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8133296 No.8133296 [Reply] [Original]

ur daily reminder that people who bought Bitcoin below 500 dollars were the early adoptors and we are here just trading bags in a zero sum game

>> No.8133355

>implying the majority of the population knows what crypto is about
>implying they are aware there's more than Bitcoin
>implying we've already explored all the possibilities of blockchain technology

>> No.8133396

>implying a 500B dollar market cap is crypto peaked
>implying your IQ is 12.666666

>> No.8133422

Fuck, I bought at 600. A-am I a late adopter?

>> No.8133450

these are all good points as to why OP is a fucking idiot

>> No.8133549
File: 103 KB, 500x659, tumblr_lhwq78dM4h1qz9muno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought at $500
>back then retards like op wrote that "the early adopters" bought sub $100 or sub $10

And in 2 years you're gonna be talking about how the early adopters bought at 10k or some nonsense.

I know a guy that bought around 450 and sold sub 300. Trading is ALWAYS a zero sum game.

>> No.8133565

Ok and... why post this? Why do I need a reminder of this? What do you expect me to do with this information you have so benevolently bestowed on me faggots?

>> No.8133588

I bought for $10 in early 2013. You poor fags are all late adopters.

>> No.8133833

expected taste in men from such a brainlet OP

>> No.8133872

that's my friend chuando.

he's over 50 years old btw and a really nice guy.

we could be brothers

>> No.8133938

>text over words

Fuck you, normalfag. Go choke to death on a poster of a cat hanging off a tree with cutsey shit written on top. I hope you marry and have three children and each one of them dies a horrible death before the age of 13, then your spouse dies as well, and all your are left with is the choice of how to kys, you fucking faggot.

>> No.8134076
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OP is a moron again.

>> No.8134262

what was the quality of the dotcom bubble before popping? shit websites all over the place.
what do we have in crypto? shitcoins and icos all over the place, growing exponentially in number since early 2017.
Internet was world changing tech. Crypto isnt. No one uses it save for speculation. If blockchain somehow gets fast enough one day, it wont involve some shitcoin with huge price fluctuations. That defeats the whole purpose of a currency.
Your graph is retarded and so are you

>> No.8134400

No one used the internet at the time of the dotcom bubble besides some early adopter nerds. Many people thought the internet is useless at the time. Messaging? We habe telephones. Watching movies? We have cinimas. Reading? We have libraries. We don't what crypto will bring.

>> No.8134569

we know where this is heading. Is the focus on the blockchain tech? no, the focus in on making money quick. Its a recipe for disaster

>> No.8134652


"ur" daily reminder that Google, Ebay, Amazon stock was worth pennies after the dot.com bubble popped.

>> No.8134678

>Internet was world changing tech. Crypto isnt.
>Crypto isnt.

Hindsight is 20/20, eh? People like you thought the same about the internet back then, you shit for brains.

>> No.8134833

Fuck off faggot

>> No.8134850

fight me irl, bitch

>> No.8134856

but bitcoin is worth 10,000 or more you stupid fucking nigger

bitcoin is more valuable then most companies in the world right now

think you autistic monkeys

>> No.8134858

faggot containment thread? faggot containment thread.

>> No.8134867

Whatever ah gua lol

>> No.8134983


you are comparing the internet (almost instant transfer of information across the world), google (massive databases, search algorithms) and amazon/ebay (e-commerce dealing with real products and cloud computing) with crypto shitcoins dealing with literally nothing but energy waste, that cant even function as a real currency because of price fluctuations. Face it its only speculation on what 'might be', not what currently is, since nobody is actually using the tech.
Blockchain tech may survive, but its use won't be currency. If or when something truly game changing involving blockchain comes, all current shitcoins will drop to zero. In the meantime, crypto only use is taking money from idiots, and whales and bots are winning big time

>> No.8134984

if they can't see something this obvious, don't bother forcing them.

>> No.8134998

what are your thoughts on smart contracts and oracles?

>> No.8135016

It's so easy to tell you weren't old enough to remember the 90s/early 2000s you fucking retard
Do you not understand what hindsight is

>> No.8135032
File: 41 KB, 540x720, 1520183624014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin really might reach $1m per btc by 2020
How do you feel about it, anons?

