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8004328 No.8004328 [Reply] [Original]

buy xlm

>> No.8004349


>> No.8004385
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sorry wrong thread bud, no shitcoins here

>> No.8004448
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>> No.8004629
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>> No.8004738
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>> No.8004804

Don't have anything to contribute but keep up the good work, just waiting for this piece of shit (even if it;s good) to go back up so I can sell some for some expenses I need to cover, but it's been stagnant for months.

t. 0.16 cents

>> No.8004858
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dw bro, the crypto market had to go through what happened short-term. This year is going to be a gud year for Stellar. Most of the early ICO's in 2017 are starting to make real gains this year and it'll just snowball from there

>> No.8004935
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>> No.8004965


These copy cats are getting pathetic.


>> No.8005009
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What? I don't understand what's going on. I'm i apart of something?

>> No.8005064
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>> No.8005163


Guy posts original image and new story. Calls out the daily xlm rocket anon. Few minutes later, that anon posts his spam.

Then, shortly after, you post the shitty spam image you post almost daily too.

>> No.8005224
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>> No.8005444
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>calls out the daily xlm rocket

I mean the chances of that happening are high, there's a daily XLM general thread everyday. His Tel aviv news is old

>> No.8005623
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>buy xlm

>> No.8005670

No, they decided they are giving it away for free to niggers for being awful at doing things. Fuck this SJW coin, glad I sold at the top.

>> No.8005705
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your shit-tier FUD only fuels Stellar's rockets

>> No.8005719
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>buying a wealth redistribution scam coin

>> No.8005796
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>As an integrator or anchor, you may need lumens to cover base fees for transactions on the network

>giving lumens to companies and money-operators who want to integrate into the Stellar Network so you help them initially with the transaction fees

>suddenly become a wealth redistribution scam coin

shit you found exposed the truth, god help us

>> No.8005844
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>> No.8005925

They're giving 80% of the supply away to niggers in the third world. Genius investment

>> No.8005977
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>third world
>where 40%+ of the world is still unbanked
>give a handful of lumens to license money operators (you'd have to be a smart nigger to do this) for their initial costs
>suddenly entire third world is using the Stellar Network
>suddenly Stellar is higher than ETH

>> No.8006004


this is implying that '80% of the supply' suddenly is put into the world, which it won't be so I don't understand why you would start with that shit-tier FUD

>> No.8006017

>niggers won't just dump their lumens at the cheapest possible price for fiat and receive their free money
The absolute state of niggercoiners

>> No.8006018

I'm a xlm shill but this is just blue pilled as fuck. developing world is where they are and where they belong because nonwhite low iq. They will never get into crypto or be able to implement it.

>> No.8006026

True trojan horse coin
Bump bags on the Africans

>> No.8006047

No FUD in that post, you don't know what that stands for apparently. They admit openly thats exactly what they are doing, and thats fucking retarded. Theres nothing uncertain about it actually happening, nor any doubt its fucking retarded.

>> No.8006063

They only give free xlm to build challenge winners (coders) and large anchors that will do fiat / xlm conversion. Dumb fuck.

>> No.8006100

how can i win some of this free xlm by coding?

>> No.8006115


you do know we are talking about a couple thousand lumens right? If they sell it on the market, they'll see it again unless they buy back. Do you seriously think they're giving it out like hotpockets to niggers to feed them?


No u fucking idiot they've giving it to licensed money operators and anyone who can design services for Stellar. Hardly is that free

>developing world is where they are and where they belong because nonwhite low iq. They will never get into crypto or be able to implement it.

you're retarded, there is so many places in the world who don't have financial infrastructure in place where Stellar can benefit them.

>> No.8006128

Go on their website, they have build challenges monthly I believe

>> No.8006149

Do tell me why they don't have financial infrastructure. what possibly is the reason why. There is a reason a shit load of countries can't even pave a road and it's not because of colonization.

>> No.8006216
File: 25 KB, 704x528, wow6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew there are still people holding this shitcoin. How do you guys feel about 550M lumens released, fairx delayed, jed video conference cancelled and your money airdropped in some shitholes? You really deserve to lose money ignoring every single red flag about this sjw cuck coin.

>> No.8006436


They never had financial infrastructure and never will until someone builds it.

Stellar is literally trying to create a global asset market and one of the fastest ways to gather support is to go right to the countries with poor financial infrastructure, get them on board, then grab their poor ass neighbors that don't have anything. Literally an economy that will revolutionize communities all around the world, fuck the banks they don't need it

>> No.8006448


>> No.8006474
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>acts like hes not going to FOMO in when Stripe released their Stellar integration date

>> No.8007138
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>> No.8008142
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XLM is not the PHOENIX

You are all missing the point.
It will be China cucking bitcoin and ethereum.


>> No.8009199


You must not have got the memo. The original plan was BTC. Then it switched to ACC. Then, late 2017 the plan changed again to XLM.