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File: 1.97 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180228-170554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8030235 No.8030235 [Reply] [Original]

Breakfast of a millionaire. thought biz would like to see how the other half lives

>> No.8030262

I can smell the pajeet through my screen

>> No.8030282

Looks exactly like the crappy breakfast I make myself everyday and I’m a dog walker/ poker player with 100k

>> No.8030283

YOU WOULD THInk a millionare would know how to cook a little better

>> No.8030295

Did you cook that yourself?

>> No.8030296

avec la blanc de blancs Champagne?

>> No.8030309


>> No.8030329


>> No.8030361

Keto as fuck. Use more butter, will come out better

>> No.8030385

Looks exactly like the crappy breakfast I make every morning except that im a part time car mechie and make 20K a year
Got ~350k-400k value still growing in property in russia though which i bought for 110k

>> No.8030390

whats that green shit

>> No.8030410

How’s your sulfur farts and diarrhea today?

If you’re not lifting that’s a plate full of fatfuck

>> No.8030412

just a couple 'cados

>> No.8030423

I, too, eat Keto, anon.

>> No.8030431

avocado you stupid burger

>> No.8030443

Thats nice keto breakfast. Props, stay shreded.

>> No.8030462

personally im on paleo desu

>> No.8030470

That is full of fat

>> No.8030484

Needs more bacon.
Also, learn to cook an egg properly.

>> No.8030503
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>> No.8030511

Haha, any high meat?

>> No.8030515

fat is good

>> No.8030710

>t. ramen for breakfast

>> No.8030756

way to much food for one person

>> No.8030842

what does avocado taste like?

>> No.8030918

>doesn't understand insulin

>> No.8030956

like water

don't know why so many people like avocado. tastes bland to me

>> No.8030995

Holy shit when do you retard realise that keto is by far the worst form of diet there is right now.
Fucking atkins cancer shit. I honestly pref Paleo to this.
Humanity is doomed to follow stupid shit that allows retards to eat garbage.

>> No.8031036 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 285x368, 1515865881705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overcooked eggs
>processed meat
>soggy avocado
are you a millionaire in rupees by any chance?

>> No.8031045

you fried them? never seen them look like that before

>> No.8031065

that plate is roughly 2,000 calories. are you saying you can eat as much as you want as long as you don’t eat carbs or are you just retarded?

>> No.8031088

I'm clearly saying that

>> No.8031103

are you braindead or dont you understand that protein is just as much insulinogenic as carbs and sometimes even more.

>> No.8031128

you have to salt it. then it's fucking delicious.

>> No.8031183

Those eggs are horribly overcooked

>> No.8031283

its 1200 actually. 6 eggs. 6 bacon. 2 cados.

>> No.8031400


I hate you.

>> No.8031411

op's breakfast does not have too much protein, stick to your cheerios

>> No.8031464

Is Russian real estate really that good of an investment? Do you visit them?

>> No.8031563
File: 388 KB, 999x1500, B9567F30-365E-4B83-B344-F4C6E120FE8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Enjoy your cholesterol plate. I bet if someone came out with the Cretaceous diet and shilled it to you you would eat ferns and trilobites and claim to be a zillionaire.

>> No.8031668

here's an actual fucking good breakfast.

1. bacon
2. ground sausage
3. bread
4. salsa
5. Tabasco sauce (other hot sauces won't taste as good with this)
6. eggs.
7. cheeze

1: turn off your fire alarms.
2. start cooking a sausage patty. continually mix around the meat as it cooks so it doesn't form a puck. put a little bit of chili powder / some kind of hot powder in the ground sausage meat as it cooks.
3. cook the bacon in the grease of the sausage.
4. put the sausage back in and keep it warm.

1. crack an egg into a pan and start cooking it sunnyside up for 30 seconds.
2. then pour some milk on it and stir it like a madman until it forms small yellow pebbles.
3. salt and pepper.

1. take an eighth of a stick of butter and put it in a pan. then, put bread on top of it. cook it until that side it brown. do it again with another eighth with the other side. do it again for another piece.
2. put cheese on the bread and let it melt.

put the sausage, bacon, eggs, salsa on the cheesy bread and push down a bunch so it doesn't come apart. then cut it diagonally. drench each bit in Tabasco sauce before biting.

you're welcome.

>> No.8031766

that looks like breakfast of a low class full time mcdonalds worker

>> No.8031864

i eat this all the time. your on keto, right?

>> No.8031875

>thinks dietary cholesterol impacts lipid profile

everyone should be on a low carb high fat diet. All modern disease is the result of reined carbohydrate.
If your blood lipids go extreme when on a high fat low carb diet it means you have low glycogen stores so eat carbs every once and a while

>> No.8031892

Honestly pretty good desu, although it doesn't look appetising in the photo.
Top-tier keto breakfast

>> No.8031911

thats a really sad pic
eating breakfast in the dark
in bed, probably unbathed
WATCHING a dj set in fullscreen on a laptop??? like dude get some fucking speakers, use your eyes to do something better than watch some faggot mix whatever garbage you like to listen to

>> No.8031930


Enjoy your atherosclerosis

>> No.8031964

Nicola Cruz is nice

>> No.8032278
File: 225 KB, 1200x900, DW9OBfFVMAMOvUv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was my lunch. ama

>> No.8032418



>proceeds to eat 14 rashers of bacon


>> No.8032450


stop right there miguel, back over the wall you go!