>> No.8135068

internet was created by the fucking military. From the moment of its inception it was already useful, there was no doubt of its potential among nerds.
Now with crypto even the nerds programming blockchains know its a fucking scam to make money and what they're creating is worthless with no real use. Every single niche is being exploited, just attach the world blockchain to it and make millions. How? because of shit for brains like you who buy their useless tech

>> No.8135070

retarded Rajesh, fuck off

>> No.8135100

say what? i was born in the 80s you fool. Comparing crypto with the internet is so retarded it hurts. As if crypto HAS to grow that much and be that big, just cause you hold some shitcoins

>> No.8135103

Only a redditor would get that angry over a tumblr image

go back and stop trying so hard to fit in with le edgy 4chan faggot

>> No.8135115

before you made a slight argument, now you're just FUDing. moron.

>> No.8135119

fancy words to milk more btc to sell for USD, the only reason everyone is in crypto

>> No.8135130

>internet was world changing tech
>Crypto isnt
it's idiots like you that help me realize im still early

>> No.8135141

>speaking truth = FUD
i know the truth hurts buddy, you can still make money dont worry. But this wont last forever so start making good trades now

>> No.8135146

you're describing the current state of the crypto market pretty well, but at the same time you seem to have no clue how big this shit's gonna be. in december i felt just like you about it, you're almost there. do some research other than muh 4chan, it's gonna be hard no to get flithy rich in this market oer the next few years

>> No.8135175


>> No.8135183

Kojima looks like THAT?

>> No.8135184

early to experiencing blockchain tech? maybe. As I said it may has its uses which arent being explored due to the get rich quick schemes. Why develop it further when you can create shitcoins and promise anything? retards will buy anything
early to the crypto fad? fucking no

>> No.8135263
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>trying this hard to be edgy

That pic was actually saved in 2011, most likely from /b/, back when you were still discovering masturbation. Kill yourself and/or gtfo our site.

>> No.8135273

buying a coin which exist right now? i doubt it, unless there is some huge normie wave like dic/jan but a hundred times bigger.
Then it would have serious impact on the world economies but most would get burned in the long run due to greed

>> No.8135287

Meant for this cancerous newfaggot over here

>> No.8135301

this is why i like OMG. it integrates crypto into the global marketplace without all the stupid jargon and autism that turns normies off.

>> No.8135302

that was very disappointing to read. are you still using your HP computer from 2003 anon? you sound worse than my boomer relatives

>> No.8135314

I agree with you

>> No.8135337

I bought BTC in 2011 though.

>> No.8135390

and you're gonna nail the google of crypto, right?
its probably the shitcoin you're holding.
There is no future amazon and google of crypto. Those companies solved real problems. Crypto just moves money around. Whales make the most money and when new money stops coming in they will sell it all before most of you fags can even react and there goes your 'investments'

>> No.8135415

Rather accurate. You guys are too late for Bitcoin. However, even if normies know about crypto, they don't know anything beyond BTC. Invest heavily into smart contracts. No normie on earth knows what the Fuck is a smart contract.

>> No.8135419
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>> No.8135425

idk man maybe i got annoyed by stinky linkies. So whats the deal with smart contracts and oracles which doesnt involve ETH?

>> No.8135447

No, but there will be projects that are undoubtedly insanely useful. I never claimed the ones I hold will be in the top 5 several years from now but to think crypto won't be widely used in 5-10 years just means you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.8135496

widely used as in how? used as speculation to make money? maybe, it was used this way 5 years ago, it may still be 5 years from now. World changing tech? doubtful, unless blockchain sees uses beyond volatile currencies

>> No.8135498

I own 3000 ETH purchased at 4.00 to 10.00 do I count?
I actually also bought 10,000 Lisk at .20 sold that for BTC at 500.00
My brother thinks I sell drugs.

>> No.8135510

probably the worst graphic ever made

>> No.8135552

i know people speaking the truth about crypto annoys the fuck out of you people, cause you want new money in so they buy your bags. But that just shows how similar to a ponzi all this is.
You're no better than jews. Fuck off and try to fix your dying countries, faggots

>> No.8135598

at least drug dealers provide a product, you contribute nothing to society. Make good use of the $ faggot

>> No.8135637

No fucking idea at this point, just like no one had any idea about Google or Amazon at the internet's inception

>> No.8135797

theyre retards because they dont know anything about the tech
there is definitely money to be made scalping idiots and that is the case for any industry especially a burgeoning one like blockchain
short term price movements are fun to make money on.

