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File: 104 KB, 800x400, chink-scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8053291 No.8053291 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else just come to the conclusion that all chink coins are scams?

NEO: Chink scam. Copy of Ethereum, which was created by a white man. Does not do anything useful, smart contracts are expensive as shit to deploy compared to ethereum.

TRON: A fucking chink scam. Enough said.

VeChain: This one speaks for itself. No whitepaper. Lied about having Vitalik as an advisor. Working product is a $500 NFC sticker printer. Sunny Lu meets with high level people for photo ops. VeChain team seen in local BMW dealership lobby taking pics. Wine bottle stickers.

OMG: Another shitty fucking chink scam with no working product. Just promises.

ICON: What the fuck even is this shit? Putting everything on the blockchain? Chink fucking scam, enough said.

Binance: I'll give the chinks this one, they've created a pretty good exchange here.

Walton: Another chink fucking scam. What does it even do? Where are the wallets? Or are we looking at just another chink ERC20 token scam (like vechain). Can chinks do anything themselves? At least put your shitty token on the NEO blockchain, if it was worth a shit (hint: it's not). Not to mention they manipulated their own twitter contest.

Not to mention all the other obvious scams perpetrated by chinks:
-ETP (Metaverse)
-etc, etc, etc...

Chinks are the same they've always been. Scammers that have only moved forward by copying the ways of Whites. And they can't even do that correctly.

And before you say shit, Satoshi was a white man. Look it up.

Chinks have never, and will never do anything innovative or productive. Want to make money in this space? Invest in white power: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, Nano, maybe even IOTA if you're feeling lucky. At least you know you're not getting scammed.

>> No.8053348

you sound racist and unintelligent

>> No.8053351


>> No.8053353

Anon you are right...even though i like NEO.

But these chinks are fucking scammers...i want to punch sunny lu in his dick...

Another thing to point out...why do the do a whole rebrand before even a working product...

Vechain - bitconnect quality event for makeover
HPB - new website redesign etc - wtf
CPCHAIN - bout to rebrand (what idiot named it that)

I think a few others go for rebrand....either it is to scam more people or they are incompetent

>> No.8053376

based thread

ib4 chink mods remove it like they did the last ones

>> No.8053489


>> No.8053549

its funny i made a lot of money out of chink scams

>> No.8053579

get in get out before you get chinked

>> No.8053587
File: 25 KB, 600x600, creepy-baby-serial-killer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8053835

you've only made money if you get out of the scams before they do

I also made off nicely by buying antshares early but now i'm 100% out of chink shit. chinese eth/korean eth fuck out of all with that shit

>> No.8053980

I realized the other day my portfolio is all chink coins which is primarily why I am getting just'd. True american muscle is what got me here and I betrayed it. Going back to white power.

>> No.8054050

Anyone whose being emotionally invested due race will never make it.

>> No.8054123

Hello rebbit

>> No.8054263

Good idea anon. You will make it

>> No.8054298

Are chinks all yellows or just chinese.
If just Chinese i agree, Japs are good boys

>> No.8054323

Get Enig.
Non chink scam
ALso, the strategy is to ride the chink hype scam before you get justd
Tricky though, we saw how quickly walton got rekt

>> No.8054324

The chinks are focused on technology, nuclear energy, AI, and genetic engineering

The west is still trying to determine which pronouns to use

kill yourself faggot

>> No.8054404

For those who missed the China thread the other day, scamming is a well established practice in Chinese culture. Given how prevalent scamming is among the Chinese, parents instill within children that to avoid scamming due to moral sentiment is what brainlets do, and that scamming is an amoral tool that's necessary if you want to realise your full potential & advance in Chinese society.

I like the Chinese. I think they're hilarious. But if you're going to trust their marketing you're going to get JUSTed

>> No.8054437

gonna need proof on that
I definitely know there are a lot of poor china man that have to scam to survive but yea...
I got a chink friend that actually happens to be nice and even let me borrow money

>> No.8054732
File: 946 KB, 1400x5552, 1519849866145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8054742

link please?

>> No.8054816
File: 16 KB, 900x500, Jibrel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But what about Arab coin like Jibrel?

>> No.8054877
File: 516 KB, 1147x816, Coin_Crackdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The good news is that the SEC is going to step in, shut down all the shitcoins, and regulate all the rest.

>> No.8054918

kek too long to read
Chinese are cold hearted cunts tho
Seen videos on live link to give me what i need to know about true chinks .Americanized chinks are different, in China you mind your ow n business

If a toddler is getting mauled by a pitbull and it isn't your kid, you walk by as if nothing happened. Seen stuff like that online all the time.

>> No.8054969

Shitholers BTFO

>> No.8054982

preach it OP

>> No.8054983

Lol glad to see all that advanced chink research is going into asbestos childrens make up and lead toys.

China is the third world mfg hellhole where ur work has suicide nets and helping hit and run victims lands you in jail.

>> No.8055003

Research it. They dont have lines in china people just shove their way,

>> No.8055010

you forgot the biggest one of them all.. bitcoin cash aka bcrap.

>> No.8055067

I remember missing out on NEO gains because of China FUD.

I don’t trust the Chinese one bit but if you don’t think you’ll make serious gains off Chinese coins you’re an idiot