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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8043647 No.8043647 [Reply] [Original]

Once again sitting completely alone in class and being excluded from any social activity. Who else hates outdoor communication and wants to just sit at home trade crypto?

>> No.8043683

if you dont care aboutany of these people or their perceptions, then you are enlightened. so be sure to have fun. act like an autistic god, make fun of them, make fun of yourself, slap their asses, talk about new coins openly and brazenly. none of it matters.

>> No.8043794

>4chan is an over 18 website
Back to Dora the explorer website sunshine

>> No.8044120

> crippling depression inbound in t minus 2 years

>> No.8044186

learn about Carl Yung and about individuation. as a young person you still think about others too much, learn and develop yourself such that you care very little for their opinions and do not look to anyone else but yourself for approval

>> No.8044198

This is uni uneducated swinemonkey.

>> No.8044222

>wasting money paying some jew to talk at you when you could be getting rich

>> No.8044240


stay in school

>> No.8044251
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Buy some Balenciaga kicks or some Gucci fits, people will be on your dick honestly.

>> No.8044271

No they won’t. No one gives a fuck about that here. It’s all abou being social.

>> No.8044285

I know, but I’m trading crypto and once I have retirement money I’ll btfo.>>8044120

>> No.8044310

You have beautiful handwriting, anon.
Stick at it, life sorts itself out if you apply yourself.

>> No.8044340

me thats why i do it

>> No.8044374

relying on other people in 2018 kek

>> No.8044380

crypto has been distracting me from my gf and already minimal social life

>> No.8044389


>> No.8044404

Ga bij een studievereniging dan makkelijke manier om mensen te leren kennen en de meeste zijn ook autistisch

>> No.8044417

faggot try working in a open space office for a year and only ever talked to your boss
rule 2

>> No.8044444

What do you study?

>> No.8044459

Wasted digits

>> No.8044486

Wasted bandwidth

>> No.8044499

No friends 'cause yer pants got holes

>> No.8044515 [DELETED] 

stop jerking off and buy in to the new ground floor powh3d reboot


sell all your shitcoins and go all in here, then join a gym, buy some decent clothes, get a haircut and SHOWER ONCE IN A WHILE

babes will be all over you, especially when you are rich rich rich after getting in on this baby


>> No.8044603
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>Sitting at my desk at the office
>Coworkers are talking
>Try to join the conversation

>> No.8044785

Law school

>> No.8044825

je zit naast een bontkraagje, mbo'er

>> No.8044871

Speak up, it helps. Just scream like a fucking retard and it will be inevitable for them to respond

>> No.8044882

Studie of studenten?

>> No.8044889

this is why if u interact/reply/upload a requested pic u automatically lose on 4chan

>> No.8044910

Live in a building of 600 people for 6 months. Havent even met my neighburs once. Dont know anyone in the building. Being antisocial isnt fun

>> No.8044911

Bring back memories. "OK CLASS GET INTO GROUPS LOL" Fucking kill me, having to talk to people and try and form a group from the loners and foreign exchange students.

>> No.8044926

>German autist whines and cries while being even more unlikable

>> No.8044936

Amerifat detected, he is dutch faggot

>> No.8044945

Even worse. I feel sorry for him.

>> No.8044980

lol nice fag clothes
what are you 12?
start by dressing like an adult

>> No.8045013

fuck a studentenvereniging
definition of degenerate normie cunts who are a bunch of wankers

>> No.8045035
File: 2.77 MB, 4032x3024, BEEB219D-FF3A-441A-85A3-9FAAC617E2A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try

>> No.8045050

qt in the back tho.

>> No.8045101

>>8043647 (OP)
Misschien moet je je niet kleden als een faggot met gaten in zn broek KEK.

>> No.8045115

me on the right

>> No.8045127

Salty that you’re living in a 3rd-world country ameriburger?

>> No.8045134

Who cares? They're both great at shoving things into ovens. Dutch pastries are great.

>> No.8045142

I'm norwegian, upper class too. Keep grasping.

>> No.8045193

>Speak up, it helps. Just scream like a fucking retard and it will be inevitable for them to respond
Big time this. Most shy/autistic people don't realize how quiet they're being when they try to speak up. Problem is, you're not 100% sure you want to say what you're saying, so part of you says it quietly in the subconscious hope that it does get ignored. This is easily picked up by people and they tend to ignore it, unless there's one of those do-gooder socialites in the group (bless their hearts) who takes it upon themselves to stop the WHOLE conversation to give you the spotlight (which you never wanted in the first place) and they're too normie to realize that doing that makes you EVEN more uncomfortable.
Basically it's a lack of confidence thing, you'll get over it if you try, and wont if you don't. Take it from someone who was there.

>> No.8045215


>> No.8045646

hahahaha kankermoffe
fuck off with youre lawshit.
nobody cares about you parasites

>> No.8045911

> youre
3rd world pajeetestan confirmed

>> No.8046318

>studeert recht
lijkt op HBO, mongool

>> No.8046409
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>> No.8046492

MacFag SoyBoy confirmed

>> No.8046548

oh no, another edgy little faggot still in school who feels "excluded"
get the fuck out of this board

>> No.8046559

Talk to the Roastie you pussy

>> No.8046610

>Wearing faggy ripped up emo jeans

You deserve to be alienated.

>> No.8046657
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>/biz/ - International/Random

>> No.8046666

I was just like you when I was in the first grade, I’m 28 year old now and it’s clearer than ever that I never associated and had anything in common with the world outside and I love it, only fear is to get trapped in tat outside world again, that’s why I invest in crypto.

>> No.8046698

kek proud, you cuck.

>> No.8046716

kkrlelijke schoenen en je woont wss onder de rivieren hahahhahahahahah vieze kkrbrabander jullie br*banders moeten sterven

>> No.8046729

Need more pics of her

>> No.8046731

Just enjoy everything as much as you can and stop overthinking everything. Not socialising sometimes is fine, socialising when you want to is fine. Everyone is different. Overthinking is a curse. Try reading The Power Of Now.

>> No.8046745
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Studenten als je een balletje bent.

>> No.8046769
File: 20 KB, 360x396, like this but with less mustache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once shared a community college class with an obese dude in a cheap suit who sculpted his POS mustache into tiny handlebars. He always spoke in a "m'lady" tone of voice.

So, take comfort that you're not that.