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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8109869 No.8109869 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a real man, an adult if you will? Do you have a house of your own? A steady income and enough savings for a rainy day? Do you even save for your pension?

>> No.8109886

>please provide for my shitty child that has nothing to do with you coz i'm a silly single slut of a mother

>> No.8109889

I'm a nu-adult.

>> No.8109913
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>> No.8109916

>wants someone with their shit together
>is the living definition of not having your shit together

>> No.8109923
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Maybe if she learnt how to use the correct words in sentences she wouldnt have been a coal burner.
Jesus that slapper has money and brain drain written all over its sagging physique

>> No.8109927

Itt we roll dubs and you message her what was said. Go.

Shut up bitch, you have a black kid and can't spell. Get your shit together first.

>> No.8109931

Why is the kid darker than her mom ?

>> No.8109955

Gods miracle

>> No.8109973

Do you have you're shit together so you can pay to raise Jamal's bastard child whiteboi?

>> No.8109996

I deserve a tall white handsome funny charismatic man with a great job and a solid social circle.

In return I offer my beat up pussy and half nigger problem child.

>> No.8110011

Sounds like a deal of a life time to me.

>> No.8110089

Is it wrong to want a virgin woman?

>> No.8110800

How can you look 45 at 26 lole

>> No.8110832

She adopted her from her trip to Africa. She is a virgin who was doing mission work when she found the poor young girl. Maybe you guys should take a break from the internet, BLACKED is a meme and doesn’t happen in real life

>> No.8110842

>immediatly shit talk everyone looking at your profile
she has a good strat going

>> No.8110855

Agreed. No way that thing is less than 40

>> No.8110857

I'd accept raising another man's child for being with someone this thicc

>> No.8110858


It just means something's wrong with you.

>> No.8111010

Looks like another beautiful little Jew has been born into the world :)

>> No.8111036

Put so perfectly

>> No.8111079

nice just wifed 100k

>> No.8111101

I'd hit that ass if not for niggers, now she's trash.

>> No.8111109

Does it come with an STD bonus package as well? It wouldn’t be a complete deal if it didn’t.

>> No.8111114


>> No.8111127

Haha! Never thought of it that way, but that's fucking hysterical

>> No.8111134

inb4 soyboy beta globalist cuck financially supports her and jamal's negress half-breed for the low low price of a couple suckies a week.

>> No.8111166

Damn, she THICC AF tho. Makes sense a nigger would cum in dat ass

>> No.8111195


>> No.8111221

>Can't spell
>Hybrid monkey child
>Those beat up blinders
>That attitude


>> No.8111231

so much this, I keep hearing from whores and bastards. why can't I find a good woman/man/tranny.

because "good" people don't want to take care of your shit problems and invite the shit consequences of your shit decisions into their good lives.

I have my shit together and my wife has her shit together and we have to spend time actually avoiding shit people that want to drag us into the gutter.

thank Trump there is a recession brewing to purge the weak and cull the herd.

>> No.8111288

: ^)

>> No.8111307

It's not healthy because it's scarce. And once it isn't virgin with you, what gives?

I do think it's right not to want a high dick mileage woman.

>> No.8111330


Well - by all accounts yes.

I make 200k base plus up to 50K bonus - I have a wife and two daughters - I own a house - we have an outback, a forester and a rav 4, i have 30k in savings and I'm about to get a 20k bonus that will in savings...Actually aside from being an emotional wreck - I'm doing ok.

>> No.8111335

It's ok to want a virgin woman if you have a small dick. If you have a large dick it doesn't really matter.

With a small dick you'll always be thinking "what if her previous partners were hung and she is unsatisfied with me, will she cheat on me?"

While if you have a big cock you won't give a shit because you're very likely the biggest she'll ever have.

This is why I personally don't give a fuck as long as she doesn't have children or was a straight up prostitute or something.

>> No.8111369

Can someone give a list of what it means to "have your shit together"

>> No.8111383

Here >>8109996

>> No.8111421

Give her money basically.

>> No.8111438

I own a house, have a decent paying job 120k package, including super obviously. But i recently hit big in crypto and cbf wage cucking it anymore, this time in 3 weeks im just not going to work the next day, no notice or anything. fk it, there's better things in life

>> No.8111723

>Are you a real man,
>an adult if you will?
No nigga I'm 22 you dont become an adult until you're 30
>Do you have a house of your own?
No nigga I'm 22 boomers and immigrants have fucked the price of houses.
>A steady income and enough savings for a rainy day?
I have a job, savings, and a crypto portfolio. Thats gotta be better than 90% of my peers
>Do you even save for your pension?
Yeah but I intend to top myself before then or makeit with LINK

Could be worse, I could be betabucks for a coalburner.

