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File: 61 KB, 1000x600, VeChain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8005664 No.8005664 [Reply] [Original]

Let me get this straight, it's a public blockchain that allows companies to verify whether an item is real or fake using RFID and blockchain put together? So why wouldn't a company just use the publicly available blockchain? If it's free to use, why are you guys expecting companies are going to buy the tokens?

>> No.8005723

During the re-branding conference, Sunny said that the Vechain blockchain would be 'free to start, pay for value'. Some guy in the thread said he believes businesses that want to incorporate the blockchain would be given some inital amount of thor power, but eventually would have to purchase more thor to continue using the blockchain. Either that or get their own nodes to produce the thor they need (which makes more sense IMO). I'm not entirely sure what 'free to start, pay for value' means, but at the end of the day if you want to use the vechain blockchain, you need thor power no matter who you are.

>> No.8005743

>it's a public blockchain that allows companies to verify whether an item is real or fake using RFID and blockchain put together?
Oh and this is just one of 180 use cases

>> No.8005748

haha counterfeit coin, is that all it does? wtf is this

>> No.8005802

VEN is worthless. Companies would just implement their own RFID system and have a website where customers can verify it's authenticity. Normies are gullible as fuck.

>> No.8005903

Fake partners where was BMW at conference if partnership is real

>> No.8005978

People seem to underestimate how powerful the China Tobacco partnership is.

>Government owned tobacco company, partnership confirmed.
>Put rfid chips on tobacco packets. Nearly completely eliminate counterfeiting. Anyone selling counterfeits can be arrested/fined because they should have checked the chips
>Cost of chips can be offset by increasing tobacco cost/tax. People are addicted so they don't have a choice here.
>300millions smokers in China consuming over 2.3trillion cigarettes a year

This is only one industry, in one country.

>> No.8006080

But you don't need a blockchain for that. Might as well run everything on a server from the Chinese goverment.

>> No.8006146


Sounds like your smarter then Sonny and his team, maybe you need a platform for your ideas.

>> No.8006198

BMW doesn't even know Vechain exists, just like Vitalik didn't know about Vechain before he heard that Vechain claimed him as an advisor.

>> No.8006224


>> No.8006226

I guess he means a demo. He said that they will have to either buy or create thor themselves

>> No.8006285



ok pajeet fuck off

>> No.8006291

>Normies are so gullible
>Speaks exactly like a normie that doesn't understand the benefits to decentralizing databases and security of the blockchain

>> No.8006329

That's just a report about the event.

>> No.8006391

Yes lets have everything in one datacenter. Why are you into cryptocurrency if you don't understand the benefits of a blockchain. If you did the slightest bit of research you'd understand that relational databases will be a thing of the past. This whole "you don't NEED a blockchain for this project because you can use current archaic technology instead of innovating and pioneering new systems for the future" FUD for awesome projects is so stupid. You're like those people back in the day that said that you don't NEED the internet because you can use books and fax machines (which was popular sentiment at the time).

>> No.8006394

Maybe you need to be less gullible.

>> No.8006561

You don't use a blockchain to have redundancy or at least not only for this reason alone.

Also Vechain does use a relational database for storage and is only going to store hashes on the blockchain.

>> No.8007045


Enterprises will buy the VET from the exchange. No way around that. They will do so because by using Vechain Thor platform it will save them millions or billions of dollars. Also, DNV GL has 80,000 clients and they are going 100% on blockchain so if you want a certification from the best in the world you will have to be on Vechain Thor blockchain. That is a lot of THOR transactions the more partnerships and Thor used the higher the price of VET. I think 50$ end of this year is a good estimate. $500-$1000 as more enterprises and Fortune 500 join the platform over the next 5 years. This is a 100 year project building infrastructure for smart cities and possibly all of China in the future. Don't miss out /biz/

>> No.8007167
File: 490 KB, 449x401, girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this much of a delusional bagholder

>> No.8007259

Well obviously he is on the optimistic end of the spectrum, but what he is saying is neither wrong nor out of the question.

>> No.8007291

Also Vechain has many surprises between now and Main net and will have 50-100 Dapps and ICOs ready to go for main net launch. Bitocean is creating a physical goods exchange FSA regulated by Japan oh oh oh sweet times ahead any node holder will be financially secure for the rest of their life and probably their childrens lives as well.

>> No.8007313

I'm going to drop another $7k into this if it keeps dipping.

>> No.8007329

I wish you all were able to read autistic shipping anon's novel about Vechain's potential back in November. This thing will be beyond comprehension.

>> No.8007552

Nice I bought from .25 cents to like 7$ and holding for at least 5 years generating Thor.

>> No.8007629

>Enterprises will buy the VET from the exchange. No way around that.

The way around that is not using VeChain and creating their own blockchain.

Not everything needs to be decentralized. RFID is one of them.

Think about it...
Why would the RFID tag need to be trustless? The chips are being applied by the company's employees and verified by the company's consumers. In what circumstance would there be a 'bad actor' in a private RFID blockchain? If the answer is 'none', there is no need for a decentralized blockchain.

>i just got baited into typing this all out

>> No.8007669

They went into the lobby of a dealership and took a picture though. That means they are partnered

>> No.8007834

Sure, let's spend billions on RnD and entering into an entirely new technological space that we know virtually nothing about to save us from using the one that's already up and working and will save us billions anyway. Let's not get our assurance certificate from the world leader because we didn't use their network.

>> No.8007853

China hasn’t invented shit since hot pot and gunpowder. The former CIO of Louis Vuitton China isn’t going to lead a team of 40 Chinese devlopers to transform the way supply chain logistics works. Step back and look at this rationally. No Fortune 500 company will ever say “We need to buy some more THOR Power for our supply chain, get Sunny Lu on the horn.” If anything IBM will do it better and have far more success implementing enterprise blockchain.

>> No.8008138

Do you have a screen shot of that? He got me to buy vechain and I want to have a copy of that

>> No.8008183

Unfortunately not. But I was the same as you. Thanks to based shipping anon.

>> No.8008300

That's too bad. Glad there are still some people that hang around these threads from back when VEN threads would die after 5 replies. Thanks ship autist, wherever you are.

>> No.8008841

damn just sell this shit if you hold this christ you idiots will get JUSTed. Same with EOS. Enjoy 90% losses.

>> No.8008909

someone on the VEN subreddit copy pasted one my posts from yesterday, what the actual fuck.

>> No.8008980
File: 70 KB, 1170x742, 1519499786057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8009203

VeChad just cucked Oxford University into doing free research and development by the smartest virgins and chinks in the world and this just flew right over the heads of all you idiots. If you fail to see the genius of this, then your best bet is to throw your life savings into a random low MC shitcoin and hope it goes 50x. You will never make it.

>> No.8009239

This post is so incredibly misinformed. You shouldn't post about things you don't understand anon. Relational databases aren't going anywhere. Blockchain is a niche solution for decentralized projects only.

>> No.8009426
File: 283 KB, 499x513, 1504138608766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh no! it's retarded!

>> No.8009524

Vechain is actually the new TRX. The new gook hype coin that went high and will now descend rapidly back to where it came from leaving a bunch of gullible idiots without cash. The vision of the project is opposite though. One is a bar set so low it is useless and the other is so unobtainable it is stupid. Getting caught in either is insanity.

>> No.8009662
