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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8010022 No.8010022 [Reply] [Original]

Anon from yesterday asking if a girl at the store was interested. Went in today and she wasn't there, even stalled around a bit but didn't see her. Now comes the new predicament, I purchased something at the store and the employee didn't discount the item properly. Now I gotta go back to get like a dollar and tax refunded, will try to get 2 bucks at least since I'm wasting gas. If I see the girl is it a bad idea to ask for a higher refund to remedy the situation considering I intend to ask her out after?

>> No.8010039

if you're asking this board for advice, you failed already

>> No.8010051

You should buy an AR-15 lad

>> No.8010089

>being this autistic
also >>>/r9k/

>> No.8010106
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>> No.8010168

Cashiers hate being asked out by customers. You should apply for a job there, flirt with her for at least two weeks, and then ask her out.

>> No.8010204

Fairly sure she is interested, she acted cutesy/flirty compared to the girl today

>> No.8010261

Yeah don’t ask for discount at all if that’s the case, if she rejects you then ask for it later.

>> No.8010423

sometimes i ask myself if i would be better of being full autistic instead of beinh sligthly autistic. so i at least wouldnt notice my autism and could ask girls out. feels bad

>> No.8010443

Just go straight forward towards her and ask her out. Don't make it harder than it is. You can do it.

>> No.8010488

saying hello and asking how you're doing isn't flirting

>> No.8010747

Don't fall for it. Some girl born that way and only able to communicate a flirty way. You will be confused until the rest of your days, unfortunately your autismo will never let you read the signals right.

>> No.8010756


Lmao a girl being all smiley and acting cutesy eg bobbing her head left and right to music sure isnt flirty. Whereas todays cashier girl was platonic and professional (minus the discount I was supposed to get).

>> No.8010812

If this is serious, you just have to fucking go for it and ask her out. Don't fucking over think it, just do it. You'll probably fail and embarrass yourself, she'll probably shoot you down. But if you do it a few times I swear you'll get better at it. Soon enough you'll be Chad as fuck. That's all there is too it

>> No.8010937


I'm mainly worried about looking like a prick for a mere 99 cent to a dollarish refund for something I was rightfully owed by another employee.

Although I admit I had a gnawing anxiety eating at me during work. Annoying considering I was gonna ask her out sadly she wasn't there. I intend on going early tomorrow hopefully she has the morning shift. I can only keep up going there so much since its not the type of store someone would go to every day or 2 weeks for that matter.

>> No.8011111

Let the 99 cents go. It'll be a good lesson on not overthinking shit that is not going to matter in the long run. I would say just ask her out next time you see her - stop thinking about it. That's just going to make you more nervous when you finally go do it. Next time you see her, take a deep breath, and just go do it. If you never see her again, oh well. Wasn't meant to be

>> No.8011145


Drop the dollar and wait a couple days before going to ask her. Getting autistic over a dollar is going to suck the moisture straight out of any vagina.

>> No.8011322

>You should buy an AR-15 lad

Anyone sane and literate should own a few guns and now how to use them.

>> No.8011533

The irony of this post

>> No.8011574

Aren't most cashiers like that except for middle aged ones or something like that?

>> No.8011605

getting with women is a pure numbers game bro, sounds like that should satisfy your autism

seeing as your talking bout dollar refunds my guess is you'll have something like a 10% chance of getting her number, so you are going to need to increase the sample size

>> No.8011663

lol @thinking about a dollar and gas to drive to a store

this is how i know she will say no anyways

>> No.8011665

If a cashier told you that sorry dude you’re ugly. I worked in retail and the cashier girls were always fucking customers. I flirted with a few myself.

>> No.8011719

No not really the girl who ripped me off today (kinda looked like a dude) was the least interested. Acted very business like and platonic. Even the girl from a few weeks ago acted friendlier (said something that some people would probably report haha)

>> No.8011732
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