>> No.8112371
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>> No.8112924
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>My dad unironically maried and supports this

I want to kill myself every day.

Suicide is the only cure.

>> No.8112947

black baby too?

>> No.8113018
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> Mandy - reflects wealth, heritage + all the fine shit
> fucks niggers, probably looking for a zipperhead with a horsecock this time
> 56% child
> there =! their

>> No.8113056

>slick speaking negro shills naive low IQ white skank into buying into his BBC
>knows that on average black men do not make for stable families but disregards this because this time it's different
>nog dumps his bag into her ovaries and exit scams
>left bagholding a fatherless mutt and desperately trying to dump your bags onto a beta cuck

>> No.8113130

>=! != !=

>> No.8113156
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burn the coal pay the toll

>> No.8113182
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>> No.8113246

I go for 3 relationships or less

>> No.8113274

any woman who fucks niggers displays obvious poor decision-making skills, father issues, and has proven themselves susceptible to basic jewish brainwashing. in short, they and their mutt spawn should both be tossed into the ovens

>> No.8113289
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Not Amerimutt, and my mom was 34 at the time.

>> No.8113345

Can't even spell "their" correctly. Dumb bitch.

>> No.8113356


Nigger baby marines reporting in

>> No.8113596

Burn the coal pay the toll isnt a meme.

>> No.8114068
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It's funny because although I would date a black girl I would NEVER date a white girl who dated a black guy unless that black guy was basically 100% westernized and successful (no black thug culture shit)

Takes a really dumb kind of white chick to go after a black guy

I don't hate people for being black but I HATE HATE the fucking leech/toxic culture of modern urban black culture (african and american). Actual traditional conservative african culture is based (lived in a rural place in africa for a while) but holy fuck the degenerate "nigger" culture that is obscuring black culture needs to be destroyed

relevant story
>be me, retail banker
>cute girl always comes in to do business transactions from where she works
>think in passing she'd never date me because she seems successful and pretty and I'm a cynical poor douche
>have an appointment in my calendar for her
>"Add boyfriend joint to my bank account"
>Comes in with this ugly black manlet
>international exchange student who's jobless and on his last straw before getting deported
>-10 dollars to his name
>girl like all normie white women lives beyond her means, maxing out credit
>can barely hide my disgust as I do their financial assessment
>dude is clearly leeching off what little she provides in hopes of getting more gibs from her and the government
>they both look super embarassed and the girl is laughing REALLY loud all my jokes that I'm using to cut the tension to the point that my other coworker asks "who was that bitch with a retarded laugh?"
>whenever she sees me now she looks super uncomfortable
>good desu

>> No.8114086

Got my shit together enough to know not to date coal burners. Look at her face, she looks 36 not 26.

>> No.8114125
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>tfw didn't get in in early on niggerbabies (NBB)

>> No.8114130

>I would date a black girl
You wouldn't fuck a tractor

>> No.8114156

i would take a girl who fucks dogs over one that fucked a nigger

>> No.8114183

>a girl who fucks dogs
Probably a Jew so that's a no-go too but I understand the sentiment.

>> No.8114237
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It’s okay, you can buy the original that it was forked from

>> No.8114247

How do you make 200k and only have 30k in savings? You do not have you're shit together you paycheck to paycheck living autist.

>> No.8114252
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>> No.8114262

I wouldn't mind dating a black girl who wants to escape black culture (hint:many) as long as she had a drive to be successful. Problem is that my kids would be half black and they would inevitably be pushed by society into degeneracy. It's really a shame what's happening to black culture with rap-niggers and degenerate american media ruining everything.. but like I said I lived in rural africa and there are based conservative non-degenerate black people out there it's just that black youth in western countries worldwide are being held back my shitty denegerate american black cultural influence and actual racist white people who unknowingly fuel black degeneracy.

most black people just want to be like white people. That's why they claim stuff like being the ancient egyptians. White people admire the ancient egyptians and deep down black people want the approval of white people.

>> No.8114264
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>26 single mother of a nigglet
>asking for someone with "shit together" on tinder

>> No.8114297
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enjoy your fat sheboon and her genital hsv-2

>> No.8114338

Pretty much this desu, factually speaking the girl who had sex with the dog is less likely to have an STD than the girl who had sex with a black person.

>> No.8114342


>> No.8114345

>escape black culture
You can't escape inferior DNA.

