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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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803360 No.803360 [Reply] [Original]

Another day making over $2K using Google Admobs with a simple android app...

Anyone else have success like this?

>> No.803364
File: 286 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-07-02-00-24-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Admob in action!

>> No.803390

I can't think of any apps to make so no.

>> No.803392


Emulate useful apps/tools.

>> No.803394

Fair enough, Android only runs Java correct? If so, I'd have to learn that. I'm only useful in python and C++ right now.

>> No.803395


This was built using Cordova/PhoneGap - HTML5, JS and CSS3

>> No.803397

You do anything to get people to find your app? How many DLs do you have? Is that a widget? Got any beginner 101s?

>> No.803398

I've always been under the impression that making something that's already been made 1000s of times (like a weather app) couldn't possible generate that much money.

As a result I've been using most of my free time to develop something that I feel like is unique. It's a huge time sink so far though, and if you're saying that I could just rehash an app that already has a ton of clones and still make money (I don't even care about a ton of money, just enough to make it worth the time)...well shit, I'll get right on that.

>> No.803403
File: 8 KB, 320x320, 1415502030548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mad cunts

>> No.803419

There's no way people pay for that shit. The default weather app is 4x as aesthetic and functional

>> No.803435

they dont have to pay for it, i think thats the point hes made a free app with le botnet ads

>> No.803437

I'm talking about the advertisers

>> No.803438

That's a good idea. People love useless apps.

>> No.803439

aestheticism is relative and aestheticism can trump functionality.

>> No.803440

Not an app guy, are you?

>> No.803445

Sounds more like someone who knows basic marketing. Having a good product isnt everything to selling... Or even the bulk... Or even have really anythin to do with it. lol

>> No.803446

In some cases maybe. But there are thousands of weather apps on smart phones with a free one included. This person does not make thousands of dollars a day on the ad revenue from this app.

>> No.803520

I highly doubt you make that much money with ads and a stupid weather app.

>> No.803540


How do you make an app using JS, HTML, and CSS? Is this just a website optimized for mobile users?

>> No.803581

Do you have an image to prove you're making 2K? Because I really can't see how, with that simple app.

>> No.803591

2k per day? That's impossible.

>> No.803594

2K per day is fairly conservative for one of the first few days of a popular app's release, but it quickly dies off within a week or two, dropping almost exponentially.

>> No.803601

Meaning that in a couple of weeks he'll be making no money off of it?
That makes no sense

>> No.803609

Phonegap is a tool that essentially translates and packages an app built in HTML/CSS/javascript into a functional app for iOS and Android.

For simple apps like OPs weather app, or a news feed, or just anything that's used to gather and serve information, it works perfectly.

If you want to make an app any more complex than that, then you're probably better off programming something natively.

>> No.803613



He'll likely never be making NO money off it, there will still be the occasional users, but it will tank from 2K to about 1.8, 1.4, 1, .5, and remain steady around $150-$200.

Most users don't use an app for very long, and even if they don't delete it even more don't use it often. He's working on an ad based business model, yes? Needs consistent users to maintain stability, and most people don't have weather apps open much longer than say 4-5 minutes a day? If that.

Games work best for ad based models imho.

>> No.803616
File: 83 KB, 969x877, Screenshot from 2015-05-10 10:57:41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not the OP but I've been making money with Admob and Android as well. The attached picture is just one of my Android income streams. I actually made over $25k last year on Android.

I have an app coming out which is going to do very good. I don't want to go into too many details about it. I have an idea for an app after it, which should also clean up, but I am busy with the first one so haven't looked much into it yet.

>> No.803617

Where should I start if I want to learn how to do these things?

>> No.803621

>Fair enough, Android only runs Java correct? If so, I'd have to learn that. I'm only useful in python and C++ right now.

Not OP, but I made over $25k on Android apps last year. I am working on a new app, and then will work on another app, and hopefully will be making some coin when those come out.

I use both Python and C++ in my Android apps. The C++ I use via the Android NDK. Insofar as python, I use that in the web APIs that some of my apps use. Some apps even use python within the app on the phone, but I haven't dealt with that.

Java is the best route though.

