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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 54 KB, 600x400, charles-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8098538 No.8098538 [Reply] [Original]

If you are reading this Charles,
I just want you to know


>> No.8098567

got 10K ADA, when lambo?

>> No.8098571

what happened?

>> No.8098661

A lot of people here are gambling and when a coin goes down in value, they act as if their team lost, rip their betting stub, throw it on the ground and spit on it. Charles is the CEO of Cardano, and recently posted some /biz/ comments on his Twitter feed. The ones he posted weren't so bad, there were many that were much, much worse, and it can be somewhat hurtful I guess.

Cardano is a serious project, and you need to look at it long term. They don't decide the price, the only thing they can do is deliver on their promises in the hope for investors that price will follow. And up to now, they've 100% kept their hand of the bargain. I'm all in Cardano, and I don't care if the value is going down a bit at the moment, it has a lot of potential, and I think it will lead to truly great things down the line.

Still, everyone is free to do what they want to do. It's simply anonymity and money which turn some people into not the best version of themselves.

>> No.8098719

What the FUCK does ADA even DO?

10 billion dollar experiment / hope?

What the fuck is wrong with you deluded “investors.”

>> No.8098762
File: 63 KB, 1066x558, 1513184544614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn thanks biz bro for the explanation
really appreciate it

>> No.8098819

Why did you post this again, Charles?

>> No.8098822

It is limitless in it's capabilities. The true magic of Cardano will be the programmers that build upon that network. Cardano is just giving us the absolute most secure protocol to build upon. They are creating the backbone of the "internet" if you will but it will be up to developers to create the "youtubes", "facebooks", "googles" of that platform.

It will be awesome but do what you want with your money man. nobody is saying to buy this project, only to look at it's tech and if you still deem it not worthy then so be it.

>> No.8098831

Charles gtfo back to twitter and pump this shitcoin

>> No.8098855

what the fuck is wrong with you? the most secure protocol? there is no fucking protocol. It's literally nothing! The only coin backed by peer reviewed philosophical nothing.

>> No.8098878

Then so be it.

>> No.8098910

Lol, people are retarded. There are so many scammers in this community they could reasonably hate on

>> No.8098936

Charles is a literal sociopath who bailed on BitShares and Ethereum to go run to Japan and get naive pensioners to put their savings with the Cardano ICO with downright predatory marketing; all the while he kept his hand into Ethereum Classic, trying to implement a rent-seeking protocol change that would give his team part of the mining rewards.

Do you think a multi-millionaire grown ass man gives a shit about what anonymous people on a message board for losers say about him? He's taking you for a ride, appealing to your emotions in true psychopath fashion. Repeat for emphasis: millionaire CEOs don't need to be coddled by the people they take money from. This is a pathological inversion of the normal dynamic.

>> No.8099835

its literally not nothing. they have a deployed main net you know right? currently it is federated yes but that will change with the deployment of shelley, regardless though its a real built from scratch cryptocurrency written in haskell that is functioning today.

>> No.8100748

Even if this is true... your point?

>> No.8100800


So.....what % of your holdings is it?

>> No.8101008

t. Dan Larimer

>> No.8101022

He doesn’t have a point. It’s FUD pasta.
I <3 Charles too and I’m behind Cardano 100% (well about 60% of my portfolio). The price of ADA may dip a bit more because there were a lot of people that bought in on hype without understanding why this is a long term project. But I’m holding and accumulating more.

>> No.8101066

>Implying Larimer isn't also an overhyped """"genius"""" who in reality just wants to make millions of dollars off of gullible crypto noobs

Followers of both deserve the rektage that is coming their way.

>> No.8101144

Hate towards ADA is totally undeserved. “Just a whitepaper” is pure FUD. They have a working network while EOS is still an ERC20 token. 40% of my portfolio and I don’t regret it. Think of which coins will survive 1 year from now. Hint: it isn’t bitcoin private, chainlink or your latest meme pump

>> No.8101189

He might look like a spaz but he isn't going to risk his reputation.

>not already having eos
What are you waiting for..scared of risk?

>> No.8101218

I'm waiting for Tezos to crush it by having an actual network before Cardano. I'll sell 1/4 of my Tezos & buy Cardano for 1/3 of it is now

>> No.8101238

It's besides the point. No matter how well-intentioned these crypto-messiahs are, they are central points of failure for their centralized coins.

If you want long-term financial security and sovereignty, buy bitcoin and monero and be done with it.

>> No.8101288

i didn't qualify for obama care and then i couldn't afford my aids medications so i bought ada thinking maybe i wasn't going to die. it gave me so much hope. the beginning of January was such a happy time for me. now i'm surviving on cheetos and mustard packs and i can't afford any meds and i'm going to die. this is what i get for putting my trust in a kike named charles, again.

>> No.8101290

He's a beta sperg who got cucked by chad autists.

>> No.8101305


Get a job, hippie.

>> No.8101309

>their centralized coins

But bitcoin has already been centralized with the introduction of blockstream and LN

>> No.8101331

I love you too Charles, my favorite crypto world character

>> No.8101333

I have 100 ada am i going to make it

>> No.8101381


You do realize Shelley is decentralized right? Why even post on here if you haven’t even looked at the white paper or roadmap?

>> No.8101383


Nut up and up your holdings by 50000, and you might have enough ADA to buy a happy meal in 2 years.

>> No.8101400

Cardano FUD threads - ramping up in intensity and frequency. those FUDders are going to be pink wojacking when they realize how stupid they were.

>> No.8101450

they're dedicated to holding EOS or NEO or ETH and they're getting scared of Cardano.

>> No.8101467


I’m waiting for Tezos to form a team that doesn’t back out or step down every other day

Read Tezos news

>> No.8101512


I wouldn’t touch EOS or NEO with a rented dick, ETH will be fine as a platform for awhile.

Bitcoin = king
Eth = oldest prince
ADA = younger prince with the sharpest dagger

>> No.8101574

Except I have. Working alpha net. Strongest foundation in the crypto space.

Granted it's been forged out of horrific mismanagement, near death & Gevered. But it's on track now. Will release with a functioning live net before Cardano

>> No.8102820

I love Charles, manages to hype his vaporware to 100x the value of many finished and working coins.

>> No.8103390

many finished coins? name a few finished coins why don't you?

>> No.8103630

if you are here Charles, thank you for confirming my hunch that you are a sociopathic scam artist who doesn't have any talent except for an extremely great ability to be jealous of Vitalik by actually believing that coming this forum is a good use of your time.

Seriously. I bet you're here. You're so fucking stupid you probably think this place is important.

>> No.8103853


Does this meatball based blockchain have quantum resistant signatures? Why does the roadmap end in August 2017?



Stop being contrarian, keep an eye on Tezos but buy ADA now before quarter 2

>> No.8103892

Next update is in 20 hours. :)