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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8117449 No.8117449 [Reply] [Original]

Soooo...I'm about to lose my fucking mind...

I go to USC and I met this eastern indian chick whose 27, and i'm 25. We're both in grad school. So, she seems eager to be with me. Looking like she wants to settle down. She even tells me she's not into "hook ups" anymore even though she had like 15 partners already.

I get to know her a little better, a week goes by, and I end u taking her back to my apartment.
She knows I trade cryptos, she's heard about them and said her brother wanted to get into it.

Me feeling like a bad ass tells her i'm basically crypto-rich from investing back in 2016.

>>Yeah, I can go wherever I want and do whatever I want, and not have to answer to anybody.

She likes to travel and says she just wants to see the world and experience different cultures once she graduates.

So back to the story.... I take her back to my place

>>Hey, let's watch a movie.
>>Year One playing in background.
>>Ermmm, come here baby, grab her hips and start kissing on her body, end up finally smashing.

I tell her I gotta go to the store and pick up some protein coz I ran all out of my supply. Ask if she wants to come, she says she's fine and just gonna stay and finish up her homework here if I don't mind.
>>Unironically like to bodybuild
I think nothing of it.
>>Okay babe see you soon.
I come back, my laptop in which i showed off me trading cryptos on binance is gone, she's no where to be found.

>>Rush to go on my other laptop and try to check my binance account.
>> balance = .05 ETH
She literally just robbed me of 50 BTC guys. I had so much money tied up in that account.

Do I call the police? Her phone is disconnected or offline or idk. I don't even know where the FUCK SHE LIVES..

I'm screwed guys. literally shaking right now....what the fuck do I do?? would the police even do anything???

>> No.8117493

If this isn’t a larp, which it is, yes you call the fucking police. When you are robbed of a half million dollars you call the police. Also you never tell ANYONE about your gains especially not random hos.

>> No.8117508

Anyway she couldn’t have transferred out your coins without doing email confirmation did you seriously leave both your Binance and email logged in and open?

> doubt

>> No.8117511

Boring larp 0/10 thread hidden

>> No.8117527
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the revenge of pajeet

>> No.8117542



nice try

>> No.8117551

what is 2fa?

>> No.8117555


Lol this is fake as fuck. Did you just leave all of your shit open, you stupid brainlet?

>> No.8117566

Dude, my school email is tied to my binance account os it's just saved on my laptop. Can easily get on it by just going to gmail..

I guess i'm gonna have to call the police. But its cryptos, they have no way of tracing this back to her??? I don't fucking no man i'm freaking out..

>> No.8117574

also anon
>you deserve losing 50 BTC for kissing curry shit smelling cunt

>> No.8117596

What is it with you poor people and telling anyone how much money you made? Nobody gives a fuck except for other poor fuckers that want to rob you of it.

>> No.8117621

Larp, but decent larp.

My wife is adopted pajeet. Best fuck ever. So submissive.

>> No.8117640

So I'm guessing she got through your 2FA too? Yeah, no one's buying this shitty quality larp.

>> No.8117645

this is the same larp every week

>> No.8117656

You fucking suck at securing own shit. NEVER LET WOMEN INTO YOUR CRYPTO WORLD. It's too volatile for them. And this chick knew what she was doing. Don't even know what to say. I do hope you figure it out. That bitch is halfway to India now.

>> No.8117675

Crypto is 100% traceable your Binance history would show exactly what wallets it got sent to and when.

>> No.8117679

Kys saged

>> No.8117689
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OP nice LARP

Pic related is you.

>> No.8117749

Obvious larp but to all reading this, activate 2FA and don't be a retard like the character in OPs story

>> No.8117761

that's what you get for bragging

pride is a sin

>> No.8117888

Best bet is to find her and physically force her to give them back. Cops can't do anything. They don't understand crypto and you have no proof she took it. Just take matters into your own hands and do what you gotta do.

>> No.8118007

Trips confirm.

>> No.8118044

The larps are getting worse....why aren’t they getting better, and what is to be gained!?

>> No.8118071
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>> No.8118083

as if you'd be lucky enough to date a pajeet woman

>> No.8118101
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>major X on the larping
but made me smile so thanks anon

>> No.8118108

the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.8118116
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Imagine wasting trips on an answer to some larpfag

>> No.8118122
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was about to ask what people did waiting for their orders to fill.. I see.
anyone here watch DB/DBZ/DBS? How long would that take to watch from start to finish?

>> No.8118136

Guaranteed larp right here.

>> No.8118168

You have nothing left to lose. Track her, beat her up and force her to give it back.

>> No.8118218

But you're a virgin you larping fag

>> No.8118253


>unironically racemixing

Obviously OP doesn't go to the USC in Columbia, SC. You're a fucking idiot for letting this bitch now, and how the fuck do you not have your 50 BTC in cold storage or on a paper wallet locked in a safe deposit box in your bank. You have no one to blame but yourself. This is no different than inviting Tyrone and Jamal to your house, and then wondering why your apartment is empty once they leave.

That being said, obviously this bitch has just committed major crimes. BTC isn't as private as you think. You have the dirty on this bitch. Go to the cops, go to FBI, go to campus police, go to sherif. Talk to a lawyer. Your BTC is most likely gone forever, but you can make this bitch's life a living hell.

>> No.8118367

So, no 2FA, you say? SFYL

>> No.8118395

>not having 2fa
>dating a pajeet
>bragging to said woman about gains
>leaving a woman you don't trust in your house

So many mistake. I feel bad because I'm empathetic but I really shouldn't.

>> No.8118532


Natural selection at work, nice to see. You fucked up pajeet.

>> No.8119304

Nice try, giuseppe.

>> No.8119364

what about the transaction verifications? she'd need authenticator or email or whatever

>> No.8119417

>normiefag getting robbed by shitskins

and nothing of value lost

hope that used up pajeet roastie vgina was worth it lma0

>> No.8119428

Haha you do know they wipe their ass with their hand

I'd be throwing that laptop out too now

Haha shit dick

>> No.8119434

Im guessing you also get a boner at the zoo?
From all the public shitting animals?

>> No.8119639

Damn I close my laptop when I leave even when it's my wife around.

>> No.8119817

>literally shaking

>> No.8119863

>50 btc
>no 2fa

You larpers aren't even trying anymore

>> No.8119881

You don't need 2fa if you are already logged in.

>> No.8119923

these larps are so weird. is this how normies ask questions nowadays? make up some bullshit story then sift through replies while acting retarded?

>> No.8119968

What's the question?

>> No.8120787


>> No.8120847

You really think people would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.8121103

my girlfriend said that no one would ever do that.

>> No.8121174

>But its cryptos, they have no way of tracing this back to her???
Christ, this is the lamest larp ever. The tracing it back to her would be easy in this hypothetical because you know she stole it, you can report it, they can see your binance history, and they can see if she ever spends that money. You are acting like its totally legal to steal someone's hard cash because "lol untraceable!" but in this case its even easier because its on a public fucking ledger.

>> No.8121193

wait till she gets her papers you dumb niger

>> No.8121246

Don't you know that everyone on /biz/ has had their laptop stolen by some chick? Suck it up, buttercup you ain't nothing special.