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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8113753 No.8113753 [Reply] [Original]

Some of you are ok so I am going to give a tip to those of you who want to make it.

Look up Zilliqa, everything under 5 cents will guarantee you atleast x10 in a year. According to my projections though... this will hit 2$ EOY.

If anyone has some questions or remarks shoot. I will stay around for a little while.

>> No.8113783
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literally pajeet team

>> No.8113852

>some of you are okay so I'll exploit you all the a pajeet ponzi

>> No.8113868

HOLY LORD....thats a lot of Pajeet !

>> No.8113871

>time to give something back
I'll take US dollars, thank you.

>> No.8113898

The only defence I have to this argument is look at their faces. 100% weaponized autism.

>> No.8113969

NCASH? TRX? Also x10 by EOY?

>> No.8114044

TRX: Not sure, depends on some competitors.

>> No.8114075

/biz/ has unironically made me racist against chinese and pajeets to some extent

I used to not really mind them since they are better than blacks or mexicans but the endless chinese scamming and pajeet shills have soured me on them

>> No.8114112

Inform yourself on this project.
Why not make some money off the backs of these pajeets?

>> No.8114117

>trusting gook and pajeets
yeah no

>> No.8114216

How is this 62 on market cap already? I'm buying.

>> No.8114241

Is huobi an ok exchange?

>> No.8114282

In my experience it is.
You could wait till it gets on binance though, my expectation is that the binance listing happens within 1-2 month(s).

>> No.8114292
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