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8050028 No.8050028[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If God exists then why do bad things happen?

>> No.8050061

because he is a fag just like you OP

>> No.8050076

Because they’re only bad according to you.

>> No.8050217
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Because existence works like a market where highs and lows are interdependent.

>> No.8050226

Because if he would prevent us from doing evil then doing good would automatically seize to exist.

>> No.8050256

Simple, for good things to exist, bad things must also.
All is in balance.

>> No.8050268

Because we have influence over irrelevant things, while Gods plan is all-encompassing, good and concerning major events in life.

>> No.8050269

Because humans do those bad things, not God

>> No.8050346

are people outside of Gods influence?

>> No.8050347

All these fucking idiots . . . So God designed a plan where a little girl can get raped in Turkey so a person can feed a homeless in Chile? . . . Ok . . .

>> No.8050376
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Why is this in /biz? MOOOOOODSSS

>> No.8050384

Because through the suffering and pain you become a better man

>> No.8050405
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>he performs shallow analysis and is ready to call other points of view nasty names in arrogant ignorance

>> No.8050410

Because hates us.

Jk, he probably forgot about us the way you forgot about that Sims save... we just kept running in the background.

>> No.8050415
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>implying God even exists.

>> No.8050455

What are "bad things" in OPs question?

>> No.8050487

>he can't formulate arguments for himself
typical teenage atheist

>> No.8050500

Genocide, hunger, pump and dumps

>> No.8050524

>pretends not to see the problem I proposed because he is too triggered by the word “idiot”

Arrogant ignorance is what everyone else is doing, they are answering the question as if God existed.

>> No.8050533

because there is no good or bad, or good and evil

the world just is

>> No.8050541

because he's malevolent

>> No.8050543

Sam Hyde running amok out there in the world

>> No.8050565


>> No.8050568
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You Will understand One day...

>> No.8050589

>Insults instead of answering the question.

I would say you are a typical Christian but you have not raped an altar boy so far.

>> No.8050591
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Your definition of bad is different than God's.

>> No.8050617
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If he does he's probably jerking off somewhere else

Truth is we are all trapped in here with each other and fucking over someone else not in your immediate community has no magical consequences (hell, Politicians literally make a career out of this), the concept of karma is a myth pushed by spooks to keep useful morons content on the line of being fucked over again and again

>> No.8050632

false premises

>> No.8050654

So you just skip the question of “is this shit even real?” And jump straight to “I like it therefore I’m going to believe it”.

>> No.8050675

How do you know? Can you provide a reason why his definition is different? Maybe he is just evil.

>> No.8050678

>projecting this badly
reformulate your initial statement so that it is a proper argument. without shallow insults. We aren't your mother, those won't work.

>> No.8050701

What do you mean by "bad things" its just perspective, what is bad for somene could be good for others

>> No.8050703
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>> No.8050704

You are going to have to elaborate, you cannot just say “nope” and pretend to be taken seriously.

>> No.8050705

Where is the question in the post boyo? point it out to me.

>> No.8050759

define bad

>> No.8050764

>So God designed a plan where a little girl can get raped in Turkey so a person can feed a homeless in Chile?

How is this so hard to understand? Allowing evil so good can exists is redundant, and counterproductive.

>> No.8050787

I'm not a kid, i questioned myself all my Life... When i was young i didn't believe in god, now i do

>> No.8050794

Go to my initial comment retard.

Ups sorry I hope you don’t get triggered by the word retard and go crying to your mom in order not ignore the rest of my comment

>> No.8050861
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>Unironically says “I’m not a kid”

I don’t care what you believed before and whether you believe now, believe doesn’t prove the existence of said thing you believe in. Provide a convincing argument for the existence of God or I’ll tell your mom you are in “the chanz” again kiddo.

>> No.8050879

you are speaking to real people here, not to your second split personality created due to the need to browbeat anyone in your condition of basement dwelling NEET solitude.

usage of profanities in a discussion is same as admitting defeat. Perhaps it works on your mother.

>> No.8050935

My argument is the meme i posted, bye bye

>> No.8051046

Religion is dying off. Well, other than with the "shitskins" that I know are so popular here.

>> No.8051048

Aww you got triggered, not surprised you are scared to answer the question.

>> No.8051152

I’m leaving, there is no point engaging people that scared to actually answer questions. Explaining god’s decisions to have evil and good without explaining God existence is as arrogant as saying that Santa Claus can travel around the entire world because he has rendeers, makes no sense.

>> No.8051174
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>> No.8051190

insults for insults child. learn to talk to other people in an answerable manner.

>> No.8051271

Is the thread about the existence of god? It assumes the existence of god for the sake of conveying the discussion proposed.

You don't accept the assumption that god exists in OPs question. It should question whenever you are actually human and not some monkey randomly typing in a zoo, as the post content strongly imply this.

>> No.8051278

Hi Anon,
Hope you are well and that nothing is distressing in your life.
From a Christian perspective.
Your are presupposing that God is "good". But God is just God. He is the creator of everything and things like good or evil are human ideas based on this life we have.
God created everything including man and woman. We have the ability to think for ourselves. And because of this we thought that we could become god when Eve and Adam ate from the fruit from the tree of knowledge, when tempted by Satan.
That disobedience separated us from God and He was forced to kick us out from "Eden". Because God is Holy and we were no longer holy due to disobedience. And from that disobedience, people have been singing ever since.
I hope you find some meaning and truth. Good luck.