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File: 13 KB, 336x188, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8082063 No.8082063 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8082075
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>> No.8082241

"I got two kids that are under two years old, I'm sure that will play into it". Fucking kek. Also skip to 2:15

>> No.8082251

El goblino!

>> No.8082275
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>> No.8082340

who is this jabroni and why should we care?

>> No.8082364

Damn he's fucked. Can see he's literally shaking. Trying to play it down. Kinda feel bad for him

>> No.8082366

>I have two kids so I am innocent

>> No.8082400

I didn't make people go to the bank and take money out, so I'm innocent. I don't know what securities are, so I'm innocent.

Yeah I do too for some reason

>> No.8082430

>I don't know anything, I still don't know what a security is
>I wasn't selling securities
Holy hell. There are people that actually bought into what this retard was selling.
They should make a public statement about finding every single person that was duped by this guy, round them up on the pretense of suing him, and drop them off a cliff to remove them from the gene pool.

>> No.8082432

see that fucking chunk of dandruff fall off his hair @0.05s?
Gross, hope he rots. Didn't watch the rest.

>> No.8082447

No wonder they think the law is racist, they don't even know what it is.

>> No.8082452

2 days or less and he offs himself for $100 any takers?

>> No.8082484



They aren't really aware that what they're doing is wrong so they think they're getting picked on

>> No.8082489

why do nigs have hair like that?

>> No.8082500

pretty sure he braided it or something

>> No.8082512

$10000 says he gets off scot free

>> No.8082517

Never forget:

>> No.8082549

I hope he does without a lawyer so he can get BTFO

>> No.8082559

>They aren't really aware that what they're doing is wrong so they think they're getting picked on
That's why we can't live with them, I mean when someone(s) thinks like him on a base level makes living together impossible.

>> No.8082585

fucking kek just because your not aware of the law doesn't mean it doesn't apply bahahahhahahaahhqhahahahahaha my fucking sides this guy is fucked

>> No.8082599

HAHHAAHHA ew so gross

>> No.8082614

>im not worried
>im not worried
>im not worried man
>im good man
fucking scared insecure cuck

>> No.8082688

Isn't this just one of the lawsuits? pretty sure he's gonna spend the next years of his life in and out of court and eventually in jail

>> No.8082702

What's really gonna fuck him is the lawyers fee's kek

>> No.8082742

not looking too good for this faggot. he also posted publicly his blockfolio so watch him get taken for all he has.

>> No.8082746

>It’s like a sunrise in reverse
All I needed to hear

>> No.8082838
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In this video around 13 minutes in he talks about how it's because he's black.

This dude is lashing out in some videos and in complete denial in others. I think he knows he is truly fucked and just trying to wrap his mind around the reality of his situation.

>> No.8082860



>> No.8082866

yep, pretty much in denial phase, but judging by how dumb he seems to be, he'll stay at this phase forever, even in jail

>> No.8082867

>In this video around 13 minutes in he talks about how it's because he's black.
I mean, it kind of is. But not because of secret racism or planning, it's just that he was never designed to live like white people live and follow our rules and codes.

>> No.8082868

lmao the best part is the other black guy, craig, pretty much just admitted on film that both he, and trevon were in touch with the higher ups at Bitconnect.

They can't even argue they were just "unknowingly promoting a ponzi" (still illegal) they admitted to being complicit to said ponzi.

Dudes are straiiiiight fuuuucked. All that bitconnect money? gone. They might even have to pay restitution to everyone they scammed.

Shit's been entertaining as hell man.

>> No.8082893

>lmao the best part is the other black guy, craig, pretty much just admitted on film that both he, and trevon were in touch with the higher ups at Bitconnect.
God they are so dumb, why don't they have any self-awareness and understanding that their are consequences outside of themselves for the things they do and say.

>> No.8082909

Pitiful. He is admitting guilt by saying he knows he deserves the hate. Anybody with a brain would know to STFU and get a lawyer asap. But then again hes the same retard that thinks black people created white people.

>> No.8083160


>> No.8083209
File: 904 KB, 140x140, 1507295611008.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigger was bragging about having 2 million dollars right?

How much of that will be taken from him?

Hopefully all of it.

>> No.8083238

>asking these questions while black

>> No.8083245

He seems like an alright guy, just a bit of an asshole willing to scam you for a buck. But I know a lot of alright guys like that.

I'd smoke a blunt with him. He could probably use it right now.

>> No.8083276

"I don't really think I need a good lawyer" ....yeah.... good luck.

>> No.8083310

>nice guy, scams me by trying to get close to me but still nice
You're a born sucker

>> No.8083312

the government is pussys bro

>> No.8083320

Lol they will make an example out of this nigga

>> No.8083333

Probably the best part of that video i was talking about.


>> No.8083367
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>> No.8083370
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this nigga about to get GASSED

>> No.8083373


>> No.8083382

Low IQ negroid.

>> No.8083391
File: 34 KB, 817x443, d1518058598300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is like da sunrise in reberse

>> No.8083403

Where is his house? Is that the ocean I hear in the background?

>> No.8083410
File: 338 KB, 538x572, 1480779586092.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's the thing like, i'm just upset about the 2 hour drive

>> No.8083411

yes u jelly?

