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8049397 No.8049397 [Reply] [Original]

Okay. What is going on.

BTC has been rejected by the meme downtrend line multiple times but is still trying to fight back. Please don't break through. Please fail and crash. I liquidated everything I had into DAI at 17K and want to buy back much lower. I need a whale to set up a colossal crash, please, before the meme line is invalidated.

>> No.8049411

Ok just sold 20 BTC, i wanted into BAT anyway

>> No.8049417

Buy now while bitcoin is still cheap, we'll hit 40k EOM

>> No.8049432

from my TA (noob here) were going to 11k short term

>> No.8049457
File: 152 KB, 1894x626, Phase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, these TA lines can get invalidated in under 1 second if a whale dumps his load. Historically most crashes went down 85%+ and lasted over 1 year. WE are just getting started.

>> No.8049495

It's not gonna be a crash, it'll be a slow bleed once the whales lose interested in propping the inflated price up.

>> No.8049736

>Plz Crash

>> No.8049815

The only thing going for BTC right now are the whales and the "believers" like the anarchists who think their internet money will finally free them from the shackles of oppression or whatever the hell that even means. Take note that BTC has been moving sideways for some time and has been trading like this for the past 3 months. They're just prolonging the inevitable but it WILL come down quite hard and fast when liquidity dries up and whales finally only play each other for scraps.

This correction is sorely needed and the believers or the HODL faggots or whatever you call them will finally give in when the market crashes and have no more money to play with.

>> No.8049837
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What about new liquidity from Wall Street boys, retired rich guys etc..

>> No.8049843

*past 3 weeks rather. Im fucking sleepy, sue me.

>> No.8049859

The obvious answer: its not a downtrend

Sorry you can't read charts

>> No.8049923

Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street type institutions have been fudding already that the bitcoin and ethereum market is already overpriced. You think they're going to buy at present prices when they can have the media and news backing at their disposable to make this go lower and buy at the cheap? Kek.

Jews didn't become rich by being liberal with their money. They only scoop up when prices are dirt cheap then move the market up with their massive amounts of buying, which in turn gives people incentive to buy more and push prices up again which form another bubble.

Business cycles. Boom and bust. Rinse and repeat. That's how the game is played.

>> No.8050044



>> No.8050051
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So you foresee a crash sooner or later? When?

Been thinking of buying but I cant know for sure when is the best time espcially now when everything is going up - could be a trap? Whats your suggestion anon

>> No.8050191

I don't have a crystal ball to tell you and obviously I don't have all the information and data in the world but the writing is on the wall. Liquidity has dried up, whales are manipulating (price suddenly going up or down at given price points show this as the obvious), media fud and a massive down trend which lost the gains of bitcoin in just 2 months by as much as 70%. Despite what the HODL fags and believers tell you here, it's pretty clear many people are just watching the sidelines and dare not make any move and get burned.

Retards who short or long right now are the only people giving movement to this market but like I said, that's going to stop when whales finally get them and they only have each other to play.

>> No.8050203

Wishful thinking and unicorns from desperate nolambos here. Sorry.

>> No.8050293

You're in luck op, China is going to crash it for you

>> No.8050308

The desperation in this thread makes me sick, you have no influence on the price faggots.

>> No.8050311


Sachs just bought poloniex you stupid nigger nocoiners thinking you know shit about dick


>> No.8050335

Chart looks nice, but the volume is drying up so quickly i don't really know what to think.

>> No.8050341

Everything is not going up. Have you seen the price movements in the past 4 weeks? It might not be news to you but people DID get burned at the highs. Normies who bought in during the downtrend think this is a scam and that is still fresh in their minds.

>> No.8050343

Thanks anon. Last question.

What about the 6k crash. When India FUD, S-Korea FUD etc.. - if it was done by ((Them))) - was it to counter current whales (like you said, get it cheap) to overturn whales or become them?

>> No.8050385

Yeah and they've been fudding crypto to hell telling viewers on the news bitcoin and ethereum are oversold. They're positioning themselves in so they can buy crypto on the cheap. Why the hell do you think they want bitcoin to tank so bad while buying an exchange that lets them in?

2+2 you no brain retard.

>> No.8050393

>HODL faggots or whatever you call them will finally give in

You clearly don't know who some of us HODL faggots are.

>> No.8050411

*overbought rather.

>> No.8050430

If crypto keeps crashing everyone is going to leave




fujck you're stupid


one wallet bought 8billion dollars of fucking bitcoin during the last dippo

they're getting in right now eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooottttttttttttttttt


>> No.8050441

Relax OP, if there's a daily close above a meme line it won't immediately invalidate that line and cause an instant bull run. You have to account for bull trapped and bear trapped regions if you're drawing a channel. Right now the market is being pushed up but the volume isn't there to keep it sustainable for that long. You'll eventually see a correction which will put us back into the channel.