>> No.803628


For Android or iOS?

>> No.803629

>As a result I've been using most of my free time to develop something that I feel like is unique.

Read #3, from someone who invested less than $20 million and turned it into over $2 billion over the past decade.


>> No.803630


>> No.803632

Makes sense. It's important to consider bounce rate/average session time on app.

may I ask what kind of apps do you create? games?

>> No.803634

Is it a game? What are you using to create the app?

>> No.803636


I believe Android uses Java, iOS uses Objective C.

So... learn Java? Unless you mean the business aspect, which I'm not sure. I'm just using basic math and an understanding of human nature.

>> No.803641

>Phonegap is a tool that essentially translates and packages an app built in HTML/CSS/javascript into a functional app for iOS and Android.

Also check out Apache Cordova, which is free.

It's better to go Java, but if you know Javascript well, then you can try Cordova out...

>> No.803643

>may I ask what kind of apps do you create? games?

Mass market, non-game, ad supported apps.

>> No.803645

>Is it a game?

No. My forays into games had a lot of downloads, but made me very little in ad revenue. Perhaps that is how it is, or perhaps I did not approach it properly. Nevertheless, what I am doing now works so I put games on the shelf for now.

> What are you using to create the app?

You can create apps from the command line if you want to. I use Android Studio for an IDE.

>> No.803647


That's very interesting.


Apps, plural? So those numbers are for the sum of ad money from multiple apps? May I ask how many apps your "network" has under it?

>> No.803648

>Games work best for ad based models imho.
My experience has been the opposite, although my experience with non-game apps has been large, and with game apps more limited (I only released 9 games - one of which was somewhat popular).

>> No.803652

>Where should I start if I want to learn how to do these things?

Not OP I'm the $25k a year ($18k picture) guy.

It depends where you're starting from.

If you don't have a CS degree, I'd recommend going to school to get a CS degree. If you can't afford private go to a good public school. If you have to work and can't take 4-5 classes a semester, take as many as you can (1-2).

At most schools you'll have a Java course at some point. While/after taking that course, you can start learning Android on the side.

This is basically what I did. I worked and took a class a semester. Then I was laid off and used unemployment to pay for full semesters. I also started working on my Android apps and make $25k last year. So I pay for tuition, expenses and other expenses with that and go to school.

It really doesn't make sense to learn programming without pursuing a CS degree as well. I read a lot of what John Carmack writes, and I think even he would have benefited from a CS degree.

>> No.803653


My thought for game based apps being best for ad based models was based on the idea that games are probably open for a longer period of time than any other per session. An ad running on a game played for hours by a young boy would generate more than an ad running for a few seconds at a time on a utility app, no?

If my reasoning is faulty, by all means tell me. I'm hard to offend.

>> No.803654

>Apps, plural? So those numbers are for the sum of ad money from multiple apps? May I ask how many apps your "network" has under it?

One app in those numbers makes anywhere up to $2300 a month. Another outside of that picture makes up to $800 a month. Other apps make less. Those two apps are over 90% of the income, they're all that counts, really.

I concentrate on the money makers. A few I have out just for fun. I work on new ones as well.

>> No.803657

Honestly I was just planning on making some money on the side, not actually make a living with that. Thanks for the tips though, bro.

>> No.803658

It's possible. I released nine games, and maybe twice that in non-game apps. My game ads never made me money, the non-game apps made me good money.

It's possible that I could have done a better job monetizing my games, but with non-game apps, the monetization was easy. With the games the money from ads did not come.

This was just my experience, others may have done differently. One of my games was popular, but made no ad money.

>> No.803663

Thanks for the info man. Do you think the type of non-game app also determines how much money is gonna make?

Because I feel that (e.g.) a cientific calculator won't make much but something to look for hotels will, becuase in the latter the user is actively looking to spend his money and Google AdMobs knows that.

>> No.803665

>the user is actively looking to spend his money

There are different factors at play. Websites refering people with assets to bank loans or sick people to asbestos lawyers make more than websites like...4chan. Apps follow this logic as well, although to a lesser extent currently.

Other factors are how many people downloaded and use the app. What countries are they in? And so forth.