>> No.8114383


This coin literally destroyed waves all by itself

>> No.8114458

is there a stereotype that jew women fuck dogs or something? Don't get where this is coming from

>> No.8114524
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>> No.8114605
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hi ShareBlue

>> No.8114644

You dont save for a pension. You work for a pension.

>> No.8114646

im not even a liberal but "dog fuckers are typically jewish women" is reaching even for a /pol/tard

>> No.8114709


A pension? What the fuck?

Roth IRA and real estate you niggerfaggot

>> No.8114730


Women age like shit after 25

>> No.8114755

Pajeet posting trying to rustle everyone's jimmies. Beware

>> No.8114767
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>> No.8114781
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>> No.8114810

Fuck this bitch. Dox her now

>> No.8114812

I would fuck the mom then the little goblina to create my very own army of goblins and destroy the world.

>> No.8114816

>be 21
>60k a year
>10% goes to 401k
> $500/month to emergency savings
> $500/month into crypto
>Pay less than $400/month for rent and utilities
>Gonna go to the city and buy $1000 in New clothes some weekend
>Plenty left over to travel
>Ussuslly just get drunk alone on weekends instead of doing fun stuff

How am I doing /biz/? Still can't get a gf

>> No.8114828

>her child is in her dating profile pic

she wants a provider, not an equal

>> No.8114833

> with my head on my shoulder

>> No.8114874
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>> No.8114895

Shes been fucked over so many times by niggers and the like that she has to put "no sex until marriage" in her profile.

I actually feel kind of sad for her

>> No.8114924

Stop getting drunk every weekend. Youll waste away faster than you think.

>> No.8115033

Quit drinking, work out and go hiking on weekends instead.

>> No.8115084
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>> No.8115087

>Are you a real man, an adult if you will?
Yes, 29.

>Do you have a house of your own?
Nope, I rent. I will continue to rent until I'm married, and even then may still decide to rent.

>A steady income and enough savings for a rainy day?
$300k/yr. 1M in crypto.

>Do you even save for your pension?
I don't contribute to 401k or any of that.

>> No.8115104

>I actually feel kind of sad for her
i don't

>> No.8115145


thanks will remember that

>> No.8115237

Never tell your wife about the crypto. Its a nice insurance policy.

>> No.8115255

*white women

>> No.8115262

holy shite

>> No.8115275

>why is it so hard to find someone with their shit together?
>single mom with mixed race mongrel child

>> No.8115280

Good thinking

>> No.8115284
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to be quite honest, i think that latinas age the worst. they all become fat goblinas by age 23 or their first child, whichever comes first

>> No.8115307


>> No.8115318

Jesus these fucking pigs. They must be miserable.

>> No.8115321

Nah thats only white whores, traditional european women who dont tan, have a good traditional diet, excercise, dont do drugs and drink alcohol weekly look great. My mom is 61 and yet most think shes in her late 40's

>> No.8115356

>post proof
pics with cleavage haha

>> No.8115364

You should fuck her if you think she's so hot bro

>> No.8115367

fuck off rajeesh

>> No.8115370


i think so i can take care of myself

house of own?

just bought one

steady income?

yup working for a ompany

>enough savings?

do retirement accounts count???

>do you save for pension?

wife gets pension at retirement no saving required

>> No.8115377

>250k a year and only 30k in savings
You don't have your shit together.

>> No.8115405

>nigger spawn
>no dad
>complains about no shit together

>> No.8115441

Please tell the story of how NGR destroyed Waves.

>> No.8115783


>> No.8115868

>waiting until marriage after having Tyrone's children
I wonder if there is some poor sod out there looking to buy these bags

>> No.8116002
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The only leverage she has is her pussy and she's advertising that it's off the table. I think is a lie though, it takes real balls to bluff in this kind of ways and you have to know that someone will call your bluff and you willl end with another kid alone yet again.

>> No.8116039
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to answer your question, sadly, i am a failure and i don't have my shit together, so i won't be able to baghold my own 35-year-old-ex-slut-single-mom with a niglet child.



>> No.8116057

>those matching chins
confirmed future wife's daughter

>> No.8116121


>> No.8116236

>Are you a real man, an adult if you will? Do you have a house of your own? A steady income and enough savings for a rainy day? Do you even save for your pension?

yes, 45.
Yes, plenty but its never enough, you never know how hard the rain will be...
Yes, I do the match on the 401k. I am more or less on target for what retirement calculators say should be enough.

>> No.8116286


Wtf do you do?

