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File: 587 KB, 1200x750, lviv-ukraine-0D1A5678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8091597 No.8091597 [Reply] [Original]

Where does biz plan to relocate when they make it?

My top two choices are Poland and Ukraine. They are both inexpensive to live and have a high standard of living, not to mention beautiful women with traditional values.

List your choice and your reasoning for your choice.

>> No.8091645

Sao tome and principe, you can retire there with 250k and that's what i am going to do

>> No.8091658

Why there?

>> No.8091738
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Costa rica.

>> No.8091762


>Poland and Ukraine
>high standard of living

>> No.8091771


>> No.8091794

Excellent choices. Probably going to Russia. Poland as 2nd option. Russia is expensive af tho.

>> No.8091804

i like nature and the constant hot/summer climate that there is there
also it's not a shithole like most african countries but there are quite few villagges with only foreigners and resorts
The main reason is still the cost of living, it's literally pennies and if you want to retire at a young age with like 300k you can do it only in african countries

>> No.8091837

>infinite space
>settles in a shitdump city with all the bydlo, vatniks and churkas

>> No.8091841

That's also an excellent choice. For me personally, having family in England it's a lot more convenient getting flights to and from. Also I feel more similar to Polish people than I do Russians. It's comfy in Poland.

>> No.8091853
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>get absurdly rich off of crypto
>move some second world country because you want to give away as least as possible

I understand the natural desire to note waste resource, but the idea of being rich is being able to buy time for doing what you want and in a comfy way, so the idea of moving somewhere because you're wealthy now is completely pathological and a trick of mind. Do actually use your money!

But yes, the women are high quality, I give you that.

>> No.8091885


>> No.8091916

Poland seems ok but holy shit fuck Ukraine. You may want to take a closer look at what's going on there.

I'd seriously consider lithuania or estonia if I was going to live in ee.

>> No.8091925

Where some cryto-millionaire was abducted three weeks ago? Thanks, I'll pass.

>> No.8091940


a few acres in Nagorno Karabakh republic

>> No.8091948

>women with traditional values

golddigging whores with a princess syndrome anon, nothing less

>> No.8091966

why in the fuck are you faggots considering moving to africa or some slav shithole?
if I wanted to live among nogs and slav subhumans I might aswell stay in western europe.
when Im rich Im gonna move to monaco or some other enclave for rich white people where shitskins are not allowed

>> No.8091972


You might want to check out Ukraine
Summary about cost of living in Lviv:

Four-person family monthly costs: 824.31£ (30,173.77₴) without rent (using our estimator).
A single person monthly costs: 246.23£ (9,013.32₴) without rent.
Cost of living index in Lviv is 69.56% lower than in London.
Cost of living rank 525th out of 545 cities in the world.
Lviv has a cost of living index of 27.24.


>> No.8091996

Nigga you understand that for most people here just moving away from the first world in itself is desirable

>> No.8091998

the fact is that we are not going to get ABSOLUTELY rich off of crypto. do you really think there are people who will make it to the 7 figures at this stage of the market? yes it's still possible but if you want to retire with 6 figures or at least 1M you have to look elsewhere. 1M in any western country isn't going to pay for your neet life while it would be more than enough in some third world exotic paradise

>> No.8092001

It's less that I plan to relocate and more that I plan to go global. Japan in the Spring, London and Paris in Summer, a private island in the Fall, and somewhere cozy and warm in the Carolinas for Winter.

>> No.8092009

I see your point but from my research Western Europe and America are going down the toilet at the moment. The East seems like a good option.

>> No.8092012

>poor as fuck
>choose : nova russia or nazis
>scamming gypsies
>scamming slavs

I love ukraine people and no problem with country but current state leaves much to desire..

>> No.8092025

That's in Eastern Ukraine
Hey have you seen what's going on in the West Now!!

