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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8041901 No.8041901 [Reply] [Original]

Vitalik thinks we're the pajeets

>> No.8041914

I mean judging by the 20 pyramid schemes/ponzi schemes that come up here hourly.

Can you blame the money skelly?

>> No.8041933

we made his fucking empire

fuck that loser

>> No.8042163

>look at me in my ivory tower

>> No.8042201

/biz/ memed ETH to a billion market cap. We’re your silent benefactor Vitalik. Also I sat in the back of one of your lectures one time. You don’t know who I am but ethereum wouldn’t have made it this far without me

>> No.8042228

To add to this; buy skycoin

>> No.8042243
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We control the market. We are the ones in power.

>> No.8042288
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>> No.8042307

>inb4 pedo derailment after "those tweets" surface

>> No.8042316
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Don't fuck with us skelly, we made you and we can just as easily break you.

>> No.8042319

Fuck you skelly, we made you and we own you..

>> No.8042334

You have to admit most of you are racist assholes who will lead depressed lives and die lonely.

>> No.8042358

>racists assholes
being realists and smart enough for pattern recognition is not a negative trait no matter how hard progressive media yells it

>> No.8042361

He doesn't need your money, you will never amount to anything in your life

>> No.8042367
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y*ff in hell

>> No.8042401

Good for you if you can make a quick buck by reading markets. But it's no excuse for being bad humans beings, which is most of this community.

>> No.8042413


> pattern recognition

ok you retard, that isn't special a monkey can do it, and is a very simplistic way of looking at things. I could look at the races of mass shooters and pedophiles, see that the vast majority of them are white, and use my "pattern recognition" to conclude that white people are insane sexual predators. Issues in this world go beyond the surface level, and require more than so called "pattern recognition" of skin color like a monkey to solve. brainlet.

>> No.8042422

Go kys and see if anyone cares

>> No.8042434

I guess not all young white males browse 4chan

>> No.8042437

this thread gives monkey slav vibes

>> No.8042445

>inb4 vitalik is found dead tomorrow inside a tiny toilet with a conjoined twin fed viagra that raped him untill death

>> No.8042474
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You're the brainlet that immediate lauched into an antiwhite diatribe when there was no mention of race to begin with, just that racism is a hyperbolic emotion driven derision maintained and used by mainstream media as a weapon
people like you show how its a self perpetuating thing, you assume that you MUST be dealing with a white person because only white people can be racist, right? Then you have the audacity to suggest that you arent the racist one? KEK

Pattern recognition means taking into account statistics like the fact that the majority of gun crime is sourced via gang violence in the US, primarily blacks killing blacks
Not rejecting that because you deem it to be "racist" or "without the context of social justice"

you brainlet

BTW I read that vitalik supported being able to legally access cp, is this true?

>> No.8042497
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Now he has gone too far. Let him feel our wrath.

>> No.8042508
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he's not wrong

>> No.8042510

Fucking pedophile. Fuck him and his shitcoin.

>> No.8042516


my post was not antiwhite, I was just making a counterpoint. And any race can be racist.

> Pattern recognition means taking into account statistics like the fact that the majority of gun crime is sourced via gang violence in the US, primarily blacks killing blacks

ok so this is exactly the same thing I did:

> I could look at the races of mass shooters and pedophiles, see that the vast majority of them are white

and because I pointed out something you didn't like I'm wrong? also, BRAAAAAAAAP

>> No.8042526

> I read that vitalik supported being able to legally access cp,

like stallman lol

>> No.8042529
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>> No.8042551

So, what youre saying is because Jamal pied all the girls at school and you were left in the corner weeping you were seeking an echo chamber and stumbled across a place where others such as your self would parrot the same shit.
>BTW I read that vitalik supported being able to legally access cp, is this true?
You prove my point perfectly.

>> No.8042556
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I think he got mad because /biz/ exposed his hypocrisy over and over.

