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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 741x124, 465756756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8044441 No.8044441 [Reply] [Original]

You do have some sweet sweet AMB in your portfolio don't you?

>New website by end of march
>multiple NDAs in the pipeline
>compact roadmap with multiple goals achieved monthly
>chad CEO

What's not to like?

>> No.8044725

Ye of course, I'm literally all in.

>> No.8044778

But yes of course ha ha. this fast response isn't scripted

>> No.8044806

New website by end of march.
Wow. So amazed. Bought 200k

>> No.8044846

Mainnet is in june, no point holding until then.
Pajeet scam
Stuck on shitty exchanges
Its time for Ambrosus.

>> No.8044886
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>chad ceo

>> No.8044987

It's not scripted you mighty fag. I've been in AMB long before y'all heard about it.

>> No.8045007

>thinks a 26 minute response is fast

>> No.8045220

When it was $1.50? Nice job.

>> No.8045371

When it was $.80. Still comfy.

>> No.8045454


That dude undoubtedly slays multiple sputtering clunges a week. Soaking panties abound for that dude. His looks are deceiving, if he was Ted Bundy he'd have killed every attractive woman in the world by now.

>Ironically don't hold any AMB

>> No.8046364

What's so good about this coin?
Convince me to put 3 BTC in it?

>> No.8046381

undervalued considering the team and the partnerships, that's all it takes for a coin to moon nowadays.

>> No.8046387

low market cap compared to its competitors. Active team, way ahead of schedule. only worth picking up for the nestle rumor

>> No.8046469

What partnerships exactly? I mean concrete ones.

Afaik it looks a lot like Modum and Wabi which are around the same marketcap. Modum is swiss too.
What's the interest of the token?

>> No.8046587

their subreddit explaines it all very well. Their ceo comments on modum as well, worth to take a look

>> No.8046702

Do you have a link in particular?

>> No.8046780


ya here, top comment is their ceo explaining

>> No.8047195


AMB has been one of the most undervalued coins in the cryptospace.

UN partnership, Gavin Wood, Two Swiss Federal Universities (EPFL and ETH Zurich) collaborate with them, their team and advisors are second to none (they have president of the crypto valley, cofounder of Bitcoin/Ethereum community in Hong Kong and a bunch of other high-flyers.

Solid fundamentals , team executes like a Swiss watch and marketcap is a ridiculous 70m! This here is the next Ethereum in making and hugely undervalued. The team do not invest in marketing, just execute the project and create R&D. Check out their blog, https://blog.ambrosus.com/ - they should market all this better.

This is a billion dollar coin hugely undervalued

This will pump heavily!

>> No.8047220

Thanks for the infos anon, looks like a cool project, will do some research on my own.

>> No.8047240

Just sold 100k

>> No.8047303

Show us where the UN says they will partner with AMB. I'll wait.

>> No.8047328
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>> No.8047357
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>> No.8047359

Safe buy rn. Good entry point. This is gonna fly when next bull cycle begins.

>> No.8047366

just bought 100k

>> No.8047393

No hover hands
Hand on hip + arm
Stares directly at you without flinching
Definitely not a virgin

>> No.8047459
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>> No.8047515

just bought another 100k

>> No.8047520
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>> No.8047533
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Devery has a partnership with JD.com why is AMB TRAC or ARY even discussed. JD is the number 3 online retailer world wide next to Alibaba and Amazon. Devery is the only supply chain token they are partnered with. They will get full access to apply their protocol at scale of a mega conglomerate online retailer. Its literally the most under the radar project in Crypto. Supply chain tokens will succeed or fail based on the connections they have to actual industry.

>> No.8047610
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>> No.8047631
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>> No.8047668
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I wonder which company the NDA swiss food conglomerate partner is

>> No.8047709

is that actually him? where did you find this photo

>> No.8047738
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>A group of people leaving their job means they have connections

>> No.8047750

> being this new

>> No.8047758


The Ambrosus telegram channel has been raiding his facebook after he chadded Modum and TE-food lol

>> No.8047770

> having zero business experience
What's it like being a neet, anon?

>> No.8047789

you fucking idiot I have more AMB than you and have been holding for months, shut the fuck up

>> No.8047822

How the fuck did you access my MEW you little bitch.
Go hack someone else

>> No.8047825
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Actually I'm an engineer at a fortune 50 company

>> No.8047841
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 2fd6f8eb1e1118797aa86246cdba3d44_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are going to make it.

