a good deal about internet privacy laws in regards to personal data. Fact is, European law restricts us from keeping any personal data indefinitely. That automatically rules out using a blockchain solution (see "immutability"). It also highlights how dumb blockchains are for anything personal data related because it means you can never delete any of your shit.

>> No.8152096
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blockchain is literally free tech ... and its about to be raped by already established finance/market services

>> No.8152113

100 times this

>> No.8152119


That's not what he said. He said that people who called blockchain a new protocol are misinformed because blockchain relies on TCP/IP

>> No.8152126


What is state sharding

2 million t/x sec on a centralized system. Sick who cares that is nothing. TPS is a technical barrier that will be overcome; it has nothing to do with the intrinsic value of decentralized systems

>> No.8152168


>> No.8152192

The internet is immutable by your logic?

>> No.8152195

ok buddy

>> No.8152216

Imagine my shock

>> No.8152223
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Not even larping this dude is a closet queer and I may or may not have blew a load in his asshole.

>> No.8152224

OK, fine.
>Consider the many schemes that rest on the claim that blockchains are a distributed, universal world computer.
Which is exactly what many are
>That claim assumes that banks, which already use efficient systems to process millions of transactions per day, have reason to migrate to a markedly slower and less efficient single cryptocurrency.
The second statement doesn't follow from the first at all. Blockchain's status as a global computer doesn't assume anything about banks at all.
I suppose this is a generational thing but it's worth noting that he is profoundly fixated on the primacy of banks. Bank adoption is his litmus test for the legitimacy of cryptocurrencies, which demonstrates a profound naivete (or perhaps malicious misinterpretation) of the value of non-bank related forms of value. Ask Greek people who can only withdraw 200 Euros a day, or Venezuelan or Zimbabwean people whose runaway inflation has made local fiat worthless. whether they perceive any value in a global, bankless, super-regulatory form of fungible value.

The whole thing's pretty fucking dreary and I was going to go through it all, but I can't be bothered. The authors literally can't get their heads around the fact that, insofar as the currency aspect of cryptocurrency is relevant, people will want to use it specifically as a parallel economy to mainstream finance. Even if it doesn't work as well as legacy systems (and new structures of blockchain/DAG are suggesting that the book is by no means closed on this this) then people would STILL use it because they don't like the banks, or mainstream finance.

Waving away smart contracts is fucking retarded... Oh I can't even be bothered. Fuck the boomer faggots they can just be wrong, and all the sanctimonious boomers reading this ignorant shit and nodding along can be wrong too.

>> No.8152240

/this/ - same here, Blockchain is just a terrible tech for anything that is supposed to scale beyond a few users

>> No.8152262

It reads like Link fud.

>> No.8152272

OMG I cant believe I won ! good job WTC team !

>> No.8152276

So who?

>> No.8152284

Roubini is some sandnigger who is predicting that "global apocalypse will happen this year" every year since 15 years.
Like most perma-bears he was right once with 2008 and since then medias are sucking his dick.

Also economics is a pseudo science and economists are charlatans.

>> No.8152348

Welp, shows over boys. The dream is dead. Back to our wagecuck jobs.

We just got BTFO. I mean we’ve honestly sort of known it’s a libertarian dream. But if we look at the tech, it truly is shit. Remember when the ETH network got clogged up from cryptokitties? Yeah. I wish I sold end of Dec fuck me. FUCK.

>> No.8152362
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It's another episode of "economist boomer who failed to predict the crypto boom desperately tries to restore his credibility and ego by rationalizing why he was not able to predict it".

The same boomer economist fucks crawled out of the woodwork after the bubble in 2013, too.

>> No.8152379

You realize laws adapt tech or are therefore not enforceable right?
Typically piracy laws are NEVER enforced, everyone here is a criminal in pure legal terms.

>> No.8152404

Oh, and for anyone taking the guy seriously. It's all a matter of what's trending at that particular moment.

>Bitcoin is going up
>Delusional bullish economists everywhere are in the media spotlight, predicting $50,000 Bitcoin by next month!

>Bitcoin is going down
>Delusional bearish economists everywhere are in the media spotlight, predicting the death of crypto forever and ever

Anyone who takes either of these fucks seriously doesn't just deserve poverty. They deserve swift death.

