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8147451 No.8147451 [Reply] [Original]

who /sip and trade/ here?

>> No.8147470

Had to stop. Worried about my heart.

>> No.8147469
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my poison of choice

>> No.8147489


gets me going at work though

I'd rather relax while trading, if I drank those I'd have to get up and do something

>> No.8147492


I worry about your heart too baby.

>> No.8147513


>> No.8147525

literal posion
only retarded niggers drink this shit after the amount of news stories about heart attacks/ aneurysms / the culminative degenerative effects on the heart, brain and kidneys

>> No.8147546
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>> No.8147548

ITT: Kidney Stones General

>> No.8147567

>literally every drug ever

>> No.8147589

I buy white ultra zero by the case lol

>> No.8147607

i can't stand the lemon lime flavors of anything....

>> No.8147609

oh god 140mg of caffeine, so fucking dangerous

>> No.8147627

yeah idk what the deal is, I've never been into energy drinks or soda and i always preferred coke over sprite etc. but for some reason ultra zero didn't strike me ass too limey and I ended up getting hooked. it's pretty smooth.

>> No.8147643

panax ginseng extract
Gurana seed extract

>> No.8147661


>> No.8147667
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Officially sipless since the new year, after having taken two Ultra Zero daily for the past few years. It's though man.

>> No.8147675

doesnt gurana break down into essentially caffeine as well? kek

>> No.8147692

Be safe lads. I drank tons of monster every week during my last year of college while I was working full time and had to spend a year straight staying up 30 hours at a time multiple times a week. Now I have gruesome bags under my eyes and palpitations. Not the end of the world because I can keep the palpitations under control by staying /fit/ but if I drink even a little bit of caffeine or alcohol I feel like I'm going to die.

>> No.8147734

lol every once in a while some cunt at work is watching a video of someone who chugged a dozen red bulls having his heart beat out of his chest, and idiots think that's some kind of fucking evidence that you shouldn't drink red bull at all

you know, you probably shouldn't drink red bull, but fuck you anyways

>> No.8147736

Take care, but I never found it to have any effect as far as energy went, I sometimes used to take one late at night before going to sleep. The "energy" part of energy drinks is largely a meme as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.8147766

i think everything in it breaks down to caffeine or assists the breaking down/absorption of caffeine /vitamins

>> No.8147812

yes products have multiple ingredients
which one of these should I be worried about
about exactly?
sounds like you abused the product. I wouldn't pin it on the energy dirnks solely, but they obviously enable that kind of behavior.
I stick to 1 a day, I don't want to be taking in much more caffeine than that. I actually switched to monsters from coffee, and my intake was a lot higher back then because I was a coffee autist

>> No.8147830

lets be real. probably all of them.

>> No.8147833

Coffee drinkers have a lower incidence of thyroid disease, including cancer, thannon-drinkers.

Caffeine protects the liver from alcohol and acetaminophen (Tylenol) and other toxins, and coffee drinkers are less likely than people who don’t use coffee to have elevated serum enzymes and other indications of liver damage.

Caffeine protects against cancer caused by radiation, chemical carcinogens, viruses, and estrogens.

Caffeine synergizes with progesterone, and increases its concentration in blood and tissues.

Cystic breast disease is not caused by caffeine, in fact caffeine’s effects are likely to be protective; a variety of studies show that coffee, tea, and caffeine are protective against breast cancer.

Coffee provides very significant quantities of magnesium, as well as other nutrients including vitamin B1.

Caffeine “improves efficiency of fuel use” and performance: JC Wagner 1989.

Coffee drinkers have a low incidence of suicide.

Caffeine supports serotonin uptake in nerves, and inhibits blood platelet aggregation.

Coffee drinkers have been found to have lower cadmium in tissues; coffee making removes heavy metals from water.

Coffee inhibits iron absorption if taken with meals, helping to prevent iron overload.

Caffeine, like niacin, inhibits apoptosis, protecting against stress-induced cell death, without interfering with normal cell turnover.

Caffeine can prevent nerve cell death.

Coffee (or caffeine) prevents Parkinson’s Disease (Ross, et al., 2000).

The prenatal growth retardation that can be caused by feeding large amounts of caffeine is prevented by supplementing the diet with sugar.

Caffeine stops production of free radicals by inhibiting xanthine oxidase, an important factor in tissue stress.

Caffeine lowers serum potassium following exercise; stabilizes platelets, reducing thromboxane production.

>> No.8147847

>sounds like you abused the product
Definitely. I don't think it'll fuck you up if you drink them in moderation, but it's easy to get carried away.

>> No.8147854

yeah sure if you fucking drink black coffee it's good for you

no sugar
no miwlk

>> No.8147855

are you saying you dont know anything?
does anyone know?

>> No.8147859

I drank 6 Vs when they were new and I was a little dumbass watching a movie with friends
by the end of the movie I couldnt look up without a major headache

retards gonna retard
the difference is the accumulative damage this shit does to your body
you faggots are addicted like any other junkie

>> No.8147873

>drinking carbs
top fucking wew lads

>> No.8147895

You do realise that people can die from consuming too much water?

>> No.8147908

are you asking for a report on the carcinogenic effects of each ingredient?

or would you rather the damage over time caused to organs by the daily intake of said product.

you know what you're doing and how it increases your risks.

>> No.8147961

ultra <ZERO>
im just hoping some anon can provide some actual info instead of talking out of his ass
what is the appeal of just typing out the meaningless shit you wrote thats just based on...nothing?

>> No.8148007

can you tell me about this cumulative damage of 1 energy drink per day (occasionally skipped and replaced with a coffee?)

>> No.8148018

fine be a nigger im out

>> No.8148021

why are you so obviously triggered over being highlighted as what amounts to a junkie?