>> No.8092031

>The East seems like a good option.

have you ever actually been to these toilet countries?
the west is going down the shitter but at least you can still find pockets wehre life is good
the east is shit all over
theres a reason why the entire world is flooding into western countries and not the other way around
you fags are in for a rude awakening if you think you can live like a "king" in some third world dump. been there, done that and now happily back in a superior western country.

>> No.8092036

Don't go bragging about it and I'm sure you'll be fine.

>> No.8092097

yeah i know the cost of living there is ridiculous, i'm from moldova lel, it's a country next to ukraine and it's even more cheaper there but the fact is that there isn't any crystalline sea or hot climate and that's what i'm looking for

>> No.8092099

Spent a month in Ukraine last year. Spent £700 per month for an apartment, eating out 3 times a day with coffee, girls if you want them. Loads of stuff to do from mountain biking to skiing. Great place. Have you been bro?

>> No.8092101

Lol at fucking Ukraine

Going to a failed state that is at war with fucking russia
My sides

Taking your untraceable, easy as fuck to steal with coercion digital gold with you as well


>> No.8092109

>make a lot of money
>spend it unnecessarily
Lol no. This why you stupid normans will always be poor.

>> No.8092114
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>> No.8092147

I will buy a house in the Alps in some deadend valley

Hopefully the nukes fly over

And the terrorists get lost

>> No.8092153


>Spent a month in Ukraine last year.

as I thought
spending a cpl of weeks vs living there for years is very different. like I said a lot of you fags are in for a rude awakening once you actually make the move to your third world shitholes. these places grind you down over time.

>> No.8092169

The war is in the East and Western Ukraine is fine. Is it more comfy in your soon to be third world country full of shit skins?
Also I plan to cash out the majority of my stack before going there and have three properties in England for passive income

>> No.8092176

I Will stay here in Italy, maybe relocate near the Sea..

>> No.8092238

that's the only european country i would consider next to greece. Sardinia and sicily are comfy af

>> No.8092261


If you are "rich" in those countries you are really fucking rich.

You can basically live like a king with 1 million. So yea its pretty high standard.

>> No.8092263


>> No.8092266

Im not a burger buddy, live in central EU

>> No.8092278
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>also it's not a shithole like most african countries but there are quite few villagges with only foreigners and resorts

I've got bad news for you..

Also with 300K you can easily retire in most of Southern Europe..

>> No.8092285

Nice FUD

>> No.8092298

>not to mention beautiful women with traditional values

fucking lol

you remind me of the sheltered mongs who say asian women are not materialistic at all

>> No.8092315
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>1M in any western country isn't going to pay for your neet life

wrong. Even in the UK.. the average salary per year is 27K... you can do a whole lot with 1 million;

>> No.8092331

disgusting, hot as fuck (like 30C day and night), panamanians are disgusting beings, aesthetically and personality-wise, really uncultured country and also filled with some of the scummiest Venezuelans in the world

>> No.8092339

With 300k you can't even buy a nice house in southern Italy, maybe in greece. You need at least 2M in those countries to really consider the neet life

>> No.8092378

>greece. Sardinia and sicily

In Sardinia you simply dissapear when you are a foreigner with a lot of money (local mafia) never to be found again.

In Sicily you will get extorted by local criminals and shady local politicians..

And in Greece everything is closed 9 months of years, as there are no tourist.. only in summer season it's nice..

>> No.8092429
File: 64 KB, 640x426, d1da0c3fd6c8240510adbed5ea6d709al-m0xd-w640_h480_q80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ft Lauderdale

>> No.8092434

Lol so many stereotypes,you're not gonna make it

>> No.8092441

Can tell you fall for childish stereotypes and have never been to either of the countries

>> No.8092459



>> No.8092506

65 m^2 for 140K AHAHAHAHA
and you think you can live there for the rest of your life with only 160k lmao?
Get out brainlet

>> No.8092521


Stone Town, Zanzibar


Bali or some other Pacific Island

Just leave the rest of the world and the shitty yuppie bankers in my city behind

>> No.8092526
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I already made it actually .. I lived and worked in 5 different countries so far (Italy, Malta, Kenya,Germany , UK) and run my own business and got my own property..