>> No.8152421

>non-bank related forms of value

Lets be honest, your employer will always pay you in fiat into a bank account until the end of days. We can't just adopt a system where no one pays any tax

Then once you get that fiat, you will always spend that fiat at big businesses (who will likely never accept unregulated volatile meme money). The imagined marketplace like world that drives crypto simply doesn't exist

Crypto NEEDS to fit in with our economic system or the economic system collapses.

Crypto sceptics present their arguments in the world the see today, which is much more likely that the dystopian world where people trade shitcoins for grilled rats that crypto fanatics present their arguments from.

If you need to imagine a non existent economic system to win your argument you may as well call crypto a cult.

>> No.8152499

Not worried.
The human torch will tell Doom to fuck himself while the thing pushes his shit in.
screencap this

>> No.8152511

>actually caring about the tech
Faggots, i'm here to make money and so far the market is dying
So it's a lose lose, crypto is not needed
It is interesting tech don't get me wrong, and may be implemented in some logistics but
once again, the world is running just fine with out it
Stop being butthurt faggots

>> No.8152536

Do you not understand what Request Network will do? Businesses can pay their employees in dollars or whatever they want. It will automatically be converted into whatever currency, fiat or Crypto, the employee wants. Tax will be taken out automatically and paid to the government in whatever form they want. The same will occur at the point of sale for sales tax. There are already solutions being built for any problem you can think of.

>> No.8152562

The world ran fine without cars. The world ran fine without computers. The world ran fine without the internet. Shall I go on?

>> No.8152614

Daily reminder that there are no good trips on biz
This newfag nigger didn’t even know about ETH flashcrash for example

>> No.8152617
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>Ultimately, blockchain’s uses will be limited to specific, well-defined, and complex applications that require transparency and tamper-resistance more than they require speed – for example, communication with self-driving cars or drones. As for most of the coins, they are little different from railway stocks in the 1840s, which went bust when that bubble – like most bubbles – burst.

but this whole article misses the point completely.. crypto is about escaping from a dying economic model in which the centralised currency is robbing gentiles of their freedom and hard earned wealth

i wonder who wrote this...

>Nouriel Roubini was born in Istanbul, Turkey, to Iranian Jewish parents.

it's literally every single fucking time

>> No.8152677

threadly reminder that this guy is right
names are only used here as psychological weapons, used by con artists.

>> No.8152687

>crypto is about escaping from a dying economic model in which the centralised currency is robbing gentiles of their freedom and hard earned wealth
Yeah... and that is a pipedream as A. the tech doesn't work and B. fiat currencies aren't dying because unlike cryptos, they are backed with something - the power to levy taxes by the country that issues the currency.

>> No.8152694

The thing is that "blockchain technology" is indeed not something all that revolutionary.
People, especially the media, jumped on the "blockchain" thing when it was the "money by the people (literally) for the people" aspect that was the most important.
Bitcoin was meant as a global and digital version of "community tokens" whereas small communities agree to create their own currency and trade using it.

Blockchain is like the "Cloud", a buzzword. The Cloud is merely a bunch of servers owned by one (or more) company to distribute their storage and computing over, this is essentially the very basic of networking rebranded as "Cloud" and sold to others as some miracle solution to hosting issues.
Blockchain is essentially a p2p distributed database; distributed databases have been around for ages in financial institutions and big intranets, what is "new" here is the peer to peer part making said database open to internet instead of being limited to some intranet.

I think anyone who goes around raving about blockchain has missed to point Bitcoin was actually meant to make... That is, people can agree to create and trade a currency without governmental interference.

>> No.8152703

So basically Request Network is... FOREX?

>> No.8152718

This, exactly this!
The issue we have been facing is the pressure from whales and big mining farms who ended up turning themselves into the same 90% that was in charge of fiat...

>> No.8152766

Is this 2009?

>> No.8152773

People. Do people.

>> No.8152792
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>> No.8152809
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>> No.8152855


Those are some sick lines.

>> No.8152890

>That means if you want to setup a node (ie: a wallet) you will need to download the entire blockchain
You don't need to setup a node to use a wallet
You don't need the entire blockchain to setup a node.
I don't understand how can you comment on technology without knowing such simple details.