With that said, there is definite long term value investing in this space even if people currently believe that the bluechips are overpriced (btc/eth/ltc, etc.) People thought these were all overvalued years ago and they were all proven wrong.

Another aspect is that the major financial institutions and even nation states have been developing their own proprietary blockchain tech for a few years now at least. The battle for open source vs. proprietary blockchain will be interesting to see play out in the next few years.

Ultimately it is my belief that open-source decentralized solutions will win out in the long run, that is not to say proprietary tech. doesn't have a place, but when you look at metcalfe's law it will the be open source stuff that will be the most valuable.

I wouldnt be surprised to see BTC become the world reserve currency and serve a similair function to gold with fiat if nation states decide to replace fiat with blockchain in the future

>> No.8135849

>it happened with internet therefore it will happen with crypto
nigger, if there was true potential here big tech companies with billions would be looking into it. They would have teams working on it.
Dont forget this tech is built on other tech, namely the internet. This isnt the 80s or 90s where computers were hot shit and the internet was groundbreaking stuff. Everyone has one now and even pajeets are making shitcoins.

>> No.8135875

This anon Gets It
This anon does not

Penury and Woe is already the wages due secondanon's brainletism

>> No.8135894

You realise.... That they are, right?
>Who are IBM and what do they have to do with Stellar

>> No.8135914


SG represent
didnt know sgs come to 4chan

>> No.8135931

>if there was true potential here big tech companies with billions would be looking into it. They would have teams working on it.

like i said, you're FUDing.

>> No.8135934

Fuck off loser

>> No.8135936

but anon that how life works, people build ideas/solutions on top of already solid ideas/tech. Since everyone already has internet means we could see this thing really go mainstream much more quickly.
Sure there are a lot of useless products and scams but same could have said about the early days of the net. Strong will always prevail.

>> No.8135941

a currency with limited supply cant become world reserve currency. Its very nature causes fluctuations in price too big for the big players to trust. It will never stabilize.
Now state backed blockchain or currency is something i see happening. No better way to track everyone's expenditures and tax your ass than a public ledger. But you won't be able to make money off it like now, because it won't be limited supply.
The blue chips coins are way overpriced. Its one thing saying ETH or BTC has a lot of room for growth when they were only 100x, but now? At one point people become sceptic, and start asking, why is this worth thousands? nobody i know is buying stuff with it

>> No.8135961

anon please...
whatever, idiot. Cant even have genuine discussion about crypto now. Its all fud and fomo. Kys

>> No.8135965




>> No.8135989

you faggots are not getting my point. Im not saying crypto will not have adoption, im saying this adoption will be the very same reason you got in, to make money buying low selling high. No world changing tech here, just pure speculation and getting rich quick..

>> No.8136020

you're denying that big tech companies are doing anything related to crypto/blockchain. you are retarded. have fun staying poor and behind the times in 5+ years.

whether you like it or not, this shit is here to stay in one way or another and the fact that you don't see it is too bad, for yourself that is. have a nice day

>> No.8136042

they see big money moving around, they want a piece, its only natural. Having stakes in your shitcoin does not equal working on the tech and finding real use cases

>> No.8136063

Apologies, it was just the first thing I could think of. Large companies are looking into crypto though and no doubt they'll do a whole lot more than look soon.

>> No.8136096
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>> No.8136101

We will see about that, it is my belief that in the long term BTC pricing will not be nearly as volatile as it is today, as for a fixed supply not being able to be a reserve currency we will see about that as well (gold was used as reserve before but it is arguable if it is a fixed supply as more gold keeps being found and mined as long as it is profitable, just like crypto mining).

At this point no one knows how it will play out, admittedly btc becoming a world reserve currency is a longshot and unlikely but it is fun to entertain the thought and try and follow the logical conclusions of the idea.