>> No.8050449

I don't think it's watching from the sidelines as much as a slow, steady sell off into fiat before the whole thing falls on it's face. If I held a significant amount of bitcoin, I'd be looking at getting it out of the market, as it slowly grinds down in price.
What's left is a bunch of get-rich-quick dreamers and NEETS rummaging through the trashpile of pajeet scamcoins and other bullshit, praying for an acorn. Or they spend all day trying to read the trendline tealeaves, or make up ridiculous notions like "Wall Street bonuses will all be invested into crypto". It's hilarious and pathetic. It's easy enough to find forums where that type hang out, and there's NO talk of doing that. Same for "Institutional money" or "tax returns". NOBODY outside of crypto forums are talking about buying in. The NEETs here have convinced themselves that all anyone talks about it crypto, when the vast majority of the public has no idea what it is, or they have a vague memory of "Oh, yeah, didn't that crash last month and everyone lost their money?"
There's a very good chance most of you will end up like those fat housewives with cases of Beanie Babies in the basement, convinced they'll be worth millions of dollars again, someday. You'll all have wallets of worthless cryptocoins, that will be worth millions again, just you wait!

>> No.8050488

You are a retard. How are you even alive.

>> No.8050493

>hurr price will go down forever! There is no recovery! There is only up or down! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
You're way of typing and emotional outbursts also tells me you're an autistic faggot who bought at the highs. Sorry retard but Jews didn't just become rich by buying and selling the /biz/ way.

>> No.8050503

Dummy, they know where the real money is, transaction fees.

Get a fucking clue already. Sachs knows how to make trillions shaving off percentage points, not making huge bets on dubious things like crypto. They're gonna make bank off your pathetic little .00000072 bitcoin purchases, because you believed the fairy stories being thrown around /biz.

>> No.8050521


wow those are some seriously well cited and explained facts that are definitely happening

>> No.8050549


You probably said something just like that last year lmao

>> No.8050585

>steady sell off into fiat before the whole thing falls on it's face.
This too but whether it's my reason behind it or yours, it's pretty clear volume is drying up. Only whales, believers, swing traders, day traders and those who margin trade thinking they're going to make money on a sideways market are the only ones moving the price right now. Goldman Sachs buying Poloniex then fudding the hell out of it (even celebrities like Bill Gates have joined the fud bandwagon) clearly scream they're positioning themselves in order to scoop up and buy at the cheap.

2+2,it's not really that hard to read unless you're a delusional retard like this guy >>8050430

>> No.8050593

how do you get people interestin in nigger buying NIGGER CRYPTO NIGGER?


you raise price



who wants to buy crashed shit. dead market NIGGER FUCK YOU ARE ALL STOPOOOPD


no one cares what you think nigger, I bet you are not white

>> No.8050621

>being this stoooooopod


>> No.8050625

If you still think bears are in control then I don't blame you, you are just playing it safe and there are about 4 points of resistance (trendline, fib, 50day MA which is now broken actually, trapped longs from 11780 high and natural depth resistance at 11k) from here to 12000 that need to break to confirm a bullish trade. There will be time for you to FOMO in on the breakout but there is no point being in a short here and if you were a bear believer you would have sold much higher than here anyway, likely on the confirmation of the 17k bulltrap, if you only recently turned bearish then you are simply corrupted by the bogdabots.

>> No.8050645

How do you calculate these trapped bears and bulls? Price swinging with low volume?

>> No.8050658

>why arent my memelines working

>> No.8050662

You probably think you have a point.

>> No.8050697
File: 24 KB, 543x443, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin is goin to crash guys i swer on my mum

>> No.8050742

Massive sell off at 11k. This weekend I will be buying all of the stinky linkies and other alts that I can get my hands on at half price.

>> No.8050785


You know what's remarkable is this is actually happening whilst the dollar has gone up recently thanks to some of the hawkish statements from the new Fed chair - so the situation's actually far more bullish than you realise hombre...

>> No.8050789

I do not believe the big dogs are positioning themselves to buy into crypto. It makes no sense at all. They already own the system, why would they pour all of their wealth into a system they *don't* control? So they can try to sell it later for a profit, and crash the whole fucking thing and lose it all?
You don't understand how these entities think and behave, and what rules and mindsets control them, if you think they're going to risk their cash and their investor's cash in something as risky as crypto. They'd have better odds of making money for their clients by liquidating their holdings and buying large blocks of Powerball tickets.
Sorry, but i just laugh at the idea of Goldman Sachs making any kind of significant buy of crypto, it makes no sense as a business model. They didn't get to where they are by doing stupid things like that.

Now, them buying exchanges, to skim off that delicious fee income? That's going to be a real thing.

Companies like Goldman Sachs don't sit down at the roulette wheel with us dirty peons, and bet. They buy the casino, and rake in the percentage from our losses.

