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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 90 KB, 735x699, LINK-IS-BIZ-MEME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8034528 No.8034528 [Reply] [Original]


Its just a /biz/ meme. It started out a pajeets shilling link as per /biz/ usual. But then all the little 17-23 yo's thought it would be funny to make it a may may and shill it hard like it was the most glorious thing ever. This all started with comfy threads which turned into meme chart threads which branched into $1000 by EOY threads etc etc.

Truthfully no one on /biz/ actually owns any of the stuff. The whole purpose is to sucker newfags into buying it and then laughing at their misfortune. Its the /biz equivalent of fingerboxes, like whatever, freezing the price of your bitcoin, etc. The modus operandi is to attack anyone who talks shit as a fud'er or to bring up meme stats or whatever to make it look like its not shit.

Now its gone even farther where the overweight neckbeard that made it sergey is now a meme. And recently its gone even farther where his blue plaid kmart shirt is now a meme.

Stay away from it.

>> No.8034639

requesting link on biz genesis pasta

>> No.8034656

pasta on biz link genesis jesus

>> No.8034665

Poo in loo

>> No.8034837

LINK reminds me of some sort of mythical island out of classical mythology, the sort of place where valkyrie wenches tug you off in a field of poppies while feeding you milk and honey through a golden funnel. And LINK FUD is like the storm that wreathes the island in perpetuity, leading explorers astray. Some, dazed and confused, end up stranded on the Mobius Archipelago, an entire chain of islands contructed entire from poo. Other vessels are simply are snapped in two by the gale winds of Shadow Fork and exit scam FUD.

Only the most daring, steadfast, and levelheaded will navigate the storm successfully and enter the $1000 EOY paradise on earth. Sergey stands on the shore like a sort of Greek God, wrapped in a toga with a crown of briars. He beams at you as you cast your anchor and wade to shore, his arms full of LINK tokens. You take one. It feels warm and smooth in your hand. It glistens in the sun. You smile back at Sergey. A valkyrie appears from nowhere and starts tugging you off. You know, in this moment, that you have truly made it.

>> No.8034888

$1000 is a joke but $100 is a real value for LINK

Sorry for your loss

>> No.8034974

$1000 is a joke


>> No.8035004

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.8035027

Learn about marketcaps

>> No.8035041
File: 216 KB, 590x322, 123311234a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except you are a poor weak peasant. So no anon...no that never happened.

>> No.8035045


gtfo pajeet

>> No.8035077
File: 234 KB, 960x640, 1518266937552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if I literally you bought 100k because of the memes? Asking for a friend.

>> No.8035101
File: 35 KB, 573x601, 8rsoniuky2uy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link memes legit stopped being funny a few months ago.

Discord faggots kill yourselves.

>> No.8035115
File: 13 KB, 224x363, phone-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the irony in this post