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File: 177 KB, 1200x800, clubbing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8111677 No.8111677[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>$50 cab ride to the city
>$50 entrance
>$150 drinks
>$50 cab ride home
>Every week.

Yo momma's credit card is going to cover that right?

>> No.8111708

ok i dont go out very often, but my oneitis invited me and i lost my virginity (20) so there is that but holy shit

> literally nearly 200$ drinks, 7$ for this tiny glass of vodka energy
> literally no alcohol in there

> 20$ entrance

like, i HAVE the money, but how do normies manage to party each week?

>> No.8111731

Starting from the Left: 6.5, 4, 7, 6, 5, 6, 6.5, 6, 6.

>> No.8111760

the secret is not to drink in the club. get hammered before you go there.

ever heard of prepartying?

>> No.8111767

are these girls british or something? not a single attractive one in the whole lot once you look closer

>> No.8111793

1 more good reason to leave the UK.

>> No.8111825

>$15.6k p.a.

You know, there are people out there who've "made it", so let's assume:
>Net Income: $300k p.a.
>Clubbing: 5.2% of income

Pretty sure the average /biz/-tard wastes more money on more stupid shit. While I do think clubbing is pretty dumb and degenerate, if you never go out, you do end up pretty socially retarded.

>7: marry
>9: fuck
>4: kill it with fire

>> No.8111851

what kind of 23 yo is making 300k?
these kids have to be on parents money

>> No.8111880


You don't seem like a person who can make good decisions.

>> No.8111888

>not pregaming at a mates house before splitting a 30$ Uber between 5 people and hitting up the downtown bars for some nice 3$ domestics

>> No.8111905


>Getting in clubs

What kind of skanky clubs do you go to?

A decent club will not let you in if they smell alcohol in you.

>> No.8111929

There are so many places you could better spend your money. Sure it's fun, but I need to get into this business. The margins club owners make must be absolutely ridiculous

>> No.8111934


lmao where the fuck do you live that they don't allow non-sober people on clubs
how fucking cucked is that holy shit

>> No.8111940

I think many are, it kinda triggers me, cause I'm a poorfag wagecucking my way through college.
better than role-play board-games, autismo-friendo
based double trips speak the truth

>> No.8111947

Somewhere where people aren't inbreds.

>> No.8111969

>claims to be social
>posting in 4chan

Lol, larping faggot.

>> No.8111972

good goy, can't get in drunk! buy our overpriced drinks inside! fucking retarded

>> No.8111975

fight me

>> No.8111991

lol at those ugly british whores

>> No.8112000

British slags are the fucking worst.
Ugly from the outside and from the inside.

>> No.8112009

1 > 7 > 9 >>>>>>>>> into the trash

>> No.8112026

>city of UK whores

>> No.8112028

raves and music festivals are much more fun than clubs with over priced drinks playing stupid top 40 nigger music

>> No.8112040

How do we stop this degeneracy in the UK?

>> No.8112050

lmao no wonder women love "clubbing" so much its dark and everyones drunk so they get hit on left and right and get free drinks even if they are ugly.

>> No.8112055

i dont know of any neurotypical behaviour that is more disgusting than clubbing. even the pussy that MAY be available to the average man there has been used immeasurable times by countless other men. what joy is there in sleeping with such low quality women? especially UK women which in all my travels i have seen so few that are even attractive. Honestly young UK women are the WORST. i feel sorry for you and very grateful to have grown up in australia

how can even the most normal conformist enjoy losing at a MINIMUM $100 for such a lame experience?

>> No.8112063

when I used to clubbing it was more like this:

>$3 cab ride split amongst 5 friends
>free entrace
>free bottle service and table
>free overnight stay with a young lady if I didn't get too fucked up
>5 nights a week

Paying to go to the club is literally subsidizing people who have connections. Half the people there are paying NOTHING.

>> No.8112075

what the fuck is wrong with your taste.

the girl in white is the only good looking one, the others all look like shit.