>> No.8092559

Yet you think you can retire with 300k in Italy ahahah
Stop larping

>> No.8092622
File: 46 KB, 612x408, Spiaggia-di-Marina-di-Zambrone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8092631 [DELETED] 

I know when I make it I need to get the fuck out of the land of the free. For an example, just recently a dud was convicted to 10 years in prison for saying creeping things to girls he was approaching girls around a university campus and saying creepy things to them and the media ran with it in a frenzy about how this guy may eventually one day rape a girl instead of just trying to talk to girls and then out of shame he turned himself into the police and is now going to spend the next ten years in prison for the crime of unsolicited approaching a girl and trying to talk to her while not being a chad. Ten years for approaching girls and trying to talk to them while not being a chad is just ridiculous and further proof that the west is doomed.

>> No.8092701
File: 22 KB, 320x320, 28155389_2079681138968581_4407406632116420608_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also why are you so aggressive ? Is there something wrong with you or ?

>> No.8092714

Lithuania. Oh wait, I'm already there. Almost zero pajeets, niggers, sandniggers and jews. It's getting expensive in the capital but as long as I can outearn the average peers by at least 4x I'm comfy. Biggest threat is fucking nuclear plant built by Belarus just 30 miles off the capital and Russia playing mindfuck games, but they won't act on it. Chicks are top tier but westernized already, your burger passport no longer grants pussy access here sadly.

>> No.8092726

Er yea, based on the Italians I've met Italy seems like a shit hole and most Italians come to the UK to work in restaurants.

>> No.8092740

>enough room to be far away from the diversity
>cheap land
>decent laws for people who want to work
>remote from europe

>> No.8092759

Nope you're just deluded and don't know what you're talking about. The average income per year in Italy is 25k € . They mostly likely spend around 15k just for living. With 160k you would last maybe 10 years and that's fucking nothing
Also you have to consider taxes and unless you are willing to buy a shithole like that house you have to take into account at least 200k for a nice house
65m^2 is a joke

>> No.8092760


>> No.8092789

I don't know but living there is not cheap like some larpers in this thread think

>> No.8092825
File: 28 KB, 500x427, 1518872665766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so why do you need all the space for ? To store all your lego and thomas the tank engine sets or ?

>> No.8092868

That's another good call
Problem for me with Hungary is the women.. There not Nordic enough for me

>> No.8092917

Do you even know how small a 65m^2 house is? What if i want to retire with my wife and kids lol? But yeah i understand, you're just gonna stay a poor neet with no social interractions whatsoever so 65m^2 should be more than enough for you to masturbate to traps and browse biz till you die

>> No.8092963
File: 83 KB, 640x640, 23970075_106164586834619_5836543852965527552_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well.. obviously you only need it for sleeping as it's virtually always nice weather there.. so you won't be sitting inside..

Also no need to wank off to traps and I got one sitting next to me here right now :)

>> No.8092994

Timestamp plz

>> No.8093156


>> No.8093269

I'd like to visit Sicily but I'd never live there. Probably a good reason my grandparents left.

>> No.8093312

Fucking hell. Link?

>> No.8093344

polish here, dont come here, trust me, country is poor shit and women are nigger-loving cunts

>> No.8093369

Sicily is really beautiful to visit and for short stays... living there is a different story..

Also it's getting full of Chinese there.. (especially in Catania ) they set up clothing and shoe factories, shops, import business etc...

One of the reasons is that everything in Malta is overpriced.. so Maltese go to Sicily by boat (only 45 minutes) to buy clothes for cheap... 5 bucks for a pairs of jeans, (so they buy 10 or 20 pair at once)

>> No.8093386

Honestly, any Euros that want a better life can go to one of the lesser filled states and we can make a comfy ethnostate there after getting into politics and the like with our gains.