>> No.8047846

Have you heard of "social media"? People post pictures of themselves doing even the most mundane stuff! And they don't even password protect it... you can see pictures of like, anyone. It's crazy! You should check it out... myspace.com

>> No.8047871

Wow, that's amazing... so no business experience then.
I'm surprised you don't know that you can maintain relationships with people at previous jobs even when you don't work there. I guess it it's not surprising considering you're an engineer, actually.

>> No.8047884

I don't use social media I am not a gay soyboy

>> No.8047904

Actually most corporations would be pissed if an engineer didn't disclose their idea to them if it is relevant to the companies business and that's a fact.

>> No.8047930


>Nestle global program director for 25 years
>Working with Ambrosus
>Nearly everyone in Ambrosus is connected with European pharma and food in former executive/lab head positions
>No connections here, no sirree

>> No.8047931

You are making so many dumb assumptions it's hard for me to believe you're actually an engineer.

>> No.8047951

is 2004 treating you well still?

>> No.8047958
File: 61 KB, 600x509, Official_UN_Partner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A logo on AMB's site means nothing you fucking brainlet

>> No.8047969

It's easy to defend speculation. Show me something concrete. I show you a coin valued 7x less who has a concrete partnerships and news and you give me speculative BS based on people's past success.

>> No.8048052

on the website & DYOR

>> No.8048091

1) we weren't talking about engineers from nestle
2) not everyone has to sign an intellectual property agreement
3) it's not a matter of someone being "pissed", it's a legal issue
4) a person/department that would potentially be "pissed" about an idea not being disclosed while previously employes isn't necessary the important/relevant relationship for AMB
5) Someone working at a high level at Nestle doesn't just have connections at Nestle, they would have connections through out the entire industry
6) Even with a IP disclosure agreement, a good lawyer can get you out of it... something that AMB could pay for if needed Those agreement are mostly just to scare people like engineers into silence and slavery

>> No.8048098



What did I fucking tell you cucks? I called that shit. Absolute minge destroyer. Fucking HUGE cock and balls on this bloke.

No shit I'm actually thinking of dropping a k into AMB after this.

>> No.8048116

They literally went around the place to see how to improve the system, fucktard.

>> No.8048121

What don't you fucks understand? The pageet who made their website doesn't speak for the UN. Any fuck can put a UN logo on their site

>> No.8048123

what do you guys think the price will be and in how much time? I see people shilling this hard but at the end of the day were trying to make money

>> No.8048136

swissbro called 1bil mcap

>> No.8048155

So the answer is: nowhere. There is no official documentation of ANY UN partnership, it is all bullshit.

>> No.8048172
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>> No.8048181
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He cucks lesbians as well.

>> No.8048206


>> No.8048236
File: 162 KB, 1280x848, photo_2018-03-01_10-47-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Wonder what he was doing with her in an empty UN assembly room recently...

>> No.8048251


>> No.8048271

does he ever stop having sex???

>> No.8048285
File: 83 KB, 150x428, EC9BDF17-A4C8-4D4E-AC62-A62BFF22FD4F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just bought 100k

>> No.8048310

Are you retarded? The source in that thread is the CEO of AMB, who cites a web article. The source in the web article is the CEO of AMB. So for a "source" he cites an article which cites himself. Literally couldn't be sketchier.

>> No.8048317

holy shit LOL! did he fuck a chick at the UN HQ?

>> No.8048330

he wrote this in response on reddit:
yes, but my name is the reputation. If there is anything I say I stand by my word. I do not care what other crypto CEOs do. Here I say things are what they are and this is the truth. I am not some sleazy salesman. If I say or write something I stand by my words. I will not be posting evidence every time someone on reddit requires it. If anyone catches me lying - they are very welcome to sue me. I am saying this confidently, precisely because I stand by my words.

>> No.8048334


>> No.8048341
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>> No.8048370
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>> No.8048375

if he's that cocky and challenges people to sue him for lying, maybe he is actually telling the truth about the UN? after all, AMB is very legitimate and work with the Swiss Gov't

>> No.8048376

I believe.

>> No.8048389

what would constitute proof that would convince you exactly?
Maybe there is no concrete proof available to you? That doesn't mean it's a scam. It could be but considering the quality and reputation of the people involved with this project, and the public mainnet alpha from this week, and the commodity browser beta demo from yesterday and iOS sdk they're launching today... I am confident that it's not a scam project

>> No.8048406

So he says his word is the only proof you need. Right. Nothing weird or sketchy about that.