>> No.8152895

How is that better?
>http is not a new protocol because it relies on tcp/ip

Not that tcp/ip is mandatory - one can transact with sms

>> No.8152898


He's probably a coretard who bought into the whole "Everyone needs to be able to run a node!" thing

>> No.8152938

>A. the tech doesn't work

not true, not an argument

>B. fiat currencies aren't dying because unlike cryptos, they are backed with something - the power to levy taxes by the country that issues the currency.

not even remotely true, why feel the need the blindy repeat things that arent true and that you dont understand?

>> No.8153018

Are you seriously questioning the power of countries to tax their people? I mean, seriously?

>> No.8153060

I mean that's maybe a part of it. But its bigger than that and will have applications built on top of it. But the huge thing is connection of all money and fiat and the interchangeability of it. You can go to a coffee shop in Houston, Texas and pay for a coffee using Indian Rupees and the shop can receive US dollars. The shop can buy their import coffee supplier with US dollars and they can receive Bitcoin. The coffee supplier can pay their shipping company and farmers in Britain in Bitcoin and they can receive British Pounds. And all of this can happen quickly and on a private or public ledger that is immutable and trust less, while paying the appropriate income/sales taxes with minimal fees of less than 0.5% and even smaller as the network becomes more efficient. It will change the idea of currency exchange and accounting forever.

>> No.8153073

Countries can tax in many currencies and store the tax in whatever currencies they wish using Request Network.

>> No.8153076

literally who

>> No.8153087

Get off his dick will you

>> No.8153090

Finally someone set the record straight. Blockchain is fucking glorified Excel spreadsheet. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.8153103

>Are you seriously questioning the power of countries to tax their people?

i didn't say that at all you thick cunt, where did i even suggest that? nice reading comprehension retard. you suggest that currencies only have value because

>unlike cryptos, they are backed with something - the power to levy taxes by the country that issues the currency

but this is not at all what gives a fiat currency value at all and if you've read a single text book you would know that

>> No.8153122

Go back to plebbit faggot, seriously. I mean, seriously.

>> No.8153214

you guys do sound like brainwashed cult members or political party sheep to be honest. how many of you truly, and i mean truly care about blockchain technology or disrupting the banking system? what he says is true, blockchain tech and crypto are not solving any problems that couldnt be solved better and more efficiently through other means.i believe it will have some niche uses sure, i think currently crypto is mostly practical as a darknetmarket currency especially the privacy coins most have already adopted monero..

why is it so hard for you guys to admit you heard about people getting rich off bitcoin so what you are doing is speculating/gambling on these coins and trading to make profit even if it isnt going to be another bitcoin. theres nothing wrong with trying to play this like a sort of stock market game and try to make some money. the truth is the tech is interesting and used more as novelty than anything else, i mean look at those eth dapps who the fuck actually uses those? who knows maybe im wrong and somehow against all odds crypto will overthrow the banks, altough it would seem banking reform would be a much easier thing to achieve, and maybe we will find a use for the tech that is important, but i really doubt it. until then keep in mind that people that criticize blockchain/crypto arent necessarily part of some grand banking conspiracy, and just admit it when they have valid points

>> No.8153242

the sole reason for the existence of crypto is transferring money from stupid idiots to the early adaptors.
thats it.

>> No.8153266

That seems to be a major aspect of cryptos, yes

>> No.8153271

i sometimes wonder if you guys who say dumb fud like this are accidentally retarded or purposely retarded. it's difficult to surmise your intent when you say so much dumb shit.

>> No.8153285

i sometimes wonder if Satoshi was a true believer in this shit or if he just thought he could make some money. I actually lean towards the former cause how could he know this shit would take off, no one saw this coming

>> No.8153298

>but this is not at all what gives a fiat currency value at all and if you've read a single text book you would know that
Actually it is. The power to tax is the only, yes the ONLY, way for a fiat currency to exist. The whole point of a fiat currency is that a government can pay some value for its fiat currency. Unless a country has assets which are unlinked to taxes (and no such country exists, not even Monaco or the Vatican), a fiat currency cannot work.

>> No.8153317

>Go back to plebbit faggot, seriously. I mean, seriously.
Wonderful argument, how long have you been on /biz/, 5 or 6 hours? And I am talking about your total time from first discovering it.

>> No.8153329

>you guys do sound like brainwashed cult members or political party sheep to be honest. how many of you truly, and i mean truly care about blockchain technology or disrupting the banking system? what he says is true, blockchain tech and crypto are not solving any problems that couldnt be solved better and more efficiently through other means.i believe it will have some niche uses sure, i think currently crypto is mostly practical as a darknetmarket currency especially the privacy coins most have already adopted monero..


