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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 767 KB, 1148x646, exchanges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8054451 No.8054451 [Reply] [Original]

So everyone. Exchanges will be starting to pop are left and right, we already have some nice ones to choose from, but since binance (the only good one) has no fiat pairings, which ones will make it and become grand!

Legolas exchange sold out fast and gets shilled hardcore here and on plebbit, yet the /r/subgaylord only has 599 subscribers, which i find odd. Also their private presale was very gay.

CoinMetro on the other hand has problems in the Us, but nearly 3 times the cult-followers on the fucked up gay upboat side and will offer ETFs and other shit as well.

INB4 QQ BLAH BLAH STFU and comment good stuff or nothing at all. I am invested in both already, and I want to know what you guys think of them.

Personally, I buy many different ICOs and kind of gamble on them, which does net very high profits from time to time.

Several people I know have invested in both as well, some even in Coss (I know Coss is a meme).

I could post my referal link for CoinMetro here but I won't, because I want to have an actual normal /biz/ discussion here.

>> No.8054518 [DELETED] 

Good ico. https://coinmetro.win/ and you'll get +7.5%

>> No.8054536


CoinMetro is OK, Legolas had 60% private sale.

That is so much worse than the vested 500% discount on the first 7% of XCM sold (which were public). Let that sink in, 60% of Legolas were sold to a private group of individuals.

>> No.8054548

dont post your fucking referral pajeet, instead talk about the fuckinng ico and WHY it is good. Stop beeing a sheep and a retard (its too late for you I know but at least try)

>> No.8054575

Do you have a source for that? That would be insane..

>> No.8054612

thanks I just bought 5000 of XCM and plan to buy more.
If there's gonna be an exchange to make it - this is the one

>> No.8054661

The highly compliant approach toward regulations is very appealing. I wonder exactly how significant their history with FX will prove for the project. Like will traders that use their FX platform migrate over to CoinMetro? Will it be the platform of choice for finance guys who want to start trading in shitcoins? Strong possibility.
Also it has the crucial Assblaster endorsement. (He teased it as sharing half the name of an old telecom and regulation-friendly, with a team with deep experience in financial markets).

>> No.8054673

Most of my friends are well educated (hold at least an undergraduate degree) and know about cryptocurrency. In fact I can quite confidently say they all know about cryptocurrency, as does a lot of my family. Despite everyone knowing about bitcoin, I know only 1 other person who has invested in crypto. I've spoke to a lot of them about crypto and many see the potential it has to grow, but the process of buying bitcoin and then transferring to an exchange and trading to another coin is overwhelming. It is not a simple process and people don't trust it enough to invest their money.

Something which makes it simpler to go from money in your pocket/bank to crypto is going to fuel the huge growth in cryptocurrency. There is a large debate atm which can be seen in multiple /biz/ threads about whether we are early adopters or not. For the reasons above I actually do think we're early adopters. Yes, everyone has heard about crypto, but only a very small percent of people have done any significant research into it and an even smaller percent has actually invested.

>> No.8054694

WTF is this? not even remotely amusing copypasta.

>> No.8054725
File: 241 KB, 2234x994, Screen Shot 2018-03-01 at 21.49.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pic related

You know how coinmetros ICO is going very slowly compared to total shitcoins with lots of hype? That's because of '''''private investors'''''' who buy most of the tokens to dump later. Matrix chain, top 50 wallets own 55% of the coins. CoinMetro is slow because Kevin is a very well respected professional dude who wants everything to be completely kosher.

>> No.8054743

I think Kevin said in AMA they had a fair amount of interest from their fxpig customers

>> No.8054746

There's no need to shill the ICO, it would be ideal if they only sell 200MM tokens. That way we get the lifetime discount and pre ICO invites and they burn the rest. Once this exchange gets up and running it will be huge. Their crypto debit card is how I'm gonna cash out tax free.

>> No.8054801
File: 761 B, 98x25, MetroRef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, it's 2.5%, always. Don't listen to this. I'm invested in XCM and can see it doing incredibly well in any case. They've already hit their soft cap so they're safe even if the ICO doesn't sell out. Investing the minimum 0.1 amount will get you permanent (25% afaik) discounts as a founder on the platform even if you sell all of your XCM. For further discounts, you get more based on how much XCM you hold, which gives incentive to hold the coin (and its value will rise).
Required for literally every transaction, if you don't have any at the time of purchase, it'll automatically buy and use it for you.
Shit ref shill in the pic if anyone is interested, can try to answer more questions if anyone wants.
They have a beta app as well on android right now.