>> No.8083414

COMPASSION AND UNDERSTANDING he says. Kek, yeah the SEC is gonna give a green light to scammers

>> No.8083418

What about crypto Nick? Is he going down too? I feel kinda bad, the guy was only like 17 or something

>> No.8083435

One hour 1/2 long?

I'm not watching this shit.

>> No.8083443

>I'm not worried, it's just entertainment, I didn't tell anyone to take money out of the bank and put it into BitConnect
>starts comparing it to a parking ticket
Did he put any disclaimers in his videos? This is the first video of his I watched.

>> No.8083466

I doubt he's as dumb as this nog so maybe, I heard he fled the country, it's what I would do.

>> No.8083472

I tried to link the exact time. I'm not sure if it worked on here. It definitely works in a new tab if you c/p the link.

>> No.8083479


>> No.8083486

That dude is so fucked

>> No.8083495

nigs don't seppuku because they don't even understand consequences nor do they understand responsibilities

>> No.8083500

Wait you actually watched all that shit?

>> No.8083509
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>> No.8083511

This nigs give white people shit for offing themselves (and to be fair they can be right sometimes) but they mostly don't understand the full scope and reason why they do it. The kind of shit you have to be in to kill yourself is no joke.

>> No.8083513

4:40 "probably gonna get a lawyer. no please dont

>> No.8083517
File: 124 KB, 600x437, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jelly as fuk. Not jelly about going to jail though. Or I guess it's actually federal prison. Guess he lives in South Carolina.

>> No.8083522

I could totally see this nog getting up their start asking if he's being detained kek

>> No.8083524

He seriously thinks he did nothing wrong, and he's going to get off. Because he wasn't "in a suit telling people to go take money out of the bank".

And because he has kids, they're going to let him off.

Holy shit. I can't wait to see the aftermath, I can't lie.

>> No.8083525

He’s like some crazy Dave Chappell character

>> No.8083539

Of course. I've been following this shit since the BITCONNNNECCCCCTTTTT memes started appearing.

Shits crazy entertaining.

>> No.8083548

It is illegal to profit from a Ponzi scheme, so he’s dunzo

Clown getting what he deserved anyone feeling sorry for him is a complete mark

>> No.8083563
File: 116 KB, 480x480, 1420584032374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: nogs who got scammed by ponzicoin and want to see another nog get crucified for it

fuck all of you dumbfucks, making the cryptospace look bad. just let bitconnect die

>> No.8083576

also pushing upload on the video where he states "idk what securities are and i dont care to know"....ciao bud that was his noose. no judge will let his kids not become another fatherless pair

>> No.8083579

>just let bitconnect die
What the fuck are you talking about? It's fucking dead -- this is the aftermath. If you profited from BCC, you also committed a crime, and I hope you also go to jail.

Fuck you

>> No.8083582

Him being put in jail for scamming will only help us, it will show normies that there are consequences for their actions.

>> No.8083590

I feel a little bad for him. Seems like a really dumb guy that picked the wrong shitcoin to shill. How much money did he make off this shit? He probably sold a bunch before it tanked right? If so I don't feel bad at all.

>> No.8083598

Fucccccccck, why are we able to breed with these people? I refuse to believe we are the same speices with a thought process this simple and and unself-aware

>> No.8083616

>What about crypto Nick? Is he going down too? I feel kinda bad, the guy was only like 17 or something
You're a cuck lmao

>> No.8083634

He lives in hotels.

>> No.8083650

Ah. Fuck him. Prison can be his next hotel.

>> No.8083665

It'll be interesting to see what happens after they find him guilty.. whether they can take his crypto away forcibly. Without the keys they can't his crypto. He will also say he got hacked or lost his keys...I wonder what will happen.

>> No.8083674

>never designed to live like white people

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8083709


SEC is gonna make an example out of him.

>> No.8083714

Is this the one that got "hacked" and lost 100 bitcoins or whatever?

>> No.8083737

Pretty much this. Dude is in for a rude awakening. They're not going to buy his bullshit, as much as he tries to convince himself otherwise.

>> No.8083751

Blacks function at their best in the societies they created, which means jungles because they never created any kek

>> No.8083762

>I'm not going to jail because I have kids

>> No.8083831

oh jesus

>> No.8083845

2 hour drive from there. lets pinpoint it

>> No.8083880

There's already people on top of it.

>> No.8083917


Either way this guy is screwed,

"People say my credibility is gone"

What fucking credibility did he start with? I can't wait for this guy to either get sentenced or delete his youtube

>> No.8083926

on my way to contribute

>> No.8083967

This DESU but what do you expect there's a shitton of kids on this board.

>> No.8084002

I've been around blacks in jail and they all truly believe they are innocent and that there is a conspiracy against them. The first black I came across in jail had been at a club and he was taking women's cellphones and purses from their tables when they would go up to dance. He said he didn't do anything wrong because they were leaving the stuff unattended and that meant they were up for grabs to anyone who wanted them. He honestly believed that from the bottom of his heart. I was shocked when I met more of them and learned that they all thought like this.

>> No.8084009

lol its just fun to try and track him down

>> No.8084053

They are children with adult bodies, segregation was around for a reason.