>> No.8112094

>tfw 23 n make 300k a year, from crypto, THATS CASHING OUT 300K NOT MY FULK STACK
>get in clubs for free, get rides for free,
Only downside is actually moving my deppressed as to the train station to go the city

>> No.8112096

>£200 tickets per person
>Bring your own tent and food
>Mud everywhere

Never again.

>> No.8112100

that gril you are calling a 7 is a 5 at best

>> No.8112111

Hi grandad.

>> No.8112132

agreed, and the girl in the red dress on the left could get my cock, rest are degenerate thots.

>> No.8112136

>$1 cab ride to the city
>$15 entrance
>$60 10 drinks
>$30 a slut
>$1 cab ride home
>Every week.

>> No.8112220

> go to asian massage parlor, preferably stoned
> nut twice, at the start and at the end
> $50

Cheaper and more fun

>> No.8112241

boomer detected

>> No.8112299
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>$30 a slut

>> No.8112349

how do I find this

>> No.8113288

Tweet fouseytube he'll hit you up

>> No.8113408

>cant club/bar crawl
I have never heard of such a boring thing. I hate going out but i always end up going to 2 or 3 places if I do - every time, every country.

>> No.8113421

why are british women so ugly

>> No.8113470

I don't go out ever and secretly despise my normie friends for it, but come on you don't need to exaggerate that much.

When I end up going out with then I can spend less than $20 for the whole night. An expensive night for me would be $50. Don't think I've ever spent that much on a night out before.

I do love laughing at my broke ass friends behind their backs though. One of them makes more than me and yet always runs out of money before his next check and he literally couldn't figure out why. I told him it was the multiple coffees a day and eating out and $100+ weekend nights and he couldn't believe me. Was literally in disbelief that he was spending too much.

Normies are fucking retards.

>> No.8113508

t. Bitter aspie

>> No.8113538

In your local paper go to the sports section, most if not all the massage parlors listed in there are rub and tugs.

>> No.8113539

Jesus, do you live in the sticks?

>> No.8113545

where are you going out and spending 150 bucks..? like whats the point?

when i go out i get a table (min spend 2k), and spend 3-5k each time.

>> No.8113563

Institute Sharia law. It's the next logical step to make for our cucked government

>> No.8113584

Went clubbing yesterday. 0$ for entrance because we arrived before 11pm. 2$ for wardrobe. 4$ for a beer. Total: 6$ spent and had fun. Get on my level

>> No.8113591

>free entrance
>best women in Europe
>2$ beer/ vodka shot

God I love Poland.

>> No.8113600

>throw a few bucks for the uber/lyft ride
>Buy a bottle and pregame beforehand with a friend
>buy a drink or two at the bar
>Maybe grab something cheap to eat

$20-30 tab in Tempe Arizona. ASU college town. Yes, you guys are just bad with money.

>> No.8113612

I go to raves. They're$20 for some of tge most amazing experiences anywhere, fuck clubbing. Look for "Burner" parties. Modern hippies know how to party

>> No.8113628

>are these girls british
That jaw line anon, of course they are british

>> No.8113633

This guy fucks

>> No.8113634

>fapping to US
For equivalent of $20 I could have a 0.7 of vodka, pack of ciggaretes, condoms and a kebab. Making $3k per month, living comfy and saving 60% of it.

You should all really get the fuck out of that absurd country.

>> No.8113638


> Going clubbing

I can get a hooker to deep throat my cock for an entire day for that money

>> No.8113651

Ass fuck: 1
Marry: 8
Kill: others

>> No.8113656

>tfw 23 n make 300k a year
you made 300k one fucking time faggot try making that year after year. bet you can't

>> No.8113659

>God I love Poland.

>> No.8113690

They are 5-6 after 6th beer, When sober; 3-4 at best

>> No.8113728
File: 82 KB, 400x400, comfy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free subway to the city because I already have a monthly unlimited pass, which if you live in the city everyone has
>as long as you bring a group with a larger number of females than males, entrance is free
>know the bartender, buy 2 shots for $18 and the rest of the night she's sliding me drinks for free
>free subway ride home with a random thot who gets pumped and dumped

Bought into Nano around $3. My gains there covers the $18 worth of drinks and about $0.75 worth of condoms with ease.

