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File: 52 KB, 348x390, B37E76AC-AC93-4FB4-B2C3-B3341930976D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8079209 No.8079209 [Reply] [Original]

In a sea of red a hero arises

>> No.8079232

>600 sats

Wake me when it goes get on 1ksats

>> No.8079253

The less people respect a coin, the more I invest.

>> No.8079281

>bought in at 1250
How do I tell my wife I lost $100?

>> No.8079301


You don't? It's just $100.

>> No.8079525

>hero arises

>> No.8079548


>> No.8079636
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>> No.8079644
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>> No.8079655

holy those candles

>> No.8079682

This thread is the perfect sign to get out.

>> No.8079722

WTF is going on. There has to be outside investment coming in.

>> No.8079738
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Casinos accumulating before the launch in Q2

>> No.8079741


>> No.8079763

All I know is this is a comfy hold.

>> No.8079787

comfy all the way to zero (0) sats here funbro

>> No.8079815

The coin got shilled by a famous crypto youtuber or podcaster.

>> No.8079830
File: 603 KB, 899x681, 4D0D5C28-1B9D-4247-9690-849F76FBCDF0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol says the faggot that probably buys ethereum and gets excited when it goes up 50 bucks.

Every penny this goes up I get the equivalent in 1kUSD.

I’m sure your coin is going great right now though!

>> No.8079880

casinos involvement confirmed, this is no ordinary pump

$1 by eoy

>> No.8079883

God that must be comfy, 20k Funlet reporting in, still enjoying the free money.

>> No.8079908

This. So many jealous faggots that could just buy in now, bags so heavy in link or raiblox that they can’t bear the capitulation.

>> No.8079910

are you telling are asking?
every 1 cent is 10k for me fellow Funbro, we'll make it

>> No.8079917

these arent casino's.

>> No.8079939

I dont know man, this isn't a normal pump n dump

>> No.8079952

https :// podcast.bitcoin.com/e37- The-Gambling-Industry-FunFair- Virtue-Poker

>> No.8079965

You’re gonna fuckin make it man! Keep the faith and ignore these shitbirds, red rocket ride is slow and steady.

Dips will happen at .10 and .14 as bagholders shortsightedly dump (common buy ins). But hold strong

>> No.8079969

This coin if thats what you call it is merely an opportunity to part you from your hard earned cash. The house always wins be happy being poor faggots

>> No.8079980

8 cents by the end of day and daddy's gonna be rich

>> No.8079981

every 1 cent is 100k for me. you are nothing to me!

>> No.8080001

when to get out anons? I have this feeling it's going to crash any time now

>> No.8080005

I don't plan to gamble with it, not a gambler.
>inb4 crypto is a gamble

Though, 500k on red.

>> No.8080044

impressive, very nice.

What is that 5 million tokens you hold?

>> No.8080069
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>> No.8080086

That was real money before the jews enacted the federal reserve

>> No.8080089
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Can we see your funfolio?

>> No.8080093

Jeez the gig is out, guess there's no point in playing at the vasino. UA HEAR THAT? HOUSE HAS ADVANTAGE, HOISE RULES. DON'T PLAY CRYPTO AND SELL YPUR GRANDKIDS TO WAGE SLAVERY


>> No.8080136
File: 67 KB, 500x729, B12C5C7F-63AD-40E5-BD51-CC06060244F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn’t understand the project but posts anyway

>> No.8080137
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Will I make it?

>> No.8080184
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Fuck, I was happy with my 3K FUN, now I just feel dead inside.

>> No.8080186

I have only 4k, will I make it?

>> No.8080202

For every penny it goes up I get $2.5k.

Pretty comfy lads.

>> No.8080217

>sold monday after being in the red for two weeks
your welcome boys

>> No.8080250

I hate you guys, anyone with more than my 13K i hate them.

W-will I make it?

>> No.8080253

>can't hold for two weeks
not gonna make it.

>> No.8080271

You'll have more money than most niggers who aren't athletes.

>> No.8080275

lets go boys

>> No.8080287


>> No.8080304

i was originally just trying to flip and move on but instead it dipped and never recovered so it turned into a hodl

>> No.8080344

Hospital posting Funchad from last month here,
able to walk after appendectomy and it looks like maybe fun can to.

t. bought in at 1100 and had surgery.

>> No.8080402
File: 1.12 MB, 368x270, F2C15E5B-AD5F-4BA6-B837-4D94417333D6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

123k FUN reporting in

>> No.8080409
File: 32 KB, 1044x184, Injezwetrust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything Jez hasn't done.

>> No.8080463

feel better anon

>> No.8080501

isn't that like a day surgery procedure. why the fuck were you not able to walk? did it burst or something?

>> No.8080567

Do you just buy every pump n dump biz shills?

>> No.8080588
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how do you do my fello FUNchad

>> No.8080602

checkout CashBet Coin

your welcome

>> No.8080636
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Question for the people that have been holding for a while. Is there any reason why has jumped up like 30%?

>> No.8080655

kek I have 123k too

>> No.8080662

Combination of being shilled by a recent podcast and some accumulation by Casinos early.

>> No.8080680


I've been following FUN closely for a while and I have not seen any confirmation of casino accumulation. Is this speculation or has someone found evidence?

>> No.8080704


>> No.8080709

Do you know who shilled FUN? I should listen to more YouTubers for more information on the market fluctuations.... I don't though

>> No.8080729

Coo, thanks.

