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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8122000 No.8122000 [Reply] [Original]

Stage 0: Reluctance
>"Crypto's a fucking scam. Lmao if you actually buy that shit"

Stage 1: Bitcoin
>"Hmmm okay maybe I'll buy some Bitcoin after all, blockchain is starting to make sense."

Stage 2: Top 10 Alts
>"Woah, coins like ETH and LTC have way more room to grow and have a stable following. Fuck BTC, it's a dying old wasteful piece of shit anyway."

Stage 3: Tokens
>"Holy shit, tokens like OMG, VEN, LINK, and REQ are going to literally change the world. Fuck ETH and LTC."

Stage 4: Low Cap and ICOs
>"At this point, I understand these markets. Shit like OMG and VEN are way too overvalued. I'm going all in on ELA and JNT. Way more room to grow there."

Stage 5: Understanding
>"Wait a second, most of these coins and tokens are extremely centralized and sensitive to whether the company can even procure business. Are they still even crypto? I guess I'll just hold. I mean, I'm diversified enough I suppose."

Stage 6: Peak Knowledge
>"These tokens and centralized coins defeat the purpose and are literal gambling. Decentralized currencies and commodities like BTC, XMR, ETH, and LTC are basically guaranteed to 40x. Everything else is glorified stock in shitty start-ups, 90% of which will die because the devs just stop updating. Maybe I'll toss 10-20% of my investments into low-cap shit."

Based on popular shilling, I would wager that the majority of /biz/ is still in Stage 3 and 4, with some of you passing into Stage 5.

>> No.8122039

Stage 4. I have all my tokens/coins so now just holding

>> No.8122075

I don't really believe these stages as I skipped at least two of them. On stage 5 now with a hint of stage 3 on a couple of cryptos

>> No.8122081
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Stage 7: Singularity achieved, never sells just accumulates

>> No.8122131

It's amazing how accurate this is. I went through all 6 stages and now I long term hold solely top 10 coins. Those 4 that you mentioned in stage 6 make up 90% of my portfolio

>> No.8122139
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Stage ???: ADA
>ADA is now the currency of the world

>> No.8122145

stage -1, early adopter, already at stage 6 from the begging, minus centralized shitcoins like litecoin

>> No.8122149

My brotha. The secret is to have ridden the 100x wave from last year with shit tokens, and then trade up to the big boys. 10-40x returns have never been this safe.

>> No.8122164

Stage 6.5: Shorting tokens and some altcoins (such as xrp, and doge) to accumulate even more btc

>> No.8122165

Stage 6: Peak Knowledge



>> No.8122176


>> No.8122177

What 4 anon? Please help me im retarded

>> No.8122179


From a mining standpoint it's more decentralized than BTC. I don't see how LTC is centralized when 99% of coins/tokens have XRP-tier centralization and have basically coded out mining and limited supply in favor of devs controlling supply.

>> No.8122201
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>muh lightning network

Miners have no incentive to mine bitcoin. ETH or BCH will flip it

>> No.8122218


Must be stage 8. I keep fomo'ing into stupid shit, taking profits at like 3% and then dumping them into ADA.

Heavy bags, feels bad.

>> No.8122219

Man I wish I was here for that, I didn't start till late May of 2017. Although I did get in on such moon missions like RDD at 5 sats and XVG at 18 sats and rode that up for x20 and x100. But eventually I realized I'm not even good at trading, and holding shitcoins is a bad idea because most will perish (just go look at a historic snapshot of coinmarketcap.com 1 year ago and how many of the top 10 are still in today's top 10) and decided to just hold big names. Blue chips i like to call them. My shitcoin moonshots that I'm holding are NEO ARK and OMG, how bout you?

>> No.8122220
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achuelly beleibing dis.

>> No.8122239
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>miners have no incentive to mine BTC
>besides the BTC reward and transaction fees
>replace it with ETH, which is about to go PoS
>replace it with BCH, which normies will see as a bootleg version of BTC

>> No.8122254

You have to start with low cap shitcoins to make it. you cant fucking make it if you put 1000$ into bitcoin. after you have made enough with shitcoins you can go for the bigger ones. but you have to remember that bitcoin is a shitcoin and will die in couple of years so never buy that shitcoin. also litecoin is a shitcoin and also everything that is right now in the top10 is complete shit and you should never buy those overpriced shitcoins.

>> No.8122261
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big denial

>> No.8122279

Unironically LINK, JNT, MAN, RLC, ZRX, and ENG. Those combined make up under 15% though. I will eventually buy either EOS or ADA once they release a final product and are proven to be largely decentralized. Buying those 2 right now is just asking to bleed money. The big 100x gains won't start for those until they're actually being used. See: ETH.