As for nation states adopting blockchain, we are in agreement there. A dream of mine is to find a way to separate state and finance just like state and church were separated in Europe hundreds of years ago. The short term consequences of doing so were bloody but it paved the way for the renaissance in Europe and moved the people away from corruption and collusion between the two institutions.

Right now we are at a similar crossroads, it is obvious to anyone with two eyes and a working brain that the state is buying votes from stolen tax money (I say stolen because the funds are misappropriated to keep giving themselves more power and control over you and the affairs of the country and it's inhabitants). They import the dirt world into the first world to keep their ponzi of """"social security"""" going and to tax more heads. They also buy the votes of women and useful idiots by promising handouts and transfers of wealth. In the end everyone is so busy infighting for scraps given out by ((((them)))) that progress is stymied and the civilization stagnates.

>> No.8136109

I mentioned Bitcoin in my econ class and only 3 people knew what I was talking about. And this is UCLA we are talking about. It gave me hope that maybe we are ealy adopters

>> No.8136116

fucking IBM can shit on vitalik and his kid coding and erc20 tokens, they can shit on every single coin out there. They dont cause they have a reputation and they focus on tech not fads. Crypto is a fad, there is money yes. May last many more years, yes. But there is no groundbreaking tech here like the internet, dont fool yourselves
>muh decentralization
is the mark of inefficiency

>> No.8136156

>insert brainlet image
Duhhhrrr white paper ICO cryptos should add up to 10 trillion market cap
Because stocks did


>> No.8136201


It sounds like a pipe dream, but I genuinely do believe that crypto is the vehicle that we can use to stop politicians from buying votes with their printed pedo papers and eventually we can go to the next level by throwing off these parasites from our backs and taking back political control from women (a major destructive political force in the west)

if you look in the annals of history you see every major civilizational collapse was precipitated by importing foreigners to do the work and enlist in the army and by giving women sexual and political """liberation""" (how can a woman be politically liberated when she can't even appreciate the responsibility of political decisions?). It is kind of like """liberating""" a chicken from the farm and letting it roam in the wild, it won't appreciate this ""new-found freedom"" and will most likely die or return to their owner.

>> No.8136217

I unequivocally disagree that the reason they haven't "shat on everyone" is because they simply choose not to. New tech is being explored by large companies, and lots of them will use it.

>> No.8136280

>one crazy thing happened
>sure won't happen again

remind bears are eternal losers and will never profit off of dumb shit because they suffer from plebbit tier rick and morty "I AM SMURTER THAN EVERY1" mentality

>> No.8136305

the problem with separating state and finance is you may lose the concept a nation's economy. Markets will go full global, more than now. That along with your idea of a global currency paves the way for the destruction of nation states and the dream of world domination becomes a real possibility. Domination by the ultra wealthy and who's gonna regulate them?
The problem isnt the state per se, the problem is the current state. They must be replaced.
A state backed blockchain currency can prevent fraud, you could track what the gov does with the money. Every citizen could.
See im not against blockchain, im against this shitcoin speculation fad. It will end bad but it may pave the way for better stuff after millions go broke

>> No.8136329



LINK $1000 EOY

>> No.8136412

no dumb fuck i'm just realistic
theres a difference of what stock companies brought to the table and what meme money brings to the table
cryptos might be here to stay, but for the moment they aren't solving any fucking problem
they are making certain things more convenient
most are ico get rich quick schemes that will not be around
I love crypto, but let's not get it twisted
We know it is full of autists trying to 'make it' and not actually a technology that is world and life changing RIGHT NOW

>> No.8136414

only way i see that happening is if you can actually buy shit with crypto. Then you dont rely on these printed pedo papers. But current crypto is too volatile for merchants to price their products with, thats the problem with limited supply. You compare with gold, but nobody buys groceries with gold.
Why do they import foreigners? three reasons one you mentioned, more taxes. The other is, destruction of your country race by mixing and the third is because they are cheaper labour.
If you separate finance from state, who's gonna stop your companies from importing millions of these cheap labourers?

>> No.8136436

>flappy triceps

>> No.8136464

at last someone realistic. Holy shit this board is turning really autistic. Everyone wants to scam each other and when someone speaks sense or truth they all jump on him "fudder!" "stay poor faggot". Cancer all over the place

>> No.8136529

they had 8 years to explore blockchain, why havent they made any progress?

