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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8072829 No.8072829 [Reply] [Original]

Traditional Markets are about to Fucking Tank. Big money is going to look for an out - Crypto Boom Time.

>> No.8072866

top notch TA right there anon

>> No.8072868
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>they didnt listen

>> No.8072881

as bullish as I am on crypto, please explain to me why fleeing rich investors would put their money into a more volatile asset again?

>> No.8072886

>Uhoh the markets going down better put my money into a more volatile unregulated market that's also crashing

>> No.8072931


If you knew where to look you'd know that there was massive amounts of shorts being loaded up a couple of days ago...

>> No.8072950


also check my ID, thats you

>> No.8072991

because it's not correlated. big money is already in crypto for that very reason.

>> No.8072992

that's your ID faggot

>> No.8073002

Not sure why these rich people would get into crypto, they could put a small % into BTC to leverage the risk of their assets but other than that there's no reason for them, unless they really think it will have some future dominance. Which is still hard to tell. More things can go wrong than good.

>> No.8073016

newfag detected

>> No.8073031

>cant handle 5% price drop
>put money in crypto

>> No.8073073

Legendary ID

>> No.8073110


>> No.8073115

shutup faggot

>> No.8073237

shut up homo

>> No.8073272

shutup homosexual gay

>> No.8073321

shutup queer

>> No.8073339

is that the origin of Sminem?

>> No.8073352


shutup nigger

>> No.8073441

Ur mom gaY

>> No.8073597


/biz/ used to be a good board, now it is /b/. Millenials shitting on everything once again

>> No.8073655

Greed and exposure.

>> No.8073878
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>> No.8073986

shutup normie

>> No.8074033

And it will never be good again, /biz/ also doesn't have any guidelines on whats acceptable and not. Its a cesspool for bagholders and retarded linkies

>> No.8074077

Look at he olivat charts for feb 6 and say it's not correlated.

>> No.8074200
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just dumb ... comparing 0.5Billion to roughly 100 Trillion ... nigger please

>> No.8074217


* global stock market value not s&p500

>> No.8074230

$0.5 trillion and the size of the markets doesn't matter at all, there's no comparison being drawn, just how one market responds to the movement of another market

>> No.8074469

i laughed

>> No.8074663

you're not from around these parts, quit larping nigger

>> No.8074722

>implying i haven't been browsing 4chan for 8 years
>implying i wasn't having a good time on /biz/ before the horrible shill/pajeet/redditor/sjw/normie invasion since last autumn

>> No.8074787
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Market crashed due to American trade policies that were proposed by Trump

fucking hate poor people on this board

>> No.8074851

During a 2008 crisis or worse why would anyone of serious wealth flee to online digits instead of buying gold?

>> No.8074882


No, gen z. Those tide pod eating little shits are coming of age and shitposting everything down the drain.

>> No.8074887

We hate you more.

>> No.8074891
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>> No.8074914

Yea that's what I meant, english isn't my first language, I was thinking millennials were those born after 2000, the little shits I was referring to

>> No.8074921

that hurts, better get to bed for your 9-5 job tomorrow ya poor fuck

>> No.8075126

I’m sure you have no idea what real work is. That’s ok because your children will.

>> No.8075333

Where is this from? Teeka?

>> No.8075363

Landm_Marius, the kangaroo fucker who is wrong on every call

>> No.8075449

Oh, okay. He's indeed kinda strange about his predictions. When I saw his drawings about how Wall St will draw an Angel figure at bitcoin chart I was like man you have to be tripping way to much on these australian plants, but still it's funny to watch crazy shit he's saying

>> No.8075768

>Going into 2 March 2018, Bitcoin will hit $8420 to $7630
Yeah, we're sitting at 11k. Unlikely we'll drop 3k by EOD. Hope you didn't pay for this report, anon.

>> No.8075782

my children have a trust fund because I'm financially responsible ya stoner

>> No.8076454

your point?

>> No.8076477
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>hey they're correlated for that one day a month ago

>> No.8076483

lol? Well when you draw an arrow like that how can you be wrong

>> No.8077242

>implying oldfags didn't /b/ -> /pol/ -> /biz/

It's just come full circle

>> No.8077604

/biz/ and /fit/ are all i browse consistently now. I will go back to /pol/ when elections roll around but meantime i gotta focus on me.

>> No.8077731

>implying traders will invest in a new unregulated asset class to protect them from downturn in traditional equity markets

You're delusional, famm

No way in hell a dime is coming into crypto from wallsteet no matter how hard stocks tank. They'll buy SQQQ

>> No.8078106


>> No.8078121

/biz/ was never good.

>> No.8078177

>sminem pump
alpha af

>> No.8078273

>t. works at taco bell
He is right though, you shouldn't simply suck this demented boomer of just because.
Imagine 4chan triggering the dotard collectively you peasant brain.
And yes: real work is superior.