>> No.8148041

keep shilling your BS faggot
anyone with half a brain keeps clear of this shit

>> No.8148050

This conversation is over, sweetie. I need to blow old dudes for /sip/ money.

>> No.8148058

hurry up and get AIDS you queer

>> No.8148071
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>not drinking it black
wew lad

>> No.8148074

i use real drugs, i dont care about being labeled as a junkie
people are just saying dumb things in here for no reason other than they vaguely feel these products are inherently bad or something, because they are easily misused. yes caffeine is a drug, and its addictive. i dont really understand, do you cry about health effects or call people out on being a junkie whenever they smoke cigarette or have a drink?
like if youre gonna make multiple posts claiming something is so obviously bad, is there anything of substance?
cuz, I've done my research, and I wasn't convinced that my usage was bad for me in any way

>> No.8148087
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What I'm missing is the original red bull. I'll seem old, but the krating daeng in the brown glass bottle was so tasty. Is there anywhere to buy it online?

>> No.8148096

if you have so many brains why can't you break it down for me?
what I actually find intelligent people do is not dismiss things outright because of vague fears that they've never actually investigated
stupid fucking biz niggers man, I'm triggered because I'm sad I still come here to argue with people who drop lines like 'water can kill you if you drink too much' and think that means anything

>> No.8148121

i just get a dark roast no milk or sugar cause im not 5 years old

>> No.8148125

If ain't white it ain't right.

>> No.8148160

Look, you're a junkie rationalising his drug of choice, I really dont give a fuck about you or your health to go out of my way to prove you're hurting yourself, I just like to speak my mind and get alternative seeds out there for anyone willing to put their own research in.

This isnt like weed, its more like meth
Rationalise it all you want, you're ingesting much more caffeine than what is stated on the can, because many ingredients are essentially just that

enjoy being a brainlet

>> No.8148164

once you go black...

>> No.8148197

Coffee with sugar or milk doesn't keep me awake at all, but once i tried that black...

>> No.8148200
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>retail food and beverage distribution warehouse 10 minutes from me
>any pallets that get shaken or damage have to be put aside and can't be shipped
>i've been stealing crates and crates of red bulls from these pallets for months now with no trouble
>3 red bulls a day +, 19 years old
>my heart is starting to feel heavy in my chest

i thought it was just a meme lads

>> No.8148209

see, if you're gonna claim I'm getting extra caffeine, that should be really easy to link me to, because I've never seen that, and my own experiences with caffeine in many forms has always been very consistent in terms of my own sensitivity

>> No.8148213

i agree with you completely

the first step to treatment is admission

i am addicted to these
they are like fucking crack

>> No.8148230
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Like I said, I dont care about you.
In fact, maybe I am now prodding to keep you in an obviously defensive stance over something you enjoy as a hobby, as a frequent vice.
Maybe now I want you to fuck yourself.

>> No.8148251

To get off it just drink coffee instead

>> No.8148256

I used to drink blue Vs like CRACK

self control is what you lack
and its what you need to cultivate

>> No.8148259

caffeine withdrawals (headaches) suck, cut back instead of going cold turkey if you're trying to get out.
also even if it's like double the caffeine from listed (you're a brainlet if you actually believe this), that's still 280mg, pretty OK. although if it were really in that terrotiroy, I would feel it

>> No.8148264

lol this finally migrated from /fit/ huh

>> No.8148300

thats cool, I knew you wouldn't deliver. i'm glad you were excited to get me responding. it's a subject I'm autistic about and I would have liked to have my actual views on it challenged.

for me its a way to get a caffeine fix, that's what I'm addicted to, not the monsters. if I became convinced energy drinks themselves were bad, I'd switch to a different source (back to coffee or gum), not quit caffeine entirely.

>> No.8148321

ah so youre projecting
you weren't able to handle a fucking beverage responsibly so everyone should watch out
desu drinking 2 a day feels like shit unless they are very spaced out, so I think I'll be fine
I was faring much worse with coffee because it's so much tastier and so comfy to brew

>> No.8148332

you just want to argue you little fucker you.
you're a big boy
you can make decisions for yourself
drink more

>> No.8148352

i would love to crack one open right now bro but I can't and won't

>> No.8148377

I never maxed two a day, and those were the small cans meaning one large can a day max

"like crack" means I was never out of stock, always had boxes of the shit ready

the fact you are here both making a thread about it along with arguing that its all good means you obviously enjoy it to the point where you will rationalise anything as 'anecdotal or an "exceptional case" and you want to develop a culture of people also telling you they do it and its ok, like a typical junkie

go on, drink to your hearts content

>> No.8148392

>that last sip before bed

>> No.8148416

please no

>> No.8148480

i hope someone but me can learn from my mistakes, not all will listen or even care but i can't be concerned with those.

>> No.8148594

Just take a break from it until its no longer a vice

>> No.8148597
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Logo is 666 in kike script. Enjoy your poison retard.

>> No.8148637

did the jews really just poison me?...now i have to learn some hebrew to see if this is true

>> No.8148676

>Germany the jews where poisoned
> America the jews poison you

>> No.8148688
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>> No.8148749


Monster Energy drink is the work of the devil!!!

Or perhaps some graphic artist created a logo that looks like a 'M' and also looks like claw marks you'd get from a monster with three claws.

>> No.8148789


>> No.8148793


rly makes u think

>> No.8148897
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That says unleash the beast? Definitely not a coincidence. Up to you decide whether this can brings good or shitness into the world.

>> No.8148916
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ok but who really cares. alot of that logic can be applied to everything but will it really stop you from drinking? no

bottoms up faggot

>> No.8149077
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The ones who do care are the elect. Stay apathetic retard.

>> No.8149162
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lol right. keep thinking that

>> No.8149277
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Will do, with dubs of truth on my side.
