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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8081528 No.8081528 [Reply] [Original]

Heres a hustle for you lads: making custom faux-neon electroluminescent signage for local businesses.
>Fixed Costs: £0
>Variable Costs: A4 Perspex Sheet £2.61, electroluminescent wire £2.59 (*1/2/3)
>Production Time: 30 minutes of creative, enjoyable labor
>Selling Price: Discriminately priced per business, minimum £35.

Just by selling at a minimum of £35 your looking at a profit margin of 83%, but you could easily charge more, as £35 would seem like nothing to a business in return for attention-grabbing marketing.

Post your thoughts and other enjoyable hustles in this thread.

>> No.8081626
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Hello fellow light autist. I have a few things to input/criticize about your idea.

>EL wire is not fun to work with, and is relatively expensive
>look into side emitting fiber optic: cheaper, easier to work with, brighter, easily customizable
>it will be hard to find customers unless you do custom jobs

LED neon rope is also good to work with but expensive.

You could go full autist like me and 3D print your own signs, but it's expensive and time consuming.

>> No.8081663

I strategize that, due to the low price and the low risk attached, producing the sign first before appealing to the business in question would be the best tactic. This allows you to capitalize on impulse, whilst pandering to social awkwardness, as they will be unlikely to refuse once they see it is already made. A completed product also allows them to visualise their investment instantly, making them more attached to the idea of owning the signage, ie. allowing them to imagine where it would look good.

>> No.8081700

GoldShill? Arnt you worth like $3,000,000? What are you doing fucking around with plastic signs?

>> No.8081730
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takes money to make money Lou

>> No.8081754

from looking on ebay it seems to cost about £2.59 per meter. Doesn't seem to expensive to me? I imagine fiber to not be as straightforward to work with? How much does fiber cost?

>> No.8081774

What is your picture constructed from?

>> No.8081822

>This allows you to capitalize on impulse, whilst pandering to social awkwardness, as they will be unlikely to refuse once they see it is already made.
Literal autism, I love it.

>> No.8081825
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Not him, but when I make it I'm probably going do the same thing for funzies.

It's pretty easy to work with, only real downer is if you nick the FO you have to start over. Also like EL you can't bend it too much or else you're fucked for that section. It is brighter and lasts longer than EL though.

3D printed. The diffusers are clear (natural) PLA, the backers are just normal black PLA. I used WS2812 LEDs to light it and control it with an Arduino.

>> No.8081879

>he falls for /biz/ larps

>> No.8081903

>It is brighter and lasts longer than EL though.
I know I should be googling this myself, but how long does EL last, and how long would those little battery packs they frequently get sold with supply say meters worth?

>3D printed. The diffusers are clear (natural) PLA, the backers are just normal black PLA. I used WS2812 LEDs to light it and control it with an Arduino.
Very nice mate, looks awesome, do you have any more projects? Do you have any idea of the initial and variable costs for doing something similar, like the printer cost and the materials? Anyway looks good mate, I'd love to see other work of yours.

>> No.8081915

this is what /biz/ should be about

fuck the cryptojeets

>> No.8081947

its actually 3,ooo,ooo Indian Rupees

>> No.8081960

Oh shit I just googled that, 3,ooo,ooo Rupees is still like $45,ooo

>> No.8081978
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>but how long does EL last
What I meant by lasts longer I mean the half life of the EL wire itself is ~10,000 hours. So after 10K hours your sign will be half as bright approximately. With the LEDs you're looking at 50K hours approximate life. When the LED dims or dies it's super easy to replace.

So if you left the EL sign on for 24 hours a day for about 14 months will will hit the 10K hours. So the LEDs will last 5X longer.

Thanks man. I have a lot of things I am working on between doing /biz/ type stuff and just shit posting.

pic related costs about $60 to make not including the printer.

>> No.8082039
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I kind of get it with crypto though. I came up with an innovative technology that would allow people to cheaply and easily make their own illuminated signs, but the thing is the second I try to sell this China will just rip it off. The only way to get rich now isn't to make an actual product that is of value to customers, it's to risk capital on shitcoins. Feels bad man.

>> No.8082052

faggot department stores would sell something like for like $600, you should set up a eshop or redbubble or something, they look really good desu

>> No.8082067
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>whilst pandering to social awkwardness, as they will be unlikely to refuse once they see it is already made.

Hello welcome to McDonald's may I take your order please

>I made you this sign


>it's $50

I'm not authori-


Let me call my manager

>> No.8082082

is that image EL or Fiber Optics?

>> No.8082130
File: 2.48 MB, 4128x2322, 20161117_170831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man. I probably wouldn't sell it for that much. Enough to cover my materials plus what I would make an hour at work. I genuinely enjoy designing and making them.

No, that one is EL. EL isn't as bright, and you definitely can't see it in direct sunlight. These are FO.

>> No.8082145

what are some businesses i can start in my free time/days off from a full-time job? not talking dumb neet "passive" income dream, but real motivated hard work make money shit. i can't get enough hours at my main thing and even then it's shit pay

>> No.8082172


>> No.8082192

Badass, dude.

>> No.8082200

Also if you have a criminal inclining you could also jack lumber

>> No.8082243
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If you can make things selling stuff on etsy and such can be profitable and over head is basically non-existent. Etsy fees are really low compared to Amazon.

Thanks man. I wish my camera could pick up blues better because the gradient in the first picture I posted is really nice, but my phone sucks so it doesn't show up.

>> No.8082272

How do you make it change colours?

>> No.8082358
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Microcontroller. I typically use Arduino because you can get knockoff ones for like $8. I could design my own, but by the time I get the boards etched and components soldered I wouldn't be saving that much money

>> No.8082495 [DELETED] 
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>they will be unlikely to refuse once they see it is already made.

>> No.8082519

Is there much of a learning curve to this hobby?

>> No.8082555

This is the best thread biz has had in weeks.
This is an excellent strategy. Especially for smaller local businesses.
I know a bit of lampworking and have been thinking about doing "American Neon" + pandering to hipsters that love neon. But I don't really have enough $ to start a workspace.

>> No.8082605

Have you posted your work here before? I feel like I've seen you posting before.
The digits

>> No.8082640

Even if they didn't buy it you could still off load it to some local furniture/home deco shop for production costs. Vintage looking business signs and poster seem to be popular in places like that so I'm sure it would go down well

>> No.8082660
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I'm not sure. My light autism drew me to it pretty instantly. If you don't know much about electrical or programming it may be a bit of a learning curve. The design and printing was the easiest because I'm an ME.

Yeah, It's a nice break from crypto.

I have posted it on /diy/ before, and a bit on /g/ in the /cyb/ generals.

>> No.8082785

If you have independent home/furniture stores near you in sure you could make a deal with them to buy 5 - 10 a month from you, the profit would be lower as it would be split between two but at least it's guaranteed sales.

>> No.8082822

star wars vintage kenners figures, find deals and resell them at a higher price

>> No.8082851

What platform is best for reselling? Amazon?

>> No.8082921

Try blackjack instead anon. You'd be fighting against cheap imports and established big companies with freaking wood harvesters which means you're either using a lot of gas and wear and tear on your expensive equipment which costs more to repair and fuel while you get the same income or less, or you're just a hired hand that still gets paid fuck all and would be much physically better off and paid better working at McDonalds unless you've got really good land with old growth timber (which we don't have here locally, it's hilly as fuck with half being hardwood and really shitty softwood that we barely get paid for even if we cut it to firewood). No joke. Worked weekdays and holidays starting at 13yrs old and kept doing it for 8 more. Fuck that job.