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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8033352 No.8033352 [Reply] [Original]

talk me out of killing myself

>> No.8033396
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>Sort yourself out, bucko.

>> No.8033411

Why do yoi have so many credit cards you put exactly $220 on? Why is your car insurance so cheap, but car so expensive?

>> No.8033413

Why are you unhappy

>> No.8033431

why the fuck do you have so many credit cards?!

>> No.8033440

is it the cuckbase limit?

>> No.8033447

>ITT i make below 80k

>> No.8033466

Get rid of the cards

>> No.8033467

Kills himself over 3000 dollars lmao

>> No.8033470

dude get a low interest loan and pay off those credit cards.

You could save $200 a month or keep paying the same amount and pay them quicker.

>> No.8033473
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they're all around $210, I just rounded them up

mistakes were made

i hope to

>> No.8033484

Why did you max out so many credit cards

>> No.8033497

I pay 3k a month in rent alone, whiney faggot

>> No.8033500
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holy shit muricans have large insurance and phone bills

>> No.8033502
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>rent 1025
>power and gas 70
>OP living in the fucking dark with nothing on but his computer and monitor

no comment

>> No.8033535

the absolute total of your expenses

>> No.8033539

30+40 in gas/power a month, you never leave your house or have the lights on do you faggot i bet you sit in your chair all day like a fat ass escapist wrapped in a blanket

>> No.8033561

Run to Mexico. You have a 50% chance to get killed there as well as a 50% chance to become a wealthy mafioso. Real-time thread would be highly appreciated btw.

>> No.8033564

his insurance is cheap af what r u saying

>> No.8033600

Not enouch credit cards thats your issue

>> No.8033621

Power in the USA costs way more than in your eastearn-european/asian shithole. STFU.

>> No.8033623

me too op. I just downed a 1/2 boyyle of burbon n im fucking doneeith this dhit.

>> No.8033639

I'm soon 30 and never had a credit card, why would you need so many?

>> No.8033651

No i mean like why apply for 5 when you spend under $2k?

>> No.8033667

Come to Venezuela and live like a fucking king for $1,000 a month.

>> No.8033671

how old are you and do you live by yourself

>> No.8033678

The car insurance is pretty low. My health insurance is only ~$30/month in New York state.

>> No.8033718
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A room in my townhome

>> No.8033746

Find a rich wife


>> No.8033764

At first it was because of 'security', then my family started having issues, and one thing turns into another

Total credit debt is around ~27k

>> No.8033776

Literally how?

>> No.8033787

Jesus christ. What the fuck did you do?

>> No.8033821

Value HDHP with Highmark. This number also includes basic eye and dental and NY paid family leave.

Also I'm a jackass and that's my per paycheck number. Its actually $60/month.

>> No.8033827

What's your health insurance that's only $100 a month?

>> No.8033884

been there anon, i had a really high paying job and stock options that i liquidated over time to get out of debt only to do it all again.

You need to stop spending, thats it. No credit for you,ever cause you will just do it again.

Good luck.

>> No.8033893

People with credit card debt are subhuman fools. They deserve no sympathy for falling into such an obvious trap.

>> No.8033900

Talk you out? Wrong place.
Buy as much BTC as you can and delete all traces off your wallet beforehand

>> No.8033940


>> No.8033941
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where do I start

well basically, my mom and dad wanted me to care for them but I had no interest in that, I moved out with the intentions of starting dating and working on my income with the hopes of starting a family

to keep me dependent and not motivated to start a family, and generally just a mentally foggy and upset person so I wasn't attractive, they were putting testosterone blockers in my food during my weekly visits

all the time, they're (including my sister) using my credit cards that I put them on as co for their 'business expenses', I had no backspine so I couldn't say no or stop it...

but I lost interest in money and what I was doing, I stopped caring about improving myself, and was playing vidya and doing the bare minimum to get by

it's a long story how I figured all this out, but in december I put the pieces together and figured out why I was such a little emotional bitch who wanted to die

This started happening when I was 24, now I just turned 27 and I'm trying to pick up the pieces

>> No.8033945
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>Spending twice as much on phone payments than gas and electricity combined.

>> No.8033949

bro why are you so irresponsible with your money
why is your car payment that much, why didnt you buy a cheap ass car
>credit cards
the rest is fine, are you poor as shit / working a shit job?

>> No.8033958

more owed on credit cards than food, rent, utilities, gas, and health insurance combined.

HOW? how much in credit card debt do you have?

>> No.8033968

>1025 rent
You need to move to a cheaper area or start robbing whites and chinks

>> No.8033987

wtf is wrong with you, clean all that shit up

>> No.8034018

what are you his mom? fuck off faggot

>> No.8034082

Do not tell me you’re paying off old cards with new cards and literally ponzi’d yourself.
Interdasting. Go on, how did you figure this out?