>> No.8080734

Purely speculation outside of Jez's telegram comment saying casinos have approached them interested in the project. The post in no way implied a partnership in any way or casinos getting involved in FUN. It was simply them chatting with him saying they thought it was interesting. Take what you want from that. I'm sure some anon can post the screen shot of the telegram.

>> No.8080740

https :// podcast.bitcoin.com/e37- The-Gambling-Industry-FunFair- Virtue-Poker

Knock yourself out

>> No.8080761


>> No.8080771


I'm aware of the telegram stuff. The thing I like most about FUN is that they fairly blunt about their happenings. Cool stuff. Gain on, funbros.

>> No.8080803

Jez guaranteed a q2 launch and did everything but come out and say they already have operators, its quite likely this is casinos accumulating

>> No.8080852

I'm still red because I bought at 10 cents....

>> No.8080883

Im the guy who FOMOs into coins right before they crash and I FOMOed in at 660 sats. You guys are about to start crashing hard. You can already see it in the chart.
Sorry :(

>> No.8080947

strap in for round 2 m8's

>> No.8080952

Sounds good I'll buy more

>> No.8080991
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>bought at 250
>sold at 1200
>bought again at 500


>> No.8081136

If I bought this shit at the bottom instead of the top I'd have so much money, please go back to more than .14 so I can start profiting.

>> No.8081145

I did slightly the opposite. Bought too much at 1100 and fucked myself. Based neo doubled my money and gave me a second shot at this. 15k reporting it ready for combat

>> No.8081175

pro-tip why you should be selling this shit

>all those long ass candles

>> No.8081189

No you don't understand, nothing that I hold ever moons. It's only down from here and I won't sell until 630 sats

>> No.8081235

Thanks bought 2 Trillion more.

>> No.8081246

That's not how you accumulate

>> No.8081318

75k FUN holding until I either lose it all or it hits a buck. Buying another 5k worth of it hits .05 ever again and forgetting about it. I see 3-5 bucks in its future. Maybe not this year or next but it will happened

>> No.8081328

It's literally flagging and regaining it's healthy as fuck growthwise.

>> No.8081370

I THink this is the only coin that still has a chance to moon after the disaster that crypto has been..

>> No.8081391

OK anon, don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.8081469

I just bought at 8495 eth. watch it drop kek.

>> No.8081573

Also they have to put you under morphine for a few days.

>> No.8081778

Did anyone else buy more when BTC dipped early January and took the market with it? I scooped up more FUN at .05 and hit my accumulation target of 200k

>> No.8081823

Looking good funbarian!

>> No.8081897
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Get well soon anon

>sensible chuckle

>> No.8081951

I wish some of the no-chin fuckers that FUD this would read about him. He’s a cool motherfucker who has lived a charmed life.

They are some of the saltiest, pouty cunts in crypto though so... probably would hate him too.

>> No.8081977
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Top o’ the mornin good sir

>> No.8082006

I haven’t seen hard evidence either but the timing seems pretty obvious.

Never believe anything til you KNOW it’s true anon.

>> No.8082068
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You’ll see in time that was a good price. Hold til at least .30 anon. Claim your gains

>> No.8082088

Yep when it dumped yesterday after the pump I didn’t even flinch.

Volume my friends...

>> No.8082090

Plus seems like a great guy. Dudes a winner.

>> No.8082109

I wish I had the liquid to do that, but I wanted to stay diverse. I got 50k at .03-.04 though.

And to anyone admirin my stack I bought my first 10k at .14 so stay strong funbros. Casino meet up in 2019 once we are all a lot better off.

>> No.8082194
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>> No.8082207

Bought in last week, no idea what’s going on

>> No.8082230

BUY MORE. ANYTHING UNDER .15 is a good price.

>> No.8082401


>> No.8082428

feel better bro we'll all make it

>> No.8082451
File: 26 KB, 300x250, just.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second I buy in 0.5 btc it drops 50 sats over an hour


>> No.8082488
File: 70 KB, 1600x1800, 7DB1D7B1-6334-4222-BAB5-A83264072A6C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUN, the magikarp of crypto... for now.

Gyrados incoming.

>> No.8082492

but anon its mid 600 sats

>> No.8083022

soon to be zero sats

lim YourAcctBalance(fun) = ?

>> No.8083581
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I like this meme, well played

>> No.8083812
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>> No.8083854
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goyim, whatever do you mean? 100 dollars is STILL 100 dollars.

>> No.8083861
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>> No.8083885

why has it gone back to 5 cents

is it just pumping and dumping or some bad news?

>> No.8083903

non long term people trying to retardedly day trade a low cap coin

>> No.8084486

I don’t know if I would call 310MM a low mcap coin man, at least not in the current cryptosphere

>> No.8084558

dude, i own 2% of the market cap.

>> No.8084628
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Fuckin saved.

>> No.8084665
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When does it evolve?

>> No.8084703

>20k fun
>bought at .15 cents


>> No.8084707
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>stay shiny

>> No.8084723
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I will be shocked if it’s not .30 by end of Q2. I know the .14 buyers are gonna wanna take profit or break even, who can blame them, but if just SOME hold, it will be earlier!

>> No.8085523
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>> No.8085598

14k FUN 10k COSS, will I make it bros?

>> No.8085942
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literal state of fun bag holders, they're so desperate to dump their bags.