>> No.8084076

People love revenge and retribution.

Craig and Trevon are pieces of shit though and they knowingly duped others into a ponzi. They deserve everything they have coming to them.

>> No.8084084

They don't have any, because white liberals have been racing to nigger's defense for decades, making excuses for them, when they break the law. They rob a store, and it's "They were raised in poverty, so they had no choice but to rob the 7-11, instead of getting a job", and carefully picked juries let them get away with it.
Blacks know this. They know the media will race to defend them, because of their skin color and they've taken full advantage of it. They will never admit it to a white person, but they know.
That's why this nigger is playing every liberal card he can, to excuse the fact that he got caught red handed. And he'll go to his grave convinced he got done wrong by society for holding him to the same standards as everyone else, and not getting a pass because he's black.
Liberals created these people. They're called niggers, because they act like niggers, and are rewarded by white liberals for acting like niggers, as long as they vote for white liberals.

>> No.8084126



Look at his 3rd post, is he still at the same Hotel?

Either way it's still by the beach in South Carolina

>> No.8084171

He will get a year or two in jail. He'll still have a couple million when he gets out. He will be heralded as a god among men at jail, and he will leave with a bigger ego

>> No.8084192

Nice find anon. So I was right he is by the ocean.

>> No.8084198
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 3CE35425-8B2E-47F6-8B47-86A936FFD91C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to jail for what?

How is he responsible for some idiots buying Bitconnect?

Who’s worse the person posting a link and a video or a person falling for 1% ROI a day.

How stupid do you have to be to to have bought into Bitconnect?

>> No.8084197


Do you seriously think the SEC only gives you jail time?

They also fine you. He won't (and doesn't currently have) millions.

>> No.8084206

No, children are capable of empathy and knowing they did wrong. Blacks are more animalistic. To them might makes right. They lack sympathy just like how an animal doesn't feel bad for killling. That's why whites and browns can do business with each other in jail, but not with blacks. If a white or brown guy cheats you inside then they will get a beating from their own race, but blacks refuse to beat their own because to them no matter what happened it was the victim's fault for allowing it to occur.

>> No.8084209

Participating in a Ponzi is, in and of itself, a crime. The fact the he was such a shill for a clear scam will put him behind bars.

>> No.8084218
File: 298 KB, 900x900, F14A205B-7133-4792-B42A-0DE90516B8A4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If participation in a ponzi is a crime then how do the people who are suing him have grounds to sue him because they were part of the ponzi themselves?

>> No.8084229

it is. im currently looking at lunar maps for around the most recent date to try to get an estimate on what floor he most likely is. i think he is on the ocean side....most likely the south east corner

>> No.8084236

It's still illegal to commit crimes against criminals

>> No.8084247

why are you describing black on black crime?

>> No.8084261

>If participation in a ponzi is a crime
Not "if". It IS a crime. Look it up.

>> No.8084268

Because that's what this is

>> No.8084269
File: 78 KB, 1000x1000, A1A47447-E816-4B85-B50B-49EA7D361AEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s still not a crime. They may be able to seize his assets in a civil suit from the ponzi but they can’t charge him for a crime unless he was the mastermind of the ponzi.

>> No.8084284
File: 1.52 MB, 865x861, A00D828F-D207-4167-B745-3E9E4E41B3E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not a criminal case you moron. He wasn’t arrested. What the fuck are you talking about? This is a civil lawsuit.

>> No.8084289
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>> No.8084308
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nigger troubles

>> No.8084309
File: 74 KB, 930x488, 68376AD3-7239-4313-80DB-3AC2E7A64E62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you present evidence any criminal charges brought against him? Learn the difference between a criminal and a civil suit.

>> No.8084316

>but they can’t charge him for a crime unless he was the mastermind of the ponzi.
Yes they can. Profiting from a Ponzi is a crime.

>> No.8084322

He got a summons from the SEC you fucking retard. That's not civil. This is unrelated to the lawsuit he's named in.

>> No.8084325
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>> No.8084341
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>> No.8084354
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The SEC is a FEDERAL INSTITUTION. They don't give a fuck about any civil suits against him. You don't get summoned to an SEC hearing for civil matters you fucking trench brain. Holy shit you're retarded.

>> No.8084367
File: 42 KB, 634x358, 04220620-photo-southpark-humancentipad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a ponzi scheme
blacks on blacks on blacks

only people that are going to walk free are the white guys at the top who created it and the white guys at the bottom who were scammed by the black guys in the middle.

Gotta love america

>> No.8084385
File: 85 KB, 1000x667, 08BAC9F6-EEAC-4515-8082-B1A2E8247E13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the subpoena from the SEC?

>> No.8084391

I'm fairly certain by the video and looking at the building/beach in google maps 3D, he is in fact on the south west corner (or the right side of the building facing the sea).

I'm not in the US, someone want to call them (it's on google) and ask for Trevon James?

If he's smart he's probably told reception to not take calls, but given his reputation I doubt it.

>> No.8084419

Craig and Trevon weren't simply shilling a ponzi, they were in direct communication with the higher ups of Bitconnect. They were willingly/knowingly participating and profiting from a ponzi scam.