>> No.8034084

Cut your phone bill down to 30

Move to a different fucking place holy shit

Health insurance is a meme, drop it

You're fucked on everything else

>> No.8034101

If your credit is already bad, just stop paying the cc bills, don't answer the phone when they call. Depending on what state you're in, the only thing that will happen is your credit will dip until they fall off
Try to find a roommate or cheaper place to live, live w parents for a bit if needed to save money
Get a cheaper car, try to do this before the credit gets worse obviously. Sell what you have and downgrade. If you can't, pay the car asap. Do uber or a side job to pay it down and build equity
If you're in the US, switch your cell phone to Sprint or someone even cheaper if you haven't. Will save you at least $50/month and service is fine, it's unlimited w Sprint

>> No.8034116

Stop living your life, seriously.

It looks like your life sucks balls, take whatever you have left and just bail somewhere. I recommend ex-pat status in Thailand, but you will need to get like 1k USD together to get there and then once there someone that speaks English can get a cash job at almost any business. If you are white you will be swimming in jungle gook pussy and only have to worry about the 2500 baht (80 bucks) a month in rent to come up with.

Pattaya is my favorite spot ever since I stopped working I go for 30 day stretches and could easily get by with 7 bucks a day for full overhead.

>> No.8034159
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I'm reminded now why poorfags are poorfags you choose to live that way. You choose to allow the jews to fondle your ballsac.

Sitting comfy as fuck on a monthly expenditure of less than $1000 a month I get to dump all the extra in crypto.

Keep paying off all them kikes OP and keep staying poor faggot.

>> No.8034161

it's a very long story but to nutshell it, but basically they knew how lonely and upset i was, and my sister started flirting with me as another method of trying to keep me attached and perhaps a source of motivation, I suspect they started seeing me degrade with having no sex hormones

I felt unhappy about this, but at the same time very sad because I felt like this might be the only girl who's interested in me... I started researching incest relationships and I found some stories about how mothers would try to keep their son dependent to them by keeping them uneducated, unattractive, and satisfy them sexually or titillate them

they've always been talking me up, saying how great I was, when in reality I was failing in every possible way... they were all very upset when I moved out, and felt I owed them something as I had a bit of success self-employed

anyway it's a very upsetting story, that's all I wanna type out for now

>> No.8034163

>talk me out of killing myself

eventually the debt will go down

Have you tried refinancing? borrow one lump sum at a reasonable rate and pay off all the cards?

>> No.8034188

How much can you sell your car for?
Your musical instruments ( keep 1 sell the rest )
The homer head?
Clean up your room. Throw away junk, eBay/CL/Amazon sell/ garage sale what you can.
If you are a good enough musician, Bust on the weekends at busy tourist locations in your city.

>> No.8034209

Lol and it is only $ and not even €

>> No.8034237

That's fucked mate, if my family started putting drugs in my food I'd sue the shit out of them, no questions asked

>> No.8034257

1. Ditch the phone, or get the absolute lowest plan they have. I pay $75 a month
2. Consider BK for the credit card debt. That, or consolidate them all one ONE card, and make payments that are more than the minimum.
3. You have no business with a car loan at that price carrying as much debt as you do. Sell the car, get a used car, get rid of the car payment. At your debt levels, sacrifices have to be made to get your debt paid off.
4. Lower the food bills. $250 a month is okay with no debt, it's insane with your debt. You can shave $100 off that easily and still eat well, and apply that $100 towards the debt.

Or, suck it up, and get another job. If you want this debt gone, you need to sacrifice for a couple of years, tighten the belt. I did it for 5 years to get out of the same kind of fucking hole living like everyone told me too - fuck that noise. I've learn to cut costs to the bone, avoid debt, and save money. I spend $35-40 on food during the week, because I don't eat out, and I cook. I don't have cable. I pirate books, movies, and music. I have a decent car that's paid off, and try not to drive that much, my insurance is about $50 a month, with good driver and low mileage discounts. (State Farm, too)

Without the debt, your numbers aren't bad, if you make over 2k a month. The debt is basically a second job, unless you get really good at day trading, drug dealing, or crime. You can try and BK, but cc debt is harder to bk out of these days, and it's expensive.

Seriously, just start doing Uber, or something. Apply every cent from a second job towards the debt. Start reading debt repair forums. Consider selling the car and getting into a place with roomates to lower your rent. Start cutting your budgets to the bone. Do you really NEED a smartphone? Or a car? Could you get around by bus, or a bicycle or motorcycle?

There's no magic bullet here. Your best bet is a part time job, on top of whatever you do now.

