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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8128636 No.8128636 [Reply] [Original]

Who else started investing in January and has currently made 0 or negative money?

Be honest.

>> No.8128654

I did. Fuck.

>> No.8128665

it hurts, man. I invested in good coins too

>> No.8128674

I'm near zero, but pretty pleased with it since at one point I was down 40%

>> No.8128686

3 weeks ago, at least I haven't lost money as of today's rally, plus I'm learning a lot.

Technically for the same span of time I'm outperforming my mutual fund, so it cant be that bad.. ;_;

>> No.8128691

I started in early January and turned $2000 into $70000

>> No.8128697

yeah, me too. h-hodl, right boys?

>> No.8128715

I bought thousands of dollars worth of FUN at double it's current price.

>> No.8128728

I bought DRGN at $2.50
People on the board today have been saying it's mooning, but shits still not enough for me to recover my losses
>pls kill me

>> No.8128735

I started on Nov I'm only up 10x. Feels bad man.

>> No.8128758

Started on November 28th, watched 1300 go to 10k, mostly due to Neblio. Now I'm around 3300. I don't really care, I haven't bought any more in the dip, I am expecting my portfolio to be worth around 50k in two years.

>> No.8128794

I'm still negative. Fuck Litecoin and Ripple

>> No.8128853

I have 90 in and at 88.50 with ripple saving my ass. Feels bad to be poor with no more money to spare kek

>> No.8128886

I’m down but I firmly believe that my coins will go up
Trying to buy the dips

>> No.8128887
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I started with $100 on December 18th.

Not counting what I've mined since then, I've mis-traded that original $100 down to probably $40. I followed the memes of trying to chase pumps, fomoing, panic selling and all the other rookie mistakes. Cheap education, I guess.

Currently sitting at about $260 including mining rewards, plus 6.6 btcp, which brings me up to just over $300 total, so I'm not doing too badly I guess.

>> No.8128905

Uh huh. Bullshit. Post coins and qtys you lieing redditfag

>> No.8128915

Started Nov, only up ~4x. Feels bad....

>> No.8128926

Started dec 24th with 140$ now have 8000$.

It's not that hard

>> No.8128928


im up about three hundred dollars, from like 2 grand put in

it's ok

>> No.8128929
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>Lying to impress faggots on a khmer horse breeding forum

>> No.8128943

What coins?

>> No.8128945
File: 11 KB, 231x399, 2018-03-04_23-46-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup. this shit makes me feel dumb as hell. still keeping at it though.

>> No.8128952

I started february 1st with $1000 and made $1,000,000

I'm also a decentralized oracle that has knowledge of every event with 95% accuracy

>> No.8128966

Stay in BTC whenever I'm not scalping. Just rode the green candles when I could. Been hard this last two weeks though until today nothing has been really moving that much. made 300$ on ripple today and back in BTC for the rest of the night

>> No.8128988

Also a hint for you. DGD is the inverse of bitcoin

>> No.8128990

Started 1 hour ago with 2 bucks. Made around $400 000 (1 mil ATH).

>> No.8129006

I did. Gonna hodl to oblivion

>> No.8129074

i made $300 today for a job that took two hours in total...

>> No.8129103

those who didn't sell

>> No.8129145

March will have you well in green even if you dont sell the top

>> No.8129163

I bought PRL at 8 cents, was never red. Wish I sold some at ath though

>> No.8129218

I started investing in early December. I gained so much between then and January. Fucking at least x3 in every coined I touched. TRX to ICX to AION. Made me some good money. Then the fucking bear market came. I lost about 30% of those gains and have been stagnant for about a month. I just want my bull market back. BTC is doing fine again, but alts are just bleeding. I buy the dips thinking they’re a good buy and then they just keep bleeding.

>> No.8129229


>> No.8129275

Started trading when I saw this thread. Initial investment was $100. Already at $500k. Not that hard.

>> No.8129291

Me. Why did I have to buy into the hype of a dying market?

>> No.8129300

1250 into 360 atm

but my BTCP will fix it once it starts trading

>> No.8129301

I'm pretty much only up 5x right now. I fucked up quite a bit. Learned a lot but still pretty pissed at myself....

>> No.8129307

Not a dying market, just a long bear market. But when you started in a bull market a bear market seems like hell.

>> No.8129310

Should also mention I'm still down 1/3 of my initial investment.