>> No.8084428

The IRS is going to be up his ass from now on too - audits guaranteed for a decade now.

Besides, forensic accountants can find shit that's mind blowing these days.

>> No.8084439

nope nope nope you are correct. got crossed up. ill call tomorrow. its a little suspicious calling at midnight

>> No.8084448

It's literally in the video. Watch it. He says his subpoena is from the securities division. It has absolutely nothing to do with any civil suit. Pay the fuck attention, and stop arguing from a position of pure fucking ignorance.

He's as fucked as it gets.

>> No.8084459

Exactly this, spot on. He's super, super fucked, and apparently has no idea.

>> No.8084467

>an internet coin forum is tracking down a black ponzi schemer using lunar cycles

>> No.8084476

One of the top shillers on youtube of ponzi-coin Bitconnect.

>> No.8084482

It’s funny that he’s going to defend himself when he doesn’t even know what the fuck a security is lmao

>> No.8084483

What time will you call? I'll be sure to browse biz around that time.

t. 5:12am here.

>> No.8084488
File: 183 KB, 1368x503, CBEDF7A6-EDC0-4ED8-9794-C8EAA78B4455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SEC is the security and exchange commission, not the security division.

>> No.8084505

My favorite part is he's talking about not worrying about getting a lawyer, and how the judge is going to watch his videos and be like "well he's not wearing a suit, and he has kids, so it's all good".

How fucking delusional do you have to be.

>> No.8084506

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeet, looks like court is the least of his worries GOOD LORD

>> No.8084510
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"This is not financial advice".
You Snowflakes always need someone to blame. His biggest mistake was that he showed his earnings. now faggots are trying to rob him.

>> No.8084525

The SEC doesn't bring criminal matters to the court, they bring civil charges or they hold investigatory sessions with a judge, and criminal charges are passed to the attorney general's office for charges. Most likely that's what he's facing here - investigation into their part in the ponzi, and if they can make a case, the AG's office will file criminal charges. His life is courtrooms for the next couple of years, as this plays out. That's not even counting the lawsuit he's involved in. He needs to lawyer up, hard, because the government is and will fuck him hard in court. If he's got 2 million in crypto, he'll be cashing that out to pay for lawyers, and it might cover a year's worth of fees. I don't see much he could give up for a plea deal, if this goes to criminal charges. The SEC can fine him out of existence, too.

>> No.8084526

>How stupid do you have to be to to have bought into Bitconnect?
This is true but it's not how the SEC views it.

>> No.8084528

>The SEC is the security and exchange commission, not the security division.

The securities division is the state level institute. The SEC is the federal level institute.

Use your fucking brain. I'm done replying to you. Read a fucking book dude, jesus christ.

>> No.8084533

Reminder that within this year this nigger will either be dead, or wishing he was dead. There is still justice in this world

>> No.8084549

lel his defence is that he has two kids

>> No.8084550

You're not wrong -- my point was that this has nothing to do with the civil suit that he's named in, and everything to do with the government level investigation into the ponzi scheme.

>> No.8084581

ah im thinking around 7 if i can get a convincing story together and record it. I might wait until sunday and really sell it as an out of towner who found a wallet of a one trevon brown and a hotel key card to their hotel while i was running at the myrtle beach marathon and the number in the wallet isnt answering

>> No.8084589
File: 292 KB, 953x725, 76C43DFB-B52B-48B9-BD3B-B96D60EE5FAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently 100s of people have received subpoenas from the SEC in the last couple days.

>> No.8084604
File: 41 KB, 684x652, DW_k_vdXcAEBAFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Is that the suit you're wearing to court?"

LMAO! Never failing to bring the bantz.

>> No.8084606
File: 195 KB, 868x206, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8084626
File: 189 KB, 1000x1494, Jolly_Nigger_Mechanical_Bank_Shepard_Hardware_Black_Americana_Antique_Cast_Iron_Toy_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a slightly unrelated note, i found one of these in my local antiques store but they wanted a fortune for it. what would be a reasonable price to pay for one of these bad boys? (original not reproduced chinese shit)

>> No.8084635

Just accept that most people are financial idiots.

>> No.8084636

I'm not saying watch that hour long video Craig Grant uploaded, pretty much listing his and Trevon's level of involvement with Bitconnect.

But watch it before you continue thinking he was just a common/low level youtube shill for Bitconnect.

>> No.8084641
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Where do you think we are?

>> No.8084676
File: 238 KB, 1500x1024, respect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag here. Who was running Bitconnect? Was it a US company? Are they gonna get fucked too?

>> No.8084680
File: 2.79 MB, 1920x1200, Peaceful Society.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"i got served and it reminded me of the movie I Got Served"

>hear word
>"it reminds me of word"


>> No.8084691
File: 45 KB, 800x450, bennyweb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heyyyyyyy man. I got five kids to feed.

>> No.8084701

Ets say he was the owner of Bitconnect. Your mangina is bleeding. better change that steel wool tampon of yours.

>> No.8084715

He should've bought gold and put it in a hole somewhere. Then he had left something for his kids. Now he's going to lose everything.

>> No.8084762

This. It's not too late, is it?

>> No.8084783

The infamous meme video with Carlos came out of Thailand but the creators could be from anywhere. They're probably living the good life in Hong Kong somewhere.