>> No.8048432
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Literally every redditor complaining about him dropping a dumpster on Modum and TE-Food is a cuck

>> No.8048439

he's saying he doesn't have to appease nobodies like you.
Buy now or fomo in later when token metrics get relesed at the end of march

>> No.8048474
File: 37 KB, 600x600, wearypepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what would constitute proof that would convince you exactly?
Literally any official communication from any UN employee or platform. Anything. A mention on a UN website, a tweet, a blogpost, an interview. Anything.
There is nothing except the CEO of AMB himself saying it over and over and citing himself. Google it.

>> No.8048569
File: 77 KB, 640x480, photo_2018-03-01_10-52-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He also got kicked out of the U.N twice for being a firebrand and came back in higher positions both times.

Dude also showed up to a meeting with the pope and fortune 500 executives in a cowboy hat

>> No.8048575
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Ambrosus and Devery will be my biggest gainers in Q1-Q2 2018.

>> No.8048577

site:http://www.scpclearinghouse.org/ ambrosus

There you go, that's 10yfp

That takes you to a spreadsheet, under partners Ambrosus is number 67

>> No.8048594


To be clear type this into Google "site:http://www.scpclearinghouse.org/ ambrosus"

>> No.8048660
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>> No.8048728
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You either win or you die, TE-FOOD

>> No.8048731

This is strange, maybe you can help me. I did a google search and indeed it does come up, but when I open the XLS file there is no mention of ambrosus in it?

>> No.8048742


Row 67 under the partners tab

>> No.8048758

what makes you think that information should be available to you anyway? Does the UN announce literally everything they do, and agreements/partnerships they have on publically available resources for you?
If you arene't buying the UN partnership, then what about all these?
Look at their team... does this look like a stack that would be involved in a scam?
They have made two major public tech landmarks this past week and will be making their 3rd today.
You don't have a right to any/all information you want. You are a nobody. Crypto is a speculative market and you have to have a mix of faith and facts. If you want safe investments then buy some amazon shares or something.

>> No.8048773

Chad CEO? LOL this guys a fucking dweeb and I’d shove him in a locker if I ever saw him walking down the same hallway as me. I’d rather invest in fucking wabi or worse, ven

>> No.8048785

bullshit about the pope. pic or did not happen

>> No.8048821

lol versetti has killed 3 commies with his bare hands and wants to kill a fourth

>> No.8048895
File: 244 KB, 1280x1920, killlakill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! I appreciate that. And just to clarify for anyone reading, yes the ambrosus name is listed there.


>> No.8048902

LOL, you're probably 5 feet tall at most.

>> No.8048960

The absolute state

>> No.8049067

Angel don't you have actual work to do?

>> No.8049076
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>> No.8049095
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How I miss those days

>> No.8049131
File: 83 KB, 849x1024, 4D0521E8-8515-49FF-95F1-03ACB37D99A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weak should fear the strong

>> No.8049134

If it was a straight up choice between this and HPB what would you all advise?

>> No.8049191

> the
> absolute
> state

>> No.8049197
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>> No.8049245

Yeah man I’m exactly 5 ft. Reevaluate your life if you think this heroine looking addict gets pussy you fucking loser

>> No.8049249

> lectured the pope
Chad CEO confirmed.

>> No.8049430

should I buy moar?

>> No.8049447
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>> No.8049450

ask yourself: "Do I want to make it?"

>> No.8049509

Yes senpai, let's buy moar.

>> No.8049563
File: 23 KB, 960x640, look_into_it_folks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have seen

>> No.8049564

I actually own this and bought it a while back. Can you autists not go full fucking chainlink on this shit? Thanks.

>> No.8049582
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You know who else is senpai as fuck?

>> No.8049829
File: 42 KB, 780x439, 151001111029-bear-stocks-markets-780x439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bearfag stamp of approval
If you don't have AMB as 10% or more of your Port you won't make it and you're a faggot

>> No.8049851

large if factual

>> No.8049879

Serious killer in the eyes look, get things done look
>Proceeds to sell more alts and move into AMB

>> No.8049902


Shall I sell some of my NAS and EOS stack to buy more? Currently 13.5k stack.

>> No.8049918


People panic sold after he chadded modum and I moved my stack from 13k up to 71k

>> No.8049924

Also an "I'm gonna pump and dump you all as hard as I just did this bitch" look. Exit scam confirmed.