So you have to take all these factors into play. Facebook, Whatsapp and apps like that have so many users, they'll make money no matter what they do.

>> No.803672

I'm thinking of making a horoscope app themed around the I Ching. You have to enter your date of birth and some other personal info and when you open the app it will ask you some questions then do a cool daoist divination animation and show your chart for the day. along with adverts.

>> No.803677


I think it's a simple calculation: number of impressions * (competition => suggested bid) * country rate

What I'm not sure about is if they pay you per impression or per click.

Anyways thanks for your answers anon :)

>> No.803680

Thanks for the idea, faggot.

>> No.803692

Can you successfully dev without having an actual phone? Like dev for either android / ios without having one or both of the phones? I have an android phone but I'd rather not brick it on accident.

>> No.803698

You are not going to brick it. You can develope with out the real phones, you can use emulaters. Android has a few, but for iOS, you are going to need a mac/hackintosh (unless this has changed?).

Super cheap/easy way, use phonegap or many other software ouut there that you can use with HTML5/CSS3/JS. You can easly make a demo of it and display it in your broswer. Chrome and Firefox have dev tools built in that you can simulate screen sizes of devices to see how the "app"/website will look.

>> No.803705

If you couldnt come up with an idea like that on your own anyway you've got bigger problems than me so your welcome to it.

>> No.803714

Also forgot, relating to games, you can find game design software (some are free, some are paid) that lets you easily design games (some as simple as drag and drop) and port them to mobile devices, consoles, computers (windows, some can even port to mac and linux) and websites.

>> No.803804

I buy and sell Admob ads. I sometimes buy ads not just by category (books, music, social) but by app - I can choose to run an ad on specific apps.

Adwords usually gives me a better cost per install though so I usually max that out before advertising on Admob.

99% of the money is pay per click. You get a small amount for by impression money, but it is next to nothing.

>> No.803817

>Can you successfully dev without having an actual phone? Like dev for either android / ios without having one or both of the phones? I have an android phone but I'd rather not brick it on accident.

My first two apps were done before I bought an Android phone. I used emulators.

You're probably overworrying, but whatever. You can buy a used Android phone on eBay with free shipping for $20 ( http://www.ebay.com/itm/201072092980 ) or maybe even less. Of course that doesn't usually come with a USB to phone charger/data cable.

A few years ago I bought a test phone on eBay for $70 with shipping. I could have bought a $50 one but I wanted a better test device. As I said, prices have gone down to $20 or even less for used Android test devices.

Of course you want to know about chargers, about USB to phone cables, about SD cards vs. internal storage, about what version of Android it is etc. It is better to get a phone which is 4.0 or higher in terms of version.

>> No.804083

where are you getting the weather information from? this is where I lack in designing apps. there's no way you maintain everyday for every city, yet no obvious usable feed for that information

>> No.804103
File: 113 KB, 500x375, OH MAI GHOD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make an App that generates £100 a day
>make 4 more that do the same
>And now i'm on over 100k a year
The question is /g/, why doesn't everyone do this?

>> No.804105

Are you the guy who makes Currently? I fucking love your app thing. You deserve the money.

>> No.804107

It pulls from http://www.wunderground.com/ from what it says on the Chrome app.

>> No.804110

Oops, meant /biz/ but you get the idea

>> No.804112

what are your apps about, may I ask? Android or iOS? native or phonegap?

>> No.804113

also, where's the income from, iAd or Google AdMobs/AdSense? microtransactions/pay to download?

>> No.804114

It helps if people could read - i'm asking why doesn't everyone do what i propose?

>> No.804117

I thought the question was why isn't everyone doing what you hypothetically did.

Because it's not trivial to generate £100 a day with an app. And also you require skills to actually create them (basic as they might be).

>> No.804123

What are your source of downloads?

Paid ads? Social media? Search?

Praying to Jesus?

How do you do it OP?

>> No.804126

Ok so let's try this
>Learn code, and decide it's the career for you
>Make Apps that make £50 a day
>Develop an app at around 6 months per app
Now i assume the only reason why people don't do this is because of the huge cost to the person initally in terms of time and learning

>Earning 100k/y with just 10 apps

>> No.804128

Does admob actually pay decent cpms?