>> No.8084801

That's a pretty good cover, leave it till Sunday anon. More prep time.

We've earnt a rest day.

>> No.8084826

cheers. what would you like the title of the thread to be?

>> No.8084857


>> No.8084864

bout tree fiddy

>> No.8084878

Not a U.S. Company, and the creators/owners are unknown. They'll probably be 100% fine.

>> No.8084885

They probably set it up so these useful idiots like our boy Trayvon here takes the fall for them.

>> No.8084889
File: 32 KB, 480x360, 6457FCFE-A61D-4162-BBEE-12397D7A8BCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah the ole dindu nuffin defense, a classic nigger strategy

>> No.8084913

If I were judge I wouldn't do shit to him. The retards who owned Bitconnect deserved to lose everything.

>> No.8084966
File: 27 KB, 523x382, aaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to think he opened this expecting to hear actual good news.

>> No.8084972

Can you prove Bitconnect was a ponzi 100%? Can you prove that people who were buying into it knew it was a ponzi? For all investors knew, they took Bitconnect's word at face value, that it was what it claimed to be, trading bot and whatever else they said they had, and they do what any company does, pay people for referrals. Multi-level marketing isn't illegal. Investing with an investment firm isn't illegal. Promoting a company on facebook, youtube, etc isn't illegal. There is no way they can prove 100% it was a ponzi, or that all participants knew it was.

>> No.8085007

Like whys Madoff in jail then nigga

>> No.8085041

because he got sloppy retard

>> No.8085057

Unless you're a lawyer for the defendants and have actual legal experience in this kind of thing, you're talking right out of your ass. The SEC doesn't throw subpoenas around lightly, they rarely get involved with the general public. If they're looking, there's smoke, and most likely fire.

>> No.8085165

Operation: Trevon Blames - Episode 1 The Phantom Coiner

>> No.8085174

he doesn't have much of a choice other than playing the poor nigger card
not gonna help tho jews are fucking him in the ass anyway

>> No.8085336

Madoff owned the company.

Unless you have direct involvement with the SEC and their inner workings and justifications for persuing certain cases, you're just talking out of your ass. Everything you or I say is speculation on what could possibly go on. They might just want to scare him into confessing something or to at least find out who was higher up on the bitconnect ladder. They might not have researched into him that much and just got his name because he's an easy public target. The government gets involved in tons of shit as an excuse to make new laws or regulate something, especially when there is money involved and this is a grear excuse to bring down the hammer on all these ICO's and HYIP's

>> No.8085361

>itz like the sun rising in reverse

>> No.8085372

It's doesn't matter. BitConnect was (a) not registered as a security nor was (b) any of its promoters (including this gentleman). In other words this gentleman, and other gentlemen such as him, have sold illegal securities without being registered. These gentlemen will surely go to prison as gentlemen before them who have done the same.

>> No.8085496

He gets 12 years but only has to serve 5, check em.

>> No.8085497

Oh, look, butthurt triggering. LOL. Just just the fuck up, faggot.

>> No.8085518

Hilarious. This board is all ancap when it suits them until a black person shills something. Then it swings back to racist.

>> No.8085585


>> No.8085699

Perfect fit!

>> No.8085911

is that the best he could get? I mean... he isn't bad looking for a nigger and could have gotten himself at least a good looking coal burner considering he has/did have money....

>> No.8085955
File: 271 KB, 1023x653, murder_africans_worldwide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand statistics, genetics, and evolution.
That is why I am racist.

>> No.8085983

If I was the guy I would leave the country. There is no way this ends well for him.

>> No.8086023

Bro you are my bro did the exact same thing. SAw the bug fly fmo his head rewinded that shit and verified he is a bug man. Than came here to post this same comment. Fuck man I hope you all in OMG ETH BTC and NEO cause I am nigger

>> No.8086025

If a white man tries to sell you a product.
If a black man tries to sell you a product.

Who are you going to trust more? If you believe they are equally trustworthy you are denying facts and live in a reality where facts do not matter to you.

>> No.8086041

Seems like a nice guy. Doesn’t deserve to get prosecuted.

>> No.8086270
File: 25 KB, 319x350, xl_le56face_version_by_neetsfagging322297-dbvbimb.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shitty reason not to.
>lol he seems like a good guy, case dismissed

>> No.8086348

>any judge or lawyer who looks at my youtube will say "this guy is just entertaining"
Your honour, the defendant was just entertaining when he kept posting his referral link to a pyramid scheme that promised the unwitting investor 1% daily returns, while he enjoyed returns at the top echelon of the pyramid.

>> No.8086369
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The funniest thing is this:
>Dindu nuthin
>Din sell nuthin
>Din understand nuthin
>Don care bout dem securities
Constant fucking denial.

>> No.8086474

LINK shills fucked by SEC when?

