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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8009300 No.8009300 [Reply] [Original]

You can now create your own tokens on their blockchain like ERC20, get ready for ICOs on their platform.

>> No.8009547

very exciting we need more random shitcoins if this keeps up the stock market is going to look good

>> No.8009579
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>random shitcoin
Newfag detected

>> No.8009596

i'm honestly starting to want a bear market just so all these shitcoins die. i have no idea what a good coin even means anymore outside of the top 50

>> No.8009644

Look into this one

It is literally the opposite of a shitcoin, they don't market but they already have a better platform than ETH in about 6 months of development. Eddy doesn't fuck with hype.

>> No.8009688

>you can now create your own tokens
you honestly think this isn't going to generate a bunch of new shitcoins moron?

>> No.8009746

i dont see how a 5 man team can compete with ardor

>> No.8009784

oh biz, you're always late to everything.
perhaps if you didn't obsess over garbage like link, you would have caught this at a great time.
Like I did. Stay poor biz :)

>> No.8009790
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sick ad hominem

You can create shitcoins on Ethereum too, NEBL just makes it a lot easier. You can also create even non-fungible tokens on NEBL which ERC20 DOESN'T allow you to do, allowing you to link real world unique assets like titles to the blockchain.

Of course it will generate more shitcoins, but the fees to create shitcoin tokens and transact them are paid in NEBL as stake rewards to NEBL hodlers, so I make money off the shitcoiners.

The people who made the most money on the gold rush were the people selling shovels, and the ICO craze is the newest gold rush, and NEBL is the easiest platform to develop ICO tokens on, so NEBL holders are the shovel sellers.

>> No.8009859

This is really compelling to me desu. It's kind of like when the Unity game engine became popular, it opened the floodgates to lots of indie shit that can't sell for even $1 on Steam, but that didn't stop people from giving the Unity company all their money to make shovelware. Wish I had heard of this coin earlier.

>> No.8009860
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common misconception that team size is directly correlated to output

Price's Law says that half of all productive output in an organization is from the square root of all the members of the organization.

I mean you could also just look at NEBL's GitHub and let the results speak for themselves. 6 months and they have a more viable product than platforms with 10-50x the marketcap.

>> No.8009869


That 5 mean team is beating the fuck out of most billion dollar crypto's team of 50+ rent seekers. Neblio's shit is impressive as fuck, and just works. They hired a guy recently too. This shit is massively undervalued.

Neblio: Working platform, existing dapps, 200m market cap.

Compare to to:
EOS, absolutely no product. May be released in June. Tokens may or may not have any value. 6 billion market cap

TRON, an ERC20 token, some java code, peaked at $25 billion

Cardano, won't even be released until 2019. peaked at $32 billion.

IOTA, doesn't even fucking work without centralized servers propping it up, $5 billion.

>> No.8009889

You can already do this on that shitcoin platform WAVES.

I created NiggerCoin.

>> No.8009898

lol, it's funny watching you mongs want to talk about this now.
sorry but you're too late.

>> No.8009926

I can create tokens on waves too. With only some clicks. Does this platform have smart contracts? Is it on the roadmap?

>> No.8009940

what do you mean too late

>> No.8009986
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WAVES doesn't have anything else going for it other than token creation though, and NEBL's is even easier, plus has several other systems in place like QuickSync and API support that mean you'd actually want to develop on it after you've created the tokens too. I mean with WAVES you even have to download their software, with NEBL you literally just go to a website, load a few NEBL on the webwallet, and 3 clicks later you have your own batch of newly minted tokens.

As much as biz doesn't deserve this, anyone buying now is still early as fuck. If NEBL hit 1 billion marketcap (where it's still better than all of its competition) it's $83/NEBL because the circulating supply is only 12 MILLION NEBLS

>> No.8010077
File: 353 KB, 642x587, NEGGLIO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has smart contracts.

If you read the dev updates it basically has everything ETH has and more usability.

Roadmap as far as development is concerned is basically done with everything to make it completely usable for businesses, next stage is marketing which the 2 co founders are former Cisco and HP execs, so they have strong ties to USA tech space.

Just watch how easy this is:

This is being released to the public in 2 days roughly. Literally anyone with half a mind to release an ICO and knows nothing about code will be able to now, and they pay NEBL fees to NEBL stakers to do it.

>> No.8010101

Fuck these pajeets, let them fomo in at $83.

>> No.8010109


This is fucking stupid. What most people on forums like these don't fucking understand is that it's not always about pure technology. Many shitcoins have came and left and they all had their use cases but because the tech is simply not supported by a lot of devs it dies out. Ethereum will stay king. People who want to do an ICO will still use Ethereum as it gives the most flexibility because most likely they will use Ethereums smart contracts capabilities for their dApps that NEBL would never be able to accomplish or dreams to do. Ethereum will simply ALWAYS be ahead of competition simply because of the huge resources, flexibility and dev community surrounding it. Solidity to blockchain tech is what JavaScript script is to the web. They go hand in hand. No other platform has that ability and therefore would never beat it's marketcap.

>> No.8010136

Never said this would beat ETH, just that it still sounded interesting and like a product with a lot of growth potential.

>> No.8010149


Who is saying it will beat eth? It could 100x in price and still be 1/4 eth's current market cap.

>> No.8010181

So far I have only seen the post about NTP 1 allowing certain rules in token distribution. Not much about other functionality. For instance Is it possible to actually deploy CODE? Is there something like the EVM ethereum uses?

>> No.8010288
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>MySPACE will ALWAYS be the king of social media platforms because of the community behind it