Around 5 years ago I had about 30 apps with collectively 250,000 downloads and I was doing about 30$ a day total (on a good day).

>> No.804130
File: 359 KB, 1162x850, thehappymerchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really so long as your apps earn >£5 a day it's worth doing as a career - but this does not mean stopping at 1 app, or even 10.

It's worth looking around

>> No.804131

I second this question

>> No.804141

Except the app falls out of favor and stops being used

>> No.804159

>there will still be the occasional users
It isn't just users who cause the dropoff. Advertisers blacklist your app when they realize it's traffic isn't profitable.

>> No.804172


>> No.804229

I have a simple idea for an app. I could code it in BASIC if it was for pc, but i see that for mobile development I'd have to learn a language AND buy a mac if I want to compile for iOS. Could somebody recommend a language/toolkit to develop a very simple image editing app, that would allow me to later port to iOS if succesful? Apparently the ones discussed here are for html-type stuff

>> No.804627

from a programming stand point though, how to fetch content from other sites?

>> No.804832


>> No.804884

Again, making apps that make £50 a day is not trivial. Besides, the result is not necessarily proportional to the effort.

You can spend months working on an app that ends up making little to no money, or a couple of days and make 50k a day (think flappy bird).

99% of cases, you'll end up making a couple hundreds for a month of work, so not really worth it unless of course, you're a big corporation and know what you're doing, have money to spend on marketing, etc.

>> No.805562


I've always wondered..

You're pulling data from another website, then making money from ads.

Making money from their data.

is this legal/can you get in trouble for this?

>> No.805592

Kinda want someone to answer this question.

>> No.805593

how do I get into this shit?

>> No.805594

the Lynda online learning website has a dickload of tutorials on all things technological. So you could learn through there.

It does cost money, but if you are a student you're university may offer free access.

I've been taking advantage of my uni's free subscription, although I don't know if there are better, free alternative learning sources out there.

>> No.805595

If their data is freely available, the no, you cant get in trouble. It may be THEIR data, but it's YOUR traffic.

>> No.805597

I've always thought about using Lynda, I'll check to see if my university offers free access. Thanks for the info.

>> No.805667

It's pay per click? Holy shit people actually click on those things?

Fuck me, I've had apps since the first upon touch could have them and I don't think I've ever once actually clicked on an ad...

>> No.805678

holy shit this is actually a good /biz thread , thanks guys

>> No.805681

sometimes i ckick on ads if its an app i really like or a stream i watch to give some money to the poor schmuck that made it happen

>> No.805698


OP are your ads PPC? What method of adrevenue are they?

>> No.806582

>people actually click on those things?

I have served tens of millions of ads.

Depending on the app, time of year etc. I would say an ad is clicked every 100 to 200 times one is served. Which results in several cents of payment, usually.

>> No.806614

Does unity work for making basic apps or is it to focused on games?

>> No.806618

Hey OP i'm going to ask you an honest question, so don't Jew your way into a lie or dishonest answer:

Do you think there's money to be made in wearable apps (for android for example)?

Do you think that it's worth getting in now in order to secure a top X app spot until they come up with better monetization methods?

>> No.806621

Could I just pay someone to make an app and profit from it?

>> No.806635

Yes, this is possible.

Just keep in mind if you've never worked with the person before, and you don't have a history together they could easily steal your app code.

In my opinion this is worth the risk. Just interview all your developers very carefully.

>> No.806646

i make games and only made $2

i dont get it

>> No.806647



if you have app making skills and have good programming fundamentals, you'll earn a lot more working for an actual company (startup, tech, finance) than hoping on the one off chance your app is the next angry birds.

this is granted you're in an actual city like New York, SF, London, etc.

>> No.806653

ur games suck

>> No.806657

that's true, how do i make them better?

>> No.806659

meant to reply to >>806653

>> No.806696

just make them prettier, take an existing game and add features that you'd like to see in a game, and make that your game. it's easy as fuck.

>> No.806698

how simply should they be? i find i make my games too complicated and people lose interest quickly because they don't want to put in effort

but then again you want people to spend more time playing it and not have them get bored