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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8126346 No.8126346 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a college senior with a strong technical background. I want to make money off of 3D printing, hit a roadblock on ideas. I own a i3 Prusa Mk2 (pic related), paid $300 for it broken and got it working.

What should I print and sell? I was thinking of mini "hardware" store on campus during the farmers market our SGA puts on every few weeks.

>> No.8126351

AR lowers and uppers

>> No.8126357

first create material that's cheap flexible and hard at same time and then we can talk :^)

>> No.8126372

hmmm, selling that on campus, audacious, how could I slide it by. Call it nerf gun upgrades?

>> No.8126378

3D printers are for prototypes you faggot. No one is retarded enough to buy shit made from a 3D printer.

>> No.8126390


>> No.8126402
File: 46 KB, 628x472, measuring_cube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh kinda true

you'd be surprised how many people want stuff like the measuring cube (pic related)

>> No.8126415

dragon and tentacle dildos, sell them to feminist-multi-gender groups on your campus

>> No.8126419

they emit toxic fumes, so don't 3d print in a non ventilated area. You're probably out of ideas cause you already fried your brain from fumes.

>> No.8126433

no can do, the feminists would have me out on my ass plus campus is 76% male

>> No.8126465


>> No.8126491

short answer: no they dont

Long answer: depends, certain materials like ABS have a slightly higher aersol emission than PETG and PLA but still not at an appreciable level to require any above average PPE. Pus, VOC emissions only happen when the material actually burns and doesn't melt, which granted happens to some extent because there's always alil thermal runaway but again not enough to be worried about.

>> No.8126505

I always wonder... every anon that replies to this shitpost is a normie right?

>> No.8126512

Just print something cheaper and more reliably than the chinese who have way better setup and a more streamlined process than you

>> No.8126519

You got a point some people have made million dollar businesses out of retarded shit.

>> No.8126539

help me think of shit the retards want anon

>> No.8126542

rent it out for custom prints.
i think anything done more than a few times is not worth it.

>> No.8126555

how many times we gotta teach you this lesson old fag

>> No.8126561

i kinda like pla smell, its like sugar

>> No.8126584

that looks retarded as fuck

>> No.8126610

I made an ABS slip-on baffled silencer for a Crosman pellet gun that worked really nice for a few years until one of my drunk friends broke it. It was fun, but good luck selling such a sketchy and niche item to people.

>> No.8126661

maybe if I sold at parks?

>> No.8126954
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Guys listen.

I have the best ide

guys listen

I have the best idea ever


I'll print PRINTERS



I'll print PRINTERS
guys listen here


>> No.8126968

dropship link cubes

>> No.8126978

im already doing it, fuck off

>> No.8127043


Is that model good enough to rip off warhammer 40k figurines...?

>> No.8127123

Print tether

>> No.8127140

yes it is

>> No.8127213

You joke but that's how some 3D printers used to be made. They were shipped as kits using shitty temporary components then you were to 3D print the beefier upgraded pieces yourself.

>> No.8127236

At first I thought so, but it stores really nice. Compared to storing measuring spoons or a stack of cups.

>> No.8127245
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When metal printing improves I want to start a fer forgé printing business.

>> No.8127280

Print Tether.

>> No.8127327

Honestly this. You could make a killing ripping these off. Even in the chink counterfeit business there is only about 1 reliable supplier, and even he sucks balls. Idk why it is, Games workshop must be really good at shutting down counterfeiters ot the chinks dont really know what a huge market it is. Mfw played some warhammer 40k today.

>> No.8127433
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Good idea. What park? Also city and state?

>> No.8127495


Just need a laser scanner then. Sell on Ebay for righteous bucks. I think Warhammer 40k figures might be worth more than their weight in gold - not sure, but it can't be too far...

>> No.8127513

>Games workshop must be really good at shutting down counterfeiters


>> No.8127548

>Knee pads

They are very popular here

>> No.8127551
File: 43 KB, 600x640, 20_Cones_with_text_960x1024__18355.1503933404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I have an actual perfect solution for you hope you're still around. Wish I could demand 10% of your profits but idk how.

But print this and sell it to all your pothead friends for 20 bucks, it costs 30 on Amazon. It's called the Pack n Puff

>> No.8127679

what about just printing as a service for faggots to print whatever retarded shit they want

>> No.8127696
File: 124 KB, 1080x1680, phone_rings-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me a phone bumper case that has the option to put a metal plate for a little magenetic ring that can be placed anywhere on the back unlike the adhesive ones that can't be moved when placed

>> No.8127720
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guitar picks, tooth pick, butt scratchers or plumbus

>> No.8127724

http://www.blackmagic3d.com/G6-Impact-p/bm3d-g6imp-175.htm You mean this?