>> No.8093511
File: 2.95 MB, 404x720, paris.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in central EU
how's life mohammad?

>> No.8093566

funny but when you go to work there are only whites (talking about UK)

>> No.8093604

well obviously

>> No.8093607


>married to Albanian qt with many direct family ties
>easy to for me to get citizenship
>second world status means Western money goes very far
>ultra cheap real estate (especially on the coast but massive infrastructure investment needed)
>government is chill about nearly everything because it's more like dealing with a city hall

>> No.8093620

is that the 18th arrondissement ? looks like Marx Dormoy or Porte de la Chapelle to me...

>> No.8093681

Spain. New crypto laws coming. Best looking women - more 7’s than any country I have ever been to and the women to men ratio is !!!!! Nom. Best food. Top 3 wine. No brainer.

>> No.8093745

Spain is a really good choice. Especially the south.

Though go to keep in mind that everything is closed for 9 months of the year and that everything is only open during tourist season.

Only problem is very unreliable local governments... You buy a piece of land or an old house and fix it... Next someone (usually the cousin of the mayor or something like that) comes around claiming it's his land and demands it back with all kind of legal court cases.

Loads of British lost their life savings in Spain due to that kind of trickery.

>> No.8093790

and a lot of properties were build without building permits (due to corrupt local officials) ,, so that gives a lot of legal problems as well, when buying something there.

>> No.8093812

>tries to muhammad me
>does not know I live in most xenophobic EU state

>> No.8093828

Pole here. Absolutely don't go to Ukraine. It's a failed state with zero rule of law, extremely poor and with enormous corruption. Outside of basic survival life is actually expensive there because basic infrastructure is in a state of total collapse. You will get robbed at gunpoint and then buried into a ditch. For these reasons they have a lower gdp per capita than Sudan.

Poland is much better but I don't think it's something to move to. High pollution during winter from coal heating. Almost no sun. High taxes and hostile bureaucracy (no low level corruption though - in Ukraine low-level police officers are going to demand bribes).
Crime is very low though, most things are cheap and basic infrastructure (roads, drinkable water from the tap) is first world now. Overall it's a 'meh' country to live in.
I would go somewhere with more sun.

>> No.8093839
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okay Jamal

>> No.8093942

>rly cheap
>beautiful womans u can buy every with money

>> No.8093983

Some of them might like Niggers but there ain't many of them

>> No.8093999

I like this man!

>> No.8094057

I think your being a bit dramatic about Ukraine.
Also there is lots of sunshine in the summer. More than England in fact. People are lovely and no shit skins.

>> No.8094169

>with traditional values

Oh you poor, deluded fuck...

>> No.8094242

I have a cousin who is married to a Serbian woman.. They build a house there for 10K :) a few years ago. I've seen photos of it and it looks pretty nice.

>> No.8094292
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>> No.8094310

Thats not high standards then you dumbass, thats low standards.

>> No.8094340
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>Amerimutt calls a european Mohammad

>> No.8094345

I'm goin0g to slow travel (live somewhere for a few months and then move on), I guess I'll settle down somewhere after a few years. I'd like somewhere fairly cheap and warm. I'm going to Portugal first. Then maybe Spain, then probably Latin America. Maybe Asia too, but I don't think I'd settle there (not into Asian guys, also languages are hard to learn compared to Spansh/Portuguese). I've made 500k already, so that's probably enough to live a frugal lifestyle in a cheap country. I'd like to make a bit more though to be safe.

>> No.8094378

try czech republic
in it's 3rd biggest city properties are very affordable burgers wouldn't believe

>> No.8094390

Nowhere. I have a house near San Jose California the nations hottest housing market. My property keeps rising in value. Weather is great. Rest of country dying of cold I'm enjoying 70 degree weather

>> No.8094457

This is a staged photo right? It's too perfect.