>> No.8153358

>ntil then keep in mind that people that criticize blockchain/crypto arent necessarily part of some grand banking conspiracy,
We don't or at least it's clear that the writer of this article is no part of it.
> and just admit it when they have valid points
Nothing he says is anything new and it's clear from the article that he actually knows and understands very little. If you're going to post criticism at least post one from someone who has more then a superficial understanding of how cryptocurrencies work rather then a dinosaur economist who thinks he can see mathematical patterns in what is ultimately mass social behaviour.

>> No.8153367

>what he says is true, blockchain tech and crypto are not solving any problems that couldnt be solved better and more efficiently through other means

No, there is nothing that does what Bitcoin does "better", which is a trusted decentralized currency. Anything that claims to do one thing better will sacrifice something else - be it security, decentralization, immutability, etc.

>> No.8153388


LOL what a nothing article. try harder OP.

>> No.8153413

ok how is it dumb fud to point out that block chain tech and crypto is overhyped? we arent even saying its useless, just that it has specific niche uses and people trying to blockchainify everything is silly. i feel like you crypto kids know deep down that it isnt the world changing technology you want it to be and you only want it to be because you want to get rich off it, are you guys incapable of being honest with yourselves?

>> No.8153432

>fiat currencies aren't dying because unlike cryptos, they are backed with something
Cryptos are backed by consensus. Fiat is backed by state coercion.

>> No.8153486

>Blockchains aren't secure at all.
t. holds 21 million BTC

>> No.8153811

>Muh centralized database is faster
You people need to end yourselves

>> No.8153969

Blockchain tech is overrated. It's only useful for allowing a system to be decentralized with no centralized servers.

However in order to achieve that there is a steep performance/energy penalty.

There's not many applications where decentralization is needed to such a degree. The exceptions being anything where a centralized entity is prone to corruption. The only obvious application so far is money. It's still early for cryptos and blockchain tech, but it may end up that there's not too many other applications.

>> No.8154020

Tits or gtfo

>> No.8154024

Doesn't matter, this bubble is going to inflate. Just need to get out before it bursts

>> No.8154058

How can something be based on anything blockchain related when Bitcoin was the first ever occurance of the blockchain?
>4chan was based on 4chsn memes
??? This sentence makes no sense.

>> No.8154069


surprise surprise

>> No.8154101

they hate Chrisians and always have, they see the white man as their biggest threat since they know they’re doing wrong which is why they would always get kicked out from whichever country hosted them
right now almost all western countries are ZOG and another expulsion of jews needs to take place (and i think it will happen sooner rather than later like people think) pedowood was the first to break, there will be more coming

>> No.8154129
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>> No.8154146

>blockchain tech and crypto are not solving any problems that couldnt be solved better and more efficiently through other means
Yes, please enlighten me on the best way to achieve decentralized computing without decentralization? Distribullted databases, p2p energy, ect.
You're the equivalent of a brainlet back in the 90s who thought books were more effecient than online databases because navigating them was hard and he couldn't see farther than his nose.
I personally care very much about blockchain tech and even went back to school so I can be a blockchain engineer, but don't care about disrupting the banking system. The capabilities of blockchain extend far beyond currency, and there's far too much focus on that factor right now.

>> No.8154148

what do you mean goy? you should always worship the tribe members and how much ((((smarter)))) they are. dont be a bad soyim, worship ((((them))) and follow what they tell you or youre anti semetic

>> No.8154178

>Ultimately, blockchain’s uses will be limited to specific, well-defined, and complex applications that require transparency and tamper-resistance more than they require speed
Or those that need privacy. Monero will be loved among the criminals, drug dealers, paid hitmen-for-hire, money launderers and other elements looking to transact with illegal elements. Probably money transfers in the international scene which are looking for cheaper transactions.

>> No.8154186

No, you can build distributed, trusted servers which are still decentralized yet handle massive traffic volume.. Thats what we already do... thats how modern day internet companies deploy technologies at scale. You don't think all of Google is running on one machine do you?

>> No.8154225

jews have one mission in life, even those that are only ethnically jewish, and that is to genocide and/or enslave all other non jews.

>> No.8154231

He's famous for always predicting bears. But he ONLY predicts bears so of course he's bound to be right now and then.

