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8116925 No.8116925 [Reply] [Original]

>praising a man kicking a bal around in 2018

>> No.8116952

literally who

>> No.8116955

>being salty instead of getting yours in 2018

>> No.8116963

people that watch sports are low IQ faggots

>> No.8116974

is formula 1 a sport

>> No.8116994

ya we should all get 2D waifus right. fucking faggot

>> No.8117190

Playing Soccer is fun.
Fun means it's a form of entertainment.
Entertainment can be sold.

I don't see OPs logic..
Am I autistic?

>> No.8117212

Nothing wrong with watching 2 men kick the shit out of each other in a cage

>> No.8117256

MMA and boxing are the only sports I watch anymore

>> No.8117296
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It's football you mutt

>> No.8117331

absolute shitsport
boring af
would rather stab myself in the eyes

>> No.8117614 [DELETED] 

I bet you have 110kg and own link. People like sports because they generally played them and started to admire better people at them. It's fun to watch Roger Federer do an extremely technical backhand that you know that will never do yourself. But you don't understand because you are a dysfunctional human being, like 90% of the people on this board.

>> No.8117700
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>> No.8117914

Until it turns into them basically dry humping after the first couple of minutes. It's just a little bit gay at that point.

>> No.8118023

still more talent, more money, and hotter waifu than you OP

>> No.8118048

>Praising man developing a white and blue box since 2009

>> No.8118058

wot ? clearly anon is some nerd with not enough motor skill and mental aptitude to play sport

>> No.8118074
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Wrong pajeet

>> No.8118104

yeah, cos societies have never revered the strongest and most athletic males within their ranks

>> No.8118129


I don't understand why OP is hating on Messi. Messi is autistic, just like this thread.

>> No.8118193
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Messi is worth an estimated £60 million ($80 million), according to Forbes’ 2017 list of the world’s highest paid athletes.

Stop being so salty anon and try to get out the basement sometimes

>> No.8118259
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>following professional sports
>totally not rigged btw

>> No.8118267

Wow that's pretty shit

>> No.8118291

Messi G.O.A.T

What a freekick, again.

>> No.8118314
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Cool pajeet why don't you suck his dick?
Also some guy who shilled btc in 2010 on /g/ has more money than him (I checked his wallet and is still holding)

>> No.8118370

I'm not praising him. I'm just stating FACTS - he has more money than you, a hotter girl than you and the talent which has made him possibly the best footballer in the history of the game. If you can't respect what he's achieved then may you continue to have a very fucking miserable life.

>> No.8118384

this, i'll only watch champion matches sometimes but never autistically follow every sports team and their players and all that other /sp/ shit

>> No.8118389


modern f1 is like watching paint dry

>> No.8118390
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>> No.8118432

when you have nothing better to say in your defence so you resort to calling someone a pajeet KYS you beta shemale cuck

>> No.8118468


i did making more from btc and eth and am the fat and retard jajajajajajajajajaa

>> No.8118509

Would love to see you get fking rekttttt on a football field "MOOOMMYY HE HIT ME AN ELBOW IN MY FACE" LOL get btfo'd with your salty anime porn.

>> No.8118536

lol have fun making that internet money boyo

>> No.8118540

tfw messi goes all on on eos, my body is ready

>> No.8118577

Messi is making roughly $80-100 million a year with his current contract.

>> No.8118637
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AMX can save the sport, as long as the amerifags don't fuck it up.

>> No.8118659
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It IS fun, tho

>> No.8118748

Of course it's fun. It's also fun to play sport and get fit . You develop better social skills, improve your interaction with people and its also a good mental workout. Also helps your confidence and makes it easier to get women.

>> No.8118809
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>praising a man kicking a bal around in 2018

>> No.8118868

Now that its over regulated shit where the drivers can get fined 100k+ for not being clean shaven, I'd say its more of a clusterfuck than a sport

>> No.8118874

>When you're so beta you don't have a response to your future kids when they ask you about how was it watching the greatest footballer of all time

>> No.8119330
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Are you from 2004?

>> No.8119400
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