>> No.8034293

>the only thing that will happen is your credit will dip until they fall off

Laughab;y untrue. What happens is they sue you, and if you ignore it, they get a judgement, which opens you up to collections, and them getting a lien on your assets and garnishments from your paychecks and bank accounts.

You're a fucking retard, just stop posting.

>> No.8034327

I forgot to mention... You are a musician, you can get much get any girl you want. Seriously dude. I was"ok" with a guitar and girls would just be available.

>> No.8034524


>> No.8034526
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Average cost of insurance for an amerifat is 300-500 USD a month with a yearly deductible in the low thousands (2-6k). This does not include mental health, dental, or vision.
> t. amerifat

>> No.8034584

Holy sheeeit how are you this dumb?
Gonna need an extra job or two.
You should never pay over 30 bucks a month for your phone
Never finance a car. Never ever buy one new.
Get a roommate or two - as many as you can fit.
Consolidate your debt, and cut up your damn cards.
Rice and beans.
Health insurance needs to go.

Stop buying shit.

>> No.8034598

Goddamit I wanna fucking go so bad

>> No.8034614

I feel your feel anon. I noticed similar tendencies in my own parents when I was getting to be 18. Probably the reason why something like this didn't happen to me was because I noticed and took defensive action: weaning them off gradually.
For example my mother used to discourage me from getting a job. I'd apply and she would straight up tell me not to get a job, but would often give me money keeping me financially dependent. I worked for myself instead and eventually went away for work in a different place.

>> No.8034636


Anon, if your credit is already fucked get a settlement with the card companies. If they think you're a risky asset, they'll settle for something like 50% off total balance since they see it as better than nothing. Then pull your shit together for 7 years after and you're gucci

>> No.8034673

go for 30%

>> No.8034693


We’re pretty much in the same boat senpai. You’ll find a way to get out of it, don’t worry desu.

>> No.8034712

kek fucking what? paying with credit card i accumulate rewards that i like to exchange for flights, but they can trade for other shit or cash as well. paying with debit card i get fucking nothing

>> No.8034726
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Testosterone blockers? How do you know this for sure?

I'm concerned for your mental health, friend. Don't kill yourself.

>> No.8034731

start living in your car
and get rid of your cards

>> No.8034747

Those credit cards are your total owed not the minimum payment, r-right??

>> No.8034774

Take it a step at a time. It's a long and hard battle, but you can recover.

You should have legal recourse from them outt8ng test blockers in your food

>> No.8034780

dont reproduce

>> No.8034829

And then the debt that is forgiven is 1099'ed to him for taxes. Bad idea. Plus settlements ding your credit history hard. He's in the 500's which while not great, isn't panic territory yet. Settlements are for emergencies, really, like if you lose your job, or get really sick. It's better to call each card and work with them, maybe get a forebearance (lowered payment and interest for a while), instead of a settlement - and avoid getting 1099'd on income for it.
And, it's not an easy process to do on your own and the settlement services are expensive and a waste of money.
A second job would solve this problem a hell of a lot easier.

>> No.8034830

>testosterone blockers in my food

confirmed larp
reporting thread

>> No.8034924

After one and a half years of not paying my cards I received a settlement of 50% off my Amex card

And 60 % off my chase card. 2,200 owed originally I can settle it now for 900 dollars
Guess what I still ain’t pay shit.

I’m getting sued for my Wells Fargo card. 5,500 Had court on the 13th the judge said case is getting stale. Something about a notice of waiver and now I have to go again April 13th . What does that mean

PayPal card 5,000 no settlement sent yet

Amazon card 1300
Settle for 800 offer came in

>> No.8035177

Every dollar you settle on is charged to you as income, on a 1099. While I don't agree with your current strategy, settlements are bullshit because of the taxes, and they ding your credit.

>What does that mean
Ask a lawyer. In a case like a lawsuit, it just means if you sign one you won't get a summons, it saves money for the person suing you. If you're already being sued, it makes no sense for them to ask for one.

If you're gonna be an asshole and not pay, you better hire a lawyer for a couple hundred bucks to at least explain to you what kind of legal dildo is being greased up for you, how big, and what color.

Here's a free, short version:
Once these companies start getting judgements against you - and they will - , your credit is fucked, for years, they'll most likely garnish the shit out of your paychecks, and they may also try to go after your assets, like cars. If you own a home, they will file liens on it, which means you can't sell until you pay them.

But hey, it's a free country, if you want to be an assraped asshole, go for it. They're gonna love fucking you dry.

>> No.8035225

$120 for phone payments is too much, cut in that

>> No.8035246

Don’t have a house. don’t have anything

I don’t even have a bank account anymore.

I’ll put the car in my brothers name and give it to him.