>> No.8154232

Sharding is pretty fucked up, man. And it only works because you got no trust issues in between the shards. If you introduce trust problems and verifications, the distributed system falls apart.

>> No.8154242

Wtf no they aren't, Google has data centers. These are very expensive, require a lot of energy for cooling, and centralized.

>> No.8154248

>backed by consensus

I was backed by family consensus on whether I will score a hot model girlfriend. Well, it didn’t work out as expected.

>> No.8154264

>which is a trusted decentralized currency

Nothing roared like a T-Rex... doesn’t mean I see a rosy future for the T-Rex.

>> No.8154265

Fuck me is there anything more bullish than factually incorrect FUD?
He even compared it to Excel! the fucking madlad

>> No.8154268

fiat is PEDO PAPERS and I want to bring that term into the vernacular. The statists and their useful idiot lapdogs need to be shown for what they are, pathetic bootlickers for the (((tribe))) who repeat memes like your vote counts or that pedo papers are the only legitimate way of representing value

listen, I’m Canadian and I know that my country is ZOG and that we are a captive people. The government lost the consent to rule over me when I grew up and learned all these things on my own through studying politics, philisophy, and history (something they never bothered truly teaching in the public education system). At this point they are a coercive force in my life and the institutions in society that I traditionally could rely on (marraige, courts, media, etc.) have all been hijacked and repurposed to be used against me

(((((They)))) have printed so many pedo papers there is nothing left for them to buy up, all the goyims land, companies, businesses, etc. have been bought up.

>> No.8154318

Name one good reason why ICO market isn't over

SEC issued cease orders to top100 coins
Banks banning credit cards from crypto purchases which means normies can't pump them now

Face it idiots it's all over

>> No.8154388

/g/ has been calling btc vaporware and botnet since it was less than 1 cent

>> No.8154465

OK, feel free to hack the bitcoin blockchain, let me know when you've finished

>> No.8154669

sweet, so why does it take days to send money from bank to bank then?

>> No.8154689

sweet, so why does it take days to send money from bank to bank then? and is it really the transaction speed that is the problem with central banking? i thought it was the other stuff like the fact that they gamble with your money and then charge you for it, or the fact that they fund both sides of wars to prolong them for as long as possible.

>> No.8154742

>That means if you want to setup a node (ie: a wallet)
what in the absolute fuck are you talking about?

>> No.8154754

This . This boomers , /r/ Buttcoiners are absolutely pathetic .

>> No.8154771

a wallet is not a node you fucking brainlet. do you honestly think that every person with a wallet runs a node, and that EVERY single wallet needs to process every single transaction? WEW holy fuck thats hilarious. watch this anon quietly close the page and disappear.

i dont care when people are dumb, im dumb too but i HATE when people smugly stand on top of a mountain and shout these strange facts that they cooked up in their head as though theyre some authority on the matter. stupidity is excusable, smugnorance is not

>> No.8154779
File: 229 KB, 500x357, 1519147770066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek this, can confirm was in that thread too. Almost every bear tripfag is a newfag plebbitor that bought in december and sold at 6k thinking its over for good and is butthurt he lost so much in the process

>> No.8154782

no you aren't you larping faggit. systems engineers don't joke about anything with anybody because you're a hot pocket eating skinny fat balding beta and nobody would ever talk to you with that dandruff and acne.

t. Chad Thundercock

>> No.8154802

>keeping any personal data indefinitely. That automatically rules out using a blockchain solution
>this anon and his m8s "laughing" at other people
tell me what company you work for so i can short their stocks.

>> No.8154826

tell us how that went down. did you poz him?

>> No.8154830

>Lets be honest, your employer will always pay you in fiat into a bank account until the end of days

no. wrong. employers often pay employees with shares of a company. nothing like fiat at all. you are stuck in your wagecuck mentality. you understand that methods of payment can vary depending on the nature of the business? stop being a nigger

>> No.8154839

>decentralized trustless transactions
>over-hyped technology
pick one, illuminati bitch slut. they just mad cuz they losing that grip on our sheit.

>> No.8154894

the world is not fine. the entire planet is under the boot of central banks and has been for over a century. keep defending your abusive master, though.

>> No.8154911

do white people

>> No.8154917

Quick English lesson for you:
>every year since 15 years
is wrong, it needs to either be:
>every year since 2003.
>every year FOR 15 years.

