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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8012007 No.8012007 [Reply] [Original]

daily reminder
> the original king
> likely released by patriots
> will never be inflated
> free from the bank jew

Chads hold on avg 10 BTC and swing trade 2-5.

Why arent you in yet?

>> No.8012045

no use case

>> No.8012061

> sending money to other anons for hosting important things

wrecked in 1 second. You suck at life

>> No.8012181

Bch is the original king. you base your understanding of what bitcoin is on the name, you're a retard who will still be calling bitcoin the king when they change is to proof stake leaving it nothing like bitcoin.

>> No.8012337

>Chads hold on avg 10 BTC and swing trade 2-5.

>> No.8012406

Have you done any research on blockstream?

>> No.8012429

weird because a lot of people are still using it

>> No.8012435

what use case does gold and stocks (public, low %s) have

>> No.8012468


>> No.8012491

> if this then that

>> No.8012569
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Gold is a store value because it is chemically inert and independent of time. Also makes it the only useful measurinf stick of price across time

The stock market is a scam that is entirely the result of having an inflationary currency we are currently at the end of the 3rd and final stock market bubble. Pic related, there will never be another stock market bull as the next financial crisis will mean the end of inflationary currency

>> No.8012756

>Since down 50% from ATH.


>> No.8012989

>> will never be inflated
>literally a new hard fork every month with "free coins"
worse than ICOs tbqh. at least ICOs require people to invest new money while every one of your stupid contentious hard forks just creates it out of thin air. gas yourself.

>> No.8013037

Faggot detected

>> No.8013071

no coiner detected.

Bitcoin Private is the true satoshi vision. Fast, secure, low fee, anonymous transactions

>> No.8013072

I love how you get played by your own rules, you mongoloid thicclet.
ALL financial elites bought in during the so-called investment crisis some time after 2008 when money by central banks was cheap, investments scarce and regular markets oversaturated by cheap money influx.
I read all those articles when even media made fun off all those billionaires and whatnot 'burning' their money on crypto.
That was the time when you were playing pokemon with your friends you braindead faggots.
You fill their very pockets, lovely, keep buying you naive children.

>> No.8013076

>chads hold on avg 10 BTC and swing trade 2-5
unironically true, just replace 2-5 with 10

>> No.8013103

>will never be inflated

Already is. China controls it now.

>> No.8013119
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>elites were buying into crypto in 2008
>bitcoin literally did not exist until 2009

>> No.8013136
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It's about 2 dip >:)

>> No.8013172

We've seen this over and over. Negative press does NOT negatively impact prices.

>> No.8013186

This so-called investment crisis was around 2010-forward..do your math and never try to talk to smart money ever again.

>> No.8013235

They were literally picking up BTC at the very floor.
Google old articles instead of wasting time by mouthbreathing.

>> No.8013250
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>> No.8013289
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>Falling for the dead cat bounce

>> No.8013291

Bitcoin was created by a very complex AI to conquer the world.

>> No.8013300

I just want to help you understand.
And your naive childish stupidity unironically disgusts me, mongrellus.

>> No.8013327
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>> No.8013364
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BTC is not Bitcoin anymore since Blockstream changed it, twisted it, corrupted it, distorted it so much.




>> No.8013372
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Why is this scamshitcoin still appreciating despite having bad news? Almost none of the all devs remained, it won't have any new tech for years.

>> No.8013379

sure buddy. actually I have a few hundred thousand in ETH and have to sit on the sidelines while bitcoin and its fucking forks make the crypto market look worse than when ETH does ICOs.

>> No.8013387

A stock is a ownership of a company you fucking retard. Blows my mind how many neets lurk this board nowadays.

>> No.8013397

It's past your bedtime, Roger.

>> No.8013401
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I once heard the argument that "Bitcoin Cash is like someone making a fake burger stand in front of the Burger King shop and claiming to be Burger King."

THE REALITY is this:

Bitcoin Core / Blockstream is the one who got into Burger King as new management, and faced with the ever growing demand for burgers; they decided to NOT increase the number of burgers being made, due to having only 1 kitchen, and they tell customers ordering burgers to get a salad instead, because its better for them... but they will have to wait for it...

Bitcoin Cash is the new restaurant across the road with all the workers from Burger King who left BK so they can continue making the same classic burgers people want, AND they increase the number of kitchens so they can make more burgers faster to keep up with the demand. Customers get the same classic full-sized burgers and quickly.

Meanwhile, the legacy "Burger King" shop with the new management, there people stand waiting in long lines to get their burgers AND as they finally get them, a janitor eats a huge chunk of the burger before the customer gets to hold it in his hands. People will eventually get tired of all that crap and switch to the other shop across the street.

>> No.8013410

Again DYOR before making a clown of yourself.
And don't forget to buy bitcoin those muh jewish chads bought at 0.40 usd, I love the irony.
In a few years you will bitch about ((((them))) being the financial elites again.
You millenials deserve to get neutered.

>> No.8013411

Try getting new people to understand that. Try getting everyone who denies it to accept that bch is the true core. So where do we go from here? Waiting on CW.

>> No.8013425
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Facts: Blockstream receives their funding from AXA Strategic Ventures (owned by Henri de Castries). And from Digital Currency Group - a venture capital firm whose board director is Glenn Hutchins of the Fed Reserve Bank. MasterCard also invested in DCG.