>> No.8078403

Sigh... no. They go to bonds and precious metals when stocks tank.
>oh no markets just got volatile
>lets go to this other market that is 10x more volatile
Fucking no anon. They have obligations and responsibilities. They’re going to run far away from risk.
He’s right though. Institutions don’t give a fuck about what’s mooning in two weeks. They have long time horizons and realize that traditional markets don’t stay down for long. Take an average pension fund for example: they’re buying 30 year bonds. 30y from now is 2046. Get some perspective. Crypto isn’t likely to exist at all in it’s current form by 2046.

>> No.8078465

Inb4 2048.

>> No.8078573

>lashes out calling people newfag
n-no y-you're gay not me

>> No.8078724

This isn't how it works but if you're will I make it? I got 3k ICX. Also by telling you guys that I have 3k ICX does that mean you could figure out the rest of my holdings?

>> No.8078740
File: 76 KB, 750x1048, IMG_1443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I have 3k ICX can you figure out what I have in my other holdings?

>> No.8078774



>> No.8078824

Fucking destroyed.

>> No.8078827

This, throw in some /sp/, /fit/ and /v/ every now and then and thats pretty much it

>> No.8079234

>Crypto isn’t likely to exist at all in it’s current form by 2046.
Pretty sure BTC and ETH will still exist.
USA, on the other hand, will probably sink, along with all these 30 year bonds.

>> No.8079298

USA is becoming irrelevant thanks Drumpf voters. Our only shot was that stupid bitch we all hate but who understood politics, the world, networks, and knew tech was our last hope.

>> No.8079296

Learn the difference you fucking boomer

>> No.8079331

I would rather go down with the sinking ship than move to the land of locusts aka China

>> No.8079405
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he knew all along....

>> No.8079433
File: 13 KB, 300x168, WHYWOULDNTYOULISTEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US has known for many years their economy had to collapse and they've planned for it. They've been printing more and more dollars and increased its military spending yearly, even with the collapse of the USSR the US continued to build more military and gain more and more military bases across the world, we are witnessing the US at the point of no return, they have (knowingly) spent their way toward bankruptcy. Bare with me....

They've had a plan for well over sixty years that if they can gain full world military dominance they can then introduce/force a single world currency (What this is ALL about) ...The effect as such would see the US overnight become completely debt free (explains the enormous military overspending and explains their willingness to allow China to purchase so many US bonds) and would see them achieve full global military control as well as full global financial control (a very nice achievement many might argue)

Donald is a puppet

>> No.8079617

It would be way worse actually, the reason USA is doomed is not because of the Trump's economy, but because Obama started to fuck with Russia and China by starting shit in Vietnam, Syria and Ukraine.

Trump is just trying to play business, while everyone else is playing cold war for a while now.

>> No.8079793
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People that invest in crypto always make laugh, because for most crypto other than the big 3, you're literally just gambling. In fact if you played blackjack at a casino everyday for a year or traded crypto everyday for a year. You would most likely be ahead playing blackjack. People who play the stock market almost always lose, now imagine that but with a market 100x more volatile. Yeah, you fags are definitely going to make it.

>> No.8079796

Lol, if the USA sinks then your internet sinks. Without your internet, your precious internet money ceases to exist. Try thinking next time brainlet

>> No.8079929

sec is bullish tho

>> No.8080331

thats not how the internet works shithead

>> No.8080345

he's right
trying to hit massive home runs is how you end up losing all your money on BitMEX (and regular trading)
profit is gained through many small victories

>> No.8080397

I think too many people here are constantly searching for the "right pick" when in all reality, if you have been on this board for a significant period of time, you are almost guaranteed to already hold your ticket to eternal wealth.

Blockchain and cryptocurrency are here to stay. These things are going to be bigger than the dot com boom.

Satoshi envisioned a global digital cash system, but we are creating an entirely new economy on top of that.

>> No.8080442

you niggers have been saying this for 3 years, fuck off retard

>> No.8080446


People trade forex and stock markets leveraged as fuck to get decent margins and often get margin called after it drops 1%, in crypto you can have similar margins but to lose everything you coin needs to drop 100%.

It's really stupid not to invest in crypto right now..

>> No.8080596

cunt has the most punchable face I've ever laid eyes on

>> No.8080757
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>the usa would be better in the hands of someone who literally wants to destroy the usa
back to the special cuck cubby with you

>> No.8081178


>> No.8081310

Anyone trading on margin is a fucking retard and deserves to get margin called all the time.

>> No.8081354

>Respect me because I'm a boomer while I disrespect your generation for being millennials

>> No.8081376

>cuck cubby
you mean /pol/?

>> No.8082091

/biz/fit/lit/ trifecta

>> No.8082141

check my ID, that's you

>> No.8082523
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