>> No.8122280

Stage 7: Fuck it
>"I want to kill myself so let it ride x100 Leverage"

>> No.8122285
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My son I don't think I could possibly get any clearer. The 4 coins that are mentioned in the stage 6 paragraph

>> No.8122303

>Difficulty adjusts down.
>Teenagers start mining with their gaymen PCs again.
>Difficulty goes back up.

>> No.8122308

you are a fucking retard! you will never make it!

>> No.8122322
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stage 4

>> No.8122329

Stage 7, all in XMR.

>> No.8122336

its worse on all fronts. from the beginning the chinks have owned about 80%+ of all coins, and of all mining. look at the top 1000 accounts and how much ltc they own.

litecoin is nothing but an exchange play thing.

>> No.8122369

I want to buy monero, but it went up bigly yesterday now I would feel like a chump buying now

>> No.8122378

I just got in to stage 6 but maybe i'll go visit stage 4 again for sick gains

>> No.8122381

you are a fucking genius! you will always make it!*

>> No.8122401

Retard alert! To actualy get your btc from a chanel or replenish you need a on-chain transaction!

>> No.8122413
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> still owning litecoin in 2018

>> No.8122434

6 but I still buy shitcoins to accumulate BTC/XMR/ETH/LTC

>> No.8122455

not that it matters anyway, they'll always be just as many txs as now that need to be settled on chain, the economics simply push low value txs that arent worth settling immediately to second layers. they'll always be high value txs that need immediate settlement .

>> No.8122466

>all in XMR
this chad gets it, this chad fucks

>> No.8122475

if it's good enough for chareeree it's goo-

>> No.8122486

it's never too late bro, if you hodl it doesnt matter what your entry point is

>> No.8122488

Yeah I just checked the rich list, you weren't kidding. That said, even LTC is still more decentralized that the vast majority of the crop, and it's still in the top 5 of crypto branding. It's my smallest hold out of the 4. Also, mining centralization never bothered me greatly since miners have a big incentive to keep prices going up. PoS is what annoys me, since miners have the incentive to never sell, stifling volume and preventing growth (a la DASH).

>> No.8122546

Stage 7
The us dollar will collapse in 2020 and the only way to preserve wealth is crypto and precious metals

>> No.8122552

Pretty well said for the most of the stages, you left out a few stages after 6. That's for the true god tier intellectual anon's to figure out though. You guys got any ideas what would come next? It's some valuable knowledge so if someone has the right idea I will chime in.

>> No.8122579


>> No.8122597

Probably some cringe shit about USD dying and XMR being the only currency.

>> No.8122655
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Stage 7: OP is a faggot
>"I don't give a flying fuck about crypto."

>> No.8122723

Nope, interesting thought though. I feel one way there could be a singular currency is through some liquidity/pairing/matchmaking protocol/shitcoin that somehow takes over the entirity of crypto markets, then integrates some sort of tracking database or other black swan event to become the one.

>> No.8122766

I'm partially convinced that the dream of one world currency was pushed back 200 years by the invention of crypto. There's no opportunity for monopolization or acquisition in the crypto space. Individuals will decide which currency they want to use. If you want speed, go with LTC or NANO. If you want privacy, go with XMR. If you want security, go with BTC.

>> No.8122875

Yes I agree. I'm saying a protocol that is running behind the scenes might end up being the Achilles to crypto. Think of ZRX or even something like Bancor network, if they were able to gain majority of all volume through the crypto space they may be able to be the catalyst for some fatal flaw or manipulation/control to take root.

>> No.8122919

Agreed. It seams more and more clear that everyone is starting to understand how ICOs are a scam and the 4 currencyes you mentioned are as of now the only ones with utility

>> No.8123006

Took the words out of my mouth. Decentralized exchanges are going to be incredibly important in the new world.

As of now, correct. In 2-3 years I expect ADA or EOS to have it "ETH" moment and kickstart another wave of shit ICOs. The smart investor will get ahead of that and buy EOS not now, but in the next year once a final product is released and the native coin is proven to be decentralized (if it is). ICOs are a beautiful tool for normal people to act like venture capitalists and invest in start-ups. But people need to understand that 90% of start-ups will fail, no matter how promising they sound. VCs keep their portfolios massively diversified for a reason -- all it takes is one Google, Uber, of FB.

>> No.8123227

Where is this list you guys are referring to? I'm curious to see how they structure their portfolios.

>> No.8123257


>> No.8123309

Stage 7, when you realize NANO is the best currency coin. The amount of corecuck FUD is the biggest indicator.

>> No.8123383

the first 10x i ever got in crypto was ETH. rode it from $40 to $400. i had no idea what i was doing

the second 10x i ever got was REQ. 5 cents to 50 cents.

so stage 7 i would say is chasing low-cap moon missions and locking gains into more stable coins, especially platform coins like ETH, NEO, ADA, QTUM, and EOS

>> No.8123410

>hold 14k EBET

probably stage 4..

>> No.8123413

Stage 6

What about DGB tho?