>> No.8050811

If you think the real economy is in any way linked to crypto...well, someone else sold you a bridge, so I bet I could sell you another, lol.

>> No.8050856

>I do not believe the big dogs are positioning themselves to buy into crypto. It makes no sense at all.
Goldman Sachs just bought Poloniex. US and EU talks akso pointed out that they want to embrace crypto but in a more regulated fashion. On the other hand in normie world, Goldman Sachs and other business celebrities have been fudding and bad mouthing crypto to hell wanting the price to tank.

It doesn't make sense to buy an exchange and have all these talks about acceptance of bitcoin and regulation only to want your own product to tank and fall UNLESS you are positioning yourself to buy on cheap.

2+2 anon. Beat them in their own game.

>> No.8050906
File: 14 KB, 200x188, 792756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many corrections do you need?
BTC was at 6k February 6.
Bears gtfo.

>> No.8050916

I would've called you a nutjob but knowing how Jews operate, I can see this happening

>> No.8050951
File: 307 KB, 1075x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they want the fees but crypto is dying. Where do you say they are going to get their fees from?

>> No.8050960
File: 1.33 MB, 490x206, 0129398120012910928920.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's a staggering lack of comprehension in what you just said there. I shouldn't have to be talking to 12 year old kids here isn't there something more fun you could be doing...?

>> No.8050963

One could argue the rise from 6k to 11.7k was a correction of the bear before going down again. You clearly have no idea how markets work. To you, charts should only show up or down in price movement.

>> No.8050970

as many as possible until bulls push this shit out of the channel properly.

>> No.8050971

Dude. They bought an exchange, because it makes money from trading fees. Every trade generates income for the exchange. Of course they bought in. But that's not the same as putting a significant portion of their fucking holdings into crypto. It makes no fucking sense. Read what i fucking wrote. Why the fuck would a bank take it's own money and the money of it's investors and sink it into a system they don't have any control over? Especially when they have the global banking system under their thumb and can rake in profits that crypto can only dream about?

It's time to step away from /biz and crypto, you're not thinking rationally. You think that because you're all-in on it, that the world thinks the same as you do - and that's irrational.

Goldman Sachs will not be putting it's assets, or the assets of it's customers, at risk in the crypto market. Period. End of fucking story. They'd lose all of their credibility and confidence of their investors and partners if they did something as fucking dumb as that.

But keep posting "2+2", like it means something.

>> No.8050991

Same thing happened on September China FUD, retard.

>> No.8051018

Trades, dummy. The same place Bitmex makes their money. From idiots like you trying to margin trade with no knowledge or skill.

Get a fucking clue already. Banks invented interest rates. You think they don't see the percentages in margin trading, like they already know from owning real commodity trading exchanges? You think companies like Goldman Sachs are unaware of these things? Are you really that naive and suckered in?

>> No.8051023

who the fuck types like this and expects to be taken serious

>> No.8051049

Ah, there it is, the capitulation by insult.

Enjoy your nolambo daydreams, sucker.

>> No.8051054

> They bought an exchange, because it makes money from trading fees

Do you have any idea how ROI works? They bought the exchange by the billions, it wasn't chump change. They're not gonna waste billions of dollars in a dying market in months making chump change on fees. It also doesn't make sense to want to destroy your own product that could earn you big UNLESS you are positioning yourself to buy on cheap.

Again 2+2 anon. Not rocket science. Doesn't take a business degree to figure this out.

>> No.8051126

September had a 70% loss of value downtrend? Sorry to say anon, it's clear the retard is you. The massive amounts of FUD, talks of acceptance and regulation, Goldman Sachs buying Poloniex, it's clear what theyre trying to do.

No point trying to fight it. In fact, I welcome it. I'm not saying bitcoin is going to die, don't worry. You don't have to go autistic and school shooter about it.

>> No.8051146


It's not an insult, honestly, it's an observation -
your answer seemed to infer something I wasn't saying which I can only presume is because of, as I said, a staggering lack of comprehension. If you find that insulting you probably need to toughen up. I also don't feel the need to own a lambo, "sucker".

>> No.8051159

so sick of talking to stupid fucking niggers on this mongolion fucking board

yo utoo, you reply to me like some reddit nigger faggot "HUHURRR WHO GONNA TAK U SRS U GOTTA BUHAV IM DOWNVOTING U"

fuckkk nigger off REDDIT LEAVE

>> No.8051171

Wow, you really are deep in the rabbit hole. I thought you could at least acknowledge rational thinking, but, I was wrong. LOL.

Have fun waiting for your unicorn to show up. The rest of the world? We'll be fine.

The very idea of someone in upper management trying to float the idea of Goldman Sachs putting their assets into crypto...lol...it's a Monty Python sketch.

