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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 1115x367, robin hood marius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8017212 No.8017212 [Reply] [Original]

Guess who was right again?

>> No.8017247
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>> No.8017257

>inb4 salty anons too dumb to understand TA

>> No.8017276

I'll believe him if he does it with this accuracy 5 more times.

>> No.8017283
File: 315 KB, 1701x626, Untitled 41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8017285

he’s been wrong countless times and deleted his incorrect tweets

>> No.8017292
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>> No.8017313
File: 160 KB, 1091x772, basedmarius8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robin Hood of crypto.

>> No.8017343
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not sure if i should stay in neo for ontology airdrop or tether up

>> No.8017362

what are their top 20 alt coins to buy in 2018?

>> No.8017388

>giving Dash to citizens
Does this Robin Hood want their city to be poor?

>> No.8017401

where do you even get this shit
how can you make claims like this

>> No.8017460

>mega(DOT)nz /#!rvpmWa5J!3aN-klgGCSoiYGbZCvrzO9tJHR8Uu7YfAa3bUJEm1Q0

I think that might work

>> No.8017484

>elliott waves
>not fibs

saved so i can laugh at this again tomorrow

>> No.8017519

i don't know why i have to download a file to get a list. i'm gonna not got there just in case. but in case this isn't something nasty, thanks.

>> No.8017539
File: 187 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180228-120009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8017562

Its a large pdf, I'm not capping every page. There should be an option to view online and not download...?

>> No.8017570

>no Link
This is the sign boys. Buy some stinky fucking linkies.

>> No.8017575

I always struggle to place my fibs correctly but the best/most accurate analyses that I've seen have always been fib based.

>> No.8017578

not this autist

>> No.8017579
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>> No.8017585
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>> No.8017614


>> No.8017616

nice, thanks

>> No.8017646

>we are going to help Haiti
fucking why? Haiti does nothing but fail fail fail they will never do anything, giving them money is flushing it down the toilet, at worst you are supporting expanding this failure by allowing them to have larger families, only increasing the disaster.

>> No.8017654

Thanks dude!

>> No.8017658

Maybe americans can go in and rebuild Haiti again, 5th time coming up right?

>> No.8017659
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>wave 1 the longest wave on reversal

>> No.8017680
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Little more detail

>> No.8017706
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>> No.8017711


what is this from?

>> No.8017755


the most optimistic fucking sheet ive ever seen.


>> No.8017771

Normies will pump them Tron again lmao

>> No.8017774

Is this a virus

>> No.8017778

Egalitarianism is an expensive fantasy, it is crippling mankind. We went to the moon in 1969, we should be playing football on Neptune by now but no we have to feed niggers and expand their population while diminishing our own because social justice.

Also, they don’t even appreciate it. Nor can they, with their sub-70 IQs.

>> No.8017779
File: 126 KB, 941x933, 1519315797463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>XVG $15

>> No.8017784
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>there is a possibility that I could be wrong and this is going to go down instead of up

>> No.8017789


His ass

>> No.8017791

lmao who is this nobody and why is /biz/ trying to make him a thing

>> No.8017796


probably. my friend who got in crypto, literally opened CMC, went through prices on first page and went all in on tron "because it was cheap and close to bitcoin".

>> No.8017818

Anybody who calls idiota 'good solid crypto' is a certified retard.
Iota is great at filtering idiots who somehow managed to sound smart

>> No.8017855

Infamous Marius was finally right? fuck, he will be celebrating for years

>> No.8017875

>Iota is great at filtering idiots who somehow managed to sound smart
Like bosch?

>> No.8017924

According to this BTC should drop hard today no? I'm currently 50/50 between fiat and BTC so it will be interesting to see what happens, personally I think BTC looks pretty bullish short term atleast.

>> No.8017943

and Volkswagen?

>> No.8017974

all shit companies, you should all in on link because some autist got septs while saying link 1k EOY

>> No.8018112

>tweets: we're going up
>tweets: we're going down
>deletes the wrong one.
Ta da!

>> No.8018135

Where can I get this PDF?

>> No.8018191



>> No.8018254

guess who deletes his tweet when he's wrong? this guy

>> No.8018308
File: 35 KB, 300x250, salty pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


superiority-complex dumbasses that haven't DTOR love to spit on iota out of spite instead of researching

DYOR and get in or stay salty feggit

>> No.8018340


He predicted 8k BTC February 28th. Only missed that by $2,5k but I see that now as he was embarrasingly wrong he changed his prediction to that it will only "have a DOWN come end Feb 28".

What a fucking tool.

>> No.8018366
File: 209 KB, 511x653, B748C64A-5CEE-4E56-8F48-98ED04AAEF7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>viewing online is not downloading
Splitting from /g/ was a mistake

>> No.8018459
File: 50 KB, 635x635, 1479504139344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHA, what the fuck is that?