>> No.8013477
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Obligatory /biz/ reading material:


> Shortly after Blockstream came active on the scene, every single anti-bitcoin troll on /r/bitcoin disappeared. In the years before that, there were a large number of anti-bitcoin trolls. Up until last year, you could go down to the bottom of pretty much any thread in /r/bitcoin and see many of the usual trolls who were heavily downvoted for saying things like "bitcoin is shit" and "you guys and your tulips" etc. But then suddenly they all disappeared. Instead, a new type of people appeared - people who said they were fully in support of bitcoin, but they just so happened to support every single thing Blockstream and its employees said and did. They had the exact same tone as the anti-Bitcoin trolls who had disappeared. Their way of talking to people was aggressive, they'd call people names, they had a relatively poor understanding of how bitcoin fundamentally worked.

>> No.8013493

We swing trade the BTC/BCH pair by buying BTC when it is about to bullrun, then converting it to BCH when the ratio is favorable (10% looks like a good switch point). I base my switching on average relative hashpower.

>> No.8013497

made me laugh out loud

>> No.8013499
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>> No.8013508
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Blockstream is owned by jews so it's not surprising

>> No.8013517

lol enjoy ur ponzi coin with 10% of the supply owned by Craig Wright you fucking retard...

>> No.8013519
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>> No.8013520

if what u mean is when u were still and are still a Virgin I was fucking your sister and likely the girl you crushed on
op here that post took me like twenty seconds and since then btc already hit 11k
literally ur stuck in old thinking
the world is different now

>> No.8013538
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>> No.8013552


>He doesn't know bitcoin was literally made to fight back against corrupt kike bankers

Check the genesis block you swarthy nigger

>> No.8013573

The "Lightning Network" is one of the primary methods (((they))) are using to destroy Bitcoin. LN is not a "solution" to "save" Bitcoin; quite the contrary - it's their ways of destroying Bitcoin. The harmful effects LN will have, that was Blockstreams intended goal all along.


> "Lightning Network" is not Bitcoin - anything that's offchain is not Bitcoin. The only time it is Bitcoin again is when it's mined into a block. Other than that, it's just IOUs passing around a network with routing issues.


>> No.8013578
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>> No.8013587
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>> No.8013613
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>> No.8013620

Are you retarded? I didn't say btc will fall.
I said the idea that you are not filling financial elite chad pockets is naive.
You know nothing about markets let alone who I fucked when I made chad money while you were fingering your sister behind the barn.
Instead of practicing cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias you should train doing your own research if you ever want to make it.

>> No.8013651
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>> No.8013650

Again for the very slowest of us:
((((They)))) bought btc at 40 cents, ((((they)))) couldn't care less.

>> No.8013684 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8013690
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>> No.8013724

You're a dumbass
Major whales are autists and shitposters
Cry more that you were late to the game

>> No.8013746

Ah and yes I just shorted BTC at 11100, naive moron. But it will go up again after a short dip, don't you worry. HODL HODL lelelelel

>> No.8013750
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>> No.8013770
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>> No.8013790
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>> No.8013801
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>> No.8013807

You know nothing, trust me.
Those people that bought in back then weren't some autistic internet kiddos, they were pro's who keep their mouth shut an poured in amounts you tiny dicklets can only dream about.
I urge you to do your own research.
The idea that you fight ebbil joos by buying bitcoin is among the most retarded memes ever.
There is now two possiblities:
1. You acknowledge reality and getting BTFO
2. You stay mongrellus

>> No.8013846

Cool, just bought some more.

>> No.8013879
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>> No.8013897
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>> No.8013900


I'm going to enjoy the pink wojaks when bitcoin finally croaks

>> No.8013909
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>> No.8013940
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>> No.8013961
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>> No.8013982
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>> No.8014079

> 9 posts by this id
kek virgin keep posting
I know BTC too heavy for your weak arms

>> No.8014702

the marketcap had an average of 50 million from 2009 to 2011. if the elites did buy in the could've bought the whole thing

>> No.8014877
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>> No.8015005

they never thought she could lose

>> No.8015745

you dont seem to realize that hardforks have their own blockchain, tard. i can fork your precious eth 10 times before lunch, would i be inflating the supply of eth x10?

>> No.8015819

>programmer bitches about security and code complexity
>doesnt even know wtf integer overflow is
>releases code with a bug my 12 yo niece would catch to production

>> No.8015960

I'm going to enjoy crushing your body with my lambo and having millions to pay off cops with.

>> No.8015976

Would she catch the big from the devs ? I'm lost...

>> No.8015987
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first you'll need to cash out to fiat because no merchants accept bitcoin

>> No.8016042

but satoshi doesnt talk about sharding in the whitepaper. so you want to tell me that bch is not going with satoshis original vision and should not be called bitcoin anymore?
also, what do you think about hal finney, when he said in 2010 that "bitcoin banks" will be necessery in the future and that recording every single transaction of every single person for eternity on every single node is beyond fucking retarded?
source: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2500.msg34211#msg34211

>> No.8016123

pajeet, your translator is malfunctioning. call your boss, maybe he knows a some english.

>> No.8016550

why do cashies get so mad about "blockstream shills" all the time but then have all these images saved and dump them in threads all the time

you are the shills :)

>> No.8017418

>appreciates constantly

Checks price,
Checks ATH