>> No.8129349

We are coming and we are coming in waves

>> No.8129371

Started on January 19 and slowly bleeding ever since. A lot of my holdings are thoroughly rekt because I bought at or near ATH

>> No.8129505


Started late Dec 2017, FOMOd on Ripple like a fool. Done my arse, bought high sold low, sold a shit load of ETC for around $15 when everything died, paid $44 for it.

Finally just coming into the green in the last week after putting what I had left and another $1000 FIAT into OMG/GVT/NANO

I hope my year ends well.

>> No.8129528


>> No.8129554

Bought in when the first tanking was going on, only have like 2 weeks saving invested. Breaking pretty much even, but that's after all the costs to get fiat in and move it around and then withdraw to wallets. I was more just planning to have a little fun, but now it's pretty boring.

This basically. The only thing that really bugs me is that now my folio isn't all just doing exactly the same thing in all my coins, I never would have picked XMR to be the mover...

>> No.8129561

yah I started in January.,
Jan 2017. 0 profit


>> No.8129571
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You sure didn't invest in NintendoCoin.

I've double my ETH stack since yesterday.

Is it NintendoCoin on Etherdelta legit?

It got shilled in several telegram groups I'm in, so I'm thinking to put a couple ETH in it. What /biz/ thinks?


>> No.8129632

Made 10k this month mining some random shitcoin never shilled here. Mined 2mil during the test net, devs jewed me and didn't make testnet funds spendable, mined as soon as it hit the mainnet for a few days, wasn't making millions in a few days like before so I went to mining other coins, 3 weeks later I see it added in blockfolio and saw it was 50 cents, at first thought it was just another coin with the same initials, checked the charts and saw it hit 2$ a week before. Coulda had an ez $60k if I was checking up on it, wish I kept mining it because difficulty is way up now ;_;

>> No.8129664

I really don't understand shit like this. Why do you people sell? Is it because you spend money you need to pay bills and have no choice?

>> No.8129709


I didn't know it was a normal yearly trend, I thought the whole crypto bubble had burst, was an extremely autistic knee jerk reflex on my behalf.

I've done my homework now, hopefully I can just move on and forget about it.

>> No.8130111

No shit OP, it’s been a bear market since January.

But, if you’re smart, you know to hodl with iron hands ideas you want your investment to pay off.

>> No.8130247

about 30% down on initial investment - started jan 3rd... feel i am in decent position to only go up from here with some luck

>> No.8130294

5o percent down. Tried to buy dip aswll

>> No.8130357

Here. Not feeling too bad though, been climbing back steadily as of late. I believe in my coins, in september or a bit later we will be more than fine anon.

>> No.8130392

the fuck are you all doing. I started mid January, was down 60%, now up 10%.

>> No.8130419

Def down on sat value and obviously on dollars. On Bittmex I sent 66 just to play around, I'm up to 98, so maybe that's the thing for me, I'm not going with much leverage I try to make 1$ a day but I'm afraid because the way I do things there is anything but rigurous.

>> No.8130535
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started mind feb trading ...

invested 700$

lost 90$ on ADA - binance;
invested 3300$ more - traded LTC only on gdax (0 fee)

lost 40$ LTC trading
gained 350$ LTC trading

didn't make many trades trying to figure out shit and see how it rides

everything is a scam in crypto

- rumors being bought, and dumped at the more realistic news

- exchanges are the worst > they are literally interconnected - gdax - bitfinex - you name it also linked are $ € pairs + you offically compete against gdax/coinbase own bots in trading ... hilarious

- orders, volume, price action most of it isn't influenced by real dealings but made up and shoved around to emulate liquidity/interest/action

unless you know whats going to be low

buy low sell high might as well be buy high sell low


right now the only safe bet is BTC > keep watching the market dominance ...

that said - shitload of ICO starups (and their shitcoin) are awaiting to be axed in the US)

tether is surely up for the chopping block as well - this gun be ugly soon

... also tons of shills in this space just obvious and disgustingly dumb

>> No.8130570

would be negative if i didnt have Monero in my portfolio

still hoping LINK will come good tho

>> No.8130573

Me, I put in about 3k and am now at 1.7k-ish. would be a bit more if i didn't get fucked by zcl

>> No.8130850

Made first crypto buys Jan 30-Feb 7 and am still even.