>> No.8049957
File: 10 KB, 361x335, photo_2018-03-01_12-29-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Modum CEO

The memes write themselves

>> No.8050045

this because they get stuff done faster than HPB
And also... im starting to trust chink coins less and less by the day

>> No.8050088

LOL only virgins don’t see the potential moon mission here
“Omg show me the UN thing” GTFO

Why do virgins get fixiates on minor little details like this. DYOR or stfu. When amb blasts off this year were all gonna laugh our asses off at the doubters

>> No.8050195
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>> No.8050263

Reddit tiered idiots trying to act like they are professional investors. Hold onto that AMB anon, we are in for a wild ride.

>> No.8050274

holy shit!!

>> No.8050368

oh their reddit is full of snowflakes, makes me puke
this one also makes me puke

>> No.8050444


>> No.8050509

modum and te food are hippies and virgins. need some chadding

>> No.8050597

Lol you pair of brainlet faggots I don't blame you for shilling so hard, those bitconnect bags must be fucking heavy

>> No.8050782
File: 279 KB, 473x2078, Screenshot_2018-03-01-18-42-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is there not more mentions about the parity team working as advisors and basically sorting the whole token system out for the ambrosus team.

Parity. Fucking ETH cofounder, Parity.

Get in now or be a poor mong for life.

>> No.8050848

yes, Gavin Woods works for AMB

>> No.8051029

Reminder: AMB will have masternodes and possibly peer nodes for small investors. AMB is considering implementing a second token à la NEO.

Ambrosus is creating an IoT network of sensors connected to a blockchain that controls product quality along a supply chain. For example, when you buy tuna you'll know it was transported at the proper temperature and a DNA sensor will prove it's not tilapia.

AMB core team is filled with top experts in each facet of the technology they're implementing. Trifa is IoT God. Wattenhofer is Blockchain master. Meyer and Paulhiac are food tech geniuses. Jean-Paul Sandoz is king of sensor tech.

Oh yeah and they're advised by Dr Gavin Wood founder of Ethereum and (drumroll) Professor Malcolm motherfucking J W motherfucking Povey the original gangsta in the food sensor game.

My nigga Malcolm invented the ultrasound velocity meter, the Acoustiscan ultrasound scanner, the Baker Petrolite aggregation detector and the Leeds Acoustic Microscope. (Also invented a high tech pimp cane for blind niggas called the ultracane.)

>> No.8051426


Only 5k here but I'm contemplating moving up to 20k. Anything coming up that will impact price?

>> No.8051594

fug all in. im catholic and this chad is telling the pope what to do. dumping ven for this.

>> No.8051661
File: 455 KB, 1053x879, fine62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this chick will

>> No.8051714

She’s ugly as fuck holy shit the standard an of biz is embarrassing. I might never come back to this website it’s all normies and people shilling chink coins god damn what happened to biz

>> No.8051747

How is she ugly as fuck, wtf?
I've lowered my standards i admit, but she is still a solid 8 m8

>> No.8052177

Yellow teeth, pale ass skin, skinny as fuck? I understand if you’re not from America but damn

>> No.8052217

She looks good to me not so sure about the amish dude

>> No.8052234

>pale ass skin
Alright, I get it now.

>> No.8052290

I am AMerican

>> No.8052327
File: 283 KB, 1886x828, by default 2018-02-28 at 11.26.57 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's a solid 10/10, you dysgenic receding hairline autist.

>> No.8052444

I like what I hear anons, but what the fuck is the purpose of this token?

Is it one of those blockchain solutions to yeast infections?

Is there an actual, credible use case?

>> No.8052653

I feel bad for you. Being ugly has no place in this world you’ll never make it if that’s your definition of 10 out of 10. Bitch looks like she’s never been outside

>> No.8052804


It's being used to receive payment from pharm and food companies for verifying the quality and purity of their goods. I believe the proposal was 0.05 euro per product verification along the supply chain or equivalent GAS token value (token economics are still being paid out).

So if you're moving around aspirin and putting a lot of powdered aspirin through a packaging line, an ambrosus sensor array would scan the pile for impurities before moving it along the belt. Then it gets pinged to the blockchain and the parent company deducts 0.05 euro's worth of NECTAR or whatever they call the GAS system from their balance. Then, the next box of aspirin move up the line and the process repeats

>> No.8052827


Token economics are still being worked out*

>> No.8052872

>customer loyalty reward tokens
nah they're fully worked out

>> No.8053101
File: 128 KB, 822x859, photo_2018-03-01_14-09-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She’s ugly as fuck holy shit the standard an of biz is embarrass

cya bud

>> No.8053643

The way this has been shilled heavily in the past fortnight suggests we're still gonna see more blood from its ATH. Too much hope still.