>> No.8127750

Warhammer figures might be kind of a bitch to print supports for the arms, weapons, or any overhangs really. Without supports, the extruder has nothing to print onto as it puts down successive layers out onto extremities. Some plastics can handle more of an angle of overhang than others (PLA is good for this, cools and hardens rapidly), but nothing can do a 90 degree overhang.
Supports are a part that gets printed next to the model being printed, as it's printed, and then are broken or cut off later, or even dissolved off in the case of PLA supports on an ABS model.

>> No.8127835
File: 53 KB, 576x384, 0D47F3F3-5DC3-42D2-8346-F1E709006B4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should print more 3D printers and sell those

>> No.8127854

Every anon is an unsuccessful below 25 year old with nothing better to do than shitpost on 4chan.
You know OP won’t make it, because people who make it are busy making it fucking happen.

>> No.8127873

you could try doing something with electroplating for example:
>take design orders from customers
>3d print their design
>pay professional to electroplate the designs
>sell the final product to customer
The benefit of this is that it makes the stuff you print not look completely ugly.

>> No.8127878

The sight of all that filament waste disturbs me on a spiritual level

>> No.8128026

Make stupid buttcoin stuff/trinkets.


3d print a buttcoin, melt down a shit load of pennies, and use lost PLA casting techniques to make a metal version of a buttcoin.

sell it to libertarian jerks. they go crazy for that kinda shit.

>> No.8128196


>> No.8128564

You can do it with supports, just cut them off and sell them as if you bought them and then never got around to finishing building them, sell them for less because of this reason, (though the real reason will be because you are making fake ones lol) if theyre good enough ppl wont notice or might just not care if they are quality enough and cheap enough to justify it. I have a fuck ton of fake warhammer and honestlt 90% of the time once its painted nobody can tell the difference. This is honestly one of the best things you can sell

>> No.8128696

3d printing is great for one-offs, but if you want scale, learn to pour silicone molds and 2 part resins. Way faster, way better surface quality (if you put the effort into it), and way stronger.

3d printing is a good way to make a part for molding though. Just clean up the extrusion lines.

Also CNC machining is way cooler. 3d printing is for casuals desu.

>> No.8128940

3d printing works where you generally do commissions with the same kind of model but small alterations per customer. Weeks ago I read an anon around here doing this but he obviously didn't say what he's printing. He said he was making good cash (primary income), owned a bunch of printers to keep up with workload.

>> No.8129258

no, you cannot 3d print dildos

>> No.8129853

boy do i have a surprise for you

>> No.8129920
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No, but you CAN 3d print dildo molds. The return on investment for opening a mini dildo factory in your garage can be pretty high, and you can just let your imagination run free with the designs!

>> No.8129943

Print phone cases
Put trendy decals on them

>> No.8130014

get a high end HP 3dprinter. They currently cost about 500k, they should go down to 50k soon. You can print things floating unironically

>> No.8130018

Print 3D figurines for fans. Just pick some fandom were you can find free 3d models that people will want. Visit /mlp/ and search for shadowsquirrel on deviantart.

Fans can paint them themselves.

Also: one dude attempted this, but got C&D quickly. But he got customers lined up. He had his own models and painted them though.

>> No.8130026

Unironically anime stuff. I've seen people selling homemade berserk behlits for 50-100 dollars online. Not a lot of berserk official merch available for purchase so everybody buys unlisenced. Minifigures fir board games is an option too. You need to be good at painting for both though.

>> No.8130044

That or vertebrae and other human bone parts for med students.

>> No.8130058

This. Warhammer 40K figurines are worth their weight in gold. Sell at 50% their going rate and you'll be good to go.

>> No.8130087

Skyminer cases, there will be big demand

>> No.8130092

That's pretty cool. I hated trying to make supports work on an older 3d printer I used to use at work, its hard to get then to not mess up the bottom surfaces while still being easy to detach. That was a dual extruder machine too, and it would always fuck up the piece you were printing with a solidified plastic dingleberry hanging out of the other extruder head. I think it was a RepRap or something. It did not wipe properly.

>> No.8130102

Well, once painted they would be indistinguishable from originals I guess. Fans could buy them as fakes cheaper and then apply paint. But how will he get 3D models? Are they available?

And I thought Warhammer used to be a thing.

>> No.8130120

Have you tried selling honeycombs? or that won't work unless they're made our of wax?

>> No.8130202

these things use voxels and you can set the material property (soft/hard/squishy/etc) and every voxel comes colored. It's def big enough for 1/7 or bigger prints.

>> No.8130213

You can get a wax extruder head for 3d printers. You can also print chocolate.

>> No.8130284

Declare yourself a demi-sexual ponykin or some shit - immunity. Plus it's true anyway, might as well own that shit.

>> No.8130374

sad true

>> No.8130451

Dropship less than legal gun mods

>> No.8130494

Disagree, there's a niche market for aviation fairings that have decent applications.