>> No.8116512

Maybe she's one half of a conjoined twin, Anon, you don't know

>> No.8116720

tbqh the only time it's acceptable to only want a virgin woman is if you were a virgin man yourself, and not the r9k type of virgin but a man who abstains from sex solely for religious reasons or anything similar a man that would certainly not have a problem not being a virgin but abstains any way.

otherwise you're not doing it for the reasons you're telling yourself are why like only virgins

>> No.8116841

>tbqh the only time it's acceptable to only want a virgin woman is if you were a virgin man yourself
I guess you are the guy, who buys used cars, second-hand clothes and likes eating leftovers.

>> No.8116927

no, I'm that guy and I would never settle for a roastie

>> No.8116971

Didn’t you mean BCC

>> No.8116972

Just checkking who got the get

>> No.8117177

dun goofed
dun real goofed

>> No.8117221
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>> No.8117269

It's because no successful, respectable black man dates a white woman. Literally 100% of BMWF couples are
>thuggish ex con nigger
>fat/ugly/both white woman

>> No.8117358

>Pay less than $400/month for rent and utilities


>> No.8117544

Eternal bear market confirmed

>> No.8117672

What an empowered woman! Please do me the great honor of allowing me to marry you.

>> No.8117821

Traditionally and in a healthy society that is what you should look for an if you are a quality man that is what you should get

But we live in a fallen world with a great cleansing coming soon so really you should realistically aim for a chick who is at 3 or less. The CDC defines promiscuous as 5 so any self-respecting man shouldn't touch a woman with 5 or more.

>> No.8117857

>be 29 yo me
>half assed secondary school
>spent 2 years doing nothing at college
>smoked psychedelics and weed
>did a couple shit jobs
>ex brit army
>now blue team IT secops
>pays 8% into pension, employer matched
>owns 2 bed property in upmarket Surrey
>no debts aside from huge ass mortgage
>pays into vanguard isa each year, currently £18k safety net
>steady 8/10 gf last 8 years
>£220k in crypto

How'd I do?

>> No.8117945

It's objectively the best option, but it's pretty rare to find a virgin woman these days. All men would rather have their GF/wife all to themselves, but many try to rationalize their lack of that being an option. Women know their long-term value rapidly goes to shit when they whore around, and they throw a tantrum whenever it's brought up, but it's a major source of self-hate for women in general. This is the unspoken reason why men don't take women out on real dates anymore, and generally just use them to get off without much regard for their well being.

If she's been with other men, she's not yours, it's just your turn. She'll burn you as soon as it becomes advantageous to her, and she won't feel bad about it for a second.

>> No.8117948


>> No.8117960

tfw i've been doing hard drugs for years
>i'm 27
I look way better than that old roastie hag
Get on my fucking level plebs, i age well

>> No.8118004

I mean, I haven't bought a house.
Mostly because I have no idea where I'll be in a decade.
And also the property market in NorCal is bonkers.

>> No.8118019

lol these women are in for such a rude awakening. this system is making most people poorer by the day so the men lucky enough to have a decent job will get the top shelf pussy. whores like this wont stand a chance. only thing they will be able to get is more niggers. they think they are still living in the early 2000's but post 2008 is a different world. different timeline actually...

>> No.8118103

Yup, it is amazing how the vast majority of people havn't consciously realized this yet. They might feel it somehow, but not be able to articulate it.

From the 50's onwards we had a fucking glut of resources like the world has never seen. Thus women were able to get away with acting pretty much however they wanted.

Acting however you want generally results in a shit individual. We see the same effect with western men, but being as this board is mostly men I don't think many here are as aware of it as they should be.

Wit resources collapsing around us, women that act like stereotypical roasties are setting themselves up to get bushwhacked. They seemingly have zero idea of what is coming.

>> No.8118192

Strong misogynistic racist presence here. I am literally shaking.

>> No.8118227

lmao its 4chan what did you expect

ty for the chuckle, keep on shaking

>wakes up

>> No.8118558

This..... is quite true
Rare to find one that is still fit

>> No.8118758

Send Bobs and vegene

>> No.8119550


>> No.8119728
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>> No.8119805
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>> No.8119871

You are literally the reason reasties go for black men.

You're so spineless, you can even ask a girl you like out, like most western men. kys

>> No.8120364

>that black guy was basically 100% westernized and successful (no black thug culture shit)

When anon is so retarded that he thinks urban black culture didn't start in the west.

>> No.8120621

I live in a medium sized town in the south with 1 other guy. This isn't even a cheap apartment, it's one of the better ones around.