>> No.8113742

ew these are really fugly roasties OP

>> No.8113752
File: 136 KB, 644x632, 1518698034151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, roastie ratings from someone who actually gets laid:

5, 3, 4, 6, 5, 6, 8, 4, 6. Would fuck the 8/10, she looks like she's in pretty good shape, the rest are hamburgers.

>> No.8113766

that's a 7 at best and if you're drunk af, where do you live?

>> No.8113784

Old days
>Drunk before entering (free clubs)
>Buy 10 beers
>Afterwards eat a snack

Costs 25 dollars

>> No.8113823

Eh, you're right actually she is a 7/10. I'm just a /fit/ fiend so whenever I see a chick with a flat stomach in a group of girls with flabby burger-bellies it increases my attraction to her.

Live in NYC, near Union Square. Literally thousands of girls who look better than all of them roam the streets half naked 24/7, even when it's freezing outside. Couldn't be easier to get laid if my life depended on it.

>> No.8113863

>like, i HAVE the money, but how do normies manage to party each week?
They wageslave all week to pay for this retarded shit.

>> No.8113924


>> No.8113935

>hurrr ur inbreds if you go to more than one drinking establishment in the same night!
listen to yourself lol. the clubs around you just suck, sorry bud. if you don't see that policy as strictly a revenue-maximizing policy then you are the brainlet of all brainlets.

>> No.8113962

minimum wage is 300usd in this shithole. i don''t go out because i will get killed.

>> No.8113974

hol up, what my weekend used to be:
>30eur fuel
>100eur hooker
>20eur entrance
>10eur lsd
>100eur coke
>10eur weed
>speed/ket/md: $50eur

....daaas a good weekend mang

>> No.8113982

that's some shit booze and some greasy shit food. Same boat as you though, I prefer to stay home. I don't know if you've tried having a $80-150 night in a bigger city, but I'd recommend it once. They can be entertaining and long. I still don't like em much, but I feel better about those once every 6 months or year, than $20 every 1 or 2 months and thinking I could have had a really nice 12oz bag of coffee beans instead.

>> No.8113987

this is an anon with an actual credible rating standard

>> No.8113993

You should just find a small college town. 2 dollar drinks that are all alcohol. 2 dive bars per block. Man, River Falls, WI is heaven on earth.

>> No.8114033

This. I work close to 40 hours but I have coworkers who work between 60 and 70 hours to pay for clubbing, whoring and expensive whiskeys. Two of them even do this on weekdays and work the next day with barely any sleep. I dread such a lifestyle but to each his own I guess.

>> No.8114056

>going clubbing
>drinking the devil's butt juice

0/10, stay home, roll a nice fat backwood and lightning speed trade crypto.

>enjoy night whilst profiting

>> No.8114058

they're all raccoons. who even likes this kind of fuck sleeve? I literally don't get the appeal

>> No.8114096

Wasted $50 last night .
Hadn't gone for 2 weeks , I wish I never did go yesterday . It wasn't worth it , a 2:6 ratio of girls to men , $15 entrance , i pregame and bought a 6 pack worth $9.75 and drank before going inside , I bought 2 Hurricanes for $10 each ... then broke my iphone with my bear hands around 4am when I got home and the now ex girlfriend demanded I hand over the phone , she already somehow knew my passcode and searched everything . All I did was have videos of roasties twerking that night and shit hit the fan when she saw that . Never again anons. Mgtow for life!

