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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8004937 No.8004937 [Reply] [Original]

Just offloaded my very heavy XLM bags

Therefore it's likely to pump now...yw niggers who are still in that non-moving SJW shitcoin

>> No.8004952

Nice thumbnail

>> No.8004953
File: 46 KB, 220x345, 1514712994242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he dumped

time to buy bois

>> No.8005002

Takes huge fono to pump this shit. I was under the impression inflation was 1% locked or I would have sold at £1

>> No.8005093

>I was under the impression inflation was 1% locked or I would have sold at £1

Inflation is locked at 1% and is distributed weekly to lumen hodlers. Stellar has been up for 3 years, 3 billion (notice why we have 103billion total supply?)

>> No.8005142

BTC is deflationary, that is why hodling it is good. WTF would you buy something that inflates like fiat?

>> No.8005187


Because Bitcoin mining is costly and unsustainable. That is why Jed created Stellar with inflation (and SCP, 0.0000001 transaction fee, to name a few) so that the system can be sustainable for a long time while giving everyone what they want:

a global asset platform

Enjoy trying to use bitcoin in a year without having an entire country dedicated to mining bitcoin (wew lad, that energy cost)

>> No.8005357
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>> No.8005439

>muh bitcoin won't work in the future

Tell me again why you buy inflationary assets, especially ones where 2/3 is still to be given away?

>> No.8005521

because it x10 every 3 months
buy the dip

>> No.8005604


>Tell me again why you buy inflationary assets
read >>8005187

> especially ones where 2/3 is still to be given away

well the point of them giving it away is to help licensed money operators in those third-world countries so they can assist with the initial fees that will cost them when they integrate into the Stellar Network. I mean, it's one tactic they have to make mass adoption. The more people that want to integrate, the faster adoption, more volume, etc.

I don't see what's wrong

>> No.8005722
File: 6 KB, 249x222, nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8005904


holy shit are u and OP from the same retarded family? jesus

>> No.8005943

Post bigger pictures you fuckign retards

Actually I know the crying wojak face one is a troll now because it's been posted like 400 times and no one can ever read it

>> No.8005970

i have the original full-sized one and you're never going to see it! never!

>> No.8005994

saving thumbnails is the new hit thing you tards

>> No.8006086

I dumped when they released $550M lumens 3 weeks ago. Some retards here and plebbit were telling it wouldn't have any effect on price kek. Not to mention airdrops in nigland and pajeetistan.

This coin will be bleeding to death. Drop your bags and move on.

>> No.8006506


>citation needed

>> No.8006636

Retards ITT
Giving niggers the coins is basically the same as a coin burn.
>Nigger : Hi me Oooba Booga from Congo, please me exchange Lumen for monies!
>Exchange : Please submit your KYC and we will verify your identification at our earliest convenience Mr. Ooga Booga
>Nigger : {submits feces painting on a rock}
>Exchange : Sorry Ooga Booga, denied. We don't accept niggers

Get it? Those coins are gone floating around in the African Ether

>> No.8006666
File: 254 KB, 1080x1337, 1518251996498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many threads currently exist of
>just unloaded my XX bags

get some new lines OP

>> No.8007124

He spoke from his asshole.

>> No.8007236


bitcoin is 4% inflationary through mining, 2020, 2% so on, used to be 10%