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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8136762 No.8136762 [Reply] [Original]

I can't believe how comfy I am holding this now. Excited for the end of March.

>> No.8136812

devs have been offline in the discord for 2 weeks now, i was going to buy, but i think ill pass, odn looks worse by the day bleeding lots of poo poo

>> No.8136845
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Your loss :)

>> No.8137180

I saved 1500 for keks. If black gets his way, $50 and beyond eoy

>> No.8137197
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we will prevail

>> No.8137226

I dunno. I'm not convinced black is the autistic genius he's made out to be. I'm paranoid that maybe the company stopped communicating with him because he wasn't being professional enough. There's no indication that his coding is any good, and he argues in public spaces. He's probably more of a liability.

>> No.8137250

lol nice FUD. blackstone is a coding God and more professional than anyone

>> No.8137309

ill buy in 2weeks, i think it will go lower, i am a strong believer in the project but i dont like that the team has been absent from the discord, to me its too scary, ive been burned in the past

>> No.8137336

>absent from discord
more untrue FUD

>> No.8137360

>blackstone is a coding God

Absolutely no one has seen his code. His app is buggy, and two months has passed with no great progress. I'm not saying this project doesn't have potential - it does, but I think the community is misleading itself in believe that Blackstone is some dragon-slayer that knows what he's doing.

>> No.8137422

god I lost my ass on this shitcoin. literally all my fucking bags are -70-100%

>> No.8137472

they are theres only sagemark and shad, all the others have been offline for a while now, not saying they wont come back.. also when asked on the discord that pajeet mod lies about it... so i dont know...