>> No.8114135

>0$ Because I don't take cabs
>0$ Because I don't go out
>0$ Because I don't drink
>Every week
>Working to retire at 30

>> No.8114169
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>falling for the liquid jew

>> No.8114175


>> No.8114253

>pre-drinks 10€
>bus free or around 2€
>entrance 5-10€
>drinks around 10€
>find gril who lives near club
>go to her place for the night
>or bus back free, or taxi around 5€
it's not that bad

>> No.8114463
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>> No.8114539

>free walk to Jalandhar centre
>free entrance to an ok club
>100-200 INR for drinks for me and my friends
>200 INR blowjob at the alley
>20 INR tuk tuk home, becasue it is dangerous to walk alone on night
>Once a year at birthday

>> No.8114601

pajeet, kys

>> No.8114834
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I've never understood what the fuck is fun about going to clubs. You drink, you can't hear fuckall when someone tries to exchange a few words, and you bounce around to a shit beat.

Why not just sit in a pub with friends where you can actually hear what everyone's saying?

>> No.8115014

How did it feel to lose your virginity to a used up slag?

>> No.8115106

I can detect British women from a mile away. Why is that the whole island has such ugly specimens? Men too. And no other country has such distinguishable traits of ugliness. Is it actually because of inbreeding or is it just a myth?

>> No.8115114

Got invited to a shitty reggae bar in London by a friend when i was backpacking Europe. £20 entry ($27 USD) Then had a few drinks which amounted to about £50, got charged £5 to get my jacket back even though they didn't let me in with it.
All to watch some no name niggers do slam poetry about whitey and sing shitty songs. Fuck "going out", do other shit.

>> No.8115155

>2$ beer/ vodka shot

yeah with an average income of like 200$

>> No.8115183
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>Falling for the liquid Jew

>> No.8115232

As a Brit (actually German heritage so 10/10 jaw, blonde hair, blue eyes, 6"3') this is half true, there are really good looking girls in the UK, but the 1-10 spectrum isn't consistent here like it is else where in the world, theres the same ammounts of 7s,8s,9s and 10s but everyone else is like a 2. No in between.

>> No.8115274
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>"(actually German heritage so 10/10 jaw, blonde hair, blue eyes, 6"3')"

>> No.8115381

thats nice american

>> No.8115386

I don't even know what the fuck they look like. With their combined 50 pounds of makeup on it's impossible to assume anything. For all I know this is a convention for clowns and until someone hoses them down I'll continue with that assumption.

>> No.8115463

Its unironically social darwinism, the long history of the class structure in Britain has caused two groups: good looking at high iq and ugly and low iq.

>> No.8115492

Compared to Europe Brit girls are hideous - but it varies within the UK. In my experience (I'm from very far Northern Scotland) the further South you go in Britain the better looking the girls - sameway the further East you go in Europe the better looking they are.

The lowest standard of female I've ever seen on a night out was in Inverness.

>> No.8115543

this guy knows. need to be connected to promoters

>> No.8115567

>sameway the further East you go in Europe the better looking they are.
Eastern European girls are very good looking, but don't forget Northern Baltic girls, North Germany, Sweden, Denamrk etc.

>> No.8115593

I have never paid for a table or bottle service in my life. Sucks to be ugly I guess.

>> No.8115677

Im on shrooms and they all look like rat faces except the one on the left she has a blocky golem face

>> No.8116088

>3$ metro/train or bike to the central
>20$ entrance
>100$ table w/ drinks split with friends
>50$ coke

>> No.8116105


>> No.8116127


>> No.8116132
File: 53 KB, 555x986, 1519124664990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dose girls look british as fuck lmfaoooo

>> No.8116173

You drank only one beer? How it's that fun?

>> No.8116444

Top fucking kek. You're going to make that club owner a lot of money.

>> No.8116903

>sit in a friends house downing vodka with a bunch of people
£10 pounds

>> No.8117588

Kill, kill, kill, fuck, kill, kill, marry, kill, kill.

>> No.8117766

>cab ride into the city

Suburbfags lel

>> No.8117824

If you've ever fucked a girl from a club, there's a 99% chance you have herpes.
And no, you can't say you're clean if you just took a standard STD test that came back clean and don't have any symptoms. You need to do a PCR blood test.