>> No.8155029

>banking reform would be much easier to achieve
no it fucking wouldnt you monumental mong. the banks own the people who make the laws. give me a break with that bullshit. the ONLY way to kill the banks is to distribute our wealth away from them, and the only way to distrubute our own wealth away is to have some place else to put it. our own marketplace that they cannot touch, currencies that we decide the value of.
i want to destroy central banking and also get wealthy. im in it for largely ideological reasons but a few $$$ along the way wouldnt be a bad thing

>> No.8155045

just dont buy crypto then. its really simple.

>> No.8155050

Coinbase getting served with 2 class action lawsuits

>> No.8155084
File: 48 KB, 736x552, 1511674644424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CASE 1:Stock market does not collapses in the next 3 years.
BTC Continues growing to 37k in 2018 and 55k in 2019

CASE 2: Stock market collapses
A sanders style commie gets elected in the us and populist parties rise in the eu.
Fucking both the dollar and the euro
BTC Reaches 600k by 2022

Either way , no matter how much crypto developers and icos scamers fuck this thing we are going to the moon.

>> No.8155093

LITTERALLY wtf is this guy talking about? Does he even know what tcpip and swift are? Does he understand how many times tcpip has scaled since the 60s? His article is nonsense of the highest level

>> No.8155239

>government corruption at all time high
>literally not one moral politician that i can think of on the entire planet
>not a single moral religious leader
>world being squeezed and rinsed by central banks, over and over and over again
>media dishonesty at all time high, public trust at all time low
>increased connectivity of planet due to technologies such as aircraft and internet
>increasingly digitized world and increasingly digitized personal identities
>adoption of information technology growing exponentially as components become cheaper - indians with smartphones
it hasnt even begun, anon. crypto is like a newborn horse, wobbling around unsure on its feet, tripping over itself and falling flat on its face. but it always gets back up. give it time and it will become a stallion. just because you cant handle the birth pains doesnt mean anything to the rest of us.

you would have been one of those faggots telling the people on the mayflower that their ship was going to sink and theres nothing wrong with england too. you would have said the exact same shit about TV and cars and the steam engine. some people just dont have the ability to see the world as it will be because they keep looking behind them. you just dont have a pioneering spirit

>> No.8155254

quite literally this

>> No.8155297
File: 237 KB, 1196x1819, 71DmDSc17yL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people on this board who are so bluepilled that they will disagree with this post.

>> No.8155317

>Immutability of data. Makes things really bad in practice. Ie: lost my private key to my bank account -> can't ever recover my balance. Someone got my private key and stole all my funds? Can't do shit about it
git gud

>> No.8155323

lol brainlets

there will always be giganerds to run full nodes even if it takes 20k in computing gear (as they made at least 20M so far anyway)

>> No.8155333

i went to university with preston byrne, and i once saw him down a pint of lager and immediately puke it up into the glass. also, he was an idiot who failed out of economics and ended up studying (((international relations))). i wouldnt put too much stock in anything he is writing about

>> No.8155474


This was his statements a few months ago

>> No.8155515

where uwent school, what degree i need to take

>> No.8155661

I think the /r/ buttcoiners quit again .
Close /thread /

>> No.8155726


IDGAF about economists though. It's bullshit jew pseudoscience mostly. So again, who the fuck is he?

>> No.8155740

Neo, eos , xlm, ada

>> No.8155805

Molocholy money

>> No.8155832

good post

is it worth reading this book? i have a few pdf's from these guys that were very helpful

>> No.8155862

Roubini is a permanenr bear. He is negative on everything

>> No.8155917

stopped reading

>> No.8155946

Fucking KEK at that stock image of Bitcoin. It's even got the meme radial blur speed lines. Anyway, the article is complete trash, not simply because of the bearish opinion on crypto, but because you really can't expect to have meaningful discussion of cryptocurrency in the context of an 800 word article written for normalfags that read at a 5th grade level.

>> No.8155971
File: 48 KB, 424x565, 1518488221243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8156109
File: 40 KB, 900x900, 48987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Christians, Moslims and Jews. Fuck you all, you fucking middle-eastern desert hobo worshipping literal cucks.

>> No.8156173

Godlike book, get the actual paper not faggety PDF, also crossing the chasm

>> No.8156200
