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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8020649 No.8020649 [Reply] [Original]

tfw you realize he is actually stupid

>> No.8020689

great thread, really.

>> No.8020717

>muh fentanyl
>muh money laundering
that was one of the most clearly manipulative posts i've ever seen
sad thing is redditors ate it up

>> No.8020727

>640k RAM

>> No.8020729

He's just a boomer. They don't get it. None of them do.

>> No.8020751

He just literally autistic

You may also have asperger if you only realized now

>> No.8020765

>not going long in RAM
>calling the ceiling at 640k
yep, he's brainded

>> No.8020807
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I think it's more that he sometimes talks to people who he considers stupid in a fairly direct way.

>> No.8020809
File: 437 KB, 1242x2208, 731174BC-C6E7-4065-81D3-C486D1F1D1B6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at how gay this shit is
>Hey! Nothing to add, but thanks for answering questions in an AMA! You’re a nice person and I’m a nice person for pointing it out, too!

>> No.8020828

Redditors eat all sorts of nonsense up. They're consistently unable to see through the slightest manipulation. A lot of paid shills in the comments on there too

>> No.8020877

> dikkepiemel

>> No.8020907

He has actually been very bullish/postive on crypto in the past. He is just super concerned about health and is biased and wrong in his interpretation of statistics

>> No.8020934
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>tfw you realize he is actually stupid

>> No.8020997

There is a difference between intelligence and wisdom. Running a successful business doesn't really require above average mental capabilities, quite often you just have to convince people smarter than you to join. Even you could do it if you knew how.

>> No.8021031

If he’s stupid then I’m sub-Neanderthal

>> No.8021069

He's an elite puppet. He's saying these things to keep his head above water. Everyone knows people in central banking want out. Not much longer before it collapses and the move to crypto occurs.

>> No.8021074

He is assblasted for the fact that his autistic child Winshit has absolutely minus zero to do with crypto world.
I recon butthurt cause I am also butthurt for not accumulating more coins.
Tl;dr He's a kilobyte faggot.

>> No.8021090

jesus christ is /biz/ literally full of autists who are incapable of comprehending sarcasm?

>> No.8021148

he hasnt had anything to do with windows for years, pajeet took over and shit out windows 8 and 10

>> No.8021172


>> No.8021191
File: 950 KB, 3523x3304, 1511306680888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize we are actually the dumb and stupid
>yfw you realize bill gates has more money than all ETH in existence
>yfw you realize he can pump n dump all the crypto market to the ground with his pocket money for the lulz and nobody can do anything about it

>> No.8021198
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>> No.8021278
File: 7 KB, 276x183, autistanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your autism is showing

>> No.8021290

Let it come, sir !
I repeat sir, let it come !
He will bite the bitter cookie made by pink wojak in a couple of hours.
Let it come !

>> No.8021504

You think that was his real answer on crypto ?

>> No.8021631

It's more like he wants in, but would rather enter at a point for more profit. So he blasts it with fud before placing positions.

>> No.8021782
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>> No.8021922
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>> No.8021995
File: 429 KB, 600x629, pfffft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You neets can think whatever you want, reality is that politicians listen to people like Bill Gates, the funbux reckoning is on its way, between the things Bill mentioned, North Korean sanction subversion and the whole killing the planet while doing useless math, crypto is already on borrowed time.

screencap this

>> No.8022025

He looks like Marty lagina

>> No.8022177
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He is right. Can you give a single use crypto has right now besides illegal shit?

>> No.8022822

>Can you give a single use USD has right now besides illegal shit?


>> No.8022961

he never actually said that you turbo brainlets

>> No.8023007

is there anything worse than a bunch of delusional cryptofaggots?

>> No.8023030

Smart contracts

>> No.8023043

what's in the bag, moot

>> No.8023092

but what did he mean by this?


>> No.8023117

He just wants some cheap coins

>> No.8023154
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>> No.8023173

rich people are not gods, for the most part they are people who were lucky enough to see an opportunity, or be given an opportunity

>> No.8023204

The funny thing is 99% of the drug dealers and terrorists use Windows to plan their criminal activity. Windows is bad and literally killing people.

>> No.8023211

tfw i'm not even close to bill gates rich, but ive made more money in the past year than my parents have in the past 5 years

and im not a god, i make mistakes, hindsight is 20/20
really trying to be more open-minded about things so that I don't brush off a potential big opportunity ever again.

>> No.8023279

Is there anything else worse than just wasting ur money in fricking Africa

>> No.8023302

He's unironically one of few people that understand what crypto is about.

>> No.8023345

>As noted by CNBC, during a Reddit “Ask Me Anything” session on Tuesday, Gates explained that he thinks cryptocurrency is really bad because it aids and abets people who want to keep their financial transactions hidden from the government. He seemed particularly concerned with whether the blockchain revolution is mostly revolutionizing financial crime, terrorism, and drug dealing, thus killing people “in a fairly direct way”:

He's right though.

>> No.8023566

What do you mean "reddit?" /r/buttcoin yes but crypto reddit completely disregarded it

>> No.8023605



>> No.8023779

>He's just a boomer. They don't get it. None of them do.
Oh they understand it, they understand it is the end of them. Watch all their dishonesty about how crypto has no intrinsic value.
The value of a machine is the money you save using it over a different machine.
Cryptocurrency and blockchain is a machine for running an economy, tracking who owes what to whom, ensuring honesty while facilitating exchange. The cryptocurrency machine replaces the fiat machine we currently use to drive our economies.
Cryptocurrency automates and improves the functions all those 1% boomer professionals necessary to keep fiat functioning: bankers, lawyers, professors, regulators, investigators, enforcers, etc etc tons of corrupt leeches are made obsolete. We no longer need "trusted professionals" a fucking makebelieve nobility class to manage our money while making themselves filthy rich because they have no competition to their seniorage.

With cryptocurrency you can colonize Mars or nationbuild with just workers, scientists, and basic security - you don't need tons of professionals just to manage your economy so you can trade with the wider universe. All you need is digital devices communication.

Boomers understand they are obsolete now. They will do anything to manipulate younger generations into rejecting crypto.

>> No.8023940
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((They)) won't ever change my mind fucking salted dicks. An-Cap out.

>> No.8024110

This thread needs to be nuked by a airplane

>> No.8024360

Not by a nuke?