>> No.8018517
File: 402 KB, 1495x1493, 1481620002192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please explain why the fuck anyone is unironically listening to this retard?

Or does he just post make his own threads on /biz/ as some form of advertisement?

>> No.8018531

This boards obsession with following anyone, whenever tripfags or Twitter is unprecedent. Even /v/ laughs at you and I think this might be the single board where "sheep" actually applies.

>> No.8018559

>what are memes

>> No.8018566

It's the December newfags. Most of them are normies or just have room temperature IQs. /biz/ was nothing like it is now even 3 months ago.

All the newfags need someone to make their decisions for them, so that they don't have to feel responsibility when they fail. It's fucking sickening what they've done to this board.

>> No.8018568

I dont carr about his stupid predictions, but the way he communicates is infuriating. God I hate emoji spamming boomers so fucking much.

>> No.8018587

Fuck off, Marius. You are and always will be a fucking failure.

>> No.8018590


>> No.8018598

I agree, almost makes me miss the pink wojak spam days. Atleast those threads could be funny.

>> No.8018607

>in downwards spiral now
Yeah right. Also, I bought way too much PO.et and I wish it would 4x because I really want to lose those fucking bags

>> No.8018644

Ah yes. So they won't feel responsible. Kinda like what you're doing right now, no? Pushing blame on others when you could have prevented this?

>> No.8018675

>when you could have prevented this?

How the fuck could I have prevented BTC from going on a massive bullrun, and having retarded normies on plebbit spread the rumor of "all those autists on /biz/ with their secret knowledge"?

Neck yourself, you god damn normie.

>> No.8018707

You could have avoided feeding their delusions. But no, it's easier to shift blame than accepting you let it happen because at the time, you got gains.

>> No.8018740

>feeding their delusions

Nigger, I did everything in my power to bleed them dry of their money so that they would leave.

>> No.8018750
File: 247 KB, 1764x1764, 964FC1E5-61DB-40F5-94CC-D912A2065102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth. Even last October /biz/ was basically like visiting /his/ and /lit/

>> No.8018770
File: 152 KB, 1049x862, PoS Proof of Shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off marius and marius accessories

>> No.8018782

And you failed at both. But blame "them", it's easier that way for the ego.

>> No.8018835
File: 222 KB, 1066x600, 1513577627500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one person can make thousands of invading brainlets disappear

>> No.8018869

I'm not a shill. I just enjoy the memes.

>> No.8018874

Cute, you think I'm speaking individually.
No, you, and everyone here is the sole responsible reason newfags found a place to settle. Yet all of you refuse responsibility, because in your own eyes you're "perfect" and did nothing wrong by letting them fester.

>> No.8018897

is this guy BTC bullish in long-term or not??

>> No.8018917

>Bitcoin will have a DOWN come end Feb 28
What? Is this supposed to be in English?

>> No.8018924

Seems like he expects BTC to go bullish in about 2 weeks and is expecting many alts to do massive bullruns this year so yea, he seems pretty bullish longterm.

>> No.8018927

you're not a fucking meme. and if you don't stop spamming this board with your failed fucking predictions, i'll make sure that piece of shit website you have doesn't stay online for more than an hour per day.

>> No.8018930

Yes he predicts $193,857 BTC by 8.11pm EST, Jan 23rd 2020

>> No.8018971

Stellar 1056%

>> No.8018984

Haha good luck with that boy.

>> No.8018990

as you wish.

>> No.8019105

It's fucking Twitter. I hate it.

>> No.8019137

This guy is fucking retarded.

>> No.8019143

Can confirm.
Although the only correct tripfag is me.
I'd post my meme chart from a couple days ago that broke out perfectly. But I'm in bed , comfy. You fags look out for me , I'm no TA pro but I add logic and reasonable targets to my charts. Get with it or get lost non believers

>> No.8019188

>BTC at $7k: We're going down now
>BTC at $8k: We're going down now
>BTC at $9k: We're going down now
>BTC at $10k: We're going down now
>BTC at $11k: We're going down now
>BTC goes down $1k
>Look everyone, I was right

You're almost as bad as OP. At least you don't spam threads and scam gullible normies.

>> No.8019273

All I do is help friend. I'll post caps of some of my threads. If you check the time and compare it to btc chart you will see every time I've made one of those fud threads btc would have a dump within minutes to an hour of thread. No not a little sell off, a dump. I admit to my one bad call. Btc to 6.5 area to retest support. The week it was gonna happen bulls reversed it over and over again. Those desperate tards , we could have been over with this bear market if we had another solid crash back then.

>> No.8019297

no one cares

>> No.8019308

How can you not realize by now that nobody gives a shit about your predictions?

>> No.8019335

lol we are actually laughing at this guy in our group. You know he has paid followers right?

God this board got so retarded. I only come here for the lulz to laugh at poor fags.

>> No.8019694

Didnt he predict getting to 20k and never ever again dropping below 14k?