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8066576 No.8066576 [Reply] [Original]

Was on a 400k+ salary at IBM at 29 years of age, left to go full time crypto where he became a millionaire and is now earning 900k for advisory roles on crypto projects

What have you done this year, anon?

>> No.8066660
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all in on LINK

>> No.8066737

rip ncash, i have 336k but this nigger shill will bring it to the ground. what fucking advice can he give?

>> No.8066752


What? The nigger is the only reason why this went 4x

>> No.8066792

if this is the only reason, this projetc has bright future indeed

>> No.8066803

made 100k passively in crypto while learning solidity and exploring game theory
had a 3 months holiday in France with the gf
feeling alright
i'd lie if i said i don't envy his gains, but i like my life better than his

>> No.8066870

That hapa roastie from facialabuse supposedly runs an ICO analysis site and has 6mm. Who cares.

>> No.8066888
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If you have no soul, what he's doing is extremely profitable. Basically, you invest in something, shill it to your followers and when they pump it, you dump. Then you can use evidence of these pumps to show how right you were with your calls and recruit more idiots for your next shill, or even some of those you already dumped on if they're a bit slow.

And if you're good, at some point you don't even have to screw your followers, since their pumps will attract even bigger retards that are out there who will jump on the same coin and make it rise for even after you're out. If I wasn't already always feeling bad and guilty for everything - and if I had any, charisma - that's what probably what I'd be doing too.

>> No.8066929

Wait til SEC.

>> No.8066958

Gorilla behind bars, am I right anon?

>> No.8066960


Dude travelled round asia as a celebrity, rich as hell banging locals and fit white chicks. Now he's doing a south america tour then he's off to europe.

He has a good life.

>> No.8066983

nigga still a virgin tho

>> No.8066987

He must be drowning in white pussy thou. Can tell he eats like a king

>> No.8066989

Not that hard to be a self made millionaire when making 400K a year.

However, making 400k a year is very hard

>> No.8067011

Hate this man so much, believing his stupid video right before the icon summit made me not sell the hype and take a lot of profit. "Not going to the moon, but another galaxy!" And it was about kim joining nucleus visions advisory team. Seriously. FUCK YOUUUUUUUUU

God I'm dumb

>> No.8067018

he still a fat black manlet anon and i wouldnt change places even when im broke as shit.

its funny isnt it. give a me a trillion dollars and i wouldnt wanna be him because of his looks. not even memeing.

still mirin his hustle and gains.

>> No.8067324

Nigga got no LINK or REQ, back to welfare by 2020

>> No.8067350

Yes and no, there are a lot of factors. I'll be barely touching six digits soon because I chose a dumb job, but with a lot of others, getting to 400k if par from the course (even if it's a lot compared to the average salary, people who make this much are far from all being geniuses).

>> No.8067420

>Was on a 400k+ salary at IBM at 29 years of age

desu he already made it

>> No.8067889


>> No.8067918

but u still a muh ugly nigger

>> No.8067919

This guy doesn’t even have round numbers in his portfolio, he won’t make it

>> No.8068045

i'm not implying my life conditions are better than his, i was just trying to be polite: i really don't want to be a short and fat black man, nor to have to actively scam people for my money
that being said, i have nothing but respect for the hustle. that's a man who started with very little and made it through his own actions, good for him

>> No.8068527
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He's a retard, he was in the enigma tele gram always complaining and sold everything right before it mooned.
>nigga sells low and buys high

>> No.8068665

im 29 recovering from extreme alcoholism, dont even have a job at the moment and at my parents, I even got a worthless anthropology degree.

>> No.8068770


>400k salary
>became a millionaire thanks to crypto

Yeah, I'd also be a millionaire with that salary.

>> No.8069441

do you think what is he doing may be considered illegal in the future?

>> No.8069468

So this guy got a million dollars for being an adviser. He knows literally nothing

>> No.8069502

>400k+ salary at IBM at 29 years of age
I really doubt that. Even with the diversity policies in tech there's no way anyone is stupid enough to pay this monkey 400k a year. Looks like a scam artist if I've ever seen one.

>> No.8069503

It's illegal now. There just isn't much enforcement on this kind of thing yet.

>> No.8069570

Take this advice from someone who's self made (not involved in crypto or illegal activities).

No rich person will tell you the truth about how he got rich, he will never give you help for free or for a small fee.