>> No.8054812

They have a debit card?

>> No.8054828

Forgot link to the app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.coinmetro

>> No.8054832

The more coins sold, the bigger the percentage of token buyback occurs.

Guess you'd need to weigh up 20% buy back against burn of unsold tokens.

>> No.8054852
File: 65 KB, 600x600, coinmetro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could post my referal link for CoinMetro here but I won't

i'll do this for you:

the +7.5%-guy is a lie, you will get +2.5%.
Ref-ID 5a603a5eda66970cda5fee9a, but you can just click the link as well.

>> No.8054855

ctrl+f: "debit".

>> No.8054910

ty /biz/bro

>> No.8054914
File: 92 KB, 1024x1013, 1519516242769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CoinMetro looks really promising.

>slick website, normie friendly
>freshly released app, slick as fuck too
>dedicated ceo that gives updates on a daily basis on telegram through voice messages
>fxpig, his other project, is an extremely solid forex broker with great ratings
>fiat to alt, debit cards and more stuff that can make normies invest easily in the market
>solid fee model that can make XCM rocket, even better than Binance (which is my main exchange)
>they are extremely dedicated to make everything solid regulation wise
>burgers still not in, and as soon as they will be able to grab coins the ICO will go even better
>and if it doesn't, the token burn will increase the value

I feel bullish on this tbqh fampais. I really hope it will help me making it cause wageslaving is sucking the life out of me. The competition will be strong and that's the main risk, but this dude here looks like it's gonna be a big one.

Shameless referral shilling if you want to help this poorfag out:

DYOR good luck brehs

>> No.8055081


Kevin murcko truly is /ourguy/

>> No.8055224

I posted it in a thread a few days ago. It's not meant to be amusing. It's an anecdotal explanation of why coinmetro will be successful.

>> No.8055243

nice tread up untill now. desu I haven't been in the telegram group yet, only heard a lot of good stuff about it. I will join in a couple of days and take a look.

Thanks gyus, have a ncie night (day whatever)

>> No.8055302

this makes me even more confident that I chose to invest in CM over Legolas

thanks anon

>> No.8055306

Yea, best telegram group I've seen in a while too. Admins aren't fags, they answer all concerns and potential FUD. If it's a big question, Kevin sometimes answers with a comprehensive voicenote. Try find the livestream he did during the first day of the ICO, also answers a lot of frequent questions

>> No.8055340
File: 5 KB, 296x202, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CoinMetro looks really promising.

it is. i cashed out and CM is the only money i left in crypto, for several reasons. i don't feel like to spoonfeed you guys, you should spend some time by yourself and give it a read on their website. i trust this guys, and this is pretty unusual to say about anything when it comes to crypto.

>>8054910 (You)

nah, fuck off, from 5 registrations only one bought a small amount, so don't worry, it is not that i get rich by spamming my ref link.
it is not even smart to shill because the unsold token burn thing, but well, on the other hand coinmetro as a company will benefit when the hardcap gets filled.

>> No.8055414
File: 5 KB, 370x98, 1498870340490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice website

>> No.8055480

>tfw only 2500 xcm

im jealous

>> No.8055551

blabla not smart to shill yet you post your referal. Put your mouth where your money is or stfu

>> No.8055574

are they letting burgers into the ICO yet?

>> No.8055584

Please leave the code to people who know what they do, baby's first qq "trojan" I guess. go to wordpress and copy paste a template there (jesus)

>> No.8056307
File: 15 KB, 426x314, ohneimschmusekadser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to have an actual normal /biz/ discussion here
>Put your mouth where your money is or stfu

so, what is your part in this discussion, beside of being salty?
some con in this ICO is that the sale is pretty slow and it doesn't seem to hit the hard cap. but i am with what >>8054725 said, it is kosher.
there is nothing in the background going on, no flimsy stuff, no secret deals. and if you have a closer look at CMs twitter activity it is pretty honest, they retweet crypto news in general and also the bad news as well. this is good.
some pro is that the marketing is strong, i see coinmetro advertisements where i never expected it, i mean where i am not connected with an account to big brothers like google or facebook or something else. they really spend money on marketing, and their target are normies. good as well.

there are other things to say and discus, but thats just what came in my mind.