>> No.8123444

>tfw you're on stage 6 but still investing 100% in lowcap moonshots

don't judge me

>> No.8123490

Whys it matter if its centralized or not

Crypto is literally just another financial instrument to speculate in and make money.

>> No.8123501

As long as you're heavily diversified and DYOR, it's not that bad.

>> No.8123561

No I am 75% in HST. I am in it to win it.

>> No.8123585


Stage four, but I believe the small cap coins I picked have strong fundamentals

>> No.8123586

Stage 6 ma nigga

>> No.8123592
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How much $ anon?

>> No.8123730

In algorithms we trust.

>> No.8123826
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>> No.8123890

Stage 7: All in on Nano

>> No.8124046

Guggar is that you

>> No.8124134 [DELETED] 

cryptoman actually

>> No.8124205

Stage 7:
>Bitcoin is the only coin worth owning long-term. All shitcoins are there to up my Bitcoin value.

>> No.8124335
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>Stage 4 here.
And most likely I won't change to stage 5 or 6.

I don't invest in just any ICOs or low cap coins that I can find. Unlike the majority of biz, I do my own research. That's why I feel comfy and secure being 100% in low cap coins like EVE and JNT. I can sleep well knowing that I've done my due diligence. I know the teams are capable and won't exit scam. I know their techs will come to life in Q3 or Q4 this year. It's only a matter of time.

What you need to know is blue chips like BTC, ETH and LTC are already too big. The ROI won't be as much as the low cap coins can give. You said that they are guaranteed x40. That's almost impossible. You think we will ever see a $400k BTC? I highly doubt it.

Also, let's say hypothetically BTC will hit $400k in 3 years or so. Then that means the whole crypto market cap will also hit an astronomical number = my low cap coins will give me an even bigger ROI compared to BTC's because I invest in those low cap coins at the bottom.

>> No.8124493

>I can sleep well knowing that I've done my due diligence. I know the teams are capable and won't exit scam. I know their techs will come to life in Q3 or Q4 this year. It's only a matter of time.

I'm sorry, but you're absolutely deluded if you believe this. Seasoned venture capitalist meet members of the team, learn inside secrets of the company's technology and operations, and even they understand that the majority of their investments will likely go bust. You can have the brightest minds with the greatest pedigree with the greatest idea, but all that means shit if the market doesn't want it, if the team disagrees, if the market changes, etc. Godspeed to you, but the fact that you're 100% confident in people you've never met is pretty laughable.

Also, $20,000 sounded ridiculous in 2014, too. The "it's already so big" argument is about 5 years old.

>> No.8124503
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>> No.8124535

BTC will be $1mil in 3 years. Literally just buy one BTC and wait for 3 years. You're now a millionaire.

>> No.8124619

Where does a portfolio of 60% FUN, 20% XLM and 20% REQ fit in? Am I ascended?

>> No.8124651

I'm at stage 3 but I might jump directly to stage 6 depending how it goes. I'm cynical towards ICOs and can't understand why they wouldn't actually be crypto so I prefer to ignore them for now.

>> No.8124656

I'm so sorry.

>JNT shill threads

>> No.8124840

>and even they understand that the majority of their investments will likely go bust
Agree with that one.

Well, I admit I'm being too optimistic. But optimism is what's keeping people investing in crypto. They believe that they pick the right projects. They believe that they bet on the right horses. If people were being too pessimistic and only thought about all the bad scenarios, they wouldn't stand weeks or even months investing in crypto.

>Also, $20,000 sounded ridiculous in 2014, too. The "it's already so big" argument is about 5 years old.
Alright, could happen. But my point still stands though. A $400k BTC will benefit alts as well.

>> No.8124887

Mostly true, which is why I've got a small allocation to alts that I feel could possibly do well in the future. But again, just remember that almost all altcoins are centralized and still dependent on their dev teams. Even if the general market booms, an abandoned token won't go anywhere.

>> No.8124944

fuck that's expensive
I'm going to settle for 1 fifth of a btc unless I get gains from somewhere else

>tfw I tried to buy btc when it was under 1k but gave up because it was so fucking tedious

>> No.8125099

>I'm sorry
For what? I bought everything early December

>> No.8125117

Why didn't you exit in January and buy BTC/LTC/ETH/XMR?

>> No.8125165
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>tfw make 300k/year passive income

>> No.8125185

What're you riding there cowboy?

>> No.8125728

>thinks he has superior knowledge
>thinks btc is going to 40x
>doesnt understand market caps or basic economic concepts

yep you get it OP everyone else is just stupid lmao

>> No.8125952


>> No.8126493

Because it was too late to do much of anything other than flip the ratios and gain like 10-20% coin when I could (when its stupid obvious on MACD/RSI)

>> No.8126569

Seems unlikely that ETH would x40 if none of the more specialized coins are useful.