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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8051433 No.8051433 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink was not KYC/AML compliant in their ico. Despite prohibiting USA, Singapore and Chinese residents from participating ChainLink just required checking a little box proclaiming you weren’t from any of those nations. The SEC is gonna crack down on chainlink and bury the neets of 4chan hard in a sea of red candles. I have no sympathy for the people who put mist of their life savings in a coin in direct violation of SEC laws.


“Many promoters of ICOs and cryptocurrencies are not complying with our securities laws,” SEC chairman Jay Clayton said earlier this year. In another speech he said he has instructed his staff to be “on high alert for approaches to ICOs that may be contrary to the spirit” of those laws.

If you're not worried your coin will drop when the sec cracks down in the coming months you're deluded.

>> No.8051494

Dubs of truth. I want my board back. I can't believe everyone is falling for this scam. Soon this board will be known as the poorfag board and no one will bring good picks anymore.

>> No.8051527

>I have no sympathy for the people who put mist of their life savings in a coin in direct violation of SEC laws.
Are you fucking Liz Warren?

gtfo pocahontas

>> No.8051566

Nice argument fag

>> No.8051579

Been waiting for new FUD.

>> No.8051586

Shits going to affect future and current ICO's. I don't think they are going to hunt ICO's that are concluded (at least not yet)

>> No.8051595
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>> No.8051600

that's homoracist

>> No.8051610

Hilariously, people like Liz Warren are why my bank can never do to me what crypto exchanges do to their clients every day.

>> No.8051611

The SEC has only been going after blatant scams ie ICOs with no intention to ever build a business or service

>> No.8051616

thats like blaming engineers who built bridges in 1806s that do not comply with today's regulations or those regs were current at the time in September? tell me burgers

>> No.8051656 [DELETED] 

It's not fud. They really weren't KYC compliant. Ok spoke the truth. Read about it.

>> No.8051744

>article in link is behind paywall
Yea right
Whats the SEC again?
Why you trying so hard to fud this shitcoin is what im wondering

>> No.8051802
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It's not fud. They really weren't KYC compliant. OP spoke the truth. DYOR

>> No.8052035

The securities regulations that ICOs violate are very old

>> No.8052092

this is OP on his phone

>> No.8052153

so ETH, DRAGON, infact 99% of top 100 coins. fuck off

>> No.8052192

ok so whats the worst case scenario here? Sergey has to pay a little fine instaed of buying more big macs? wow I'm scared

>> No.8052411

He'll be sued by the sec have to pay a huge fine and refund everyone their ico money that bought in to the ico. Depending if the sec determines his operation to be fraudulent He'll have to shut down and smartcontract.com will turn in to the confido homepage. If he gets to continue operation he wont have the funding needed to continue and chainlink will fail anyway.

>> No.8052494

gayest fud ever
1) it's not a security
2) even if it was there is zero chance the sec will retroactively go after thousands of ICOs
3) you're a faggot

>> No.8052503

Honestly I'm just telling people the truth. I'm sick of all the shilling on this board of a coin destined to fail because they are obviously breaking laws. People need to get out with a profit before chainlink gets shut down.

>> No.8052522

>please sell me your bags! i want to accumulate more!

>> No.8052528
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fuck off retard, nobody falling for your cheap FUD

>> No.8052542

I can assure you that pretty much every altcoin is not AML compliant. Every. Single. One.

The SEC will only go after bad actors.

t. Works for the CFTC

>> No.8052553

Sure thay will. As soon as they get more authority they will crack down to protect the average investor and the fines they take pay for government programs and salaries. People buy chainlinkj with the intention of making more usd. That is tge definition of a security.

>> No.8052563
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>> No.8052583

>SEC has jurisdiction over the whole world
Oh, it's that time of the day isn't it? The burgers are awake.