>> No.8032473


>> No.8032475


why do you suck cocks?

>> No.8032496

Holy shit where do you fucking retards get this information?

>> No.8032851

eat some carbs you beta cuck

>> No.8032888

nah boiler room is fun like you can just pretend you're there having a great time and dancing w/ all ur cool friends lol c:

>> No.8032992

Stop replying to this garbage thread you stupid faggots.

>> No.8033031

Breakfast of an average australian more like it you larping faggot

>> No.8033128

ITT: retards thinking fat is bad.
ITT: retards thinking carbohydrates are bad.

>> No.8033192

Go eat another poptart amerifat. Get those "carbs"

>> No.8033240

>tfw only eating highly nutritious, satisfying, and high satiety foods
>tfw intuitively nailing my macros from years of researching nutrition
>tfw years of IF and mental discipline so i can control my weight on any diet and eat as much or little as I feel like

>> No.8033322

Put that shit in a tortilla and it might actually look decent, and for the love of fuck stop saying cados immediately before I kill you over the internet.

>> No.8034240
File: 45 KB, 820x738, IMG_20180222_222147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop eating bacon

>> No.8034267

joe rogan podcast, kek

>> No.8034314

That's not halal.

>> No.8034349

looks like a sloppy pile of shit, anon. i don't really give a fuck about presentation usually but man, that plate is embarrassingly small. at least get a larger square plate you nigger. to make matters worse, you're eating in bed. wow. some millionaire. nice. i am envious of you.

>> No.8034565

nobody cares

>> No.8035154

you cared enough to reply

>> No.8036139

the eggs man.

what the hell did you do to them?...

>> No.8036165

You're a fucking liar, Anon.

>> No.8036171

i'm not a spic but i love mexican food. salsa goes very well with CERTAIN breakfast combinations.

>> No.8036211


Frambled. Too energetic to just fry them, but to lazy to finish scrambling

>> No.8036300
File: 2.49 MB, 3264x1836, 2018-02-28 23.34.30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grilled chicken with lettuce salad and natural orange juice (home squeezed oranges juice)

That is my version of Paleo diet living in BR.

>> No.8036357

Here we eat avocado with sugar, god that thing is delicious.

>> No.8036437

>orange juice (home squeezed oranges juice)
>That is my version of Paleo diet living in BR.

Paleo..... Orange juice.....

>> No.8036505

'av a cado ya fakkan muppet

>> No.8036526

If the rules don't suit you, bend 'em

>> No.8036642

do you suck the thumb premeal or postmeal?

>> No.8036758

Why would i do that? I ain't a 5yo

>> No.8037521

>thin cut bacon

also you're missing citrus and berries. other than that you nailed it

>> No.8037543

wow those eggs are cooked terribly
also is that just straight up avocado sliced?

pleb tier / 10

>> No.8037557

>t. brainwashed by usda

>> No.8037608
File: 123 KB, 600x600, mmm breakie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8037669

>being this stupid

Why do people who don't understand what they're talking about go on the internet and try to pretend like they do?

>> No.8037751

and taking a 9 year old child bride is very halal

>> No.8037790

Anyone could make that unless somehow they're too poor to afford avocados.

>> No.8037819

Why do you jizz on your breakfast?

>> No.8037840

Fucking gross

>> No.8038033

jesus christ you must be one fat fucker

>> No.8038141
File: 217 KB, 1066x600, 1517557570698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>protein is just as much insulinogenic as carbs and sometimes even more
Maybe you're the braindead one.
Protein is nowhere near as insulinogenic as carbohydrates. Taking 30g of protein Vs 30g of carbs will not be similar, please stop being retarded.
You're mistaking the fact that it does raise insulin levels and can be converted into glucose, for being similar to carbohydrates.
You're a brainlet m8

>> No.8038207

i guess the other half lives like a faggot since you have a macbook pro and think youre rich for affording eggs bacon and avocado, three of the cheapest things at the grocery store lel

>> No.8038209

is that nic jaar tearing it up?

>> No.8038253


>> No.8038533

How are you supposed to cook better eggs and bacon?
>I don't cook, confirmed

>> No.8038600

OP is a fasass on a keto diet.

That looks like a decent breakfast except he fucked up and overcooked the eggs.

>> No.8038667

Enjoy your clogged arteries.

>> No.8038675

They stole that song from new gym class heros

>> No.8038704
File: 70 KB, 1491x878, uVObL6I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8039624

How much do you make dog walking? I see pet sitting rates are like $20+/day...

>> No.8039644

fucking pajeet

>> No.8039649

>Still eating breakfast

Sorry bro but you're not gonna make it.

>> No.8039665

That is brutal. Why do you have a loaf of bread.

>> No.8040116

What the hell is that on the right
The brown thing

>> No.8040199

>muh low carb
If you don't understand calories in-calories out, you probably don't understand profits in-expenses out. Hundredaire dollarlet confirmed.

>> No.8041150
File: 1015 KB, 1136x640, 06E0084E-56E7-44AF-9D12-24EB7E91E713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I’ll fucking kill you Skylar