>> No.8086530

once the collective of humanity accepts that there is, in fact, a difference in race with their own strenghts and weaknesses, in humans, and we have to divi up the work, globally, based on those characteristics, we'll be caught in this kind of multi-cultural cluster fuck where people unfit to do something don't get told that they're. factually. SHIT at what their doing, out of fear of not hurting their little fee-fees and then shit like this happens


i mean:
>a black investor, giving financial advice

doesn't that just sound fucking ridiculous?
go run on a track or suck jessy jacksons dick, but get out of finance, mudding up our waters and making this whole thing seem even more sleazy and intimidating to dumb normie money than it is already, in the first place.

i hope he crashes and burns, and gets fucked over to such an extent, that no twatter or YT subhuman ever posts a crypto advice video or any other online content again without 2 minutes of legal dislaimers in the beginning, prompting
to turn the video off, immediately, being unable to process basic legal liabilities and BASIC LAW and feeling the cold, WHITE hand of the law and prompting them to chimp out due to

>> No.8086592
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>> No.8086618

The dude has fucking noodles for hair and a doughnut for lips, what are you fucking talking about, "not bad looking" lel, the only thing going for him was lighter skin

>> No.8086633
File: 102 KB, 1074x751, blindcunts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bad looking...

>> No.8086696

Imagine a world with only whites and asians.

>> No.8086718

We live in a nation where people claim they want freedom but cannot handle the responsibility that comes with it.

>> No.8086749

When people say "I like freedom" they don't mean "I like getting scammed by Ponzi schemes".

>> No.8086802

Nah he's right anon. You should hahve the freedom to invest your moey where you want. Also I would prefer that anyone who invested in bcc be taken out of the gene pool through natural selection.

>> No.8086829

You missed the point that freedom comes with responsibility. People in this retarded country always vote against their interest then complain that their interest was not protected to begin with.

>> No.8086835

Sure, but in order to have a well functioning financial system you need to tvrow,fraudsters into jail. The financial system (this includes crypto) needs trust for it to function and for crypto to moon. Frauds and pyramid games in crypto just scare away the normies.

>> No.8086838

Nigger we'd already have colonies on different planets by now if time, energy and resources weren't wasted on keeping the lesser subspecies alive. The equality meme is a curse.

>> No.8086850

CryptoNick, Trevon, and craig were not selling securities for the idiots who think they were.

>> No.8086876

BitConnect was against the law, hence why they got shut down by authorities in the UK and later on the US.

>> No.8086878

You must have a low IQ no better than a retarded ass aboriginal with that kind of logic.

>> No.8086889

What law? Bitconnect was not shudown in the US you moron. There was a seize and desist in what three states?

>> No.8086891

>Buy this coin
>This coin will give you interest
>But this coin is not a security
I'm not sure this will stick in court.

>> No.8086909

The Securities Act.

Definition of Seize and Desist:
"A cease and desist letter is a document sent to an individual or business to stop purportedly illegal activity ("cease") and not to restart it ("desist")."

>> No.8086915

Bitconnect was openly a pyramid scheme. In fact most if not all pyramid schemes basically tell you that they are pyramid schemes, and people still put money into them. As long as they are willing to pay, why can't you sell it to them? I agree that fraud should be illegal, but I don't see anything wrong with the existence of pyramid schemes as long as you don't invest in them.

>> No.8086921

In every fucking video they give their watchers a disclaimer that their advice is not financial advice and they people should do their own research. ON LITERALLY EVERY VIDEO. Selling securities means actually taking money in exchange for a coin. In other words trevon gets money from people goes and get BCC coins and give it to people.

>> No.8086924

They also funneled new cash into the pyramid through their referrals. I don't think Madoff would've gotten off the hook if he made the,argument that he was onöy referring people into the ponzi.

>> No.8086954

I asked you what law not a seize and desist letter/ A seize a desist letter does not mean you broke any laws. Usually business need to explain what they are doing

>> No.8086961

amazon has referrals

>> No.8086969

I collect these, no larp

That would be worth $80, its very nice

>> No.8086979
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 968293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is not financial advice though :^)

>> No.8086993

this fuck is ugly

>> No.8086994

Amazon is not a ponzi scheme.

>> No.8087010

This assumes the individual who referred people knew it was a pyramid scheme or that the intent was malicious. He is going for a testimony not for a criminal charge. I know a lot of you idiots in here have a bias against this guy because of his skin color but he is not being charged with anything lol

>> No.8087025

Or is it?

>> No.8087026

Nope that is just stating what BCC says on the video. You wish he was being charged with a crime but I am sorry to say there is nothing the courts can do.

>> No.8087053

Wow, you made some very good non-arguments. Please tell me more about how sending gibs to a billion niggers that cannot even learn how to feed themselves is a benefit to society.

>> No.8087065


>> No.8087070

Please consider the following posts:

Like I said, The Securities Act. In order to legally sell securities you need to be registered. If you sell securities unregistered you are committing a crime.

>> No.8087076

The thing that I find interesting about this entire case is how nobody on biz talks about cryptonick. That guy literally made 500k from bitconnect but nobody is talking about him here. As long as it's a white guy supposedly breaking the rules who gives a shit right? As long as the president is white who cares if he is raping me with tax cuts and taking my benefits right stupid americans?

>> No.8087096

He wasn't selling securities you fucking idiot. Referring people is not selling securities. Selling securities means he took money then bought a security himself for individuals or is holding the investments. I know you pray that he goes to prison but it's not gonna happen. He literally dindu nuffin

>> No.8087098

He received money from the affiliates program so...