>> No.8051177


You are a retard. They bought it for 200 million. The one who bought it was Circle not Goldman Ballsacks. They have a stake there. It isn't some obscure plan to pump or fud and scoop shit. They want a small piece of crypto because everything is crypto now.

Bill Windows and the other "big players" are just shitty comments they are not fudding what they don't care about and let me tell you, they don't care about BITCACA.

Enjoy your 1 year or more bear market and MAYBE, just maybe another pump next year if people in charge of cryptos manage to sell shiny things like they did in november.

>> No.8051188

Boo hoo.

>> No.8051226

Firstly, Circle bought the exchange, not Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs is just an investor in Circle.

Secondly, it was only 400 million. Not ‘billions’.

Thirdly, if you think they actually know what they’re doing, I have bad news for you. Circle decided to disable buying and selling BTC literally months before the bull run missing out on millions. Now that it’s over, they buy an alt exchange. You couldn’t make this shit up. They are just as clueless as everyone here.

>> No.8051227

Fair point but wouldn't relatively high volume produce a considerable amount of money in fees?

>> No.8051232

The world is not anymore the way it used to be.

>> No.8051237



>> No.8051238

Ok it's clear you are being sarcastic and ironic, trying to show us that you agree with me but displaying the stupidity of the other side of the coin - the forever bears. Why I bothered to reply to you seriously and didn't get what you were trying to do earlier still baffles me.

>> No.8051242
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>this thread..
>so is the interwebcoin doing something ???

>> No.8051250

They are getting into crypto this April, the insiders already know, and they also know a crash is coming beforehand

>> No.8051284

you do realize that you put a wrong trendline down, right? we are already above the real trendline which is different to the one you drew

>> No.8051299

Set the top line parallel with the bottom one and you see that we already broke outta that trend to the upside.

>> No.8051311


Yeah and they were getting 1 year ago and also 2 years ago, they are always 'getting' into crypto right? Everything is gonna pump right?


>> No.8051340
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>Historically most crashes went down 85%+ and lasted over 1 year.

k lol

>> No.8051361

Goldman Sachs has about 50 million in stake in Circle.

Goldman Sachs is worth over 800 billion dollars. Their income is over 7 billion dollars. I bet they spend more than 50 million every month just on their electric bill, company-wide.

Yeah, that's a real significant investment in crypto! 40k in a week, for sure!


>> No.8051386

I guess you didn't get the memo

>> No.8051405

They bought it at 400 million retard. If you want to argue something without arriving at any point, at least get it right. Granted it was millions, almost half a billion, you think they're gonna invest in a market that will die in a matter of months without ever getting their ROI back?

Also doesnt make sense that their own parent bank is gonna FUD bitcoin to hell unless they want in and buy on the cheap. Keep dreaming about mooning kid, you'll find out sooner or later NEETs and normies have no power in this market. Just because you want something to go in a certain direction doesn't mean it will come true. You're not a big boy anon. You're only a big boy on your living room and with mommy.

>> No.8051423

This happened literally yesterday and the low 10's were swiftly rejected.

>> No.8051449

Goldman Sachs is reported to have invested 50 million on the first round of funding, out of the total 400 millions, so they're not even a majority stakeholder.

This is just one of those biddy buddy type things. Someone at Circle worked at Goldman Sachs, and they got a small investment from that relationship, because they've managed to be profitable in other real-fiat markets.

It's not in any way an endorsement from Goldman Sachs and it's most certainly not a sign that Goldman Sachs is going to risk a single dime of their assets buying cryptocoins.

It's also interesting that Circle has stated that Polinex will now be the first REGULATED exchange - which goes against everything crypto stands for.

But 2+2! Reeeeeeee!

>> No.8051459


the liquidity is not drying up. you have no reason to say its changed at all from the past. what the fuck are you talking about.

Even the volume is HIGHER than it was for the bull run today.

>> No.8051629

In 4h it's broken out.

>> No.8051672

This already happened, they're already in.

>> No.8051676

This is why the Holocaust needs to happen for real this time

>> No.8051690

Yeah, keep thinking that.


>> No.8051874

>historically lasted 1 year
have you been living under a rock these past couple months.

>> No.8052132

autist like you are why this board isn't even remotely similar to what it was a year ago.

>> No.8052223

just modify your meme lines every day until you see a downtrend
It's fucking hilarious the graph yesterday showed the trend down from 19k and it clearly broke the trendline today but you managed to make it fit once more

>> No.8052349


Instead of destroying the crypto market that they are trying to own, wouldn't it be easier for them to create a series of bank sponsored products to compete in the space?

>> No.8052452

Rick ans morty

>> No.8052647

Who said they're trying to own it? The article said that they're not interested in it, at all?

You nolambos just won't let go of the dream, will you? You just cling to these made up fantasies that the banks are dying to jump into crypto. They're watching it, sure, but they're not even close to getting their hands dirty.