>> No.8118135

>lowered my standards
I'd definitely let 2 of them gobble me

>> No.8118185

4, 6, 9
Only good looking

>> No.8118290

I also enjoy paying for my STDs

>> No.8119121

My god you're generous.
I wouldn't even let any of these slags pay me to choke them out

>> No.8119145

Damn.............NONE of those chicks are hot. wewwwww..........-1 for clubbing these days.

>> No.8119182

you seriously wouldnt fuck the 3rd from the right?

you delusional retards couldnt even strike up a conversation in real life, would probably sperg out hard

>> No.8119216

desu just spend my money on getting drunk at home alone

>> No.8119228

Pregaming. I had my fun hitting on Stacy

>> No.8119262

I might after a half dozen shots but it's a big "if."
I do remember being young and thirsty though.
t. Silverback

>> No.8119275

just don't drink alcohol at all lol
>b-but i'm a shy nerd and i won't have fun if i don't get drunk
lol alright, keep using your crutch

>> No.8119323

I could have 2 asian whores to bang for the price of going clubbing. Going to get one and save myself $150

>> No.8119367
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alright boys, chad here...
here you go

>> No.8119374


>£20 some ketamine
>£0 10 minute walk to club
>£5-10 entrance
>£5 a beer cause why not
>£2 a bottle of water cause I'm dehydrating from dancing
>£5 junk food after leaving club

Life's good senpai

>> No.8119395


>> No.8119457

Im a British Anon. Those girls are all on the whole rough as fuck and i agree, compared to pretty much anywhere else our women are a disgrace, but i don't want to give you all the wrong idea here...because, after a few beers i'd scuttle the fucking lot of them. We are a nation without standards (or maybe its just me)

>> No.8119470


>the girl in white is the only good looking one, the others all look like shit.

I'd bang all of them. you can watch.

>> No.8119696

As Dutchfag I am thinking of moving to Poland once I make it to avoid the upcoming civil war. How welcome would I be if I set up shop somewhere in Poland?

>> No.8119886
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how the fuck is everyone the one in the red circle so low?

she is by far the hottest of these thots

>> No.8120028

LOL look at the chest..that’s a tranny you huge faggot.

>> No.8120100

Why would you get ketamine, get coke or molly

>> No.8120323

Average is $1.k per month but as a coder I earn $3k.

Honestly, you're going to be treated very friendly and with the finest hospitality unless you're a Pajeet or Muslim. (I guess it's not surprising...)
Just go Krakow or Wroclaw (not Warsaw - overrated as fuck and also expensive). and find out by yourself. Those two cities are beautiful and have a lot of foreigners.
What kind of shop would you like to open? I unironically know a lot about doing business here so I might give you a couple of tips.

In general, it's a great place to live but I won't shill it as I don't want /biz/ scum to consider coming here...

>> No.8120334

left to right: 3,2, 5, 7.5, 8, 7, 7, 4, 7

>> No.8120358

you mean he?

>> No.8120805

agree 100%

>> No.8120866

Not one is nice looking.

>> No.8120942

>Maths degree
>Starting rate

>> No.8121011

>be vegasfag
>work in night clubs
>girls very rarely pay, as long as there are 4+ and they are each a 6 or higher
>hosts either send them to paying tables as eye candy or host table and try their hardest to fuck them
>they very rarely ever fuck these skanks who are drunk
>guys paying anywhere from 50$ to 200$ to get in on chainsmoker nights
>10k min tables
>dudes asking me to bring girls over
>wont tip me
>bring 4s and 5s over
>if they tip me 100$ bring 9s
the absolute state of the male psyche

>> No.8121059


Fuck I'm British and this picture gives me flashbacks of being in nightclubs filled with ugly slags trying to bag a Chad to fuck or being grinded on by sweaty African niggers while I was off my face on mephedrone.