>Le Twitter scammers are bad
>Yes, I'm meeting with Putin (a murderer) to discuss our deal hehe xD

He also shilled his coin like a pajeet on here 2 years ago

>> No.8042563
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You started the shit flinging to begin with by attacking whites, both are valid observations if actually backed up by data, not just media projection.

>is also a braapposting newfag
For some reason I am not surprised at all


>> No.8042576

sminem save us

>> No.8042619
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Hows it feel knowing that you were not just late to the crypto party (judging by when cuck posting started on becoming noticeable on /biz/) but also wasted a decent chunk of your life psyoping yourself into a cuck lifestyle?

If you have a problem with statistics and reality, either what I wrote or the person I was responding to, you're a brainlet easily swayed by emotion and eager to ingest what ever will validate your belief system

cry more that not everyone buys into far leftism

>> No.8042632

More than half this board seems to be pajeets and bots.

>> No.8042739

The term mass shooting is not clearly defined and excludes gang violence and terrorism. It's a term propagated by the media to make white people seem like the villain. Black people commit more drive bys per year than there have been white "mass shootings"

>> No.8042772

But we are.
This board turned to abstolute complete shit after November.

>> No.8042787


the difference is the motivation. Black people shoot each other over gang conflicts, money, turf, etc. What makes the white mass shootings scarier is that 1) way more people are killed 2) the shooting occur in places like schools and concerts against unarmed people. You'd expect a gangbanger to get shot by another gangbanger in detroit, but you do not expect an unarmed kid walking through a high school to get shot. that's the difference.

>> No.8042815

I wish I never scrolled through his Twitter. Dude is the most pretentious pseudo I've ever seen and takes himself way too seriously.

>> No.8042826

>way more people are killed
Objectively false

Yeah, because niggers are incapable of complex thought or planning more than a day ahead.

An extreme minority of white people will ever shoot someone else outside of self defense. Blacks unironically think you're not a "real nigger" if you haven't shot at or been shot at. The problem is you drawing false equivalence or saying white people are worse than blacks. This is not true, and you know it's not true. You're either a nigger yourself or an underage who thinks he needs to claim moral high ground to get social recognition.

>> No.8042900

>If you have a problem with statistics and reality, either what I wrote or the person I was responding to, you're a brainlet easily swayed by emotion and eager to ingest what ever will validate your belief system
...sounds like echo chamber..lel. And I've been here since 2012 - into crypto since then thanks to /fit/

>> No.8042910

Your being trolled by a jew...

>> No.8043091

Are you guys retarded? Stop relate to everything, this scammer may actually browse 4chan and I would guess he is. Pajeets destroy reputations and they are everywhere.

>> No.8043499

Based Vitalik.

>> No.8043524
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>> No.8043558

You mean like most people alive ever? Great "prediction" buddy.

>> No.8043564

You win this thread.

>> No.8043576
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>"ee eensulted beez"
>"dump eeth. crash it into oblivee'on"

>> No.8043611


>> No.8043637

Mass shooting implies indiscriminate berserk.
Gang shootings have purpose.

>> No.8043653

his eth sub are more pajeets than /biz if you know how to read between the lines and filter out the crap. The eth sub redditos very shilling crtap like CRED/bountry etc. it's unbelievable

>> No.8043690

Actually if you were to look st global stats you’d see that whites are neither of those things you dumb fucking nigger.

>> No.8043746

better a pajeet than a commie

>> No.8043753
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This is kind of hurtful.

>> No.8044174
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Senpai mentioned me

>> No.8044262

He's right.

>> No.8044604

He's an old /v/irgin and no doubt came around here to discuss Ethereum before it had its breakthrough. But now he's too good for us. He's been surrounded by politically correct normies ever since ETH had its breakthrough, and now he shunned his very creators to gain their approval.

Fuck you, money skelly.

Oh, and if you're here, I'm the guy who slapped your ass at Devcon2. Get fucked, you skinny meth addict.

>> No.8044743

flags for biz plox