>> No.8094526

>decent laws for people who want to work
that's a good one

>> No.8095470

Hungary. The only country in the EU not allowing illegal immigrants. Safest place in Europe. Low costs of living and hot girls.

>> No.8095552

I don't plan to relocate anywhere cos I'm not willing to surrender my country let alone the patch of land I was brought up on - which has been inhabited by my ancestors as far back as records go.

If I was the kind of cuck who'd run though I'd go Hungary which is based as fuck. Poland gets a h/t too.

>> No.8095629

this is my ultimate goal to literally be able to live where ever i want in the world and just live off passive income from staking. I want to live in slovakia tho

>> No.8095693

oh, my sweet burger child
go to europe and try to build a business, then see how you feel about US laws

>> No.8095711

Enjoy shitholes retarded.

>> No.8095796

all my polish friends tried to move away from poland for good reasons one of them got married to a britbong just to get the hell out of there, don't relocate there, according to them poland is a shithole.

i would prefer somewhere tropical with easy access to high speed internet.

>> No.8095797

I am from europe and I laugh at burgers thinking they have decent laws for people who want to work.

>> No.8095810

This. If the capital was cleaned up a little it could rival some of those in the west.

>> No.8095821



>So quiet and boring that everyone leaves you alone. Perfect for doing business & everyone speaks english

>> No.8095869
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New Zealand probably. I love the landscape and I hear the people are nice. I don't need much, just want to live near some /comfy/ mountains with my doggo and family, maybe help out in the community once in a while or get into stonecutting or something.

>> No.8095899
File: 163 KB, 1000x575, 31a32871-f8ce-4706-b766-cfd0f2336951.hw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong picture, this one was the one I meant. Although the one I posted is nice too.

>> No.8095909

I lived in Malta for 5 years (in mosta, Xlendi, Balzan)

It's a corrupt shithole were everyone tries to rip off everyone.. feel free to read this article:


Gozo is nice though, but there it is really small.. desolated in winter and boiling extreme hot in Summer.. Also the people tend to be backward savages..

>> No.8095982

Which city exactly?

>> No.8096277

Real comfy anon

>> No.8096626

It sure is anon. We're both going to make it one of these days and achieve our dreams, mark my words.

>> No.8096651

Rural Michigan and/or Colombia.

>> No.8096695


america, if you want a different lifestyle or environment just change from state to state, a huge country with endless opportunities and wealth. fuck everywhere else.

>> No.8096744

Coloradofag here
I’d have a penthouse in Denver, a large house on 10+ acres of mountainside property in the foothills of the front range just an hour or so West is denver, and a ski cabin in Aspen. I’ve traveled all over the place and I still love this state more than anywhere I’ve ever been, even if we’re fighting off califaggots and Mexicans from texas

>> No.8096775

I'd move to america

it's so weird how people from first world countries fantasize about moving to 3rd world ones, I want to get the fuck out but that would require a lot of money so I don't see it happening unless I catch a 1000x moonshot or a bunch of smaller ones

>> No.8096812

>it's so weird how people from first world countries fantasize about moving to 3rd world ones,
It’s because first worlders are deluded and look at the cost of living of those countries and live like kings, not realizing the parts that are actually safe for expats to live in are just as expensive as their home country

>> No.8096916


I mean it's understandable, cause people just want an exotic and new exciting surrounding, and there's nothing wrong with that per se. But the truth is, if you're talking about living somewhere long term there is no better place than the USA just find the state that suits you, and I guarantee there is one that you will like.

>> No.8097170

sounds real nice anon, never been to Colorado but im working in Texas and definitely want to make a trip up there. What do you do?

>> No.8097318

Low taxes and can go to Spain and France since they're literally next corner

>> No.8097376

Somewhere in the UK or the US

>> No.8097410

Florida master race

>> No.8097419

Care to elaborate?

>> No.8097592

Pick one, we are going bankrupt and we are going to take the whole world down with us

>> No.8098171
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Are you MohamMAD?