>> No.8136552

bought btc back at 140 had 22 btc in my wallet once, had over 400 ltc when they were about $4 ea I hold nothing now

>> No.8136666

Perhaps they didn't take it seriously until the last few? I know not the inner workings of IBM-like corporations and I suspect you do not either

>> No.8136696

Is this the new tulipmaina post?

So even boomers start to agree it's not a tulipmaina but still thinks bubble. I can't wait to sell you my bags when mcap reaches over 4-5 trillion

>> No.8136715

nice quads fag.
>they didnt take it seriously
these corps are at the forefront of tech, they probably looked into btc and blockchain the first year it showed up and concluded there was no sellable product to be made. If they saw potential they would've developed it by now

>> No.8136758

why would you sell at 5 trillion if its not a bubble? will it be a bubble then? what if it goes to 10T?

>> No.8136773

Welp I guess you just got fuckin' dumpstered by KEK. We'll see which of us is more suicidal in 5 years.

>> No.8136789
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>comparing today's developed internet with new tech like crypto

>> No.8136801

all good points, ultimately when i mean separate state and finance i mean moving away from monolithic nation states as we understand them
they have caused untold carnage and the slaughter of millions the past 100 years.

people in the future will look back to the practice of the monolithic state buying votes via printing money and stealing from future generations as barbaric

my thinking is that the trend will eventually reverse and we will move to more localized governance models (a la city states). what function will government serve when it becomes more and more obvious that we do not need them anymore to build mega projects like we used to

governments used to fund themselves on tariffs and import taxes but as the last 100 years have shown us, the scope of their intrusion into the private lives of their subjects and never-ending and encroaching thought and language policing via useful idiots and weaponized wombs is becoming too obvious to ignore. people are still coming to terms with the last 100 years of developments and hindsight and emotional detachment from the events of the past will make it clear that monolithic nation states and matriarchy gone wild are the biggest threat facing the human race today and need to be dealt with before we can continue

>> No.8136873

We definitely have a similar outlook on the problem we are facing, but we are coming at the solution from two different perspectives.

It is my belief that the concept of state ( the need for a Leviathan as Hobbes put it to provide structure and security from the chaotic and arbitrarily harsh forces of nature) will go out of fashion as the need for a megalithic state is no longer required to achieve this goal. That is not to say that there will be no form of governance, quite the opposite governance will play a more important role, however it will be a more local role where it can more readily and immediately address issues relevant to their constituents instead of trying to run an entire billion population country from one centralized committee

>> No.8136897

I was playing online games in 1999, this is before the dotcom bust

>> No.8136940

>1 post by this id

And sage.

>> No.8137143

i see where you're coming from. You are libertarian minded. The issue with local governance is the leaders dont see beyond their little realm and struggles for control of more territory and strategic resources may arise. A strong centralized state is the way to keep a big territory for your people, thats why these monolithic nation states succeeded over the idea of fiefdoms.
Say you live in the US and every state governs itself, with its own military. You are fragmented and more vulnerable. This is a harsh world and war will always exist. You will fight amongst yourselves. In the end its a matter of ideology and your points are valid and probably have its advantages, but i think the centralized look is more realistic of human nature, humans whose great empires always occured under strong, central powers.

>> No.8137165

I am hearing echos from the dotcom bubble kek

Stupid bear enjoy getting liquidated. 400 Billion marketcap isnt even high for something that can potentially replace or compete with banks not even accounting for ICO platforms, smart contracts and RFID use case. 10 at least 5 to 10 trillion mcap before this shit implodes bigtime

>> No.8137225

>new tech like crypto
which hasnt had any major breakthrough in 8 years. People were sending messages across large distances when the internet showed up, just like we are doing now.

>> No.8137271

A global decentralized immuteable currency anyone can have on their own is a breakthrough of its own. Just because you word it to sound unimpressive doesnt mean it isnt. Bitcoin also chose features to ensure its security above all else.