>> No.8087117

Did he sell BCC tokens? Was he holding money from people for investment purposes? No he wasn't case closed. Like I said he is testifying not being held for criminal charges.

>> No.8087119 [DELETED] 

thats because biz doesnt actually care about scammers, they hated treyvon already for being black and this gives them a reason to keep hating him for being black

thats really all there is to it


>> No.8087135
File: 14 KB, 297x331, 1520035185204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but it's all whitey's fault
kek, it's so fucking obvious, enjoy your time in prison my doughnut lipped friend. Niggers can't into economics. Remember to bite the pillow.

>> No.8087171

Right but a black guy like tryvon is living the life you wish you had. This guy literally lives by the beach in Florida does not wage slave like you cunts on here. This guy has literally lost hundreds of thousands and made it right back.

>> No.8087267

>Oh alright, case dismissed.

>> No.8087286
File: 81 KB, 419x480, 1315825904701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you talking about yourself in third person, Trevon?

>> No.8087302

>Not going to court because of a criminal charge

>> No.8087316


Like you said, it's an investigation. They probably just want to ask him questions regarding BCC HQ. He just needs to rat on them in exchange for immunity.

If he doesn't have much to offer in exchange for immunity Can't he just plead the FIF?

>> No.8087356

That's how an affiliation program works. He got paid for every new buyer of BCC that he recruited.

>> No.8087373
File: 128 KB, 1024x871, nigger hogwarts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he can get a job teaching finance at Nogwarts

>> No.8087386

/biz/ is laughing now, but a lot of people here are going to be raped for participating in Pump and Dump groups. Especially if they signed up on Discord and didn't use a VPN.

>> No.8087394

He doesn't have to get a lawyer because non of this was regulated to begin with. On top of that he wasn't taking money from people to buy or hold a security. He litterally dindu nuffin.

>> No.8087456
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>because non of this was regulated to begin with
Ponzi schemes are regulated, in fact they're illegal. Maybe you should be receiving console from a lawyer instead of shitposting in denial online.

>> No.8087470

Name a law

>> No.8087474
File: 812 KB, 1136x2200, 2_repeat_allele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the shitlib.
Stay mad faggot.

>> No.8087484
File: 467 KB, 843x843, transracial_adoption.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do blacks have the same low IQ even when they are adopted by upper-class white families?
(hint: it's genetic)

>> No.8087487

He ripped off rich Jews. Should have sticked to ripping off goys

>> No.8087508

The authorities seem to be saying that if you sell securities unregulated (unregistered) you are committing a crime.

If you have received compensation from BitConnect for referring buyers to them then you are in deep waters my friend.

>> No.8087527

In US law there is something that says if you profit from a ponzi it is illegal

>> No.8087535

selling securities means handling money for the security yourself.

>>8087474 very cute

>> No.8087544

Friendo, like I said, that law is probably The Securities Act.

>> No.8087578

he literally did nothing wrong, blaming some iq89 youtube nigger for being scammed is just pathetic
He was just an idiot like everyone else being scammed, differnce being that he started earlier and thus ended up on top

>> No.8087583

>selling securities means handling money for the security yourself.
In this case selling securities means you broker a purchase of said securities, for instance in an affiliates program.

>> No.8087589

that boy dindu nuffin

>> No.8087611

Not getting a lawyer when your ass is literally on the line? Even the that nigger trayvon isn't that stupid.

>> No.8087620

you make it sound like some complicated shit. it was literally
>you can register for bitconnect here bitconnect.co/jas83jk

>> No.8087737

It's still brokering a purchase. You literally receive a,commission from people buying into the scam

>> No.8087744

He is going to a testimony not for a trial. They are simply going to ask him what he knows about Bitconnect, whether he knew it was going to collapse, how much he gained and lost because remember he did lose his money in this, and some other stupid questions about bitconnect. Any questions regarding his assets will probably not even be asked. He will tell them what he knows and that's the end of it.

>> No.8088079

I think you're fooling yourself, just like Trevon Brown. But good luck.

>> No.8088108

>The dude has fucking noodles for hair and a doughnut for lips, what are you fucking talking about, "not bad looking" lel, the only thing going for him was lighter skin

and the fucking pubic stache ffs

>> No.8088264


>care of magical creatures
>defense against the white arts


>> No.8088325

What's the merit in spilling his guts? Everything he says will be used against him. I'd plead the fifth.

>> No.8088335

Any more pictures of his woman?
Would like to jerk of to her.

>> No.8088362

Don't get it, what did he do that was illegal?

>> No.8088374

Profited from a ponzi. It's illegal in the US.

>> No.8088462

what a fucking son of a bitch, I hope he gets 20 years

>> No.8089002

He lives in South Carolina, not Florida.

Also, he (and Craig Grant) received money directly from Bitconnect, not an affiliate bonus, not lending earnings, but money directly from Bitconnect to pay for advertising and promotional giveaways.

He's fucked.

>> No.8089116

i hope this ugly nigger loses everything and spends the rest of his life rotting in a jail cell

>> No.8089546
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>> No.8090055

He should take the jail time or leave the country, but under no circumstances should he pay a single BTC to lawyers or the court

>> No.8090511

i fucking hate it how niggers never admit they did anything wrong.

i hope someone shoots this fucking scamming nigger faggot

>> No.8090637

uncle steve?

