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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8139801 No.8139801 [Reply] [Original]

redpill me on this shit. is it too late to hop on the OMG train?

>> No.8139898

Too soon, rather. Staking rewards will make this thing huge.

>> No.8139956

Don't fall for this usual shit, there are HUNDREDS of payment system established in asia that are already well adopted. Many of them have already included crypto. Omisego is competing in such a huge market that it is doomed to fail.

>> No.8140004
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- Omise is an established payment company that processes billions of dollars in transactions with multinational merchants in Thailand
- ETH's Plasma network was developed after Omise met with Money Skelly
- Big-dicked advisors Vitalik and Poon (Bitcoin's lightning guy) advise the project
- Plasma and OMG will be able to process a million tps on ETH child chains that can keep out bad actors
- OMG holders will be able to stake their tokens to validate the network
- As adoption increases, staking rewards will increase, and the price of OMG will increase even more as the limited supply gets locked away for staking
- OMG is a practically invisible layer that facilitates the exchange of ANY ASSET OF VALUE
- Any company can add the OMG layer to their payment processing without the autism of crypto being in your face
- Totally fungible assets means that things like banks, governments, airline miles, video game microtransactions can all coexist and provide liquidity on the OMG network
- Is already working with Thailand to unbank the banked (https://www.omise.co/etda-national-digital-id-with-omise))
- $1000 EOY

if you want a quickrundown.pdf here:


>> No.8140016
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>> No.8140161
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>> No.8140185

That was not convincing at all

>> No.8140234


Hurr many of them already included crypto = meaning they fucking accept bitcoin, litecoin or ETH

> None of them are currency agnostic
> None of them are able to handle unlimited transactions
> None of them have Software development kit wallet which allows easy integration to blockhain tech

Comparing this to a normal payment processors which just accepts btc is fucking retarded.

>> No.8140781

stay poor faggot

>> No.8141709

>money skelly


>> No.8141729

For real though, i'm all in on OMG, do you really think we can hit $1000, then you can probably guarantee $500 right?

>> No.8142099

1000 is very optimistic, i would say 250 - 500 is probable.

>> No.8142270

Almost certainly if they achieve wide adoption. I'd put it above $1000 this year depending on where BTC is how far they get on their 'roadmap'.

>> No.8142400

I have 10 Eth and it is not a comfy hodl. Should I go all in OMG ? I do hodl 650 OMG atm.

>> No.8142523

If ETH goes to 3k and OMG goes to 100, better to have all in OMG, ETH has already had its moon in terms of percentage increase

>> No.8142706

Only have 400 will I make it?
Could've have 800 if I swapped ven for omg when it got dumped to 10$. But fell for Thor meme

Now just hodling the ven no point selling it at 5$ for a 17$ OMG

>> No.8142750

Thank anon. I guess I will.

>> No.8142796
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Honestly, I could see $1000 being the ATH this year with a correction down to $700. As long as they keep hitting their roadmap landmarks this token is going to moon hard.

>> No.8143018

and beyond that? Where do you see this thing if successful in SE Asia in 3 years?

>> No.8143167

1500 reporting in.. 10,000 EOY