>> No.8137291

itt eth, wtc, ven and link holder. No one will buy your shitcoins for millions
>use case
the company which needs blockchain for their rfid, smart oracle or whatever builds their own, they dont buy your bags. Stay deluded

>> No.8137347

yes it is a breakthrough, it would actually be useful if it could be used as a currency and was stable.
But it isnt so it remains a speculation tool. Go look at bitmex, thats what btc is

>> No.8137365

Alibaba is already implementing block chain for their shipments
They didn't mention which coin they are using
Probably because they built their own
lmfao, us bag holders are fucked

>> No.8137408

Why everyone bother to speak with this retard after this >>8135119

>> No.8137444

Not to mention that's based on a fiat backing. Btc kinda kills fiat

>> No.8137445

and why would they be using their own coin, which would be 100% centralized and controlled by them, and thus completely pointless? do you have any idea what you're talking about?

>> No.8137473

shut up stupid linky, i dont give a shit about your smart contracts or oracles if they are to be used with current shitcoins. These are real computer science problems which you are not solving
yep, if or when blockchain is adopted, these companies are not buying your bags

>> No.8137513
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>blockchain can only be a speculative coin

>> No.8137544

Literally doesn't know what blockchain is and why
those coins exist. Please kys or at least learn about tech before opening your mouth.

>> No.8137587

so tell wise one, why would alibaba use blockchain? in what form does it improve its business. Doubt its efficiency

>> No.8137613

Agreed, a strong centralized state is still the way to keep big territory and protect your people.

My point is that this may not be the case for much longer, albeit we are still a long way off in terms of our lifetimes but not that long when you consider timescales measured in multiple lifetimes.

We are approaching a stage in our development as humans where the pros of living under a big empire are beginning to be outweighed by the cons. I mean if you look at post WW2 it is clear that europeans are worse off and their future as a people is in very serious jeopardy. Their leaders are actively hostile towards them and the police state isnt actually used to curb the criminality but rather police their native population and protect the decision makers from any backlash (mama merkel being a perfect example)

I unironically believe that people will look back and realize that the migrant rape epidemic in europe and the general lawlessness and capriciousness of western politicians as well as unrestrained feminism as the major trigger and catalyst for cryptocurrency exploding as it has and as I believe it will continue to do

>> No.8137632

>googles why ali baba is using block chain
comes back acting smart

>> No.8137637
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>why would an e-commerce company use a blockchain

Going to assume you're trolling

>> No.8137653

As I said I'm not going to bother talking with you cause you think that smart contracts is just a fancy word. And this is fucking stupid question anyway.

>> No.8137695

thats not a problem with the state as an idea, thats a problem with their current leaders and the structure they put in place, ie modern social democracy.
A strong centralized state just does that, centralizes power. This power can be used to improve your country and lead your people to greatness, or it can be used to harm them and import foreigners and force feminism. Its like a weapon. A knife can be used to cut bread or it can be used to kill. Doesnt mean the knife is bad

>> No.8137753

With Steam abandoning BTC crypto has negative adoption rate.

>> No.8137769

what context are we in? Crypto. Smart oracles in crypto space and oracles ARE fancy words in this space, thats how link a total shit erc20 token has a 200M market cap. No one of you shits even heard about these concepts before last year bullrun so dont come pretend you know shit.
no, honestly tell me. In which way does it make their business more efficient and why are they doing it now and not years before since its such and improvement?

>> No.8137794

smart contracts*

>> No.8137879

rfid with smart contract blockchains will save any industry hundreds of millions a year.

Almost any simple contract can also be replaced with smart contract to save even more. P2P payment internationally is also tremendously easier without loss due to exchange rate.

Overall the current tech in development will be a multitrillion dollar market

>> No.8137924

The technical leader of the company, Tang Ren, told a Chinese news outlet,

“Although the concept of blockchain has only recently started to emerge, it has a very wide range of applications. We firmly believe that this is an Internet-based technology, not a tool for speculating on currencies.”


Proving my whole point in this thread

>> No.8137944

yes, exactly
im actually unironically sick to death of brainlets who can't separate the speculative game on exchanges from the tech and what's in store. there's a massive gulf between these two areas, it's so funny when people think that market action (especially for shitcoins) means anything in terms of what things will look like 5 years from now. they are two different games, don't mix things up and assume that 'good projects' are actually 'good' or that this will even play into the price in any correlative fashion

>> No.8137958

but it wont be any of the current shitcoins! They build their blockchains cause it improves their business, not for you to speculate on. It will moon alright, in the form of shares of the company in the stock market...