>> No.8090703


He also seems to think the Judge will be 'fair' and see his side of things.

A judge is there to protect the innocent being scammed in the future. Like any judge is going to give out a message that it's fine to profit from a ponzi, as long as you did it thinking it was an honest venture.

The judge going to do the right thing and fuck him. This will send out the correct message to people thinking they can use their influence to make money with no comebacks if the people they influence lose money and want recompense.

Fuck all these morons, I hope they all get 5+ years.

>> No.8090914

He's staying at the Hilton Ocean 22 in Myrtle Beach, SC. Why is he living in a hotel??

>> No.8090970
File: 85 KB, 600x600, 1517530151985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hilton Ocean 22 in Myrtle Beach
he probably paid off a years worth of rent.
got love them bitcoin gains!

>> No.8090971

This is correct. Read this for a more in depth explanation.


>> No.8091000

Spot on.

Not even remotely the same thing. LINK is a token, not a ponzi. It could crash to $0 and no crime has been committed.

Not entirely wrong


He said "this is not investment advice" and then shilled the fuck out of BCC, saying "here's my referral code, here's how much money I'm making, not saying you should buy, buuuuuttt" over and over. Fuck out of here.

You're completely in the right, it's a waste. Don't get too rustled by naive children in here.


Underrated post. This is exactly why he was made such an example of. Not enough people acknowledge this fact.


And further, you help perpetuate that scam regularly. This is why he's going to jail.

He used to live in FL. He moved to a hotel in SC, probably because he's trying to run from the authorities / people that want him dead at this point.

They genuinely believe they didn't do anything wrong. Even when they shoot cops, steal shit -- it's a mentality thing. Live around them for any length of time, and you'll understand.

Spot on

>> No.8091017
File: 81 KB, 952x624, Vechain reality, bags by devs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want cryptonick carlos matos and every other shill to get arrested for the bitconnect scam.

>> No.8091018

he also said in some of his videos that bitconnect is a scam. and he dont care just keep pumping $ in to it.

>> No.8091026

Le 56% el creatura

>> No.8091050

lol Didn't he claim it was a condo he bought with all his bitconnect/bitcoin gains? I just checked the hotel's price and it's at least $500 a night.

>> No.8091072

carlos, was just a dumb pawn. I doubt he even thought what was going on was remotely a scam.

cryptonick and these other youtubers who were obviously aware but kept pumping out videos need to be held accountable

>> No.8091097
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>> No.8091145

I love replies like this because it shows you can still make money off of crypto because of fucking retards like this.

>> No.8091149

1. who is he?
2. why is he a scammer?

>> No.8091159

how did bitconnect fail? Couldn't make enough money to give out to investors?

>> No.8091186

I want the founder of every chink or scam coin with fake partnerships be investigated too. Most obviously OmiseGo and Vechain.

>> No.8091200

Money flow into the pyramid dried up so the owners exit scammed.

>> No.8091206
File: 477 KB, 500x311, 14037420785708.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now he's going to lose everything.
will happen to 90% of crypto investors by eoy.

>> No.8091208

As soon as Bitcoin stopped making massive gains the payouts were unsustainable. Founders realized this and probably cashed out.

>> No.8091262

I tend to agree but Bitcoin seems unstoppable to me long term. I don't own any crypto and just mine with paid off equipment. I get the feeling that all of crypto is a decentralized ponzi whether or not that is the intent.

>> No.8091298

last i heard crypto nick disappeared without a trace. i think he was the only one smart enough to use a fake name so they probably wont find him.

>> No.8091348

i miss all the bcc commercials on YT that popped up whenever you watched a video about crypti

>> No.8091383

coin with commercials is scam coin.

>> No.8091463

yeah right...
your desu
the feds will trace his ass with the ip they will get from youtube and go to the big providers with it. they got his adress in minutes/hours

>> No.8091521


Unfortunately, if the gov't really wants to find you, be it the DEA, SEC, FBI -- rest assured, they'll find you.

>> No.8091556

IP doesn't mean much. he could easily get ISP service under a fake name. ISP's don't verify that shit. All they care about is if your bill is paid on time or not.

>> No.8091606

actually this is incorrect. criminals usually get caught returning to their old tramping grounds. the smart ones that stay away and try to blend into life elsewhere are rarely caught. just like whitey bulger. they only caught him because his girlfriend ratted him out. frank morris from alcatraz and his partners where never found either.

>> No.8091682

I should have clarified -- if you're online, they will find you, unless you are exceedingly careful and don't make a mistake.

If they really want to find you, they will. And they'll come up with a false trail of evidence to explain how they did so, when in reality, they can just use the NSA's capabilities.

There's been wikileaks about it.

>> No.8091742

that's because unconstitutional shit like FISA courts exists. all they have to do is say the suspect you are a terrorist and the FISA court gives them the warrant to wire tap you.

>> No.8091790

What if you lost money on the Ponzi instead of profiting? That shouldn't be illegal, right?

>> No.8092008

Then you can,sue the ponzi schemer for damages like many feeder funds did with Madoff.