Literally haven't been in a nightclub since I was about 22. 27 now, I just take out my smoking hot Lithuanian girlfriend out to restaurants and walk past queues of thirsty betas and scantily clad slags piling into nightclubs on the way home.

>> No.8121393

Poland is homogeneous as fuck....great place to be a White man in.

>> No.8121445

Left to Right

No, no, mybe, no, no, maybe, yes, no, yes+

>> No.8121469

for a PhD, not a bachelor's degree at 23

>> No.8121907

>10€ cab ride, possibly divided by up to four people if going out with somebody else
>10-12€ entrance
>from 3 to 9€ for drinks depending on what you ask for or the place you are going to
*shrugs loudly*

>> No.8121969

>people immediately rised 5 points after reading this

>> No.8122284

old fag here, are night clubs even still a thing?

I say that as I used to go ‘clubbing’ every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. It was £15-20 all you can drink the whole night then, so literally was what my weekend job paid for every month. Thots were there for one thing, they were simpler times.

It would be my worst nightmare to be in my late teens/early 20s now. You’d be spunking £100 on drinks a night, thots are more obsessed about selfies thinking anyone gives a shit about their social media profiles.

All pretty ropey, blonde at the back could be worth one, but overboard with the eye shadow.

>> No.8122431
File: 18 KB, 414x355, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres a disgusting amount of normies in this thread

>> No.8122450

Disgusting group of white girls.

>>TFW in Asia and literally live rent free, and also get bottle service free only because he's white.

>> No.8122522

>$150 drinks

You're not supposed to buy the girls drinks, or didn't you know that?

Also, $50 entrance? dude..... go to the dive bar two blocks over. At a place that $50, you're competing with literal movie stars. Don't even try it unless you're the chump you claim to be.

>> No.8122550

>not just driving drunk
>not buying drinks with a stolen credit card

>> No.8122643

I want to crawl on that floor and sniff one foot after another

>> No.8122678

They don't afford it. It's a city. They live paycheck to paycheck in a shitty apartment and blame republicans for not giving them UBI to feed their superficial lifestyles.

>> No.8122748

Garbage taste. Your 7 is one of the worst. Only good looking one is the 3rd from right.

>> No.8122827

This is our board now.

>> No.8122992

>walk/bike/take public transit to bar
>no cover because not bullshit edm club
>beer/specials/well drinks $1-4/per

>> No.8123041


>> No.8123066

>mfw some people actually believe going out is that expensive
Nigga just pop a pill or sneak some drugs in with you and you're spending max $40 for the whole night.

>> No.8123502

Where is this wonderful place

>> No.8123840

Why do they all have massive ass chins?

>> No.8123922

$50 cab getting in
No entrance fee because I'm not a faggot
$100 on drinks
$300 on coke
$50 on pingas
$500 to gamble with
$300 spare for a hotel in case too drunk to get home even with a cab

$1300 for a night out
Ain't too bad

>> No.8123953

It's not as great as you think it is, the overhead kills you. If you're lucky and your place is trendy, you can make some serious cash, but it doesn't last long - the "hot" places change constantly. (A lot of the "hotness" is artificial, the club owners and promoters pay big instagram people to go) The best business plan for that industry is get in, when you make a big payday get the fuck out as fast as you can. That world is full of drug money and eurotrash and all kinds of bullshit - you're gonna be dealing with the mob in some way, either with liquor distributors or landlords. It's a fucked up world, and they kill each other all the time.
It's not exactly a long-term business, if you get my drift. Get in quick, profit, get the fuck out.

>> No.8124003

This. I can't even imagine sitting in a club, dealing with coked out assholes who all think they're tough, listening to coked out whores slurring about bullshit, with shit music playing too loudly. The kind of person that likes clubs is the kind of person I don't want to be around. I'd rather go see a live band, or a comic, if I'm going to a club.
The kind of person I'd have to be, or try to be, to impress the women there? Fuck. That. Noise.

>> No.8124085

UK genetics.

>> No.8124320

that's the sole one id fuck and wouldnt be willing to do a lot of work for it