>> No.8137994

the tech and what's in store is separated from the current crypto market. You are saying it yourself. Therefore no big companies or institutions are buying your bags. This is my whole point

>> No.8138122

The state as an idea is like communism as an idea, my point being that power is a bigger addiction than anything else in the world

The reason that the power always ends up being used to harm the people is because the power brokers and wielders will work to harm anything that they perceive as a potential threat to their hold over that power and this is in fact the natural and inevitable result of such a system.

Voting as is done in modern social democracies today (ie. western countries) is a tool used to keep the people placated and make them think that there is someone out there counting their opinion and listening to them. Mark Twain put it succinctly: if voting could change anything it would have been made illegal.

My point is this. Mediocrity and dumb people have always retarded progress and through their crab-in-the-bucket mentality they have made it harder for great men to succeed and achieve. It is my whole-hearted belief that the gap between the haves and the have-nots should actually widen even further to the point that the horde (aka the sleepwalking masses) will not be able to dictate how great men will live their lives due to their greater numbers

Regarding war: war is just a continuation of politics when other means and options have been exhausted. War will never go away, but they will be waged completely differently as we continue. Conventional war is costly, ineffective, and a mess. Most war efforts and costs are spent on subverting and weakening your enemy from within and waging a marketing and PR battle to degrade your opponent and win over more allies to further your cause.

>> No.8138159

nigga i'm here to make money, i dunno if you are a goof ball cuck and want to support the 'tech' of your coin
But if my coin isn't bringing me back gains it is SHIT
So his point is valid, i'm not stressing out checking charts trading for no reason. I want a nice return

>> No.8138180

If any of this tech is used it will need to be staked or mined worldwide. Why would a company go out of their way to develop their own platform to develope dapps on when there's already plaftorms connected to existing companies? Shit like NEO/ICX/WTC/VEN are going to be the future. Companies have no reason to develope their own shit. We just need to buy their shit now and profit off of PoS. But you're too stupid to see any of this.

Cryptomarket is here to stay. Decentralized immutable digital assets will eventually replace stocks and securities as well. It saves money. It cuts out middlemen. No reason not to in the longrun. Your scope and mind is so narrow and short that you are very close to missing out on a once in a lifetime oppurtunity

>> No.8138266

Meant for

>> No.8138272

and how would it be any different if power is local or distributed in small communities? you say its the nature of power. Only the range of influence this power has would change.
I agree with mediocre people dragging the rest down with them. Thats why you want to put the great men in charge, to do the opposite. Lift the mediocre, make them as great as they can be.
On subverting and weakening an enemy, it is easier to do so to a fragmented country/territory than a centralized power

>> No.8138338

cause these platforms are shit and cant be used in the real world. Cause they are COINS, speculative tools. The blockchain tech these companies want to use are NOT coins:

The technical leader of the company[Alibaba], Tang Ren, told a Chinese news outlet,

“Although the concept of blockchain has only recently started to emerge, it has a very wide range of applications. We firmly believe that this is an Internet-based technology, not a tool for speculating on currencies.”

They have billions to hire good programmers to build better solutions than these shitcoins

>> No.8138391

And yet they're deciding to partner with the coins developers instead of building their own kek

No, unironically stay poor

>> No.8138430

>muh partnerships

"Alibaba’s foray into blockchain technology does not necessarily indicate that the company has any soft spot for cryptocurrencies though. Not too long ago, in December 2017, the company’s founder, Jack Ma, said that while he had no personal or business interest in the asset class at the time, his company was making significant headways in blockchain technology. Lynx’s announcement is likely one of the few early results of Alibaba’s foray into the field."

Stay deluded. No one is buying your bags

>> No.8138469

Are you the fucking faggot with 2 million that always tries to start threads to humble brag? Kill yourself you fucking nerd

>> No.8138500

in the case they do partner, they will hire them for their experience programming blockchain, to create new ones, not pour millions into existing shitcoins. These tokens are useless for them, why would they need a shitcoin priced in sats which goes 10% up today, 20% down tomorrow for their logistics?