>> No.8056550

My part is actualy starting the thread, and providing the platform for the discussion. I am salty because I want people to contribute and actually say what they think, without someone like you coming along and trying to appear "friendly" and like a real "bro" inb4 advertising their own referral link. If the ICO is good, it will hit its hardcap, with, or without 4chan. I would not have been so demeaning to you if you would have not posted your link, which I did not do, nor did anyone else besides the first shiller who is obviously only in for the money.

>> No.8056596

Holding PFR and XCM, any other exchanges? What do you guys think of https://neonexchange.org/

team looks slick af

>> No.8056729

Too late, CM will already be huge by then.
This has got norman appeal written all over it; even I feel at ease looking at the website.
This is part of the next gen of exchanges, like legolas and yes even coss

>> No.8056783

And yea, Legolas looks good, but I don't see its appeal when compared to what's currently out there.
CM seems to be truly different than what's being offered atm in this market.

>> No.8056833

Now COSS, I know a lot of you hate it, but its not going to be a complete flop. Yea CM will without a doubt outperform COSS, but think short term for once. COSS will get hyped hard in the next month and a half with fiat & new engine. Its not unreasonable to expect good a better roi with COSS than with CM in the short term

>> No.8056894

Unless they announce fiat pairing is only for singapore or some shit. Or if they delay yet again, neither of which would surprise me from their incompetence in the past.

>> No.8057172

In the past COSS was operating on far fewer resources than now. Their ICO only raised 3.5mil which is nothing compared to CM & Legolas. Ever since the price run-up to $3 they are now operating with much more capital. Plenty of new hires in the last few weeks has resulted in quite the change of pace.
One more thing fiat for Singapore isn't a bad thing on its own. There is quite a bit of evidence that COSS is gearing up to be the exchange of Singapore. Think of it like Quadra in Canada.

>> No.8057206

>None of the functionality works

Come on now.

>> No.8057210

Blocknet is going to make a lot of exchanges redundant

>> No.8057241

No it won't, blocknet caters to a niche market, coinmetro is for the other 99%

>> No.8057285

Decentralized exchanges don't have norman appeal, or etfs, etc.
Think institutional money

>> No.8057342

exchange hasnt gone live yet...

>thinks app will magically still work


>> No.8057490 [DELETED] 

>If the ICO is good, it will hit its hardcap, with, or without 4chan

you overestimate biz, anon is either a poorfag or a pajee shill, however he has not enough money to influence anything.

>I would not have been so demeaning to you if you would have not posted your link

http://coinmetro.trade/ for +2.5% kek

so what, it will do nothing, nobody here is able to spend a decent amount on anything. look at me, i just cashed out. we are lost souls by lurking here.
and you know what? i like how crypto became stagnant right now, people lost interest and biz is slow and readable.

>> No.8057515
File: 109 KB, 522x398, 1382129345571.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all the oldfags got rich and left while i was jerking it to anime

>> No.8057520
File: 114 KB, 480x750, true_smoker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If the ICO is good, it will hit its hardcap, with, or without 4chan

you overestimate biz, anon is either a poorfag or a pajee shill, however he has not enough money to influence anything.

>I would not have been so demeaning to you if you would have not posted your link

http://coinmetro.trade/ for +2.5% kek

so what, it will do nothing, nobody here is able to spend a decent amount on anything. look at me, i just cashed out. we are lost souls by lurking here.
and you know what? i like how crypto became stagnant right now, people lost interest and biz is slow and readable.

>> No.8057543

sorry, i deleted my post for adding an image >>8057520

>> No.8057562

i'm drunk btw

>> No.8057610

i know. its ok. i still love you and you are a good anon.

>> No.8057669
File: 40 KB, 261x260, 1404568799542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i was drunk. too poor

>> No.8057723

If there's one thing the poor can afford, it's a Busch tallboy from the convenience store.