I am in unemployment. Andy gf supports me.

Fuck credit.

>> No.8035290

try to sign up for a 0 balance transfer card. Like Chase Slate.
Then transfer whatever your balance from your credit card to it. Chase Slate have 0 internet for like 2 years. Then you can say those card off.

>> No.8035294

Ah so you had a good old time spending money you didn't have, and now it's THEIR fault you owe. Got it. No point in talking to your loser ass anymore. Have fun with poverty, loser. They invented tent cities in dry riverbeds for losers like you. Someone has to be the bottom, right? Yeah, fuck credit, I bet a crowd of Jews twisted your arm every time you used your cards, right? Not your fault at all, huh?
Fuck credit? No, fuck you. The rest of us get to pay higher service fees to offset the poor life choices of losers like you.
Now go fuck yourself and enjoy your poverty. Hell, niggers are better at finance and living than you are, even they know not to spend up a storm on credit cards, they pay cash. You're literally dumber than a nigger.

>> No.8035314

0 interest for 2 years then you can pay those card off*

>> No.8035344

$330 for a car payment is expensive?

>> No.8035348

Hey hey hey I used to care like you too. My gf has good credit and I use her bank account for all my crypto. Should I tell the judge that I own a lot of eth lol

I really want to tell him I can pay with eth lol

>> No.8035350
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>being this assmad

>> No.8035386

>absolute total
>absolutely BTFO

>> No.8035399

why do you have so many credit cards?

I have one credit card I barely ever use (usually pay $0 per month on it) and why car payments? just buy some $5-10k car in cash and avoid paying on some depreciating $25-40k car that won't be worth shit by the time you have it paid off.

>> No.8035402

With that much debt? Yes. His CC minimum payments are 3-4x's his car payment. He should be carrying no loan debt with that much credit debt. You don't NEED a new car, you WANT one, and when you owe as much as him, you NEED to pay off your debt.

He threw the party spending the money, now he gets to clean up after it, and you don't reward yourself with a newer car then.

>> No.8035434

Yea I know right. I remember when I used to care about my credit score tho. So I don’t blame him

He must not have a stable gf he can fall back on. Or someone willing to support him.

Literally thank god for crypto

The gov will never know how much Monero I have

>> No.8035438

Have you considered filing for bankruptcy? Not sure which type your situation is but probably easy to look up. You won't be able to borrow money for a long time, among some other implications, but it will erase your debt and allow you to start anew.

>> No.8035460


>> No.8035509

Because the amount of accounts as well as their age factor into your overall credit worthiness.

If you try and get an actual loan later on with one line of credit you'll be laughed at

>> No.8035525


Holy shit, I came into this thread expecting to give elementary 101 advice on budgeting and managing expenses. But seriously, get rid of the credit cards. And trade in your vehicle for something you can pay off quicker, so long as you're not in a negative equity situation with your vehicle. Never buy a hot vehicle unless you can pay it off relatively quickly.

Testosterone blockers? WTF, I'd never talk to your family again. Take the iron pill. Change up your diet, eat testosterone friendly and high protein foods, avoid soy at all costs. Get in the gym and lift weights. Do cardio as well. Your test can rebound naturally if you exercise and eat well. If your hormone levels are fucked (your dick or balls shrank, gynocomastia aka bitch tits) see an endocrinologist ASAP. You may need to go on TRT, but if you get your test and sperm levels back up, you could still have kids down the road.

I don't know if I've seen it yet, but what is your monthly income? Understanding debt to income ratio is key to budgeting properly.

>> No.8035654

>test blockers

Eh, into the trash it goes, weak larp

>> No.8035669

this is a meme retarded fucking boomers teach retarded kids

i bought my first condo when I was 24 with basically no credit and a 20% deposit and proof of fulltime employment

also bought a ~$10k car (used) around the same time and had no problem getting a bank loan for it

you don't need to be juggling a handful of credit cards to be able to get a loan, and most people don't know how to use credit cards responsibly anyway and will just struggle in debt for no fucking reason while repeating the same shit you're saying

>> No.8035781

Why do you have $75k+ in credit card debt?

If you don't earn enough money to easily pay that off, you may want to consider debt consolidation, debt reduction/negotiation, or bankruptcy. The latter two will hurt your credit score.

>> No.8036069

I bet you bought when condo prices were within reason, too. You sound like my dad, who loves to lecture people based on his experiences in the 70's and 80's. If you're in a US market right now, anywhere near a middling or large city, condo prices are too high for someone 24 and no credit history and the kind of wages a 24 year old can earn. Period. Middle class buyers are struggling with real estate prices in a big way, stop telling people they can just waltz up and buy a $500k condo (and that's cheap in some areas) and think it's not risky as all fuck at 24.