>> No.8138536

Yep just like someone wouldnt invest in microsoft because jpmorgan could just use their money to hire programmers to make their own operating systems

Genuinely curious, how old are you?

>> No.8138573

When I say localized government, I do not mean the complete dissolving of federal or national governance
I mean fundamentally I am speaking about something different from you in that, in my opinion, there is no meaningful political solution to these problems. A return to a feudal or tribal state is out of the question, yet it is clear that modern social democracies are not equipped to handle the new challenges presented by developments in disruptive technologies and fundamental shifts in philosophy and thinking.

Funny enough, I feel that 4chan itself is a great model and is the best social media platform on the internet now. I believe eventually we will be able to more tangibly track global consciousness and leverage this for decision making or policy changes. New developments in the understanding of what an emerging consciousness is and what reality fundamentally represents are coming and will change a lot of what we understand today. In fact I think it will be so profound that it will be akin to when mankind started harnessing fire or using language and communication to pass down knowledge between generations.

>> No.8138610

>these simplified comparisons
no, how old are YOU?
its ok i know you hold lots of these shitcoins bags and want bad to see them moon, but real world business doesnt work like that.
As if Alibaba was going to buy millions in fucking eth to then pump your VEN. What would they do with the VEN bags? explain in your words what purpose would it serve them. Do it faggot

>> No.8138713

Do you have any understanding on how these platforms work? Or do you think they were just going to assign 1 ven to each piece of fruit or computer part with some magic power? Unironically dyor

>> No.8138769

yes technology changes the whole paradigm so its not just about politics anymore. This sounds weird but you may be able to program politics in the future and set it in stone using blockchain maybe. Like the constitution for example, set on the blockchain, impossible to modify or nullify. The internet really makes it difficult to go against globalization in a way too, so who knows what kind of societies and politics will emerge.
But look at 4chan if its a model.. we cant agree on the simplest shit. The whole world cant agree on anything. You cant have any type of governance with disagreements so I foresee nation states will prevail, but their internal structures will change a lot

>> No.8138837

tell me how something with price fluctuations as big as they are (ven $0.1 to $8) in crypto can have application by a real company dealing with billions. Its all talk to speculate. Show me these partnerships

>> No.8138875

>tfw you didn't buy 10000 dollars of btc in 2013, why even live?

>> No.8138931

since i have to go (going to a meeting) and the conversation was really good id recommend these books and see if they look interesting to you:

Programming the Universe: https://g.co/kgs/Z9JZMo

I am an engineer undergrad and did my masters in quantum information and quantum computers at Waterloo Canada. What you say does sound weird, but is completely within the realm of possibility and correlates with a lot of what I studied and what even this book talks about.

Anyways, cheers and thanks for the stimulating dialogue, always appreciate sharpening up my ideas against someone who has valid counter points and rebuttals.

We will see where this all goes, and I believe all of our predictions will be way off from what reality is (especially the further ahead you try to predict).

One thing I know we do both agree on is that the current system is horribly under-equipped to deal with today's problems as well as tomorrow's problems. I have faith in our generation (brainwashed SJWs notwithstanding) to turn this ship around as we are way better than boomers (regardless of what their cucked opinion pieces write about us). I truly believe we are one of the greatest generations and we will prove this in our lifetimes. A lot of us are children of the internet and 9/11 and we are just beginning to see what we are capable of.

>> No.8138953

also this book:

Cryptoassets: The Innovative Investor's Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond
by Chris Burniske


>> No.8139080

i will look into them, thanks. Yes we are the generation standing at a crossroads and its up to us to build a better future, but there is wisdom in the oldies we have ignored quite a bit.
Good luck with your career

>> No.8140104

Thank you, and all the best to you as well.

I agree with your statement that there is a lot of wisdom in the oldies, I'm not saying they should be ignored. What I am saying is that our parent's generation are actually in the rare position where they lived better than their parents and their children. And it is because they were the ones to ignore the past and threw the baby out with the bath water (aka free love movement, drug movement, pedowood, """"social democracy"""", etc.)

The reason history repeats itself is because the people in the present always look back at history with the prejudices of today. Ironically it is our generation that is re-introducing themselves to the past teachings DESPITE what the modern globohomo agenda is dictating.